HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 2009-10-14 ~~(" 3' 311 - ~ , " $€'Ta~~ 'is If - ~\~\1oJ4 ..'\~ '7' 3'1 _.~ .,. \>''r' ~. _ ~ s.~. +--~ - ~IJ' ':i" - (...oT I.J 1 tm"\' COI1 )OtJ1. O/;2.3g 5"1SI A5f~r .~ S&,L;' }- \"1 tJ.j1) ~ :5' '- ~ . I .0 __ -- -'I 7 'Pu~ ' ~ --- I ---- , i I (I . )/{/\ ( ,.\^ )~ f~ ~~. \ \) I' "Oq \" W"l~r l I \ . r 1\1, 0 i I '8 X/t /_ \ \ ,-c-l--- ' i ~ (Y "i ....Hul__ ~ , __~'/~ '7 " . .-.! ...... I I . I l~?/~. ~i/ " ~ I }~ " .!l i ' 0'- , , !~. '" ~~J./' Ii , ).'- ~ , ' p" ~., i) b' Y:"L ') pv..:91.cf I , I: , I I / ) ~._' I I i .,' ~''7'' r-- , Ii I I' I I' I G '^ ~o. OJ c.- i , , ' v_ ~I v ,/ I I ] ICb.-"l. 1 ! I I ~~-I _I_ -- , ~ I ';) I' "J 1 -- "N) I ~Ii I I j :P L IA. ''- yX-"::. I: 0" c,() ) '-'1 J ) I i -.-----, "I- ~ o '-I Vi .J'-cc>~( ~ \ , J., -{ 'IIi" ' fo'" ( "" . - _.:~'::...'...~/_( -, /1 :: -{ r. V ~ --'~c:t-". 1.,_- J --- .'+:~. ...... _1\. _I .'. '-0_,_- - ,,,,. ......_--11:'..1:'.':':-..,"' .....- . . H""'.""" --_~ ''''-c::;.:''.' - ':: .;-<.;.: ' ::~".;';{1J - RBFEUNas . ,.;.-' ":1~' ':;2.4., , ,....~, '".- I. LPP.N, 2002-P1547 FIL ED MARCH 5. 2002 AS LANE COUNTY SURVEY FILE NO, 37430. 2. .'" CS.F, NO, 2413/ FILED JUNE 27, /980 BY CHARLES W. GUILE 3, PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT DEEDS RECORDED JUNE II. 2004 AT RECORDEH'S NO. ",'.." >', 2004-044318 LCOR. AND RECORDER'S NO. 2004-044319 LCO,R. PRIVA TE STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENTS RECORDED MARCH 5, 2002 A T RECORDER'S NO. 2002-017481 LCOR. 14.00 FOOT WIDE PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT RECORDED OCTOBER 28, 2003 A T RECORDER'S NO, 2003-/05437 LC.OR, PRIVA TE JOINT USE ACCESS AND PRlVA TE UTILITY EASEMENT RECORDED , 2004 A T RECORDER'S NUMBER 2004- 60v5'8 LCOR. PRIVA TE STORM DRAINAGE AND WETlANDS PROTECTION EASEMENT RECORDED :' AUQosr , 2004 A T RECORDER'S NUMBER 2004- 60f/59 LeOR. 6. 2 /Tvt;cn;T sm ASTJ REPLAT ( REPLAT OF A OF S.". 1/4. ~ SPRlNGI''JJSl -'.'~ "', "- '- "7,~ _ 7, B, SEVILLE AS PLATTED AND FILED DECEMBER 30. 1977 IN FILE 12 AT SLIDE 100 LC.OPR. .~ ': <f ~@ . /r FOUND 518'/R ,/ I SET 8.Y CHARt fS GUILE (2) , , , I I I I I I t---- I " , , i , , '. '1,~ 1 ., t -<', ' 4j!~ ; '" . ~ -"'. ; '~'..., .;..~ -~ ,. ~ ~..>:""..-t,.",c "'1 . ?, . , . SO. '; ~ (0 C> c5 O'j I ,-----~- ---.- ------ ------1--------- ---. .----------- :. "r'\ . ~b.l) 5,00 P,U.E. (8).. I <.<<\v (. ~ 'l.- 'l.- ~\J I ()v. 0' \/ \" "p'" \'l.- ~v 0" C V- I \~ . . \'\Y~~ ,\v 0"" <}-G ') ~. I S(" '-.l cy v <i'~ ,\v' <<.<<' , -- S ,,"" f<<)O"(J3O'F \) NTIAL PC>>IT I ,"- ~ BASIS OF BEARINGS (/) @ ., V ,,--- xo/ 7.00 p,u.E. (8) NOO"O/'30'F-* II) 43530 1435.37J(f) FOUND 518 ~ ,', /~- L ,20.00 P,U,f, II) ~f~~/~s~ \ /~(...-=:::= - ~ - - ~ .- - - '- - - - - -- - - - - - - _ _280.37* (/~ _ __- _ -I-i- ~ - - r: _ _ _ _ =,-.:::,,,, ..t- BR 200,37 "--H-- t 80.00 _ CAP MARKED j,L....... . . . . ~.. . .... ... . ...... .. .. ..,. . ...._""" "SKINNER & ...L..iJ' 42' 86,08 24.29!u 59.83 , 0 30./7 ,\ EAsatENT . ~ ASSOC. INC. (/) I ! ",I Bgl ggl, '\ (6) h _ , ," ~I :tol ,-- ~"'I /63.oo(/) I I ___, ....-- C\J .... 0 I I .... ! "',I ~ A:-'1!.. ~-- _~44.73_ -l;f~, ..... ~0.08~+ - ~ T - - - - .J3.0~ - - -'i? o !u I !u " ,I ....~____~__'...,.. ",S QL _.. .'._. OlQ _, . ~ 0 ~\' '_ 54,07 ~_ '~i LOT 5'- ~ I~io BUILDING ~ '>i"V _ I ~ /3405 80, FT. il::1 I"'~ AREA ~ <0 26,00, WT. 3 , 8 OJI 1, ~ 2914 SO F?T 10 ~. 606080, FT, ",I ::1_., 't, "'0 _I ....., - ~, \ '01' ~ to 10 \ , C\I - IC\J '0 I . : f". EAsat:HT ~\ ~_ ~1'2 ~ 7,00 P,U.E. (J) ~ ." NOO"OI" or I \~ - I'- 2 1::1 I " "" <t" JOe I l lO 00,38 I .,~): I ,- :0. OJ l' .. 8863 40.64 "--- L 6/J/ ---.,.... I " I ~;., .~~ - ' :g \ B (7) --..., , :' !I'!u r 0'-- I NOOoOl'30T 80.00 )1 : o.,~ ~~ I ~ , , ~ /0.00 I _ _fir: ~ r,~. . 63,00 --' I .C', P..., Ol'" I \, ~ BUIlDING '" '~!' II , -"".'~'.~~~' 1 ~\~ AREA 3~1g:~ I LOT 4 J :~'\ ,,!;::~~. 0 i " . LOT 6 ~ \~. '---- ~~ ~ 2914 SQ FT~'" ~:"'o iO i\j . I~ 4500 SQ, FT, I -;I'~:::- '-': :21 /3045 SQ, FT, ~,~ ~ I I ,:2: ~~!~ 1000 I ,,,~.; ,;-- " ' i a, \ , : NOO"OI'30'F \J f tD. " 'Z \ ~__....?~~_ ~(\ 10' 10,00 P.UE ,. ,~~~rnf%~~f&~rDkmi. ,.~ :iF;~J'Yf-~'.:~~:jf -~_=):; I ": \'.>----- "SKINNER & ASSOC, INC" (f) .280,38 1280.37XI) -----ffM, \ :g \">--- S57040'2'.W 0,08 FROM SOO"Ol'30"W(/) 435.321435.37)(/) -*-* \ ~:; '~=- CALCUlA TED CORNER :J:.::r \ <:.r- @ ,~",." . "''' 3O"IV 43932 81504 \ ' FOUND 51B' IR . lDf' CUBffFJ: .ntf,~ CALC "~~// SET BY CHARLES GUILE: (2) a.:"ve DELTA RADIUS ARC ~ OIORD CI 89045'30" 16.00 25,07 S44051Y5"E I 22,58 C2 90014'30" 20,00. 31.50 S45008'45"W I 28,34 ~ ~ ii'l.';l "'"" ~ ff" \ Lv do ()" ~ <i' ~<?' ""v . .. 6/-.- '-- ~" .. '.' ' ~ , - '''-=-' ~-....- - } ';,.."1 " , I , I .! -. " 'I :1 ,I , i < .. TAX MAP 17-02-34-33, ~ --. . I . .. ..... .., ,~ "_J:.'U"'__'_"'_.~'.""~"~"""""""..........,.I.I,-"" ..;:0__; PLOTTER' HP DESIGNJET 650C :':,. INK' HP 5/640A ."*'1;\ '".'; VELLUM' BULLFROG ENTERPRISES ACID FREE PLOTTER VELLUM BF717V-9 TAX LOT 603 AND A PORTION OF 601 & 602. I CITY OF SPRINGFIELD JOURNAL ."".",,,. ,.,... iU_~,::!"_,,,~ f- :' -I I i . .. o 0 0 Q 000 0 000 00 . . . . . . :lg. ClCI :;) :l OCOC Q 0 :l CI ~ 0 g. ::I o 0 0 O:l :I 0 Q 00 00 0 Q 0 0 00::10000 o 0 Q 0 00 i' 1=...".,.,.,.-..,....--, . .'l'I!IDI'- .,., ,.-......',.~:--r-"..,. .....--- rDIVlSION PLAT FOR ~R MEADOWS ~F AU, OF PARCEL 3 AND , PORTION OF PARCELS 1 ,,' 2 LPPN 2(J{iVe-P1547 . ~EC 34, 'f,r1S., R.2Jf., PI.M. ll'1I F .. r.n;o '""'lIl1'T1\1'lf"V' A"'IIDJl:VGON I II!J, .4dll,n.o t:., t.> VJ~ JJ .4 I) VJa,.C' . JULY 20~ ,;~004 [-=:: , SCALE 1 .:;;~30- i RECORDE .0 . Q D. . . , .. . .. , , . .. . o Q 0 I . L ., ~ : ,.AI\! €. 5 COUNTY SURVEYORS OFFICE I C.S. FILE Nb. -:7 e 72. q__i - 5 o~' fig ~iI;,iNG DATE) ?) AV\~. 01: o 0 ~~ , o 0 ;J' ,'),) ~\. ,I :) 0 _ ~ Division of Chief DepUty CI....k 'lM1 I\enll:7 Lane County Deeds and .R........ds &W'I"IIW'IiI 1/111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 '$106,00 1I06ll934141 '3-.006045700111811 . .. . 08/02/2004 10: 15:29 Aft RPR-SUBD Cnt:l Stn=15 CASHIER 06 SS.oo $80.00 S10.oo SI1.oo ;0 ;0 0 :I r5i!'~ DATE 8-02-.2()() SI' .-, .:) o ~ 0 lANE COUNTY CLERK &: RECOROrJR. g or CONVEYANCES 0 ,.. OEPUTY lUA.~ j LEGEND I r I " '_:-I o ,( I ~p " I ,\'v <<'v 'Y-- I ; <(-~ I ! I o @ ;:1' FOUND MONUMENT AS NOTED." SET 5/8" x 30" REBAR WITH YELLOW PLASlIC CAP MARKED "BRANCH ENG 'INC,. ", . } , CALCUlA TFD POINT - NOTI-iiivG FOUND NOR SET. DENOTES MONUMENT DF:S/GNA TlON AS NOTm IN NARRA TlVE ,. DENOTES MEASURED BEARINGS AND/OR . D1S7 A NCES ARE EQUAL TO -OA TA OF RECORD. , DENOTES DEDICA TED HEREON DENOTES LINE NOT TO SCALE. DENOTES EXISTING 4' -WIRE'{!FENCE I I I I ~. ... ""t f",,,! 1 .:?~r~ 1"l,.,-!b I ~"'-'~ . .'",~ J :-,~ ! -'. o @ . ----1 59TH . STREET .. + '1 , i -I r----------~. - I 5,00 P,U.E (8) _ 0 I \ x,. ",'lr I ~/ &,.' , ,0 s~) ~Q . lli I 0'\ ryO' S "14" 00 is : 'v ,\'v y'~5" I . ,0 , I I ~. . 439.30 (TOTAU --... ~ ''"'1---, I. 7.00 P.U,E (8) -- L " I ~ ~"" , Ll-------1- - --' '-,' , ,--- 98.93 BR'''~ 3o.00~'~~r' 'n__ .. 94.-93 (95.00)(1) . _____:;.i 0 .. -----------~----T~ - \ 10,00 PRIVATE I 10,00' PRIVATE.. 4,00;1 STORM DRAINAGE I STORM DRAINAGE 4,00 t-- EASEIENT (4) -' EASEIENT (4) .'~. ,~:P "', (AFFECTS -LOTI ONL-I'J _ I LOT 1 g ~ i EXISTING 6' BOARD FENCE ALONG I 6530 SQ. FT. ~ :g, r PROPERTY LINE BEFORE ADJUSTMENT (3) : ~ ~= ~ --<~~G <..() . I ~ r.~~ ~ - 7,00 P.UE. 400- - ~ q.. -' '1<. I (II I ' fPROPER7Y llNf ~O c:c I 94!l3 - < r I AFTER ADJUSTMe/T(3) ("') ~ -I NOO"OI'30"f' ... 98,93 -' FOlNJ OISTUR8ED 5/8' REBAR ';---A::I o I PROPERTY LINE _' WITH YElLOW PLASTIC CAP -'S ? 1 BEFORE ADJUSTMENTI31 * _ MARKED "SKrINER & ASSoc. INC. (I) 9.> ~ I !u au S34.20'55'W 0.19 ' r 1 REGISTERED 1 ~ I. LOT 2 g . ~ B FROM CALCULATED CORNER I r PROF[SSIONAL~ . .... '" -; -0 ; LAND SURVEYOR o I 6530 SQ, ~r ~ g '<0. -<l ~ , <0' I --< 'PQ ,-Q /2 ;/ I <0. I .14,00 x 9/,93 P.U.L ",:g : r. ~ ~ /~ if, /0 . I L. **.: 4,00:1" J ~ o~ ~ l <" OREGON-- ----I I f--:" ----2:93,-____;--: 1-'"'-<:..PROPERTYllNE-----. ,: R~~Y..{O'~~~~' I : I '! \ . / AFTET! ADJUSTMENU3) , .2606 .; ~ 30.00. 6toOlI)3~;.~ ?2:,.,,-r--'-~;~,!9tOO)(I) ---~' 14,00 ~IC t ~ EX~, ES' DECEMBER 31. 2005 ~ I' , VO DISTllR8ED 51B' REBAR I __~//' fj'\ :~'::~(SJWER ~,~L\\ Branch' . En.",.gineering. , :. Inc. . . YELLOW PLASTIC CAP ------- .,.-/ 'U I~d) <ED 'SK/NNfR & ASSOC. fiVe" (II ,--- Nf CORNER, OF PARCEl 310 Fifth Street '6'28'W 0./6 FROM -< ' F()I.N) 5/8 REBAR wrr Springfield, Oregon 97477 LUTED CORNER : ,YELLOW PLASTIC CAP ~ (541)746-0637:FAX (541)746-0389. """0 _' I, 'SKINNfR & ASSOC, INC b h. d . "'bH h . .. o ranc a mln... ranc . engmeenng.com Civil . Structures. Transportation . SurVeying " P.UE. DENOTES PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT. LPPN DENOTES LAND PARTITION PI'l'T NUMBER. , L.C.OR. DENOTES LANE COUNTY OFFICIAL RECORDS, C.S.F.. No. DENOTES COUNTY SURVEY FILE NUMBER. L.C.OP R. DENOTES LANF COUNTY OREGON PL A T RECORDS, BR DENOTES MONUMENT USED TO ,ESTABLISH BASIS OF BEARINGS. ; ( ) DENOTES DATA OF RECORD. : . .: (UN) DENOTES UNKNOWN (NO CAP FOUND) .j ALL DISTANCES SHOWN ARE IN FEET, @ --< t NW ...:ORNER OF /. 'i. PARCEL 3 (I) % NOTE I FOUND 5/8- RtBAR 'J' , WITH YELLOW PlASTIC NO BUILDING. STRUCTURE. TREES, CAP MARKED "SKINNER SHRUBBERY OR, OTHER OBSTRUCTION & ASsoc. INC' (/) SHALL BE PLACED OR L DCA TED ON OR IN A PUBl/(; UTILITY EASEME~IT, , ~ .~ ~ ~ I J _ I I €9 I ~ 8@ " ~ SfT YElLOW (" PLASTIC CAP I ~ MARKED BRANCH I fNG INC. ON I FOUND 5/8' I REBAR (I) I " 60.00(1) 1'0;;' 30.00~\- o ' o uj <\J , j. ::i-) ~ Eo-. .-; _ r~... ,......~~ ~~- <\J ,....", ~ e::~ - l'J)~ g , ""'0 - / ~~(,Q e !u ~~ 8e-; ~rn (,,~ ~ o o 8\0 0<0 o '" -~ !. C ,I '. ~ o o I~ ~ o I~ .... . O'l (0' '" ,1 In <\J uj In I I NOS. SUB2003-00029 & SUB2004=.OOO~! PROJECT No, 03"0/5 ~.pAGE 1 OF 2 ,: . -.... -,: !;lll "J-.J.c. I. 11.1 , DWG. No. 2003/03-015103-015 PLATi 7120104 GPW I' ~- ,." i - :Jl ~ -I , ...-..... TAX MAP 17-02-34-33, ~ PLOTTER' HP DESIGNJET 650C INK' HP 5/640A VELLUM' BULLFROG ENTERPRISES ACID FREE PLOTTER I : j ..' { ( ., j - I I I I i ( I' I If" I: I ,. I; ",", ~ NARRA TIVE THE PURPOSE OF THIS SURV[Y IS (f) TO SHOW LOCATIONS OF MONUMENTS THAT WERE SE T FOR PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENTS THA T WERE GIVEN TENTA TlVE . APPROVAL BY THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD UNDER JOURNAL NO.. SUB2004-00017 ON MAY 10. 2004 AND (2) TO SUBDIVIDE THE PROPERTY INTO SIX SEPARATE LOTS IN CONFORMANCE WITH ORS CHAPTER 92 AND TO FULFILL THE CONDtilONS . OF APPROVAL FROM THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DATED SEPTEMBER 9. 2003 IN . JOURNAL NO. SUB2003-00029, THE POINTS AND LINES SHOWN HEREON WERE ESTABLISHED AS FOLLOWS' . ,. MONUMENTS 'A' AND ',B' THA T LIE A T THE WESTERL Y AND EASTERL Y ENDS . OF THAT CERTAIN COURSE HAVING A BEARING AND DISTANCE OF NORTH B90 43' 39' WEST 3147.53 FEET AS SHOWN HEREON WERE ACCEPTED A'S BEING THE SAME POINTS THA T .WERE SET BY CHARLES GUILE IN REF. NO. 2 A T THE. ENDS OF THAT CERTAIN LINE THAT HAS A BEARING AND DISTANCE OF NORTH 890 45' 09' WEST 3147.75 FEET ON SAID REF. NO.2. THE LINE BETWEEN SAID MONUMENTS. WAS HELD AS THE SOUTH LINE OF. THE LANDS SUBD/VIDED HEREON. MONUMENT 'C' AS SET IN REF, NO. I WAS FOUND ON. THE. LINE THAT WAS' ESTABLISHED BY.GUILE IN REF.~ NO, 2 AND WAS HELD AS THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF PARCEL 3 OF REF. 'NO. I. MONUMENT' D' AS SET IN REF. NO, I WAS ACCEPTED AS MARKING THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 3. THE LINE BETWEEN SAID MONUMENTS 'C' AND 'D' AND THE NORTHERLY PROLONGATION .THEREOF WAS HELD AS THE WEST LINE OF THE LANDS SUBDIVIDED HEREON. THE BEARING, NORTH 000 01' 30' EAST OF THE LINE BETWEEN MONUMENTS 'c' AND . D~ AS SHOWN HEREON AND AS SHOWN ON REF. NO. I' WAS ACCEPTED AS BEING THE BASIS OF BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON. . MONUMENT ~ F' FOUND AT . THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 3 WAS ACCEPTED AS BEING SAID CORNER.' THE LINE BETWEEN SAID MONUMENTS" D' AND 'P WAS ACCEPTED AS BEING THE NORTH LINE OF PARCEL 3 OF REF. NO. I, THE EAST LINE OF. THE LANDS SUBDIVIDED HEREON WAS . ESTABLISHED BY RUNNING A LINE THROUGH MONUMENT 'F' THA T LIES PARALLEL WITH THE WEST LINE OF THE LANDS SUBDIVIDED HEREON. THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE LANDS SUBDIVIDED HEREON WAS ESTABLISHED BY INTERSECTION, MONUMENT' E' WAS FOUND ON THE 'WEST LINE OF THE LANDS SUBDIVIDED HEREON AT. THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF ASTER STREET AND WAS ACCEPTED AS BEING A POINT ON THE SOUTH MARGIN OF ASTER STREET AS SHOWN IN SAID REF. NO, I. THE SOUTH MARGIN .' OF. ASTER STREET WAS ESTABLISHED RUNNING A LINE EASTERLY FROM MONUMENT' E' THE RECORD BEARING OF SOUTH 89044' 00' EAST AS . . SHOWN ON REF. NO. I. THE CENTERLINE AND NORTH MARGIN WERE ESTABLISHED BY OFFSETTING THE SOUTH MARGIN NORTHERL Y BY 30.00 FEET AND 60.00 FEET RESPECT/VEL Y. SAID MARGINS AND CENTERLINE WERE THEN INTERSECTED WITH THE WEST AND EAST LINES OF THE LANDS SUBDIVIDED HEREON. THE NORTH LINE OF THE LANDS SUBDIVIDED HEREON .wAS ESTABLISHED BY OFFSET TlNG THE NORTH LINE OF PARCEL 3 OF REF, NO, I NORTHERL Y BY --4.00FEEf-:AS CAbLED IN-THE PROPERTY liNE ADJUSTMENT DEEDS' NOTED . HEREON. AS REFERENCE NO, 3. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I. REX A.. BETZ. A REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL. LAND SURVEYOR, BEING DUL Y SWORN ON OA TH. DO HEREBY CERTIFY (() THA T THE INITIAL POINT AS SHOWN HEREON IS MARKED 8Y A 5/8' X 30' REBAR WITH YELLOW PLASTIC CAP MARKED 'SKINNER & ASSOC. We: LYING A T THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE LANDS SUBDIVIDED BY THIS PLAT. WHICH INITIAL POINT ALSO MARKS THE' SOUTHWEST .CORNER OF PARCEL 3 OF LAND PARTITION PLA T NUMBER 2002- PI547 AS SAID PARTITION WAS RECORDED MARCH 5. 2002 IN THE LAND . PARTITION PLA T RECORDS OF LANE COUNTY, STA TE OF QRE(iQN AN[) FILED AS '_,. C.S.F".,'NQ. '1N$.O.IN .~LANe. COUNrYSU/JV/fYOR'S ~OPPICE:>AND (2).YHAf" I,...~'=. . HAVE CORRECTLY SURVEY{D AND 'MARKED WITH PROPER MONUMENTS THE w1TfJiN.... . SUBDIVISION PLA T AS SAID PLA T SUBDIVIDES THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LANDS" . SITUATED IN THE CITY 'OF SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY. STATE OF OREGON IN THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 34, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH. RANGE 2 WEST OF ~ THE WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS' BEING ALL OF PARCEL 3 0.14 ACRES NETJ OF LAND PARTITION PLA T NO, 2002- P/547' AS PLA TTED AND RECORDED MARCH 5. 2002 IN THE LAND PARTITION PLA T RECORDS OF LANE COUNTY, STATE OF OREGON AND FILED AS C.SF, NO. 37430 IN THE LANE COUNTY SURVEYOR'S OFFICE. TOGETHER WITH THE SOUTH 4,00 FEET BY PERPENDICUL AR MEASUREMENT OF PARCEL I OF SAID LAND PARTITION PLA T NO, 2002-PI547. TOGETHER WITH THE SOUTH 4,00 FEET BY PERPENDICULAR MEASUREMENT Or: . PARCEL 2 OF SAID LAND PARTITION PLA T NO, 2002-PI547. TAX LOT 603 AND A PORTION OF 601 & 602 ", VELLUM BF7/7V-9 0.... . "'II SUBDffi ASTER REPLAT OPAl REPLAT OF A POB . OF IPP S.W. 1/4, SEe; SPRlNGl'1JSLD, L JULj DECLARATION KNOW ALL PERSONS BY' THESE PRESEI LARRY ALBERTS, (() DO HEREBY CERTIFY AS HEREON DESCRIBED AND DO CAUSE T IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS STATUTES AS HEREON SHOWN, (2) DO Hn, INSJRUMENT. OE fA) , THE lRREVOCABL t UTILITY EASEMENT DENOTED AS 'EASE" (B) THE IRREVOCABLE PRIVA TE STORM D~ DENOTED AS 'EASEMENT B' THA T BEN DO HEREBY DEDICA TE TO THE CITY 01 91.93 FOOT LONG' PUBLIC UTILITY EASE" LINE. OF LOT 2. (B) THE 10.00-FOOT ALONG 'THE SOUTH LINE OF LOT 4 AND D WIDE PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT THA T L EASTERL Y OF 'EASEMENT A'. AND (D) T THA T LIES ALONG THE EAST LINE OF EXISTING EASEMENTS OF RECORD ALL A~ d,/?~ --- LARRY. ALBERTS ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF OREGON') COUNTY Of LANE ' } S8 ON ::r U L Y Z 7 2G NAMEO LARRY ALBERTS AND A'CKN VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED. ~.'"'~. , ,,""'-"'<;-<;;~.<;: ".-:.~."......-~ f'.;';' . "FFIG'/lL SE'.t" , ~~':. '1liYAISo\NFN ' , .' .. '.. , .. .... ..-~ ~ ~-<~ ~ ;,:...:," .,~-' .:,..~-':.~;:~g:~~~it~;~~,0 ~~'~~~-:::>-S~~~'_~~~"'~~~~ 4 NOTAR COMMI1 MY CO STATE OF OREGON ) COUNTY OF LANE } SS ..~ o;';;'.";:';"';:"'<~"~~VL. \f'c';>~'c, ,~C-"'2"l~__26 NAMED DENNIS MINIUM AND ACKNOI VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED. -,.,._._-~ ,. ..-.~~~-..~",,~ "~;;i.~;c~,~.~ ~~;~ ~~..~~ 11 '.' C,A:I.AW,l,I::..,,lII'2N J I -_ . Jy " l~~,.~.,~~.~':~. ',I:. "~/~~~' . . :~.. -'" ,.II' ~~.~ ^~~j~,~;~t; {...,.li;f.;.JUtV 2&. ~ ~.-~:.....-:->:6~~~~---c:;.-- ___,...._0;;;.... ~ NOTAR' COMMIS MY COI I CITY OF SPRINGFIELD JOURNAL ~ - . . VISION PLAT FOR l MEADOWS AU Of PARCEL 3 AND JRTION OF PARCRU:: 1& 2 IPN 2002-P1547 ~ 34,: T.17S., R.2.".. fr.M. LANE COUNTY, OREGON T..Y 20, 2004 BENTS THA T DENNIS MiNIUM CONSTRUCTION AND 'IFY THA T THEY ARE THE OWNERS OF THE LANDS . ~ THE PROPERTY TO BE SUBDIVIDED AND PLA TTED INS - OF CHAPTER 92 OF THE OREGON REVISED fCREBY ACKNOWLEDGE. THE. CREA TlON BY SEPARA TE ._ 9LE . pRIVATE_ JOINT USE/ACCESS AND PRIVATE - SEMENT A' THA T BENEFITS LOTS j. 4. 5 AND 6; DRAINAGE AND WETLANDS PROTECTION EASEMENT IENEFlTS AND AFFECTS LOTS 3. 4, 5 AND 6: (3) OF SPRINGFlE"LD (A) - THE 14.00 FOOT WIDE BY ~EMENT THA T LIES WITHIN AND ALONG THE EAST >T . WIDE PU8l1C 'UTILITY EASEMENT THA T LIES 1 EASTERLY OF 'EASEMENT A'. (C) -THE IO.OO-FOOT - T LIES ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF LOT 6 AND I} THE IO.OO-FOOT WIDE PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT . OF LOT 4: AND (4) DO HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE AS SHOWN HEREON, . DENNIS MINIUM CONSTRUCTION .-, - ~2.~ DENNIS MINIUM. SOLE PROPRIETOR - - - 2004 PERSONALL Y APPEARED. THt ABOVE-- KNOWLEDGED - THE FOREGOING TO BF His - - ~ /1- W~ ARY PUBLIC FOR - OREGON MISSION NO. :\ -, r>no I COM~'SSION EXPIRES~' . I ? 47- 0"'., . o ~o O~ ~~ 0 ?:::I 000 0 ~ 000 0 000 o 0 0 0 0 0 00; 0 j 0 000 O~ ~O 00 0 j 0 0 000000000 " 0 0 0 0 0 0 OJ . . 0 R EC 0 R D E "ifoO - - - 'r!i DATE F/#02 .:. 26nV ; 6:;1 ;---,-; b : o'~ o 0 .0..... _ -:;00' 0 .., 00 ILANE COUNTY SURVEYORS ornCE O. oo,C.S. nLE No. '? 