HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpecial Inspection Correspondence 2000-10-4 . SPRlalELD 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726.3753 FAX (541) 726.3689 October 4,2000 CER 1 11' aD LEITER Edward C and Julie A Mariscal 2960 Ferry Street Eugene, Oregon 97405 RE: 1215 Main Street, Springfield, Oregon Dear Mr. And Ms, Mariscal: On October 2, 2000 an inspection was conducted at the above referenced location, The inspection revealed that you were remodeling the structure without first obtaining building plan approval or without the required pennits, The following violations were noted: I. Dave Gadomski, Electrical Inspector determined that that the wiring and new panel that was installed has been installed in a manner that presents an immediate hazard, The wiring that you performed has been covered preventing him from seeing any of the installation and possible splicing of the wires. The covering must be removed in order for him to perform his inspection, The power to the structure must be disconnected until he can see all wiring that has been performed in the structure. We have sent a notice to the Springfield Utility Board requesting the power be disconnected by 5:00 p,m, on Thursday, October 5,2000. 2, Wmdows and door openings have been cut into the structure, Because the walls have been covered, I am unable to detennine the bracing and headers that were installed to insure proper support. 3. The existing carport has been enclosed without the required pennit or inspection approvals, 4. The original plumbing has been altered without proper pennits or inspection approvals. 5, Approval from the Planning Division is needed for a proposed change of use from a residence to an office, Mariscal 1215 Main Street October 4,2000 Page 2, . . At the time of the inspection, I left a notice infonning you to Stop Work immediately on the structure until you had submitted plans for approval and obtained the required I'"",';,s, An attempted inspection on October 3, 2000 revealed that all openings to the structure have been covered which prohibited us from verifYing that you were abiding by the Stop Work Order. This stop work order remains in effect until the proper plan review and planning approval has been obtained and 1'''' ,,';,s purchased from this office, All pennits for this project will be double feed as a result of your constructing without the required pennits and obtaining the required inspections. Plans must be submitted to this office of your construction project within ten (10) days from the date of this letter. If the plans are not submitted within this time, this matter may be referred to the City's Code Enforcement Officer for the possible issuance of a citation. If you have any questions, please feel free to phone me at 726-3666, ~7 Building Inspector cc: Dave Puent, Community Services Manager Cynthia Pappas, Development Services Director Lisa Hopper, Building Safety Supervisor Code Enfv.""moot Joe Leahy, City Attorneys Office Dave Gadomski, Electrical Inspector David Bowlsby, Community Services Technician End lh 10/1/00 BUILDING R9.'- /()./S rn~~fr,ur" SENDER: . Complete items 1 end/or 2 for additional services. . Complete items 3, and 4a & b. . Print your neme and address on the reverse of this form so that we can return this cerd to you. . Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if space does not permit. . Write "Return Receipt Requested" on the meilpiece below the article number . The Aeturn Receipt Fee will provide you the signature of the person deliver8C to end the dotB of delivery. 3. Article Addressed to: EJ)wqR-O t2 ~ ,Ju/;..A, fhCl>'isu..L ,fl. % 0 F &"""/ SIY-.u.:i=_ 6-?--~ () 'OiUr -q7tfO.s-- ~,.... Vr'r,pL f Sl!ll'P~Addr.sseel "-.." _~" \\.n .,<;:.cc.9.- 6. Signature (Agent) I also wish to receive the following services (for an extra fee): 1. 0 Addressee's Address 2. 0 Restricted Delivery Consult postmaster for fee. 14a. Article Number Z-- 130 ro-L/ 1'1/ 4b. Service Type o Registered g"'(:ertified o Express Mail o Insured o COD o Return. Receipt for Merchcndise 7, Date /~7l/ /t J 8. Addressee's Acfdress (Only if requested and fee is paid) PS Form 3811, November 1990 .U.S,GPO,1991-2B'.Q66 DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT Official Business , , - ,-'-'- ,..... -- .',1 I' OCT __ ..",...2.r-?~/ .... --. .---... --. - ,~ I!IIIII PENAL TV FOR PRIVATE USE, $300 Print your name, address and ZIP Code here . r r~:r7o? @J' &f)v.JU.J!:fF':' /.: ."'t~,' ,~ . 1 J'.:-../'-',' l. ....- CL__,-, __ _ _'-.0'-...1 DEVELOPMENT S~:7V,(;ES 225 FIFTH ST'::.a SDRINGF:fL~" JR 97477 . , (\ . SPRlalELD 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (5'{1) 726-3689 October 4,2000 POSTED ON STRUCTURE Edward C and Julie A Mariscal 2960 Feny Street Eugene, Oregon 97405 RE: 1215 Main Street, Springfield, Oregon Dear Mr, And Ms, Mariscal: On October 2, 2000 an inspection was conducted at the above referenced location, The inspection revealed that you were remodeling the structure without first obtaining building plan approval or without the required pennits. The following violations were noted: I, Dave Gadomski, Electrical Inspector detennined that that the wiring and new panel that was instal\ed has been instal\ed in a manner that presents an immediate hazard, The wiring that you performed has been covered preventing him from seeing any of the installation and possible splicing of the wires. The covering.. must be removed in order for him to perform his inspection, The power to the" structure must be disconnected until he can see all wiring that has been performed in the structure. We have sent a notice to the Springfield Utility Board requesting the power be disconnected by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 5,2000. 