9 .., Z 4- I . ..0 t :id'UNG DATE? AlltG-. 'o"l 5 o 0 0 J 0 o 0 :.. _. _ o 0 000 - 0 '-'= 0 00 0 LANE COUNTY ClERK &: RECORDER JO 0 or CONVEYANCES DEPUTY Jt/~~ _ Division of Chief Deputy Clerk Lane Count.y Deeds end Records 2004-0~457 $106,00 r 1111111111111111111 mll~IIIIIIIIIII"lmlll 00609341200400604570811011 08/02/2004 10:15:29 AM RPR-SlI8D Cnbl St.n=IS CASHIER 0& SS.OO $80.00 $10.00 $11.00 OWNF;RS AND SUBDIVIDERS DFNNIS MINIUM CONSTRUCTION LARRY ALBFRTS. 8745 THURSTON ROAD . SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97478 SOLAR STATEMENT !I I. , I I LOTS I. 2. 5 AND 6 MEET THE BASIC SOLAR DESIGN REQUIREMENTS AND COMPL Y WITH SECTION 35.010(3)({3)(/} OF THE SPRINGFIFLD DEVFLOPMENT CODE. LOTS 3 AND, 4 DO NOT MEET THE BASIC SOLAR DESIGN REQUIREMENTS AND COMPL Y WITH SECTION 35.010(3}(B)(/) OF THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE. AN ADJUSTMENT TO THE BASIC SOLAR DESIGN REQUIREMENTS HAS BEEN AS GRANTFD BY THE 'CITY OF SPRINGFlFLD AS ALLOWFD BY SFCT/ON 35,OI0(3)(D)(/): APPROVALS. -.. ~; '\\T~INGFIELD;, aft'lIMN/;;;:; . , ClT Y SURVEYOR_ 7-~-c>'f . DATE 7 - .30-01- DATE . LANE C()UNTY::.... _ , ( ; ~'TY "SSESSOI< .~ t/J4.{fL---- ') ;.r,Y' ~\~~ .r'\llt, '< . - - CHAIR. LANE COUNTt BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ---2 \'3f) \4_ DA TE I . ~. 1.- C,,; DATE ! " . , .~ 9 2004" PERSONALI.M;A~PEAki:c5~.YHIE"':'AB6vE .e JOWLEDGED THE FOREGOING TO BE HIS u ;}~ /L-.( ~RY PUBLIC FOR OREGON iAlSSION NO. _ ~"7 n t"'>t"> , ;OMMISSION EXPIRES ~'J.'i..z~ "7~ .' ".';:"{,'C1,:-~.:.,,..: ~. . ~ - -.., ",:.;,.,' '':' ".- ~ ".;, ~_.': . -:' -".' . l'.;'~> ".:" it. ( REG1STERE-O . '\- -- PROFESSIONAL I LAND SURVEYOR ~ -4%a/~ l OREGON JULY 20. 1993 REX A, BETZ _ 02606 _ L -------------.-- ._~ EXPIRES' O~c~mb~r 31, 2005 Bran_ch Engineering, Inc. 310 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon . 974-77 (54-1)74-6-0637 FAX (54-1)74-6-0389 branchadminftbranchengineering.com Civil. Structures . Transportation . Surveying NOS. SUB2003-00029 & SUB2004-:000t 7 I . PROJECT No, 03-015 I PAGE 2 OF 2 .. ~"..""""""'~"" .., .~......"...- _ . ..L...... ,__ ., DWG. No, 2003/03-0/5/03-0/5 PLA T ~, .. ill GPW I 1 .' 7/20/04. ASTER STREET_ ~~' GUARD RAIL - I _" --"JOJ.:, -, ~STORM Mil \ , _ 'J RlM~507.3/ ~507.0~1~~^-,E~~" ~ ;,~0 1'\'" II rA' " FND 5/8"IR / ' ~ NO.CAP 0 ' It) Iri It) 'it ~ :S 0:1 10 fI5 ~- o 20 C.OI1 ;ZOO'!. 0/:1.38" PUBLIC STREETo ------"'- 0, - 'IC~ --0- <0 5151 Asfev 10 "'Nl9~~4tO:'~ ;;~10 .' {', ..~ / r- --r-1-- --r--1 -':1 ~ t / Iri t < ' It) '\ 'it , r ~:j , , r ' ,,; , t _ ~_ ,-.----'"', / '" e ~ . , ._~ ,....J \ I/./:?'>' '; I'~' \ 4@y)t' ,~ w ' '., L2r ,[' 10 I 'I't-' / /A'/ /.r .. / !"> o '\ "'t"""'>''''"."""",), - ~o I PRIV,.A TII nR,vE /' soj I ,'I"..' '., #b: I I V""" /,~o,,--/ ' , >0 000 :..... t'4 ~.>""'{ ~_,.:,-:".OJ ~, --_ --./ ../ Y r-.D : ~ ., r- 507 r ~,_______ '. "": _,/'J'" / .. . <:~: .~." -- -// /., A -)E:t~. .__-.../.::...--::..... 6' WOOD FENCE ________ 'I,,,,, _ .// , /" .-------------- . I"~ r~.>/- .... ----;... /-,>,-,0'; --/ ".()~ ~ ~ ~T' ----..:::-:S$' ) ) : ~:-::; CEN;ULI!i; It) I ,':,0 ,/ /.' .." /" .' 10,0 OF SWALE o ~ -<0~" -- ____~/-.. ;...:. AREA DRAIN IX) \ //"~,/ ~~~;.. , /,/ / '......- PROPOOED 36" RIM.505.75......t\I '"'" I . -;,..... C2,- "------ 50;;'/ _ -:/ ''"' ";fJTORM PffH ...... r :..--',/' y-506.0-. ' 50~ .... STORM MH .~"') /,. ' ".... RIM.505.98 ~', cy{ ~J "', ~,/ .,~!'>v;:'.. 'I ......LlMITS iF.fJLL "'-'6'1 Co, , .,. ~ --". - .. ...0& 8U/WING P>1D "0 "5 f. . . -,:...-" ~" .,.." , ~'tJ ..........':::..-cr~ - '_. < (JJ:J ;-.'.. CONSTRuClluN ~.'..; __...:::t- /~u~~_./o " ~RELOC';TtQ> . . "" / "- ,/ ~ SWALE ] 0'06' / "-. ,_~0 o. . '0. / U' // "'_~ 0'/ (" IX) /______________ '" i I :, t\l I ~" / 0 I ( I...... '" / / ,;,0 " . / f - ~"---" / \. // cf / 0' . /// ,...... . / J'); 0' 0.; /V:;. / (:;.- ,/ --~ :0() , 4' WIRE FENCE ------:. ,/ // ..........."\ \\_~- 1- , I" /(" ,IS --->- '. I / ,-.~j 'oG I ..____________... ~n/~ '5iJClO .. ;;:' REVISED SOUTHERN /)" / / __,:;'Sou :/!;/ 'J~; 0 WETLAND BOUNDARY / \:: / /' ~~', G-.cP~' \-::--,;;;;: ,/ , j /" /' '085-- -.)"I/::-~-_'~%-;?- /"_/~-;: " " / ., ,: ,,,///':"'~,0'"_-~''/.d/- /- '-):z ..,.. / .. / ", .. ___ ~.~ '/ /'7 ,__./~-:-;:~ '~-f)~'::;, L - .- ....-..- ~' - -.. . ~ '/."""; -,__ J ',-- -'J / /'" ,//NB9043'39"W /32.00 :b:~~/'" FND 5/8"IR --;/ n G / / .-X'0~ ,;-'/. ,~~/;;~'"'" " SKINNER / Vjc:P //- 0 ::y'''''- ..- /~~--::~-===-..:::::;~~-::::::;:::;:;/ FND 5/8 JR / ,/ 4'/ f;", -.' /,//>~~~~ SKINNER, 4' WIRE FENCE / 40) /2;%?~;::;:--;:::;:;sr~ 4' WIRE r:ENCE, /' A,y,,~~?'I~)Brall~h E~gme!rmg',.!.nc. .....:/~// .-,~~$.:)o ~ 310 Fifth Street ,-/-, . -0/////_ /....../. --. 1 Sprina:tield. Oreion 97477 (S.U)746-0637 FAX (541)746-0389 e-mail: branchadmin.qwest.net .. ' -t . ~ .. . .. I .. . ~ ~ 1 .. ' .... . , .. ,- J. . .. ~ .::;. . . . "~. so -4 '" JANUAR Y 28, 2003 x , ,....... 4' WIRE FENCE POST-CONSTRUCTION MAP Civil. Structures . Transportation. Surveym& PROJECT No. 03-0/5 DWG, No, 2003\03-015\03-015 SITE,DWG , tOft .1.1l01. 01 za!' . SqSl AST"'tJ.- Department of Envlfonmental Quality 811 SW Sixth Avenue Portland, OR 97204-1390 503-229-5696 1TY 503-229-6993 . , Dregon TheOdore R. Kulongoski, Governor July 3, 2003 Ms. Merina E. Christoffersen U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ATTN: CENWP-OP-GP 1600 Executive Parkway, Suite 210 Eugene, OR 97401 Dear Ms. Christeroffersen: The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has reviewed the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Nationwide Permit (NWP) application #2002-00024. The'applicant, Mr Larry Alberts proposes to fill approximately 0.14 acres of wetland to extend Aster Street and construct 6 duplexes with driveways. The construction involves the relocation of a stormwater swale using an existing easement. This project, known as Mountain~ate. is located at the east end of Aster Street off S. 59'h Street in Springfield, Lane Count'/. ..... Oregon (Section 34, T17S/R2W). ...... .... .. . . .... ...... The USACE has determined that the Mountaingate residential subdivision~s authorized under the terms and limitations of NWP Number 39, Section 40lWater Quality:.. .:. . Certification has not been' issued .for NWP Number 39. .' .... .. . .... . .... Based on information provided by the applicant; DEQ does not anticipate any:0i>lations of State Water Quality Standards, including Oregon Administrative Rule (OA~.~40-041.."" . 0026 (1)(a), Antidegradation Policy for Surface Waters, provided the condi.tiDrl>> which .... . . .. follow are Incorporated into the permit. ." . .... 1) Fish protection/ODFW timing: All in-water work shall occur within the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife's (ODFW) preferred time window as specified in Oregon Guidelines for Timing of In-Water Work to Protect Fish and Wildlife Resources, June 2000. Exceptions to the timing window must be reviewed and approved by the Division of State Lands (DSL) and ODFW. 2) Aquatic life movements: No activity may substantially disrupt the movement of those species of aquatic life indigenous to the water body, including those species that normally migrate through the area. Unobstructed fish passage must be provided at all times during any restoration activity. 3) Turbidity/erosion controls: The authorized work shall not cause turbidity of affected waters to exceed 10% over natural background turbidity 100 feet downstream of the fill point. For projects proposed in areas with no discernible gradient break (gradient of 2% or less), monitoring shall take place at 4 hour intervals and the turbidity standard may be exceeded for a maximum of one monitoring interval per 24 hour work period provided all practicable control measures have been implemented. This turbidity standard exceedance interval applies only t? coastal lowlands, floodplains, and valley bottoms. ..... . . ..... ...... . . .. ...... . . .. .... .. . . .. .. .... . . . .... ...... . . .... DEQ-I ., Merina E_ Christoffersen Page 3 c) Best Management Practices (BMPs) shall be empioyed in order to prevent discharges of spills to surface or ground waters. d) The applicant must remove all foreign materials, refuse, and waste from the area_ 5) Planting/re-vegetation: a) Plant new vegetation or replace any existing vegetation in areas that may be disturbed as a result of this project, in order to restore the function and stability of the landscape and habitat. Plant disturbed areas with native plants and trees in all cases except where the use of non-native plant materials may be essential for erosion control; and The standard for success is 80% cover for native plant species. Temporary fencing off of planted areas may be required to insurE; . ...... success. . bj ~\ '-J 6) .... . . .... .'. . . DEQ recommends that all storm drains be equipped with oil and gre9se.t.-<ilPS, arft:l'.. be regularly maintained. : 7) . . ...... . Projects of 1 acre or more require an NPDES 1200C Storm Water D~ctoa!;ge .... Permit. Contact the appropriate DEQ regional office for more inform~~q~.. J'rojecti. employing sumps or dry wells for groundwater discharge must conform~ OAR 340- 044-050. Contact Barbara Priest, DEQ at 503-229-5945 for more iniQln1alion. ...... , .. .... .. .. 8) . .. DEQ reserves the option to modify, amend or revoke this WQC, as necessary, il'l.:... the event new information indicates that the project activities are having a significant adverse impact on State water quality or critical fish resources. 9) A copy of this Water Quality Certification ryvQC) letter shall be kept on the job site and readily avaitable for reference by the Corps of Engineers, DEQ personnel, the contractor, and other appropriate state and local government inspectors. 10) This WQC is invalid if the project is operated in a manner not consistent with the project description contained in the permit application, 11) DEQ is to have site access upon reasonable request. 12) If you are dissatisfied with the conditions contained in this certification, you may request a hearing before the Environmental Quality Commission. Such request must be made in writing to the Director of DEQ within 20 days of the mailing of this certification. You may also request written information about alternative dispute resolution services under Oregon Revised Statute 183.502, including mediation or any other collaborative problem-solving process. ..... . . ..... ...... . . .. ...... . . .. .... .. . . .. .. .... . . . .... ...... . . .... Divi;;ion of State Lands 77'3 Summer Street NE, Suite 100 Salem, OR 97301-1279 ~ 503-378-3805 Pemlit No.: Permit Type: Waterway: County: Expiration Date: Corps No.: LARRY ALBERTS 26654-RF Removal/Fill Wetland Lane July2,2004 2002-00024 IS AUTHORIZED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ORS 196.800 TO 196.990 TO PERFORM THE OPER4.TIONS DESCRIBED IN THE ATTACHED COPY OF THE APPLICATION, SUBJECT TO THE SPECIAL CONDITIONS LISTED ON ATTACHMENT A AND TO THE FOLLOWING GENERAL CONDITIONS: 1. This permit does not authorize trespass on the lands of others. The permit holder shall obtain all necessary access permits or rights-of-way before entering lands owned by another. 2. TIllS permit does not auihorize any work that is not in compliance with local zoning or other local, state, or rederal regulation pertaining to the operations authorized by this permit. The permit holder is responsible for obtaining the necessary approvals and permits before proceeding under this peimit. 3. All work done under this permit must comply with Oregon Administrative Rules, Chapter 340; Standards of Quality for Public Waters of Oregon. Specific water quality provisions for this project:oc€:~et fook."n " " " Attachment A. . ..... .... ..... .. , _.:. - . . '. .. ... . .. ....... 4, VIOlatIOns of the terms and cond1l10ns or thIS permIt are subject to admlllistratr~'~.w<JIor le~!lt"actlOn w1v.Ch may result in revocation of the permit or damages. The permit holder is respomible for tqe ac"tivitie~ ~"l!.~ contractors or other operators involved in work done at the site or under this pernrit. :..... .. . . ...... 5. A copy of the permit shall be available at the work site whenever operations <flltpoIized by: me peDIJjr ~ being conducted. ...... .... .... " " " 6. Employees of the Division of State Lands and all duly authorized representatives"M the DirO'lCtor sll.all be ..'.... . . .... permitted access to the project area at all reasolJable times for the purpose of.~ecting w"t'k per~eo under this permit. . : .... . .... . .... 7, Any permit holder who objects to the conditions of this permit may request a hearing from the Director, in writing, within 10 days of the date this permit was issued. 8. In issuing this permit, the Division of State Lands makes no representation regarding the quality or adequacy of the permitted project design, materials, construction, or maintenance, except to approve the project's design and materials, as set forth in the permit application, as satisfying the resource protection, scenic, safety, recreation, 'and public access requirements ofORS Chapters 196, 390 and related administrative rules. 9. Permittee shall defend and hold hannless the State of Oregon, and its officers, agents, and employees from any claim, suit, or action for property damage or personal injury or.death arising out of the design, material, construction, or maintenance of the permitted improvements. NOTICE: If removal is from state-owned submerged and submersible land, the applicant must comply with leasing and royalty provisions ofORS 274.530. If the project involves creation of new lands by filling on state- owned submerged or submersible lands, you must comply with ORS 274.905 - 274.940. This permit does not relieve the permittee of an obligation to secure appropriate leases from the Division of State Lands, to conduct activities on state-owned submerged or submersible lands. Failure to comply with these. requirements may result in civil or criminal liability. For more information about these requirements, please contact the Division of State Lands, 378-3805. Lori Wamer, Manager Westem Region Field Operations Oregon Division of State Lands ~~ Authorized Signafure July 2, 2003 Date Issued S::lkmI\FO\Forms\AUlhorii:lliOll\Pcrmil FJcc.doc ATTACHMENT A Permittee: Larry Alberts Special Conditions for Removal/Fill Permit No, 26654-RF. PLEASE READ AND BECOME FAMILIAR WITH CONDITIONS OF YOUR PERMIT, This project may be site inspected by the Division of State Lands as part of our monitoring program, The Division has the right to stop or modify the project at any time if you are not in compliance with these conditions, A copy of this permit shall be available at the work site whenever authorized operations are being conducted, 1. This permit authorizes the placement of up to 160 cubic yards of rock, gravel, silt, soil, and asphalt and removal of up to 111 cubic yards of soil in T 17S, R 2W, SW y.; Section 34, Tax Lot 600 in a wetland, Springfield, Lane County, as outlined in the attached permit application, map and drawings, dated April 1 , 2003. . . ...... 2. No removal of vegetation or heavy equipment operating or traversing :i,"il~ occur . . .... outside the designated construction footprint except during related swale . . .... . construction (Figure 5 and Figure labeled Grading Plan for Relocate~~Me). . . . ...... 3. If any archaeological resources and/or artifacts are uncovered during 6lxcilvatiOli, all . . . .. .... construction activity shall immediately cease, The State Historic Presel"Val'ion O.fti~ shall be contacted (phone: 503-378-4168). ..:..: .. .... ...... . . 4. During trenching or excavation, the top layer of soil shall be separated.n-~rn the rMt. of the excavated material and put back on top when the trench orpit is back-fillei:!.:jl. the native underlying soils are not used as bedding material, and a coarser, non- native soil or other material is used, preventative measures such as clay or concrete plugs shall be used so that underground hydraulic piping does not occur and dewater the site and adjacent wetlands, 5, All temporarily disturbed areas shall be returned to original ,ground contours at project completion. 6. TURBIDITY/EROSION CONTROLS. The authorized work shall not cause turbidity of affected waters to exceed 10% over natural background turbidity 100 feet downstream of the fill point. For projects proposed in areas with no discernible gradient break (gradient of 2% or less), monitoring shall take place at 4 hour intervals and the turbidity standard may be exceeded for a maximum of one monitoring intervals per 24 hour work period provided.all practicable control measures have been implemented. This turbidity standard exceedance intervals applies only to coastal lowlands and floodplains, valley bottoms and other low-lying and/or relatively flat land. ..... . . . ..... ...... . . .. ...... . . .. ...... . . .. .. ,... . . . .... ...... . . .... Attachment A Larry Alberts 26654-RF Page 2 of 3 For projects in all other areas, the turbidity standard can be exceeded for a maximum of 2 hours (limited duration) provided all practicable erosion control measures have been implemented. These projects may also be subject to additional reporting requirements. Turbidity shall be monitored during active in-water work periods. Monitoring points shall be at an undisturbed site (representative background) 100 feet upstream from the turbidity causing activity (i.e., fill or discharge point), 100 feet downstream from the fill point, and at the point of fill. A turbidimeter is recommended, however, visual gauging is acceptable. Turbidity that is visible over background is considered an exceedance of the standard. Practicable erosion control measures which shall be implemented, as appropriate, include but are not limited to the following: . . . ...... a) All exposed soils shall be stabilized during and after constructi\?floifl>\?rder'tp... prevent erosion and sedimentation. .. . .... . b) Waste materials and spoils shall be placed in an upland 10cati(~nMd shall be suitably stabilized to prevent erosion. : ...:. c) Place fill in the water using methods that avoid disturbance to ~he !"1~ximufl1... practicable extent (e.g. placing fill with a machine rather than end-dl!mpi~:. f t k) ...... rom a rue . . . .. d) Prevent all construction materials and debris from entering wa~Eirw~~; . .... . e) Use filter bags, sediment fences, sediment traps or catch basi~:o" .ur curtam's" . .'. leave strips or berms, Jersey barriers, sand bags, or other'measures . .:.. . sufficient to prevent movement of soil; f) Use impervious materials to cover stockpiles when unattended or du'ring rain event; g) Erosion control measures shall be inspected and maintained daily to ensure their continued effectiveness; h) Use a gravel staging area and construction access; i) Fence off planted areas to protect from disturbance and/or erosion; and j) Flag or fence off wetlands adjacent to the construction area, Erosion control measures shall be maintained as necessary to ensure their continued effectiveness, until soils become stabilized. All erosion control structures shall be removed when project is complete and soils are stabilized and vegetated. 7. HAZARDOUS, TOXIC AND WASTE MATERIALS. Petroleum products, chemicals, fresh cement, sandblasted material, and chipped paint or other deleterious waste materials shall not be allowed to enter waters of the state. No wood treated with leach able preservatives shall be placed in the waterway. Machinery refueling is to occur off-site or in a confined designated area to prevent spillage into waters of the state, Project"related spills into water of the state or onto land with a potential to enter waters of the state shall be reported to the Oregon Emergency Response System (OERS) at 1-800-452-0311. ..... . . ..... ...... . . .. ...... . . .. ....... . . .. .. .... . . . .... ...... . . .... , ' " Attachment A Larry Alberts 26654-RF Page 3 of 3 8. Issuance of this permit is contingent upon acquisition of the required permits and approvals from the City of Springfield. 9. When listed species are present, the authorization holder must comply with the Federal Endangered Species Act. If previously unknown listed species are encountered during the project, the authorization holder shall contact the appropriate agency as soon as possible. 10. The permit holder shall notify the Division in writing of any operating conditions imposed by other required permits that would be inconsistent with the approved plan of operation. The Division will review these requirements and, if appropriate to ensure compliance with state regulations, require modification of the approved work plan and/or revise the conditions of this permit. 11. . . . ..... The permittee is responsible for carrying-out the terms and condition~.qf.this permit unless the permit,is transferred to another party as approved.by.the.Oivi~lon. . ..... . ' .... ...... . The Division of State Lands retains the authority to temporarily halt ~r modify ttoe . . ...... project In case of unforeseen damage to natural resources, ... . .. .... ... . .... 12. MITIGATION ...... . . .. .... . . .... 13. .... .. . . .. .. Wetland mitigation for the unavoidable loss of 0.14 acre of palustrine emergent: .... wetlands has been accomplished via purchase of 0.14 credits from the Amazon .... Creek Mitigation bank, per the proof of purchase. 14. Grading of the relocated swale according to the plan included with the permit application shall be completed concurrent with the completion of the wetland fill project. The regraded swale shall be seeded with a native grass seed mix. Woody vegetation removed or destroyed as a result of the swale relocation project shall be replaced with native trees and shrubs as listed in the permit application within one year of project completion. July 2, 2003 J:\AttachmenlAweslLAS\RF Removal Fill Permils\26654-RF .doc ..... . . ..... ...... . . .. ...... . . .. ...... . . .. .. .... . . . .... ...... . . .... .IU",'M',i r~~.I~~,~~~ i" :',-c.~; :.-,': ::--(. '-" 'l ;~ . - c ","~ ,,,": :'ro l.,', do Tlj '.1:..,.: " .'. .~; . ~. - . ,; -! JOINT r) PERMIT ApPLICATION FORM THIS APPUCATlON WIll MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF BOTHAGENCtES US Army Corps of Engineers Portland District ,,'J: . l ' ~; Corps Number ! " ~ ~ 2.002 - 000'2.'1- Oregon Division of State Lands Number 2(" (,,5'-I-RI= SEND ONE SIGNED COpy OF YOUR APPLICATION TO EACH AGENCY, District Engineer AnN: CENPP-oP-GP PO Box 2946 Portland OR 97208-2946 503-808-4373 State of Oregon Division of State Lands 775 Summer Street NE Salem OR 97310-1337' 503-378-3805 _. ~,~,.~.. -",~-'~ ... ,~U ~." .. . ." ~ ~. ~ ~D .... -. ". R..,. _ _ "~~ '"'' -.....'~- ..',;" ..~ ".. ~,., ~......"" ,,-.1.. I,~~ ."~"'.I_~~ II jlj...L Ill:jl,.. I ,101.. olll. I J~I..~, ,.l.. business phone #( 541) 302-4855 .home phone # <D AppticantName and Address Larry Alberts 4710 Village Plaza.Lp, Ste 200 Eugene, OR 97401 .0 Co-Applicant .. Authorized Agent o Contractor Name and Address Consultant: Nancy HOlzhauser Environmental Solutions LLC 2540 Pierce St., Eugene, OR 97405 FAX#(541 )302-4899 business phone #( 54:J.'l?,i3-6;;;l;;. . . . . nome P~Qfi't~ # ..... . . . ... eFAX.# ". . ...... (5tn~. 338-7Q76 Property Owner (If dlfferent than applicant) Name and Address "'-"'LLLr OUSlness ~none 11 home phone # .F~# . . ...... . ...... . . .. ...... @) PROJECT LOCATION I . .. . . . . .... .. .. _.u -j Legal Des!;Ii~on . . Section .~q't'~hiP. ..... Ran"a... 34 ..1;7.. 0 No~.. 2' Qmt .S~tt'".. ..W~~ In or Near (City or Town) County Tax Map # Tax L01"'. Springfield Lane 17-02-34-33 00600 'Waterway River Mile Latitude . Longitude ",pt-lr>nr'l N/l\ 44"02'30" .123055'00" Is consent to enter DroDertv granted to the Corps and the Division of State Lands? . Yes a No a With Plior notification @ PROPOSED PROJECT INFORMATION (see conti~uation. sheet) Activity Type: . Fill liD Excavation (removal) a I,,"Water Structure a. MaintainlRepair an Existing Structure .BriefD~scrtption:@...Qn~r.ru(""t-_;nn nr ll-~t-.pr ~t-. ~T'\r. h "'.l.l..plpYI::l~ "W";t-h nr'ivl::l"w";::IYC:: Fill will involve cubic yards annually and/or , , "0 cubic yards for the total project , "" cubic yards in a wetland or below the ordinary high water or high tide iine Fill will be a Riprap . Rock . Gravel OSand aSHt o Clay. a Orgonics .Other soil,asphal Fill ImpC?ct Area is ,} 1..11 Acres; . r:.. n .1' _ length; 1 n n I width; : h 11 ../.. / depth Removal will involve _ cubic yards annually and lor Q nt, cubic yards for the total project 1 1 1 cubic yards below the ordinory high water or high,'tide iine Removal will be 0 RiprOD 0 Rock a Gravel 0 Sand 0 Silt 0 Clay 0 Organics e Other . ",,; J RemovallmDoct Areo is O. 05 Acres; ,,~ r; p" length: width: 1 n" _ ?' depth Street. Road or other .descliptive location East ehd of Aster St., off S. 59th Quorter SW Is the Disposal area: Upland? It Yes 0 No Wetlond I Waterway? 0 Yes . No Are you aware of any Endongered Species on the project site? Are you aware of any Cultural Resources on the project site" Is the project site near a Wiidond Scenic River? a Yes .. No o Yes . No o Yes . No If Yes. pleose explain in the project description (on page 2, block 4)', 'bint Reli1'oval/Fill Permit Application for Larry Alberts: . 59th and Aster Streets, Springfield, Lane County, OR ~ontinuation Sheels . ;. Prooosed Proiect Information 'ill calculations: . total project: 6duplexes: 7200 sq ft x 6" deep gravel = 3600 Cll ft 6 footings: 140' perimeter x 2' wide x 2' deep concrete= 3360 cu ft Aster St: 47' x 132' = 6204 sq ft x IS" deep soil, gravel, asphalt = 9306 Cll ft Driveways: 330' x 20' = 6600 sq ft x 14" deep gravel, asphalt = 7656 cu ft Backfill: 2000' x 6' = 12000 sq ft x 6" deep onsite soils = 6000 cu ft Total fill for project: 29922 cu ft or 11 OS cu yd In wetlands: Duplexes and backfill: 50 SO sq ft x 6" deep gravel = 2540 cu ft Duplexes: 220 ft x 2' perimeter for footings x 2' deep concrete = SSO cu ft Driveways: 700 sq ft x 14" deep gravel and asphalt = S12 cu ft . Total fill in wetland: 4312 cu ft = 160 cu yd Total fill area Cac): Duplex buildings, driveways, backfill, and Aster Street: 132' x 275' = 36300sf=0.S3 ac fill impact area in wetland: 2 Duplex buildings, driveways, backfill: 6000 square feet = .14 ac : ",:, , ..... , , ..... .... . , Removal calculations: . . Total project: New drainage swale: 130' x 10' = 1300 sq ft x l' deep = 1300 cu ft:..... Duplex footings: 140' x 2' =2S0 sq ft x 2' deep = 560 cu ft x 6 = 3360 cu ft Aster St: same as fill calculations above: 9306 cu ft .' .'. .. . Driveways: same as fill calculations above: 7656 cu ft ...... Total excavation for project: 21622 cu ft = SOO cu yd ....' .... . . .... ...... . . .. . . ...... . ...... . , .. .... . ... . ...... , . . .. .. ....... . . In wetlands: Duplex: 220 ft perimeter x 2' wide for footings x 2' deep = S80 cu.tl .. Driveways: 700 sq ft x 14" deep = S12 cu ft (same as for fill) New drainage swale: 130' x 10' = 1300 sq ft xl' deep = 1300 cu ft Total excavation in wetland: 2992 Cll ft = III Cll yd Total removal area (ac): Duplex footings, Aster St., driveways, relocated drainage swale: . . 240' x 100' = 24000 sf=O.55 ac. . ... Removal impact area in wetland: 2 duplex footings, .driveways, relocated drainage swale: 2200 sq ft (of which all but 1300 sq ft is duplicated in:fill area): 0.05 ac, of which 0.03 ac is not duplicated in fill calculations as it is the relocated drainage feature . .... . . ... . .... . . . .... .. .. .. . . .... . ..... , . .... Imoact area in wetlands: Fill impact area (duplexes, driveways, and backfill) : 6000sq wetland to upland: 0.14 ac fill Excavation impact area: Excavation for driveways(1620 sf), duplexes (footings only, 2' deep x 2' wide, around perimeter: 240 lin ft x 2' wide x 2' deep=960 sq ft) . : 25S0 sf total or 0.06 ac Temporary excavation impact: 1300 sfwet prairie (Swale drainage feature):. 0.03 ac Total permanent impact area: 0.14 ac wetland to upland( involves removal and fill) Total temporary impact area: 0.03 ac wet prairie with excavation of shallow swale feature (involves removal only) Page 1 @ : . PROPOSED PROJECT PURPOSE & DESCRIPTION Project Purpose and Need: The purpose of the proposed construction project is to construct Aster Street, a public street, and six duplexes in a manner such that impacts to the existing 0.48 acres of wetland on the 1.3-acre (see conlinuation sheet) Project Description: The property is located within the city limits of Springfield, and is zoned MDR (medium density residential) The . property is a long rectangular. piece, approximately 1.3 acres in size, of which 0.48 acres are wetland and 0.82 acres are upland. The wetland area is located in the south portion of the property. Desirn: In order to maximize development potential and still retain a majority of the wetlands, a cluster development is being proposed, which, per City of Springfield code, allows for more flexible design, including smaller lots (minimum of2500 square feet), setbacks, and street widths in order to preserve open space and natural features. As such, the duplexes will be relatively small two-story buildings, thereby minimizing the footprint of the development and reducing impacts to the wetland in the south portion of the property. The design of the development is constrained a bit because it needs to be designed around the pre-existing location of Aster Street across the north portion of the property. Aster Street is a planned public through-street, not yet constructed on the property, however the right-of-way is owned by the city of Springfield, and as such, it must be retained in its designated location. (see continuation shee~) How many project drawing sheets are included. with this application? \ 0 . . NOTE: A complete application must include drawings and a location map submitted on separate 8'1,X ll:;h~~is. - .... Will any materiaL construction debris. runoff. etc. enter a wetland or waterway? 0 Yes .. Nf). . ::::. If yes, describe the type of discharge (above) and show the discharge location on the site ~1!l~1~" Estimated Start Date b J , J 03> Estimated Completion Date I Z. / \ / 0 ~ I , ..... . . ..... ...... . . .. . . . ...... . ..... ~ . . .. ...... . .. .... 's' PROJECT IMPACTS AND ALTERNATIVES ... u:. \2J ..... Describe alternative sites and project designs that were considered to avoid impacts to the wdf~~ or wetland. . . . . . .. .... ..... DSL discussion: The landowners have been looking for a relatively small piece ofland within tM~'p'~gfietd city.limits. ~\4. MDR zoning for several years, as they are limited by the amount of money they can invest, ThS' waS the 0011' !i&rdabt" en' relatively small piece of land that has been available for MDR ,,~thin the city that they were able to locate. tlecause the project is impacting less than 0.2 acres of wetlands, no alternative discussion is presented per OAR 141-085-0025 (3)0).. Corns discussion. see continuation sheet, .' .. .. . Describe what measures you will use (before and after construction) to minimize impac!1; to the waterWOY or wetland. MiniInization of impacts will be accomplished through the design as a cluster subdiVision, .with smaller lot sizes and driveways in order to minimize direct impacts to the wetland area, . The foundation for the duplex buildings will not be a concrete slab, it will be a footing, thereby reducing actual soil distUrbance. Construction debris will be stockpiled in uplands north of Aster Street. All soil temporarily stockpiled will be .stored in uplands north of Aster Street,. and covered during periods of precipitation. The staging area will be in uplands, (see continuation sheet) NOTE: If necessary. use additional sheets. @ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Adjoining Property Owners and Their Addresses ond Phone Numbec; North S. Billings, 40087 Deerhorn Rd., Springfield, OR 97478 East: Walter Renfro, 5975 'Main St., Springfield, OR 97478 (see continuation sheet) Has the proposed activity or any related octivity received the attention of the Corps of Engineers or the State of Oregon in the past, e.g., wetionddelineation, violation, permit. lease request. etc.? . YES 0 NO If yes, what identification number(s) were assigned by the respective agencies: Corps# fill C'prmit-. n]1mnpr 1Jnk"nown (S. Billings) WD 2002-0170 State of Oregon# 'dint Removal/Fill Permil Applicationfor Larry Alberts: . 59'" and Aster Streets, Springfield, Lane County, OR ~ontinuation Sheets :. Pumose and need. continued. Iroperty are minimized. The property is zoned MDR (medium density residential), and the project proposes to cccomplish these objectives through design as a cluster development, and retain approximately 0.34 acres (79%) of the m-site wetland area. This project will help fill the need for affordable medium density residential housing stemmed by Jopulation growth demands of the Eugene-Springfield area, (there is not much developable property remaining within he urban growth boundary). I. DescriDtion. continued. [he proposed cluster development consists of 2 duplex lots on the north side of Aster Street and 4 duplex lots on the ;outh side of Aster Street. The project has been designed such that the two lots north of Aster Street will be larger Jecause of the available space, at 6270 square reet each, the twO lots immediately south adjacent to Aster Street will be 3000 square feet each, while the lots south of those two will be larger because they include the retained wetland area, it approximately 13,200 square feet each. Adesignated open space'area available for use by the residents of this jevelopment is al-'I-'>u~ately 3000 square feet in size,and located along the west and south portions of the property Jrimarily in upland with some wetland area . 'J-eneral wetland imoacts: The development has been designed to minimize impacts to the land: the footprint of each juplexbuilding will be approximately 1200 square reet (which includes a single-car garage). The tW~~\ji1olings llGr.th )f Aster Street and the two buildings south adjacent to Aster Street will be located entirely~"t!plands. .Tbe south;.. . 1llll1ing portion of the cul-de-sac driveway off Aster Street will be located primarily in upllliw:'iI1d in tb.e"Storma;aip:: ~asement in order to maximize efficient use of the land. Only the southern two duplexes Will be constructed in ...... . . .. .. wetlands; with a footprint in wetland area of approximately 1000 square feet for the westernmost one'l:1/lehlding a .. aortion of the driveway), 1600 square feet for the easternmost one (includes 1200 square f~~p C1build~~.3'lld 4qQ:::: ,quare feet for the driveway), and 300 square feet of turnaround. The access driveways aM.6101\.-de-sliC;.Will be sharro., mdhave been designed to be approximately 20' wide, the minimum width allowed with the ~ht;ter deve\Qpmenr,)n order to minimize impacts to the wetland area. The duplex buildings to the south of Aste~ }jtr~;t have been site~. *:: :Iose to the street and cul-de-sac as possible, in order to minimize impacts to the wetland area to the:Sou1'b. It i~. .. . . .' .... mticipated that with additional backfill and landscaping, the impacts to wetlands with fill from construction project will be6000 square feet, or 0.14 acres, or 29% of the wetland area on the property. . . . [n~ddition, the exiSting drainage feature that runs east to west across the property (discusSed in full below) will not be culvert ed, it will be relocated to the south in order to maintain the hydrology for the avoided onsite wetland area This portion of the project is designed to mitigate for filling of the existing drainage ditch, and will be replanted with native species (see discussion under mitigation section). As such, it will have a temporary impact to approximately 1300 square feet (0.03 ac) of wet prairie wetland during its construction. By designing the development to minimize impacts to wetlands while still providing medium density residential housing, approximately 71% of the 0.48-acre on-site wetland area will be retained. Based on information from the Hydrogeomorphic (HGM) assessment that was completed for the site (attached), the on-site wet prairie, emergent, and forested wetland area is: . functioning at a low level for water storage and delay because ofthe small area that is inundated seasonally and the shallow depth of inundation, functioning at a moderately high level for sediment stabilization and phosphorus retention because of the presence of an area of seasonal inundation, complete vegetation cover during the dry season, and the lack of impact by compaction and leveling, functioning at a moderately high level for primary production and support of characteristic vegetation . . Page 2 oiht Removal/Fill Permil Applicationfor Larry Alberts: . 