2, Windows and door openings have been cut into the structure. Because the walls have been covered, I am unable to determine the bracing and headers that were installed to insure proper support, 3. The existing carport has been enclosed without the required pennit or inspection approvals, 4, The original plumbing has been altered without proper pennits or inspection approvals, 5. Approval from the Planning Division is needed for a proposed change of use from a residence to an office, Mariscal 1215 Main Street October 4,2000 Page 2. . . 5. Approval from the Planning Division is needed for a proposed change of use from a residence to an office. At the time of the inspection, I left a notice informing you to Stop Work immediately on the structure until you had submitted plans for approval and obtained the required pennits, An attempted inspection on October 3,2000 revealed that all openings to the structure have been covered which prohibited us from verifying that you were abiding by the Stop Work Order. This stop work order remains in effect until the proper plan review and planning approval has been obtained and I',....';.s purchased from this office. All pennits for this project will be double feed as a result of your constructing without the required ..... ..':.s and obtaining the required inspections, Plans must be submitted to this office of your construction project within ten (10) days from the date of this letter, If the plans are not submitted within this time, this matter may be referred to the City's Code Enforcement Officer for the possible issuance of a citation, If you have any questions, please feel free to phone me at 726-3666. Sincer;y, / C/ cJ?11 ~ Tom Marx Building Inspector cc: Dave Puent, Community Services Manager Cynthia Pappas, Development Services Director Lisa Hopper, Building Safety Supervisor Code Enforcement Joe Leahy, City Attorneys Office Dave Gadomski, Electrical Inspector David Bowlsby, Community Services Technician Encl lh . SPRlalELD 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (5,41) 726-3689 October 4, 2000 MAIL DELIVERED Edward C and Julie A Mariscal 2960 Ferry Street Eugene, Oregon 97405 Dear Mr. And Ms. Mariscal: RE: 1215 Main Street, Springfield, Oregon On October 2, 2000 an inspection was conducted at the above referenced location, The inspection revealed that you were remodeling the structure without first obtaining building plan approval or without the required permits, The following violations were noted: 1_ Dave Gadomski, Electrical Inspector determined that that the wiring and new panel that was installed has been installed in a manner that presents an immediate hazard, The wiring that you performed has been covered preventing him from seeing any of the instalIation and possible splicing of the wires, The covering must be removed in order for him to perform his inspection. The power to the structure must be disconnected until he can see all wiring that has been performed in the structure, We have sent a notice to the Springfield Utility Board requesting the power be disconnected by 5:00 p,m, on Thursday, October 5,2000, 2, Windows and door openings have been cut into the structure, Because the walls have been covered, I am unable to determine the bracing and headers that were installed to insure proper support, 3, The existing carport has been enclosed without the required permit or inspection approvals, 4, The original plumbing has been altered without proper permits or inspection approvals, 5. Approval from the Planning Division is needed for a proposed change of use from a residence to an office, Mariscal 1215 Main Street October 4,2000 Page 2, . . At the time of the inspection, I left a notice infonning you to Stop Work immediately on the structure until you had submitted plans for approval and obtained the required permits. An attempted inspection on October 3,2000 revealed that all openings to the structure have been covered which prohibited us from verifYing that you were abiding by the Stop Work Order, This stop work order remains in effect until the proper plan review and planning approval has been obtained and permits purchased from this office. All permits for this project will be double feed as a result of your constructing without the required permits and obtaining the required inspections. Plans must be submitted to this office of your construction project within ten (10) days from the date of this letter. If the plans are not submitted within this time, this matter may be referred to the City's Code Enforcement Officer for the possible issuance of a citation. If you have any questions, please feel free to phone me at 726-3666. '}: ~L TomMarx 1" - 7 Building Inspector cc: Dave Puent, Community Services Manager Cynthia Pappas, Development Services Director Lisa Hopper, Building Safety Supervisor Code Enforcement Joe Leahy, City Attorneys Office Dave Gadomski, Electrical Inspector David Bowlsby, Community Services Technician Enel Ih