59'" and Aster Streets, Springfield,' Lane County, OR :ontinuation Sheets because of the two types of vegetation (herbaceous and trees), the complete vegetation cover during the dry season, and the abundance of native species in both layers, functiorung at a moderate level for nitrogen removal, invertebrate habitat support, amphibian and turtle habitat, and songbird habitat primarily because of the presence of two layers of vegetation, trees, connection to other wetland areas, and some seasonal inundation, however it is limited by the small area of inundation, the small amount of woody vegetation relative to the wetland size, the lack of downed woody material, and the small diameter of trees present, functioning at a low level for wintering and migratory waterbird support because of the lack of permanent water or mudflats and shallow depth of seasonal inundation, . not functioning for resident and anadromous fish habitat, thermoregulation, nor breeding waterbird support, ["he proposed project would not have a significant negative impact on the functions as evaluated above, because the najority of the on-site wetland area will not be impacted, and all of the features will still be present after construction }fthe project (emergent drainage feature, wet prairie, and forested wetlands), Only the size will change, with a 'eduction of 29% of the wetland area, The construction involved in relocating the drainage feature in the existing 'ietland will have a temporary impact associated with grading and resulting compaction, although the intensity of ~ompaction is not anticipated to be significant because the construction activity is a one-time activity:;mg:uot a ..... ' . .. . .-epeated event, and revegetation with native plantings win restore the bare soil to a veget~Mi tpnditiQij. .The ..... ~onstruction project will have the greatest negative impact on the sediment stabilization ~~Jl~Vsphoros.petentioii:::: imction in the HGM assessment. However the only reference-based indicator negatively1mpacted in this functiou,ji.' . .. .. :he percent of site affected by soil compaction, and this impact is likely to be insignificant since the e~tl!pment will be Jperating on the wetland to construcuhe drainage feature one time only. This same potoo!ialiplpact q['~ltmite4! 6~i' . ;ompaction during reconstruction of the drainage feature is also associated with the evallWiQu.of th~ Hifrogen remg,val, . . . Jrimary production, invertebrate habitat support, amphibian and turtle habitat, and support oftharactewtic vemation functions in the HGM assessment, however, again, that effect is anticipated to be limited Vi iJit~sity booaUse it is.:::: lSsociated with a one-time activity, and will be limited to the construction area only, The proposed .:on!;fQ1ctiofl..... !>roject would not change the values of the water storage and delay, wintering and migratory waterbird s~pport, or . rupport of characteristic vegetation functions. ' Constroction features: The duplexes will be of post and beam construction. Aster Street is a main public through~ >treet, and is specified by the CitY of Springfield to be 36' wide with an additional 5.5' of sidewalk, curb, and gutter each side, for a total width of 47', . Grading will take place for-the construction of Aster Street, the associated curb, gutters, and sidewalks, the driveways, and the footings for the duplex buildings. This will include excavation of native material, fill for the road and driveways of gravel with a final layer of asphalt, and concrete fill for the building footings, ' sidewalks, curbs, and gutters, Temporary impacts will occur from installation of buried utilities, storm and sanitary sewers. (A stormdrain was installed along the north portion of the west property line in 2002 by the previous landowner in conjunction with his office building construction project north of Aster Street, per City of Springfield requirement to accommodate future development in the area, A permit was obtained by the Corps for this activity, 'no pennit was required by DSL, as the project impacted less than 50 cubic yards of wetland_ The activity occurred prior to the purchase of the property by the present landowners, Larry Alberts and Dennis Minium), The proposed staging area for construction of the project is north of Aster Street, in uplands and approximately 200' from the delineated wetland boundary, The limits of construction along the wetland area in the south boundary of the construction project are the south boundary ofthe reconstructed drainage feature, The limits of construction in the wetland area will be flagged and silt fence installed along the construction boundary prior to any equipment entering Page 3 'bint RemovallFill Permit Application for Larry Alberts: ,59th and Aster Streets, Springfield, Lane County, OR :ontinuation Sheets he area to begin work, The limits of construction along the wetland area will be approximately 10' south of their espective south walls of the two southern duplexes, The limits of construction during excavation of the drainage eature in the wetland will be the southern boundary of the new graded bank This area will be flagged prior to :xcavation of the feature, and impacts will be limited to the channel bottom and sides only, :-he source of fill material associated with the building construction (including backfill material) will be on-site. :-he gravel and asphalt used in the construction of Aster Street and the driveways will be from a local source, '\.ccess for heavy equipment used to complete the construction will be from Aster Street, west adjacent to the property, /oJI stockpiled material, consisting of removed dirt from the excavation of the street, driveways, and footings, will be ;overed during periods of inclement weather, and stored on the staging area described above, away from any wetland lfea, There is no anticipated need for disposal of excavated material, as it is all planned to be used on-site, ;onstroction imDact.~: The upland area impacted by the proposed development is an abandoned field/pasture, iominated primarily with, nonnative grasses and forbs including tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea), cats ears Hypochaeris radicala), and Queen Anne's lace (Daucus carota), The portion of the wetland area impacted by the Jroposed development is a palustrine emergent wetland dominated with native western buttercup (Ranunculus Jccidentalis) and nonnative colonial bentgrass (Agrostis tenuis): A shallow intermittent stream/drain~geoJootureo€~'th Ippears to actually be an old shallow (6-12" deep channel) drainage ditch based on review:df!Ue his\()r.i..~erial p~~t!>,s md its very straight alignment) approximately 135' long will also be impacted by the proPSml peveloJMtent: it is ',,' ocated where the two southern duplexes are planned to be constructed. The two southemroost duplex l~ts win ~t ~ntirely be located in the north portion of the wetland area. Construction ofthese two duplex buildi~gs 'and associMed - . . ...... iriveways will impact approximately 0.11 acres of wet prairie wetland and 0.03 acres of eJpttgt:nt wet~d (the,lJ~~' lrainage feature described above), It is anticipated that only a minimal amount of gradin~~ pe required on th~ ",.,:.." ;ite, as it is fairly level: perhaps up to 6" across the uplands and impacted wetland,area in orcl'& to achiivi the', ' , ...... . . .... lecessary grade for construction of the buildings and driveways. It is anticipated that AsWS1feet,lot~ted in upl~d~, ;vii! require an excavation of 18" total to achieve the required base, ' : ,.., ' .... ' .... [he total impact to the on-site wetland associated with construction will be excavation of the foundation footings for 2 ., luplex buildings and for the driveways; grave~ asphalt, and concrete fill for the footings and driveways (including the ' :ul-de-sac); a shallow layer of gravel fill placed over the bare dirt under the duplex buildings within the footings' Jerimeter; and backfill (using soil from the site), resulting in a total impact of 0.14 acres of fill in palustrine emergent md wet prairie wetlands. The two south duplexes are 'sited such that the drainage feature that runs east to west across he site will be directly impacted with fill, The drainage feature will not be culverted, Instead, a new shallow channel ' vith the same topography as the existing one (10' wide and l' deep) will be constructed to the south ofthe levelopment in order to continue to provide open drainage across the property, In this way, the hyd~ologic character md functions that the open waterway provide will be maintained. [he proposed open space area, as required with a cluster development, will be used for passive recreation, and is Jartially in wet prairie along the west property line, and forested upland and wetland along the base of a steep hill on. he south adjacent property, The upland forested area is dominated with bigleafmaple (Acer macrophyllum) and )ougJas-fir (pseudotsuga menziesiI) in the overstory and ivy (Helix hedera), blackberry (J?ubus discolor and R Irsinus), and western buttercup in the understory, The forested wetland area is dominated with an overstory of )regon ash (Fraxinus latifolia) and an understory of camas (Camassia quamash) and western buttercup, The lvoided wetland area (including the open space) includes 0.23 acres of wet prairie as described above, and lpproximately 0,11 acres of palustrine forested wetland. None of the forested wetland will be impacted with the Page 4 ';i,lt Rem~val/Fill Permit Applicationfor Larry Alberts: .59'1. and Asler Streets, Springfield, Lane County, OR ~ontinuation Sheets roposed development. fvdrolovcal Characteristics and Imaacts to Hvdrolovv wilh Prooosed Proiect. The existing wetland on the site is 'art of a larger palustrine emergent and forested wetland that ex"tends along the base of Potato Hill for 'at least 1000' loth to the east and west of the property, based on information from the Springfield Local Wetland Inventory refer to delineation report for partial map of Springfield L WI). It appears that most of the water source for this vetland area is drainage off Potato Hill and upslope properties, the majority of which are in single family residential use vith large lots that stretch from Main Street back to the hill. The primary sources of hydrology appear to be from :urface flow associated with precipitation in winter <l.lld groundwater in all seasons. An intermittent stream/ditch 6"- . 2" deep and I 0' wide runs across the subject property from the east adjacent property, into a storm area drain at the vest end of the subject property near S. 59th. ["he anticipated effects to .site hydrology with construction of the proposed development potentiaIly include a slight eduction in surface flow from the north into the wetland because of the routing of runoff from the development along ;urbs, gutters, and into the stormdrain system. However it is my professional opinion that this is not anticipated to lave a major negative effect on the hydrology of the existing and retained wetland area, as it appears that most of the lydrology source that feeds this wetland area comes from surface runoff from the east and south and from .. . ~oundwater, neither of which willlikeiy be significantly effected by the proposed project. Potential:ith~s to. rut! .. . lydrological character of the on-site wetlands have been minimized with design of the de~~ro~Pllent ~achothat t~~:: : . najority of the wetland area is avoided. In addition, the drainage feature that enters the l!iGjieily froMtne eastw!Urlot Je culverted under the development, it Will be reconstructed to the south Such that site h1drology wiJl b~ mainta.htt!d,: md water will be allowed to spread across the retained wetland area as it does at the prespnt time.:..... .. ....... ...... . '. . .... .. ... . .. .. ... ." Threatened and Endnnffered Svecies: The site visit for the wetland delineation was condtlt;eO:March 11, 2002 tJ~... :-Janey Holzhauser of Environmental Solutions LLC, an ecologist experienced at conductjpiv~ld suI"~.and ...... lssessments for rare plants and animals. The site visit included a complete plant surveyooi\.g.t'he intUitNe metoo"... . ..... [he timing was prior to the blooming period for Bradshaw's lomatium (fAJmatium bradshawii, F edt!J;i'd.AI1d State... :'-isted Endangered), however, it has a fairly distinct leaf and the timing of the site visit coincided with the vegetative. ~owth of this species, based on observations oflocal reference sites, The site visit was conducted too early to observe legetative and flowering features for Willainette Daisy (Erigerondecumbens, State and Federal listed Threatened) and I bit early to observe the vegetative state ofKincilid'sIupine (Lupinus sulphureus, State and Fed~rallisted threatened), Jased on local reference site observations. .The observed soil throughout the wetland and upland area was a thin layer )fsiltY clay loam/loam to a depth of4" over a layer of gravelly sandy loam to.10-12", with a clay loam below that to at east 18", the bottom of the soil pits. The southern, wetland portion of the property is mapped as Courtney gravelly ;ilty clay loam on the National Resource Conservation Service Soil Survey for Lane County. This soil type is not ypically associated with the three rare plant species listed above, as those are typically associated with poorly drained ;ilty clay/clay soil types such as Bashaw clay, usually in soils with no rock. As such, it is my professional opinion that t is unlikely that any of the three rare plant species listed above are present on the property. The Oregon Natural 'leritage Program was queried for a listing of observed sightings of rare plant and anima1 species in the project vicinity, l.lld no sightings were documented within I mile of the property. The documented sightings of Lomatium bradshawii, 4ster vialis, Erigeron decumbens, Cimicifuga elata, and Horkelia congesta were all from 2-10 miles from the site. A Jlant survey completed for the site has been included with the Supplemental Information section. A.rcheolm!v: No archeological investigation has been conducted on the property, and I am not aware of any known ll"cheological sites on the property. Page 5 , Joint Rem~val/Fill Permit Application for Larry Alberts: . 59th and Aster Streets, Springfield, Lane County, OR -':ontinuation Sheets . Vavifmtion. fishinz, recreation: The wetland area on the property is in private ownership, and does not receive lavigational,' fishing, or recreational use. 4diacent land and uses: Adjacent land and uses include multifamily residential and Aster Street to the west, single 'amily residential, a doctor's office, and Highway 126 to the north, single family residential with a large lot and pasture o the east, and a vacant steep hill t~ the south timbered with primarily Douglas-fir, referred to locally as Potato Hill. 3. Corns discussion. Alternative sites and deSil!:ns. continued. fhe landowners have been looking for a relatively small piece ofland within the Springfield city limits with MDR ooning for several years, as they are limited by the amount of money they can invest. This was the only affordable and .'elatively small piece ofland that has been available for MDR within the city that they were able to locate. Jther alternatives considered for design of the project include: I) No Irnoact: design a traditional duplex development with 4 lots, minimum lot size of 4500 square feet, with no impact to wetlands. Although this alternative results in no impact to wetlands, this was considered least preferred due to. the low return on the investment. In addition, this alternative would meet the development/zoning goals for this parcel at a relatively low level, with only 50% of the property used for development. . . 2) Moderate Imoact: design a traditional development with 5-6 lots, minimum lot size of 45CV~~ttare f~~ ~h . . . ..., .. ..... an lIllpact of 0.3 acres to the on-sIte wetlands (63% of the wetland area). This alteCla11-.e, wlJile.~ill pn,:;,l:mlJg' some wetland area, would require greater mitigation costs, and would likely invol~iostalling.a culvert fohlle drainage feature because of the larger area of impact associated with excavating if drainage featu_e in tht:.: .. : remaining emergent and forested wetland area. As such, this would have a negative iulpact tJ.; th~ hydJ;Q~~ and other functions of the wetland by removing a large part of the upslope water St!JtlfC@ for tq~ reinainDlg. .. . wetland area. ..:.W: . .... 3) Moderate Imoact: design of a cluster development with 8 duplex lots, with an wm of 0.3 ~.es to. ..... wetlands. This alternative, while still preserving some wetland area, would requir<;)g..dter ~li&~tion c~I!~~d . would likely involve installing a culvert for the drainage feature for the same reason as descrlUt:d in. 2) abt1'M. . As in 2) above, tllls alternative would have a negative impact on the hydrology and other functions of the wetland by removing a large part of the upslope water source for the remaining wetland area: . 4) Full Irnnact:: design a traditional development with 7 lots, minimum lot size of 4500 square feet, with full impact to wetlands, Although this alternative results in the highest development and better meets the zoning for the property, it is not realistic because of the total impacts to emergent and forested wetlands, and is counter to the mitigation requirements ofDSL and the Corps, which include avoidance and minimization of impacts to wetlands as top priority design criteria. In addition, this alternative would require greater mitigation costs, and would likely involve installing a culvert for the drainage feature which would have a relatively great negative impact on the hydrology and other functions of the adjacent wetland area by changing the hydrology to be more flashy with higher peak flows since the absorptive property of the onsite wetland would have been removed through its development. This alternative would also likely result in an increase risk of flooding to upslope properties to the east as the fill for the development would be higher than the grade, and may cause high waters to back up upslope. 5. Measures to Minimize Imnacts. continued. :hereby limiting potential impact to the wetland from leaks. Equipment will be inspected for leaks and repaired as uecessary prior to operating in the wetland area. Silt fence will be used to demarcate the limits of construction along che wetland area; this will be installed prior to the onset of construction activities. All disturbed areas will be reseeded with an erosion control seed mix consisting of native grasses (see attached). The reconstructed stream channel will be Page 6 joint Removal/Fill Permit Applicalionfor Larry Alberts:. 59'h and Aster Streets, Springfield, Lane County, OR ContillUation Sheets 10' wide and I' deep, with no steeper than I vertical: 4 horizontal slopes. The reconstructed channel will be seeded with the same native grass seed mix mentioned above (see attached). The portion of the reconstructed channel along the east property line will be planted with willows and may require class 100 riprap, in order to stabilize the (shallow) bank; the channel will only be 6" - I' deep and the gradient is so flat that it is anticipated that even during peak flows, discharge will be limited to 1 '/second, according to Branch Engineering (the gradient from S. 64th to S. 59th is less than I%} . Stormwater off the paved surfaces will be pretreated within the system with a dual chambered catchbasin, likely with an oil/water separator and filter mechanism per City of Springfield regulations. In addition, annual maintenance will be performed on the in-system catchbasin in order to ensure peak performance, per Springfield regulations. 6. Adioininl! Pronerrv Owners. continued West: Velma Goldsmith, 2193 Elysium, Eugene OR 97401 Clark Hall PO Box 716, Winchester, OR 97495 Chung Jin Plummer, 233 S. 59th S1. Springfield, OR 97478 South: Alberts Development LLC, 2660 Edgewater Dr., Eugene, OR 97401 .' . . ...... ..... . . . .... ..... . . .... . . . . ...... .... . . ...... o. . . ...... . . . . ...... o. . . . ...... . . . .... . . o. . . o. o. .... ...... .... . . . o. . .... . ....... . . .... . . .... o. o. ...... . o. . . . . . .... .... Page 7 ,. 'ft) Crrv! COUNTY' PlANNING DEPARTMENT AFFIDAVIT . (to be completed by locol plonninQ officiol) ? This project is not regulated by the locol comprehensive plan and zoning ordinance. . ) OThiS project has been reviewed and is consistent with the local comprehensive plan and zoning ordinance: OThis project has been reviewed and is not consistent with the local comprehensive plan and zoning ordinance. ct> Consistency of this project with the local pianning ordinance cannot be determined until the following local approval(s) ore obtained: o Conditionol Use ADproval o Pion Amendment o Development Permit o Zone Change o Other f\~v-. - G"\l\' Llca:.1\Ov'\ ",,-J\?YVi \\.-eel- 1'\~l-; UJ03 An application IZ1 has (6\ has not b.een made for local approvals checked above. -11HLv{ Ql11nU-t . SignahJr~f local planning official) tV/(...JJ\J/l.P rl Trlie ';0 CUl\'fA,';~rl coY I Cou tf!) e; :'.OMf! ..... . . ..... ... . . . .... ...... <ID .... C Z c....... OASTAL ONE ERTlFICATlON. . .. .. . If the proposed actMty described in your permit application is within the Oregon coastal zone, the following t;:~~on is requU'~ before your application can be processed. A pubUc nonce wlll be issued with the certification statement which will be fOl'Worded to th~,Qr~ Dep_,;" ,~, .. of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) for its concurrence or objection. For additionQnnt,,7mation ono!>leOregO{l~Q,""al Zone Management Program. contact the department at 1175 Couit Street NE. Salem. Oregon 97310 or call !;m..~7~; . . .. . ...... . . . . .. _ . CERTIFICATION STATEMENT .... ._. . ...... . .... I certify that. to the best of my knowiedge and belief. the proposed activify described in this app~'i~~rfcompliM ~ the apP'''.~ Oregon Coastal Zone Management Program and will be completed in a manner consistent with the program. . : .... . . . . .... .. Prtnt/Type Name . rifle Applicant Signature Date. "- @ SIGNATURE FOR JOINT ApPUCATlON (REQUIRED) Appfication is hereby made for the activmes described herein. I certify that I. am fammor with the information contained in 1tle application. and to the best of my kno'Wledge and belief. this information is true. complete. and accurate. I further certify that I possess 1tle authoritylndudjng the necessary requisite property interests to l... .~.;;...; ......~e the p. _~...."".;;..~ activities. I understand thatthe granting of other perrnl'h; . by locoL county. state or federal agencies does not re~ase me from the requirement of obtaining 1tle perrT1fts requested before commencing the project. I understand that local permits may be required before the state removal-fill pernt is issued. I understand 1tlat payment of 1tle required state processing fee does not guarantee permit issuance. (cooppliconf) nile (Cooppficonf) dz... -O~-O.3 Date I certify that I may act os the duly authorized agent of the applicant. [y-:hf1.'- C, /{'1 111 j a./lY1 PrtntfType Nome Tille +v2'_~~ Authorized Agent ?ignature 2.S--U3 Dote SUPPLEMENTAL WETlAND IMPACT INFORMATION' (FOR WETlAND FIlLS ONLY) Site Conditions of impact area. Impact area is 0 Ocean 0 Estuary 0 River 0 Lake 0 Siream lD Freshwater Wet1and Nole: Estuarion Resource Replacement is required by state law tor projects involving.lntertidal or tidal marsh alterations. A separate Wetlands Resource Compensation Plan may be appended to the application, Has a wet1and delineaiian been completed for this site? . Yes 0 No If yes, by whom: Nancy' Holzhauser of Environmental SOlutions 2540 pierce Street Eugene OR 97405wD ~ 2002-0170 Describe the eXisiing physical and biological character of the wetland/waterway site by area and type of resource (use separate sheets and photos, if necessary) The wetland area was delineated in a Wetland Delineation Report completed by Environmental Solutions LLC in . March 2002, at the request of the previous landowner, Steve Billings. The report received concurrence from DSL in April 2002 (WD # 202-0170). A total of 0.48 acres ofwetl;md was delineated on the property in this wetland delineationreport. The delineated wetland area runs along the base of Potato Hill. The north pOIJion. consists of approximately 0.37 palustrine emergent wetland (wet prairie and shallow drainage feature) and th~.soUih po~j~K . consists of 0.11 acres of palustrine forested wetland. The wetland area continues off tfi~. si{(!botl1, t6"rtle eas, omd. 50 the west. The doininant vegetation in the emergent wetland area is western buttercup (Rtmllflculus. occidentalis~ . . . FACW), colonial bentgrass (Agrostis tenuis: FAC), and camas (Camassia quamash:F!\CW). Too fOiested ..:..: ...... .. wetland area at the base of Potato Hill, has an overstory dominated with Oregon ash (F/;,axi/1US latifolia: F ACw;j.. and an understory dominated with western buttercup and camas. . . .. : : .. . . . . . . . .... .... ...... . . . . .- A shallow intermittent stream/ditch approximately l' deep and 10' wide runs from east ({~~ hmtimJrtttrJll sheeO.... .. . : -. .... ...... ' ... ... . . Resource Replacement Mitigation . .': .... .... Describe measures to be taken to replace unaVOidably impacted wet1and resources .. .. Wetland mitigation for this project has been accomplished through design of the project with the goals of avoidance ~d minimization of wetland impacts. This has resulted in a minimization of areal impact to the on-site wetland area and retention of the primary features of the wetland. The hydrological characteristics of the on-site wetland have been maintained through relocation'ofthe drainage feature that allows for upslope drainage and spreading of water across the wetland site, an additional form of mitigation for potential impacts from the proposed constniction project: The project has been designed such that the only unavoidable impact to the onsite wetland is fill at the "very north end of the wet prairie component, amounting to a loss of approximately 0.14'acres of the 0.48-acre on-site wetland area. Compensation for this unavoidable impact to the on-site wetland is proposed to be through purchase of credits at an approved mitigation bank, most likely the Amazon Creek Mitigation Bank owned by David Jampolsky. The temporary impact associated with the relocation of the drainage feature (amounting to 0.03 acres: 130' long and 10' wide) within the existing wetland, was determined to be a temporary impact since it does not result in a permanent loss of functions for the on-site wetland compared to pre-construction conditions, per the HGM assessment. Avoidance of impacts was not considered possible without severely compromising the financial return and development needs for this MDR property (see discussion of No Impact alternative). Minimization was accomplished by keeping the development at the very north end of the property, which maintains 71% of the on-site wetlands as a contiguous piece adjacent to a forested hill that will most likely not be developed in the future due to its steepness, and by also maintaining an open drainage feature, although in a new location, to allow upslope waters to drain downslope as they do.at the present time, and also to allow the water to (see conlinuation sheet) . Because this Informotion is not necessary for a complete application, you moy submit this sheet and other environ- mental Information aHer submiHing your applicaTIon. -;irdRemoval/Fill Permit Application for Larry Alberts: , 59'h and Aster Streets, Springfield, Lane County, OR :ontinuation Sheets liolOl!ical and Phvsical Character of Wetland. continued. J west across the north portion of the palustrine emergent portion of the wetland area. Water was running in the hannel at the time or the site visit (March 2002), and the channel and its banks were vegetated primarily with birdsfoot '~ttercup (Ranunculus orlhorhyncus: FACW), tufted hairgrass (Deschampsia cespilosa: FACW), and water hickweed (Jvfontiafontana: OBL). :he soil samples throughout the wetland area are primarily gravelly silty clay loarns similar to the description of :ourtney gravelly silty clay loam. The observed soils in the wetland area had a color of 10YR 2/2, with a silty clay Jam surface layer over a gravelly silty clay loam layer at about 6", over a clay loam layer at about 13". Observed 'ydric soil characteristics in the soils in the wetland area included common distinct mottles in the top 10" of the urface. . )bserved indicators of wetland hydrology during the March 2002 site visit were inundation and/or saturated soils in he upper 12" of the surface in the wetland portions of the site. The drainage channel was inundated to a depth of6" end flowing to the west. The wetted width was approximately 4'. The forested wetland area in the far south portion of he site was either slightly inundated or had.saturated soils and standing water in the top 10" of the surfaie. The source . '-' ...... ..... lf hydrology for the wetland area appears to be primarily from surface runoff and precipi!::l1jQp.. The' drainage f~~ :arries water from the upslooe properties to the east across the site to the west. . 00.0 000000 000000 . . ...... .... .... o . ...... \ stormdrain system was constructed along the north portion of the west property line in early surruoe~ ~02, by tOO 0 lrevious landowner prior to Subdividing the larger parcel and selling it to the present lando~wpers. Tbi~ fPJlstrueriprr: nvolved excavating a ditch to place the pipe, which ends in an area drain in the middle of rt:1\: sllallow.ditch at t1ie PRrJ:h :nd of the on-site wetland. In conjunction with the installation of the stormdrain, additiOli3.J:iiea was graded, i.J:Jctuding ,shallow grading to the swale and the portion of the wetland north of the swale, anticipa~t~:be aPli~<Wmatelyo!500 :quare feet of wetland area. Nancy Holzhauser of Environmental Solutions LLC, who hatl'cNnpleted taft delinootioD; ... .... :onducted a site visit on January 9, 2003 in order to assess the extent of grading, and it appears that th!:"ttlp 1-3" was mpacted along the western portion ofthe swale/ditch and the western portion of the wetland north of the swale/ditch, lowever the Rammculus occidentalis, R orlhorhynclms, Montia fonlana, Camassia quamash, Agrostis tenuis, and ';'estuca anmdinacea were coming back much as they were observed during the March 2002 site visit for the original lelineation report There were some camas bulbs at the surface at the far east end of the wetland area. No fill appears . o have been place on the wetland area, it looks like the grader was used to smooth the disturbed area impacted during :onstruction and installation of the stormdrain system. There is no apparent change in topography compared to the' )bservationS from the March 2002 site visit. A soil profile was taken With the January 9 visit, and the observed soils Nere gravelly sandy loam in the top 12", the same as observed with the March 2002 site visit, with the top 2-4" of silty :lay loam observed on the March 2002 visit absent. The swale/ditch is still 6-12" deeper than the surrounding grade, md 10-20' wide, as it was observed in the 2002 site visit. It appears that the majority of grading occurred on the Jpland area at the north end of the property, based on reduced vegetation (it was previously a grass field) present. \fo wetland features are mapped on the site in the NWI, however two palustrine forested features are mapped east and Nest adjacent to the site (refer to wetland delineation report). A palustrine emergent and forested wetland is mapped lCroSS the south portion of the site on the Springfield Wetland Inventory map (refer to wetland delineation report). Resource Reolacement Mitil!"ation. continued. ;pread across the wetland area instead of being rushed off the site through a culvert. In addition, by using a cluster jevelopment design, impacts to the onsite wetlands are minimized since development is more compacted in as much Jpland area as possible, enabling more wetland area to be retained for open space while accommodating a greater Page 8 Ji~t Rern;val/Fill Permit Applicationfor Larry Alberts: . 59th and Aster Streels, Springfield, Lane County, OR :Jntinllation Sheets Imber of housing units than with a conventional development design. he upland area at the south end of the property is a forested upland that is not realistic for use as an on-site wetland -eation rrutigation project without severely compromising its present functions for wildlife habitat and vegetation !versity_ In order to develop it into wetlands, grading or some other mechanism would have to be used to increase ooding or near-surface saniration, to the point that the upland trees would likely be killed. These trees are bigleaf laple, white oak, and Douglas-fir that are up to 60' tall and 12" dbh, and provide a valuable wildlife habitat function_ .dditional upland in the nonh portion of the site is not realistic for use as a wetland creation mitigation project because f constraints provided by the soil type, hydrology, and topography_ In addition, most, of that land will be used for the evelopment, and all available vacant land will be the small yards for the duplex and therefore not practical for use as a letland mitigation site. 'he property owners do not own other land within the area that is suitable for use as a mitigation site. Vacant land ontaining wetlands and potential uplands that could be used to create wetlands is present within I mile to the east and ,est of the site, however it is all in private ownership and no pieces are for sale at the present time. I have contacted lther wetland consultants in the. area (Pat Thompson and Ann Christiansen), the McKenzie Watershed U:lUncil, and the .1cKenzie Trust, and none are aware of excess land available for mitigation associated wit~,Cl\her prtJjects nor Qt:::' mgoing wet prairie restoration projects suitable for payment in lieu within the McKenzie~atlifshed., :::: ' ..:..: .. ...... 3ecause the permanent impacts to wetlands are relatively small with the proposed projec{ (29% or 0: 1 ~,;," of tlie (j: ~8 IC of onsite wetlands), and because there are no opportunities for onsite mitigation or mi~ga!w,n witml!,1, ~Ie G~ }1l8: ;ite, mitigation for unavoidable impacts is proposed through purchase of 0.14 credits from'<fl1 appro"e<2.mitigatib'n t>~ ",hich has a service area that includes this project; as such, it will most likely be the Amaio& I::reek Wetland Mitiiatron 3ank_ ...... ....... ..... .. .... .. ~. , .. " , .... ...... , , .... Page 9 "...\. ., Division of State Lands . Compensatory Mitigation Form (revised 5/4/96) the permit involves multiple compensatory mitigation projects at different locations en use a separate sheet for each location. Please be sure to complete Item #1 and the and total acreages for impacts and mitigation, Items #2 and #3. Give breakdowns by lwardin class onlv if known. using a wetland mitigation bank, please provide written proof of use from the bank ,erator and check the mitigation bank box below. Complete only Item #1 if using a :tigation bank. Larry Alberts. (Applicant) /) to /,,9+-P+= Permit No. (iflmown) . ..... o rTIGATION SITE LOCATION .... o 0 o 0 .... o 0 .... tigation Site # ...... 0 Ama 7.on 0 0 0 0 Range Taxo:(.cto($) .... 0 .... Adjacent Waterway unty Section Township Lanp S.G.S. Hydrologic Uriit Code (HUC) No. ...... o 0 .. I'er Basin Name West Amazon .... . ........ . o f\rm 7 J')v\ Cl("ef',~: i1Itl-h~~'~t\6q;1k, Mitigation Bank To ~ Utilized U - .. . . . E:TLAND IMPACTS ..... o 0 ..... ....... o 0 .. ...... o 0 .. .... .. o 0 .. .. .... o o o ... .. ...... o 0 .... What wetland type or types will be filled or converted by your removal-fill project? (Not the compensatory mitigation project.) .List all of the types. Where "wetland types" are requested on ' thiS form, the Division uses the Cowardinl wetland classification codes found on National . Wetland Inventory Maps. Below are the most common wetland types. If your wetland type is not listed, use one of the blank spaces and fill in the appropriate code. Also, indlcate the acreage . involved for each wetland type you list. Acreages should be listed to the 11100 of an acre if . . 'bl .. . . pOSSl .e. (F=Fill, R=Remove, C=Convert) Acres _~G:':."~~ Acres . F R C F R C F R C ?EM 0.14 0.0310R3RB o E2EM ?88 OR3UB OE2SS ?FO o R4SB o E2FO Acr-es F R o o o J.03 ac are temDorarv imDact. 0.14 ~r ~rp ~prm~nQnr ;m~~r~ Grand Total of Wetland Impacts n 17* Acres )MPENSATORY MITIGATION List all of the wetland types (on the reverse side) that will result from your proposed compensatory mitigation project by mitigation kind and wetland type, Indicate the acreage involved for each wetland type you list. . c ,;, , RESTORATION Acres Acres Acres }PEM I PSS } PFO o R3RB o R3lJ13 o R4SB o E2EM o E2SS o E2FO o o o Restoration Total Acres -.. ..... ENHANCEMENT Acres -onsite for temporary im~act Acres Acres Acres IPEM " ""0 UR3RB o E2EM 0 ~ . - - o R3UB o E2SS 0 IPSS IPFO U R4SB o E2FO 0 Enhancemerit Total 0.03 Acres ... - . . . . ".- nn_:j(]:R~TIQN~:_: . ..-.-.. . .- . - . . . - ... . - _ .... _.___n. _ . . ....._.~ _.. Acres . . . .. .. . r;Jr..... . . 1,;,;1. . D.... . . .s .. Acres Acres !PEM :PSS PFO OR3RB OR3UB o R4SB. ..... o E2EM o E2SS OE2FO '- Creation Total Acres ...... ...\. .. . . pcre~. .. .... .... .. , .~ . . Jli;J . . .... Acres . . ...... . .... . . .... . .- ....... . .... o . ::~.. . ... . .- ..~... .'.: . . GrandTotal of Wetland Mitigation 0.17* . Ac~e' .. *Pl1rcha,,,e;'f 0 14 ac credit.s from f'tYVLQWV\. evedvV\AA-h"9ct-kCly\ ba..1\.1G .; Is pan or all oftne compensatory mItIgatIOn project'Eate-a pfibr convened croplanC1, a rilrnied wetland or a former wetland that is now upland? If known, state which type below: . No. Ifan upland buffer is proposed, please give average width and type: Width (ft.) Acres . Forested Scrub/Shrub Herbs/Grasses Buffer Total Fom completed by .:tIP!.lNj ,,/.LJ--;, l(S~ n Acres flWtUL t.bIVuu~ ~rinted Name) owardin. ClassificatiOIl ofW~thnds and neeuw::lter Ihhltat.c: "ftb", Uniterl. States, 1979. 're2'on Division of Stat.e l..auds. Wetland Inventnrv Use--;.~ Guide 1990. - , l/'&1103 , (Date) ..... . . ~.... ...... . . .. ...... . . ... ..: :J ~ .-- fDmitfr:m.,doc 'Joini Removal Fill Permit Application. Aoolicant: Alberls, at S. 5!l" and Aster Streets SUDDlemental Infonnation Concurrence Letter from DSL Figure 1: Site Location Map Figure 2: Wetland Delineation Map Figure 3: Alternative 1 . Figure 4: Alternative 2 Figure 5: Alternative 3 Figure 6:. Alternative 4 Figure 7: Alternative 5 Figure 8: Cross-Sections Figure 9: Pre-Construction Drawing with Topographic Lines Figure 10: Post-Construction Drawing with Topographic Lines Relocation of Swale: Grading and Planting . Grading Plan for Relocated Swale Planting Plan for Relocated Swale Natural Grass Seed Mixture and Plantings for Relocated Swale Hydrogeomorphic Assessment: Pre- and Post-Construction Plant Survey Springfield, Lane County, Oregon . . ..... ..... . . . . ...... .... ..... . . .... .. . . . . . .... . .. ...... . ...... . . . . . ...... .. . ...... . . .. . . . . .... .. .. .. . . .... .... ...... . . . . .. .... . . . .... ...... . . .... ...... .. .. . .. . . . . . .... .... C. ~H.;( tJp'j. tII.2.)~ S"l5f A.sT€1<- DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS. PORTLAND DISTRICT EUGENE FIELD OFFICE 1600 EXECUTIVE PARKWAY, SUITE 210 EUGENE, OREGON 97401-2156 REPLY TO ATTENTION OF: March 11, 2003 Operations Division Regulatory Branch Corps No. 2002-00024 Mr. Larry Alberts 4710 Village Plaza Loop, Suite 200. Eugene, Oregon 97401 Dear Mr. Alberts: The U.S, Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) has received your permit application requesting Department of the Army authorization to fill 0,14 acres of wetland to extend Aster Street %lnc1 nmstrqc;1".. six duplexes with driveways. The project is shown in the enclosed drawings (Eoc.l.,sure Ij. The ..:... . . .... project is located in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, .. . ..... ...... . . .. ...... . . ...... This letter verifies that your project is authorized under the terms and limitations oflSfaliodrowide .... Permit No. 39 (Residential, Commercial, and Institutional Developments). Th~ CQ~s und'eri'L~Qds tht~:..: property is part of a larger parcel that was recently subdivided. For purposes on~~.<;orps.r";".iew of .. .::. nationwide permit thresholds and the cumulative impact analysis, we continue to"\:it'w all parcels as .. . . .... . part of the angInal property. ..:_ _: .. .... .... .. .. ...... . .. . . ... .... Your activities must be conducted in accordance with the conditions found in Regional CMttlitions. (Enclosure 2), General Conditions (Enclosure 3), and the following project specific conditions: a. The permittee shall purchase 0,14 credits from the mitigation site prior to the first discharge of dredge or fill material into the regulated wetlands. A copy of the receipt for the purchase of' mitigation credits shall be provided to the below address: U.S, Army Corps of Engineers ATTN: NWP-OP-G E (Compliance - Lane County) 1600 Executive Parkway, Suite 210 Eugene, Oregon 97401 b. Permittee shall constmct the relocation of the existing swale using an existing stom] drain easement, so as to avoid impacts to surrounding wetlands. The site will be moderately dry before grading in order to reduce impacts from compaction. c. The permittee must retain and replace four to six inch layer of topsoil for the new swale. Revegetation planting will be done as seeding with native mix immediately following construction and reseeded as necessary. . -2- Section 401 water quality certification from the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has not been issued for this nationwide permit. Therefore, this authorization will not become valid until certification is issued. By copy of this letter, we are notifying DEQ of your proposed work and thus requesting their certification. The certification will be considered by Mr. Tom Melville, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, 811 SW Sixth Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97204-5694. When water quality certification has been issued, you must provide this office a copy, along with the conditions of their certification,. The conditions of the 401 certification are conditions ofthis authorization, Your activities must be conducted in accordance with those conditions as well as those conditions enclosed with this letter. Your failure to ensure compliance with any of the listed conditions could result in the Corps initiating an enforcement action. We also direct your attention to the Regional Conditions (Enclosure 2) that requires the transfer of this permit if the property is sold and General Conditions 14 that requires you to submit a signed certificate when the work is completed. A "Compliance Certification" is provided (Enclosure 4). Failure to comply with any of the listed conditions could result in.the Corps initiating an enforcement action. This authorization does not obviate the need to obtain other permits ;.vhe~e required. Permits, such as those required from the Oregon Division of State Lands (ODSLj'nl'ttler Oregon's Removal/Fill Law, must also be obtained before work begins. <..:' ,...., .... ..... , , ..... ...... , This verification is valid for a period of two years from the date of this'letter unles,s th.. ":' 0: nationwide permit expires, is modified, reissued, or revoked prior to that date. f.llpation;';idoe'permiJ~o::o are scheduled tobe modified, reissued, or revoked in March 2007. If you comfQ..l\c~ or areL'h'aer ..'..0 . . .... contract to commence this activity before the date the nationwide permit expire~:~ roodified or revoked, you will have 12 months from the date of the modification or revocation to comp.l<<eotl1e ...... . activity under the present terms and conditions of the current nationwide permiJo' ..' .... o .. o 0 , .... .... .. o 0 .. .... o o o .... ...... , , Ill... If you have any questions regarding this nationwide permit verification, please contact Merina Christoffersen at the letterhead address or telephone (541) 465-6882, Sincerely, ~~rVl~ ~awrence C. Evans Chief, Regulatory Branch Enclosures Copy Furnished: Oregon Division of State Lands (Cary) Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (Melville) OP-GP - (Edmonston) .PTo:l".l;l~ ~ ~', Street Atlas USA@2003 I ,; Jl' y J ~ .' . . .... . . .... i. .. . .. .. . .... . .. .... . . . I.. , ./ l... --/j / (, ! '" / I ~ ~ .', ) r~ , " . ~Io\N(11_"EI I: ,. , ~~ , : J 1" =1.48 rni 1 Delineation Report/or S Billin"s: Aster St. j,/i:.. Sprinweld, Lane County, Ore"on -i...Jl 7 "'",. '. \ I"': ".~f:.:_ "'.:.\... . ~ I' FIGURE 1: Site Location Map ~ :N Source: Springfield USGS Quad Scale: 2.6" = I mile , '::r I~' ,I' . ~ I l~ li~ . ,. i) 1 I I ,Ii' li:I' 'I ' j. , Il' II,; .': ~ <, . .!Jll I~' i~i ;'1 ;fl <. i! I ;1 I i I II It I!I ~""\'l" il~ il~ !l" iL'! ilij II, II~ II~ 'I' III " II ,II lu II ! , I, . <t' i :~~ ;~^~:t I .. .. .. . . . il: ~I It II Ii III "I iil il I !I 1/ i J j) Wetland,Delineatian Report (or S. Billings: Aster SI. ,,:..'- 1 Springfield, Lane Cawfly, Oregan FIGURE 3: Wetland Delineation on 2000 Aerial Photo ~'11 Sample points ~l:i~.:. Wetlands Scale: I" = 100' Date of photo: 6/4/00 r'ttt?~~.......~~~..f,,"<~::iY-':p- . ~.... .~~~",,~~..~;J::;"!jo._ " Joint Removal Fill Permit Application. , Aoolicant: Alberts, at S 59th and Aster Streets Springfield, Lane County, Oregon ASTER STREET ~~ KGUARD RAIL '" PUBLIC. STREET81 FUTURE 36" -::0157.: - ---=Z/!;f --:i" STORM MIl ~ ,,/OI'OSCD j6" SIORM - - U BY OTHERS /' I. :1<; RJM.507.31 ~ -5070SIG~n_a:!~ ,/:,0' I~Y" ,II. "~~4~ ;~~~'I . FND 5IB"/R /: i' --~. -1---1--;-- NO_CAP 0 -1 I Ir) ::J f , I() J .' 'I ~ ::] t ':i !- _~ ~ 5' ---I /) ~r lu i" ,'^. i ~IC "'" I ''t- I / / g g t;; I PR/~~';t' ~'~'-<' /~~;" '; . ~ 55 . ~ I ff;JlRlV~. .o~ /P o 11' 3< '-"-'~"". '--l,; . ~ ~ v 507 C' 1---./~. : ~~ I :', , /, ~ .0;00 ~/~...:. 6' WOOD FENCE ' ~ . ~ .,@,Z;.,,' ----- - .... ----.. rJV:>' -- ~ ~ . .. ...... I'- 1<; I 00.0./ ~~.,. .....0SEN7!'krJvE .... Ir) I ~5 / / .,' :;06. OF SWALE ...... . ......---....... -- ... . "- . 0 ~,,~.S ....." ........-- ........ AREA DRAIN 1IJ n ~/.~ / . / ... RiM=505.75 ~ ~I . ~::~66~;:i ~] 506~ ..: ..::" '. ~... STORM MIl,' .'. ~ ~.. . ~ RIM=505,98 "-. ..,. . ~.' ". ~ UMITSW.F.H-L. .; "0. . '. . ,. .. :.. ~& 'B/JILoOl'lli J>AD . FJII~ .":: ~5.r.:--:'~~_ _ * -. . . 0,ro?: ... 'CONSIIii.Jt]1.0N :'.;...: . 36' siO . _~.::::t- '. . " . <; "'--RELOc"AOItP.. .... N Et\SiltlG . 'I".so~ - r ~ <--()"o-" . ~SWALE I . "-OJ <J' ('.. 0 . . r ~lf~ JO I '" . . / . J /# . "4' WIRE FiNCE -KJ ~ ~ () ___ .. <,cr. . {;- . JANUARY 30. 2003 ;- ~"",,? ':i ,..-----/ 4' WIRE FENCE..-----'" - ./ . ~ I\.....- '"" , i :1 <j \. . y. vo . . "o.o~ /509Ji ~ ;/REVlSED SOUTHERN / \. / ............:,/~~.;~ ~ WETLAND BOUNDARY ~/~::'../~~('5;~:M~. . ~AIf) "'O"~' / ~N8:r43'3~"W . jl?qq -;1-;=-:--;~ . ~ :S 0) 10 .(,j 1? pc.Y.- o :to x ~ Ir) I() Ir) ~ ..... . . ..... ...... . . .. .. OJ.. . .. -;:'~".... 1/ Figure 10 of 10: Post-Construction Drawing with Topographic Lines- Area south of Aster Street Source: Branch Engineering ~ .,. i " ~-.: Wetland D/". e meation Re . portfor S Billinvs' A ". ster St. Sprin?fie1d L . ' ane Coun . ty, Oref!,on , ; .~ :5 ~ l- V) ~I . I SITE !jt" .. J 1'---/ ~I . I I I ! I Ma.f(\ St-ree.+ C ' ,.. YW.'j \'t.bJ . j" 1 ~ ! .1...1 .. J.... . i ! I , ! .. J o . :...:. ..:(.. . ... . ,.- 0' 0 = AS"," $T ~.I'I'.I~:ljI ,~fii . -~~ I~J " . ~~".-~. ~.." ",J M- 5 ? J · ,., "''' "'" F. I ,",,"m~ ~" c . '"'' ,,,. 'p 1l ...c'; .. e eV M-c; . jt0~,;::" I I- 1]\ lfl -(;1- :- ,... o : ... I 0" 1J ..:' . ...., ...... ... . '...f .. o 0 " 1 ! r 1 . ..... . o 0 o i . ~----- ~l-.-----'- ;~5~ c. i:';-:.," 't .JV II -- . Springfield Loc al Wetland I nventory (L W 1) Map Scale: not dete . rmmed -.,-':.. ' -.:;:.~::" .": ; :";..:... ~;,. . ,,',,,,.;,, ' " . ,,,~ ';'.1;~,:;-~{:,.' ~,. , " '-, ,..,,'''' ;}'.'?>;--,~;:- . 'Je!ineiltio,!.Reporljor S BilIinffs: Aster St. Springfield; Lane County, Oregon MCKENZIE HIGHWAY 66,00' . 66,00' I " g I' '" (5 '" ~ ~ I ~ '" '" '" '" . ~ '" " ." !> <; 1> '" b (5 '" '" " " " ~~ 66.00' 66.00' N 89"44'OO~ W tJ2.00' .... . . . . " '" ~ 2 ...; '" ...... . . ~LE: 7" - 100' N 89"44'oo71w 1.12.00' . . . .. .. . " ASTER STREET :;. '" jsP1 N 7:4<'00- W IJ2'OO', ...... . .' .. .. ...... . . .. '" '" '" '" REGISTERED I PROFESSIONAL AND SURvEYOR , "1r .-' ,.L-- c- V~<7~~ ~- OREGON ) JULY 16, 1988 oVEN E. WOODS 2365 IAL DATE' 6/30/02 & ASSOCIATES, INC. f:' ~ CONSTRUCTION WETLANDS DE LINEA nON MAP FOR DR. STEPHEN BILLINGS LOCATED IN SW 1/4 OF SEC, 34, T. 175.,R,2W.. w.M. LANE COUNTY, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON ~ATE: 3/13/02 DRN SY: SEW lVEYS 321, 321 HOLLY ST N CITY, OR 97448 2453, FAX 998-1648 FIGURE 2: Wetland Delineation Survey Map · SP1 Sample points Wptl'.:mt4C' . . . ..' .. . .. ,e . . .. -- . .- ... <.. . . -.. . ... I .. '. . . .. <. . .. .. . .. I. " II ., II 'on il I " r-- " I' II I' I' 'II " II ill 1 " ill ~ i ..:/; Ii :,' ,'. i . ..: . .. '1. ...,., . , . . I ... . :"'\J , . *' \:j J \;':.""1'P ==;=.... -:f . .'J..: . .t .~;' . "I II.' "i'l " ~ III II J /.: il >,oj I"~ II .I. I' , if iI, :~I iM, Iii :,,1 ~~i 'ii :~I 'I, ~ i ;id, ~1':' 'f . :Jt d Delineation Report (or S i;!jl!!!- '0 BilIin/is: Aster Si. Springfield, .... . . .... .... . .... ..... . . ..... ...... . . .. ...... . . .. ...... . . .. .. .... . . . .... .... . . .. .... west property line looking east up drainage channel. Note how shalll!lw ilie ban1d....: ... .... are, and tufted hairgrass growmg just along the waterline, .. .. Page 13 ~. Joint Removal Fill Penn it Application Applicant: Alberts, at S 59th and Aster Streets fl----- ~-----_J, , , , I Staging Area " , I . fl.' : : I: f f I:, LI_~ ~---~ ~-~i I' r-j r-j!: : ::f I Aster Street . : : : ::f . . )- r i--f-i- -i-t-.~ I I '.( f , ! . ::: : ' l : f I I \")-'" " " " , " ";' '" '" ... '" ... ... " ... " .... ~ .:J , A ,;:;; ~ I ..c.. ... -----...... .., J~~ 1~;;;; ')::';;ilii~~ ,; l<fljj:W~;:ii~~'~',il ~ /1 ............. ';'r.........~..... I ::;::;;:;;.:: ',:::::;:::::.;;;.: j /~ ::;:::~-.-:::: ::; :::;;::::;:;::; " L."~:;.;.;;" '~~:~~~:.' , I .~, A i.../ I " -"" 8 r~ '~.-' . ~B 1 ~ ~ I I f~ ~ , ~ / / / / . Springfield, Lane County, Oregon 0', SO' . .... ~.., 1'=50' 9\f Scale Wetland Boundary Filled swale o Fill impact area in wetland . Permanent impact 0.14 ac in .palustrine emergent wetland ~ Total wetland area. 0.48 acres A-A Cross sections: refer to Figure 8 of 10 Relocated swale in wetland Temporary impact 0.03 acre in palustrine emergent wetland ." , Portland District Regional Conditions (a) In-water Work Windows: All in-water work, including temporary fills or structures, shall occur between July I and October IS (timeframes are specific to the waterbody). Exceptions to these time periods require specific approval from the Corps. (b) Upland Disposal: All excess material will be taken to a suitable upland location for disposal. The material shall be placed in a location and manner that prevents its discharge into waterways or wetlands. (c) Heavy Equipment: Heavy equipment shall be operated from the bank and not placed in the stream unless specifically authorized by the District Engineer. Heavy equipment must be placed on mats or similar precautions must be taken to minimize damage to wetland resources. (d) Fish Screening: Fish Screening will comply with standards approved by the National Marine Fisheries Service or the Oregon Department ofFish & Wildlife, as appropriate. (e) Cultural ~esources & Human Burials: Permittees must immediately notify the District ErWW':O. if at any time during the course of the work authorized, human burials, cultural resourc<;,.,.qr historic properties, as.identified by the National Historic Preservation Act, may be affected. ']jail"~e to st2~:~erk . in the area of exposure until such time the Corps has complied with the provisions o(!JoJoffR 325, Appendix C, the National Historic Preservation Act and other pertinent regulations, tould result.in . . ...... violation of state and federal laws, Violators are subject to civil and criminal penaltie.s. . . . .. .. . .... . . .... (f) Fish Passage: Permittee shall insure activities authorized by nationwide permit ""i!~l'Iet restrict passage of aquatic life. Activities such as the installation of culverts or diversion struc~s, or ota". modifications to channel morphology must be designed to be consistent with fish pas's'a~e'ianda;d".'" .. .. developed by the Oregon Department ofFish and Wildlife (ODFW) and the Nationiol1 Marine FisIIe,,'es. Service (NMFS). The standards can be found in the document entitled "ODFW standards and Crii~ri~ for Stream Road Crossings". The streambed shall be returned to pre-construction contours after construction unless the purpose of the activity is to eliminate a fish barrier. (g) Riparian Vegetation Protection & Restoration: When working in waters of the United States or riparian areas the construction boundary shall be minimized to the maximwn extent practicable. Permittee shall mark and clearly define the construction boundary before beginning work. Native riparian vegetation will be successfully established along tributaries where the.vegetation was removed by construction, The plantings shall start. at the ordinary high water mark and extend 10 feet back from the top of the bank. The plantings must be completed by the end of the first planting season following the disturbance, (h) Erosion Controls: All practicable erosion control devices shall be installed and maintained in good working order throughout construction to prevent the unauthorized discharge of material into a wetland or tributary, The devices shall be installed to maximize their effectiveness, e.g. sediment fences shall generally be buried or similarly secured, These controls shall be maintained until permanent erosion controls are in-place. Enclosure (2) ..... . . ..... ...... . . .. ...... . . .. ...... . . .. .. .... . . . .... ...... . . .... Practicable erosion control measures include but are not limited to the following: a, Fill is placed in a manner that avoids disturbance to the maximum practicable extent (e.g. placing fill with a machine rather than end-dumping from a truck). . b. Prevent all construction materials and debris from entering waterway; c. Use filter bags, sediment fences, sediment traps or catch basins, silt curtains, leave strips or berms, Jersey barriers, sand bags, or other measures sufficient to prevent movement of soil; d. Use impervious materials to cover stockpiles when unattended or during rain event; e. Erosion control measures shall be inspected and maintained daily to ensure their continued effectiveness; f. No heavy machinery in a wetland or other waterway; g, Use a gravel staging area and construction. access; h. Fence off planted areas to protect from disturbance and/or erosion; and 1. Flag or fence off wetlands adjacent to the construction area, (i) Maps and drawings: In addition to.the items required in Nationwide Permit General Cond.ition.s 13, all preconstruction notifications shall contain maps showing the project location as well as pla:t-~~ and":" . cross-sectional drawings showing the proposed work. The map(s) shall be of a scare' and detailot~~learly ..... .. . . ....'.. identifY the project location(s), Drawings shall be sufficientin number and detail.t~.a.c.cvratelY'l'~ay .... the project. : .' ...... .. .. ...... .. . (j) Bank Protection: Riprap shall be clean, durable, angular rock. The use of o~r lll~lerials sucloas broken concrete, asphalt, tires, wire, steel posts or similar materials is not authorized.~ Die projet;t ~esign ...... shall minimize the placement of rock and maximize the use vegetation and organic nW~fial such as root wads to the extent practicable. Riparian plantings shall b~ included in all project de@~unlese:tfi~:. permittee can demonstrate they are not practicable. The permittee must notifY the ~istI'ict Engine~J; in accordance with nationwide permit general condition #13 for any activity that includes bank '.:..' stabilization, ...... . . .. .. .... . . . .... ...... . . .... (k) Inspection of project site: The permittee must allow representatives of the Corps to inspect the authorized activity to confirm compliance with nationwide permit terms and conditions. Personnel from the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality and the Department of Land Conservation and Development are considered to be authorized "representatives" for the purpose of Section 40] Water Quality qr Coastal Zone Management inspections. For projects on tribal land the Environmental Protection Agency is considered an authorized representative, A request for access to the site will normally be made sufficiently in advance to allow a property owner or representative to be on site with the agency representative making the inspection, (I) Sale of property/transfer of permit: If you sell the property associated with this permit, you must transfer the permit to the new owrier(s) and obtain their signature(s). A copy of this permit with the new owner(s) signature shall be sent to this office to validate the transfer of this permit authorization 1 .; I. 2. 3, 4. 5. 6, 7. 8. 9. 10. II. 12. 13, 14. IS. 16. 17, 18. 19. 20, 21. 22, 23. 24. 25. 26, 27, 28. 29, 30. 31. 32, 33. 34. 35. 36. 37, 38, 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. Aids to Navigation Structures in Artificial Canals Maintenance Fish and Wildlife Harvesting, Enhancement, and Attraction Devices and Activities Scientific Measurement Devices Survey Activities Outfall Structures and Maintenance Oil and Gas Structures Structures in Fleeting and Anchorage Areas Mooring. Buoys Temporary Recreational Structures Utility Line Activities Bank Stabilization Linear Transportation Projects U.S, Coast Guard Approved Bridges Return Water from Upland Contained Disposal Areas Hydropower Projects Minor Discharges Minor Dredging Oil Spill Cleanup Surface Coal Mining Activities Removal of Vessels Approved Categorical Exclusions State Administered Section 404 Programs Structural Discharges (Reserved) Stream and Wetland Restoration Activities Modifications of Existing Marinas Single-Family Housing Moist Soil Management for Wildlife Maintenance of Existing Flood Control Facilities Completed Enforcement Actions Temporary Construction, Access, and Dewatering Cranberry Production Activities Maintenance Dredging of Existing Basins Boat Ramps Emergency Watershed Protection and Rehabilitation Cleanup of Hazardous and Toxic Waste Resjdential, Commercial and Institutional Developments Agricultural Activities Reshaping Existing Drainage Ditches Recreational Facilities Stormwater Management Facilities Mining Activities Nationwide Permit General Conditions (From the January 15, 2002, Federal Register, Vol. 67, No. 10) .... . . .' . ...... . . . . . .. .. . ...... . . .. ...... . . .. .. . . ...... . .... . . .... . . ...... . .... . .... .... . . .... . .. .. . .... Enclosure (3) . ..... . . ..... ...... . . .. ...... . . .. ...... . . .. .. .... . . . .... ...... . . .... C. Nationwide Permit General Conditions The folloffing General Conditions must be followed in order for any authorization by an NWP to be valid: 1. Navi?'atirln. No activity may cause more than a minimal adverse effect on navigation. 2. Prover Maintenancp.. Any Structure or fill authorized shall be properly maintained, including maintenance to ensure public safety. 3. Soil Erosion mid Sediment Contrnls.. Appropriate soil erosion and sediment controls must be llsed and maintained in effective operating condition during construction, and all exposed soil and other fills, as well as any work below the ordinary high water mark or high tide line, must be permanently stabilized at the earliest practicable date. Permittees are encouraged to perform work within waters of the United States during periods oflow-flow or no~flow. . 4. AauQtic Lire Mow!.ments. No activity may substantially disrupt the necessary life-cycle rnovements of those species of aquatic life indigenous to the waterbody, including those species that normally migrate through the area, unless the activity's primary pUlpose is to impound water. Culverts placed.in streams must be installed to rr,;tintaill low flow conditions_ " : ..... .... '" . .... 5. E.auivment, Heavy equipment working in wetlands must be placed on mats, or other measurts nllst be ~. minlTTri7p soil disturbance. : ..... . . . 6. Ref?""ional and Ca~f'.-Bv-Ca.~e Cnnditions... The activity must comply with any regional conditions that ma)% rJ:';e.. been added by the Division Engineer (see 33 CFR 330.4(e)), The activity must comply with~:l' r~pnal conditiDoJo that may have been added by the Division Engineer (see 33 CFR 330.4( e)) and with any case spUific'conditiaoW. added by the COIl'S or by the state or tribe in its Section 40 I Water Quality Certification and ct~Zone Management Act consistency determination " . . . . . . . . ........ .. .... 7. Wild and Scenic Rivers. No activity may occur in a component of the National Wild and Sc~c"Itiver Sy9te~..~ in a river offiCially designated by Congress as a "study river" for possible inclusion in the system., while the nw.T'SI' in an official study status; unless the appropriate Federal agency, with direct management responsibility for such river, has determined.in writing that the proposed activity will not adversely affect the Wild and Scenic River designation, or study status, Information on Wild and Scenic Rivers may be obtained from the appropriate Federal land management agency in the area (e.g., National Park Service, U.S. Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service), 8. "Trihal Rip"Jz.ts. No activity or its operation may impair reserved tnbal rights, including, but not limited to, reserved water rights and treaty fishing and hunting rights. . 9. Water Ouali~, (a) In certain states and tribal lands an individual 401 Water Quality Certification must be obtained or waived (See 33 CFR330.4(c)). (b) ForNWPs 12, 14, 17, 18,32,39,40,42,43, and 44, where the state or tnbal 401 certi.:fication (either generically or individually) does not require or approve water quality management measures, the permittee must provide 'iVater quality management measures that wilJ ensure that the authorized work does not result in more than ~'";~, I degradation of water quality (or the COIl's determines that compliance with state or local standards, where applicable, will ensure no more than minimal adverse effect on water quality). An important component of water quality management includes s10IIDwater managementthat minimizes degradation of the downstream aquatic system, including water quality (refer to General Condition 21 for stormwater management requirements). Another important Component of water quality management is the establishment and maintenance of vegetated buffers next to open waters, including streams (refer to General Condition 19 for vegetated buffer requirements for the N'WPs). This condition is only applicable to projects that have the potential to affect Water quality, While appropriate measures mUSt be taken, in most cases it is Dot necessary to conduct detailed studies to identify such measures or to require monitoring. 2 ..... . . ..... ...... . . .. ...... . . .. ...... . . .. .. ..... . . . .... ...... . . .... 10. Coastal Zone Manaf!emen~. In certain states, an individual state coastal zone management consistency concurrence must be obtained or waived (see 33 CFR Section 330.4(d)). 11. Endan~ered Snecies. (a) No activity is authorized under any NWP, which is likely to jeopardize the continued existence of a threatened or endangered species, or a species proposed for such designation, as identified under the Federal Endangered Species Act (ESA), or which will destroy or adversely modify the critical habitat of such species, Non-federal permittees shall notify the District Engineer if any listed species or designated critical habitat . might be affected or is in the vicinity of the project, or is located in the designated critical habitat and shaIl not begin work on the activity until notified by the District Engineer that the reqnirements o[the ESA have been satisfied and that the activity is authorized. For activities that may affect Federally-listed endangered or threatened species or designated critical habitat, the notification must include the.name(s) of the endangered or threatened species that may be affected by the proposed work or that utilize the designated critical habitat that may be affected by the proposed work. As a result of formal or informal consultation with the FWS or NMFS the DistrictEngineer may add species'-specific regional endangered species conditions to the NWPs. (b) Authorization of an activity by a NWP does not authorize the "take" of a threatened or endangered species as defined under the ESA. In the abs~nce of separate authorization (e.g., anESA Section 10 Permit, a Biological Opinion with "incidental take" provisions, etc.) from the USFWS or the NMFS, both lethal and non-lethal "takes" of protected species are in violation of the ESA. Information on the location of threatened and endangered spe..es .~" . .."1- their critical habitat can be obtained directly from the offices of the USFWS and NMFS or their world wide web . ..... pages at http://www.fws;gov/r9endspp/endspp.htrnl and http;llwww.nrnfs.noaa,gOv/proCreslo""r'le~es.htnt .... . respectively. .... - ...... . 12. Hirton.c ProDerties. No activity which may affect historic properties listed,. or ~1igible for tsting, in the : ... :. National Register of Historic Places is authorized, until the District Engineer has complied with the provisiOn! of33 o . CFR Part 325, Appendix C. The prospective permittee must notiiY the District Engineer if the lIUth~ed activi~" may affect any historic properties listed, determined to be eligible, or which the prospective p~ti~e.~ redc1Jttb believe'may be eliglble for listing on the National Register of Historic Places, and shall not be~ ~~aetivity until .notified by the District Engineer that the requirements of the National Historic Preservation Act i'1~~ ~ien sa~'. and that the activity is authorized. Information on the location and existence of historic resource.so~Jlt obtainM" from the State Historic Preservation Office and the National RegisterofHistoric Places (see 33 CFR 330.4(g);: J;~ro 0 .activities that may affect Illstoric properties listed in, or eligible for listing in, the National Register of Historic .0.. Places, the notification must state which historic property may be affected by the proposed work or include a vicinity map indicating the location of the historic property. . 13. Notification. (a) l"imine; wbere reqnired by the terms of the NWP, the prospective permittee must notifY the District Engineer with a pre construction notification (PCN) as early as possible. The District Engineer must determine if the notification is complete within 30 days of the date of receipt and can request additional information necessary to make the PCN complete only once. However, if the prospective-permittee does notp~ovide all oftbe requested information, then the District Engineer will notity the prospective pennittee that the notification is still inCOmplete and the PCN review process '\ViII not commence. until all of the requested information has been received by the District Engineer. The prospective pennittee shan not begin the activity: (I) Until notified in writing by the District Engineer that the activity may proceed under the NWP with any special conditions imposed by the District or Division Engineer; or (2) Ifnotified in writing by the District or Division Engineer that an Individual Permit is reqnired; or (3) Unless 45 days have passed from the District Engineer's receipt of the complete notification and the prospective permittee has not received written notice from the District or Division Pngineer. Subsequently, the pennittee's right to proceed under the NWP may be modified, suspended, or revoked only in accordance with the procedure set forth in 33 CFR 330.5( d)(2). (b) Contents of Notification: The notification must be in writing and include the following information: (1) Name, address and telephone numbers of the prospective permittee; (2) Location ufthe proposed project; (3) Brief description of the proposed project; the project's purpose; direct and indirect adverse environmental effects the project would cause; any other NWP(s), Regional General Permit(s), or Individual Pennit(s) used Or intended to be used to anthorize any part of the proposed project or any related activity. Sketches should be 3 ..... . . ..... ...... . . .. ...... . 0 .. .... .. o . .. .. .... . . o .... ...... . . .... provided when necessary to show that the activity complies with the terms of the NWP (Sketches usually clarify the project and when provided res~t in a quicker deciSion.); (4) ForNWPs 7, 12, 14, 18,21,34,38,39,40,41,42, and 43, the PCN must also include a delineation of affected special aquatic sites,,including wetlands, vegetated shallows (e.g.. submerged aquatic vegetatio~ seagrass beds), and riffle and pool complexes (see pangraph 13(f)); (5) For NWP 7 (Outfall Structures and Maintenance), the PCN must include information regarding the original design capacities and configurations of those areas of the facility where maintenance dredging or excavatioz::. is proposed; (6) For NWP 14 (Linear Transportation Projects). The PCN must include a compensatory mitigation proposal to offset permanent losses of waters of the US and a statement descnbing how temporary losses of waters of the US will be minimized to the maximum extent practicable; (7) For NWP 21 (Surface Coal Mining Activities), the PCN must include an Office of Surface Mining (OSM) or state-approved mitigation plan, ifapplicable. To be authorized by this NWP, the District Engineer must determine that the activity complies with the terms and conditions of the NWP and that the adverse environmental effects are minimal both individually and cumulatively and must notify the project sponsor of this determination in writing; (8) For NWP 27 (Stream and Wetland Restoration); the PCN must include documentation of the prior condition oillie site that will be reverted by the .t'...~~.~; (9) For NWP 29 (Single-Family Housing), the PCN muSt also include: (i) Any past use of this NWP by the Individual Permittee and/or the permittee's spouse; : ... :. (ii) A statement that the single-family hOUSing activity is for a personal residence of the pernWt".; . (ill) A description of the entire parcel, including its size, and a delineation of wetlands. FOl"\i1e ~ose cof"tM. . NWP, parcels of land measuring y.-acre or less will not require a fonnal on-site delineation. H~~~W.the app!iUm shall provide an indication of where the wetlands are and the. amount of wetlands that exists on Ole property. For parcels greater QIan ~-acre in size, formal wetland deliileation must be prepared in a~cordance \villi the currerit.. . : . method required by the Corps. (See paragraph 13(f)); .. . (iv) A written deseription of all land (including, ifavailable, legal descriptions) owned by tJr<OJOl:~s1>ecti;'e :... pemuttee and/or the prospective permittee's spouse, within a one mile radius oftheparce!, in an}' i~ ilf owne;"Yp . (inclUding any land owned as a partner, corporation,joint tenant, co-tenant, or as a tenant-by-the __.';".~j) and anr . land on which a purchase and sale agreement or other contract for sale or purchase has been exe~d.;. . .... . (10) For NWP 3.1 (Maintenance of Existing Flood Control Projects), the prospective permi~. mU6t either....' notify the District Engineer with a PCN prior to each maintenance activity or submit a five year ( or less) :. . . . . .. '. .... mamtenance plan. In additIOn, the PCN must mclude all of the followmg: (i) Sufficient baseline information identifying the approved channel depths and configurations and existing facilities. Minor deviations are authorized, provided the approved flood 'control protection or drainage is Dot. increased; (ii) Adelineation of any affected special aquatic sites, including wetlands; anel, (iii) Location of the dredged material disposal site; (I]) For NWP 33 (Temporary Construction, Access, and Dewatering), the PCN must also include a restoration .plan ofreasouable measures to avoid and minimize adverse effects to aquatic resources; (12) For NWPs 39; 43 and 44, the PCN must also include a writteIi statement to the District Engineer explaining how avoidance and minimization for losses of waters of the US were achieved on the project site; (13) For NWP 39.and NWP 42, the PCN must include a compensatory mitigation proposal to offset losses of waters of the US or justification explaining why COlIlpensatory mitigation should not be required. For discharges that cause the loss of greater than 300 linear feet of an intermittent stream beel, to be authorized, the District Engineer mnst determine that the activity complies with the other terms and conditions of the NWP, determ:ne adverse environmental effects are minimal both individually and cumulatively, and waive the limitation on stream impacts in writing before the permittee may proceed; (14) ForNWP 40 (Agricultural Activities), the PCN must include a compensatory mitigation proposal to offset losses of waters of the US. This NWP does not anthorize the relocation of greater than 300 linear-feet of existing serviceable drairiage ditches constructed in non-tidal streams unless, for drainage ditches constructed' in intennittent non-tidal streams~ the District Engineer Mives this criterion in writing, and the District Engineer has determined that the project colIlplies with all terms and conditions of this NWP, and that ani adverse impacts of the project on the aquatic: environment are minima~ .both individually and cumulatively; (15) For NWP 43 (Stormwater Management Facilities), the PCN must include, for the construction of new stormwater management facilities, a maintenance plan (in accordance with state and local requirements, if 4 ..... . . ..... ...... . . .. ...... . . .. ...... . . .. .. .... . . . .... ...... . . .... applicable) and a compensatory mitigation proposal to offset losses of waters of the US. For discharges that cause the loss of greater than 300 linear feet of an intermittent stream bed, to be authorized, the District Engineer must detennine that the activity complies with the other terms and conditions of the N\VP, determine adverse environmental effects are minimal both individually and cumulatively, and waive the limitation on stream impacts in . writing before the pennittee may proceed; (16) ForNWP 44 (Mining Activities), the PCN must include a description of all waters of the US adversely affected by the projeet, a desciiption of measures taken to minimize adverse effects to waters of the US, a description of measures taken to comply with the criteria of the NWP, and a reclamation plan (for all aggregate mining activities in isolated waters and non-tidal wetlands adjacent to headwaters and any hard rock/mineral mining activities); . (17).For activities that may adversely affect Federally-listed endangered or tJu-eatened species,the PCN must include the narne(s) of those endangered or tJu-eatened species that may be affected by the proposed work oj- utilize the designated critical habitat that may be affected by the proposed work; and (I 8) For activities that may affect historic properties listed in, or eligible for listing in, the National Register of Historic Places, the PCN must state 'which historic l".I.'-'Z'''';''/ may be affected by the proposed work or include a vicinity map indicating the location of the historic property, . . (c) Form of Notification: The standard Individual Pennit application form (Form ENG 4345) may be used as the notification but must clearly indicate that it is a PCN and must include all of the information reqnired in (b) (I )-(18) of General Condition 13, A letter containing the requisite information may also be used. . (d) pi strict Engineer's Decisiog: In reviewing the PCN for the proposed activity, the District Engineer will determine whether the activity authorized by the NWP will result in more than minimal individual or cumulati..e , . ...... adverse environmental effects or may be contrary to the public interest Theprospective t'....u~u::e mal' submi.a proposed mitigation plan with the PCN to e~\,"pedite the process. The District Engineer will consii~t an~propo~C!t). . . compensatory mitigation the applicant bas included in the proposal in determining whether the net adverse . '" ,. enviromnental effects to the aquatic environment of the proposed work are mlT11TTulf lfthe Distri::r.~~gmeer . , determines that the activity complies with. the t= and conditi.ons of the NWP and that the adverse effects on 1ll..,:, aquatic.environment are minima!, after considering mitigation, the District Engineer will notify the'peqnittee. a1ld includ~_-~y conditions the District Engineer deems necessary. The District Engineer must appro1le. ~ : :... comperisatory mitigation proposal before the permittee commences work. If the prospective pe~1t~. is,requin:~'tII submit) compensatory mitigation proposal with the PCN, the proposal may be either conceptual or <'l.~tIed. If the . prospective permittee elects to submit a compensatory niitigation plan with the PCN, the District fp~,r will, ' , " , expedi~ousJy review the proposed compensatory mitigation plan. The District Engineer must re'ie," SIl"plan witlrifl' 45 days' of receiving a complete PCN and determine whether the conceptual or specific proposed mitigation wo~d, , , , ensure no more than m..inim.aJ. adverse effects on the aquatic environment. lfthe net adverse effects of the project"tM. the aquatic envir~nment (after consideration of the compensatory mitigation proposal) are determined by the District Engineer to be minimal, the District Engineer will provide a timely written response to the applicant. The response will state that the project can proceed under the terms and conditions of the NWP. If the District Engineer determines that the adverse effects of the proposed work are more than mm;m" 1, then the District Engineer will notify the applicant either: (I) that the project does not qualify for authorization under the NWP and instruct the applicant on the procedures to seek authorization under an Individual Pennit; (2) that the . project is authorized under the NwP subject to the applicant's submission of a mitigation proposal that would reduce the adverse effects on the aquatic environment to the minim:'!' level; or (3) that the project is authorized under the N\VP 'With specific modifications or conditions. Where the District Engineer determines that mitigation is required to ensure no more than minimal adverse effects occur to the aquatic environment, the activity will be authorized within the 45-day PCN period, .The authorizatiou will include the necessary conceptual or specific mitigation or a requirement that the applicant submit a mitigation proposal that would reduce the adverse effects on the aquatic environment to the minimal level. When conceptual mitigation is included, or a mitigation plan is required:mder item (2) above, no work in waters of the US will occur until the District Engineer bas approved a specific mitigation plan. (e) !..e-encv Coordination.: The District Engineer will consider any comments from Federal and state agencies concerning the proposed activity's compliance with the tenus and conditions of the NWPs and the need for mitigation to reduce the project's-adverse environmental effects to a minirnallevel. 5 ..... , , ..... ...... , , .. ...... , , .. .... .. , , .. .. .~.. , , , .... ...... , , .... For activities requiring notification to the District Engineer that result in the loss of greater than ~-acre of waters of the US, the District Engineer will provide immediately (e.g., via facsimile t:r:ansmission, overnight mail, or other expeditious mannc) a copy to the appropriate Federal or state offices (USFWS, state natural resource or water quality agency, EP A, State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO), and, if appropriate, the NMFS), With the exception ofNWP 37, these agencies will then have 10. calendar days from the date the material is transmitted to telephone or fax the District Engineer notice that they intend to provide substantive, site-specific comments. If so contacted by an agency, the District Engineer will wait an additional IS calendar days before making a decision on the notification. The District Engineer will fully consider agency comments received within the specified time frame;but ~ill provide no response to the resource agency, except as provided below. The District Engineer will indicate in the administrative record associated with each notification that the resource agencies' concerns were considered. As required by Section 30S(b)( 4)(B) of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, the District Engineer will provide a response toNMFS within 30 days of receipt of any Essential Fish Habitat. conservation recommendations. Applicants are encouraged to provide the Corps multiple copies of notifications to - expedite agency notification. (f) Wetland Delineations: Wetland delineations must be prepared in accordance with the currerit method rdquil-ed by the Corps(For NWP 29 see paragraph (b)(9)(iii) for parcels less than Y<_acre in size). The pennittee may ask the Corp's to delineate the special aquatic site, There maybe some delay if the Corps does the delineation. Furthermore, the 4S-dayperiod will not start until the wetland delineation has been completed and submitted to the Corps, where . at'i""Vi"..~ate. . . . ..... . 14. Comnliance Certification. Every permittee wh.o bas ~ceived NWP verification from the C.~.s.Will submit... signed certification regarding the completed work and any required mitigation. The certification willbe fo~. . by the Corps with the authorization letter and will include: (a) A statement that the authorized oor~;;;" done in accordance with the Corps authorization, including any general or specific conditions; . .. (b)- A statement that any required ri:ritigation was completed in ac'cordance with the permit conditions;' and (c) rn~... signature of the permittee certifying the completion of the work and mitigation. .. ... . . . . ... . .... ...... IS. Use of Multivle Nationwide Pennils, The use of more than one NWP for a single and comple~ 1'jeject is prohibited, except when the acreage loss of waters of the US authorized by the NWPs does not e.'\,ci'i1lhe acr~:lglo.. . limit of the NWP with the highest specified acreage limit (e.g, if a road crossing over tidal watelJ'J! fQl!structecl' .. . under NWP 14, with associated hank stabilization authorized by NWP 13, the maximum acreage loss of water: of" . . the US for the total project cannot exceed 113-acre). .. .. 16, Water SUDDlv Intakes. No activity, including struc!l1res and work in oovigEbJewaters of the US Or discharges of dredged or fill materia~ may occur in: the proximity of a pnblic water supply intake except where .the activit)> is for repair of the public water supply intake structures or adjacent bank stabilization. 17. Shellf"zsh Beds. No activity, including structures and work in navigable waters of the US or discbarges of dredged or fill material, may occur in areas of concentrated shellfish populations, unless the activity is directiy related to a shelliish harvesting activity authorized by NWP 4,' . 18. Suitable Materit:ll, No activity, including structmes and work in navigable waters of the US or discharges of dredged or fill material, may consist of unsuitable material (e.g., trash, debris, car bodies, asphalt, etc.) and material used for construction or discharged IInlst be free from toxic pollutants in toxic amounts (see Section 307 of the CWA). . 19. Mitipation, The District Engineer 'Will consider the factors discussed below when determining the acceptability of appropriate and practicable mitigation necessary to offset adverse effects on the aquatic cnvironme,nt that are more than m;n;m:\ 1. (a) The project must be designed and constructed to avoid and minimize adverse effects to waters oftbe US to the maximum extent practicable at the project site (i...., on site), (b) Mitigation in all its forms (avoiding, minimizing, rectifYing, reducing or compensating) will be required to the extent necessary.to ensure that the adverse effects to the aquatic environment are minimal. (c) Compensatory mitigation at a minimum one-for-one ratio will be required for all wetland impacts requiring a PCN, unless the District Engineer detennines in writing that some other form of mitigation would be more 6 . ..... .. ..... ...... . . .. ...... . . .. ...... . . .. .. .... . . . .... ...... . . .... environmentally appropriate and provides a project-specific waiver of this requirement Consistent with National policy, the District Engineer will establisb a preference for restoration of ;"'etJands as compensatory mitigation, with preservation used only in exceptional circumstances. (d) Compensatory mitigation (i.e.,.replacement or substitution of aquatic resources fm those impacted) will not be. used to increase the acreage losses allowed by the acreage limits of some of the NWPs. For example, V.-acre of wetlands cannot be created to change a %-acre loss of wetlands to a Y,-acre loss associated with NWP 39 verification. However, lI,-acre of created wetlands can be used to reduce the impacts of a y,-acre loss of wetlands to the. minimum impact level in order to meet the minimal impact requirement associated with NWPs. (e) To be practicable, the mitigation must be available and capable of being done considering costs, existing technology, and logistics in light of the overall project purposes. Examples of mitigation that may be appropriate and practicable include, but are not limited to: reducing the size of the project; establishing and maintaining wetland or upland vegetated buffers. to protect open waters such as streams; and replacing losses of aquatic resource functio~ ~nd vaiues by creating, restoring, enhancing, or preserving similar functiOIis and values, preferably in the same watershed. (f) Compensatory mitigation plans for projects in or near streams or other open waters will normally include a requirement for the establishment, maintenance, and legal protection (e,g., easements, deed.restrictions) of vegetated buffers to open waters. In many cases, vegetated buffers will be the only compensatory mitigation required. Vegetated buffers sbould consist of native species. The width of the vegetated buffers required will address documented water quality or aquatic babitat loss concerns. Normally, the vegetated buffer will be 25 to 50 feet wide on each side of the stream, but the District Engineers may require slightly wider vegetated buffers to address . documented water quality or habitat loss concerns. Where both wetlands and. open waters exist on the project ~te, the Corps will determine the appropriate compensatory mitigation (e.g., stream buffers or wetlands eompe~Hdo~ based on what is best for the aquatic environment on a watershed basis, In cases wbere vege!#M:l'gIOffers aIle... determined to be the most appropriate fonn of compensatory mitigation, the District Engineer IDa/waive ol'P"du~e the requirement to provide wetland compensatory mitigation for wetland impacts.' : .. .. . (g) Compensatory mitigation proposals submitted with the "notification" may be either conceptual or d<:W1,~. If conceptual plans are approved under the verification, then the Corps will condition the verificaf,jonjo reqooe detailed plans be submitted and approved by the Corps prior to construction of the authorized %titit} in wateH M the US. . ...... .... '. (h) Pennittees may propose the use of mitigation banks, in-lieu fee arrangements or separate a~li"'ty-speclfic . c?mpensatory mitigation. In all cases that require compensatory mitigation, the mitigation pn.'Oi!ium will 'iji~ty the party responsible for accomplishing and/or complying with the mitigation plan. .. ..' ... . . '. .... 20. SDawninf7 Areas. Activities, including structures and work in navigable waters of the US or discharges of dredged or fill material, in spawning areas during spawning seasons must be avoided to fue maximum extent practicable. Activities that result in the physical destruction (e.g" excavate, fil~ Or smother downstream by . substantial turbidity) of an important spawning area are not authorized. 21. Manaf'emenl o( Waler Flnw<. To the maximum extent practicable, the activity must be designed to maintain . preconstruction dO"WD.str~am flow conditions (e.g.) locatio~ c~pacity) and flc:>w rates). Furthermore, the activity mUst not permanently restrict or impede the passage of norma! or expected high flows (unless the primary purpose . of the fill is to impound waters) and the Structure or discharge of dredged or fill material must withstand expected. high flows. The activity must, to the maximum extent practicable, provide for retaining excess flows from the site, provide for rn~intaining ~a~e flow rates from the site similar to preconstruction conditions, and provide for not increasing water flows from the project site, relocating water, or redirecting water flow beyondpreconstruction c.onditions. Stream channelizing will be reduced to the minimal amount necessary, aud the activity must, to the maximum extent practicable, reduce adverse effects such as flooding or erosion downstream and upstream of the project site, unless the activity is part of a larger system designed to manage water flows. In most cases, it will not be a requirement to conduct detailed studies and monitoring of water flow. This condition is only applicable to projects that have the potential to affect waterflows. While appropriate measures must be taken, it is not necessary to conduct detailed studies to identity such measures or require monitoring to ensure their effectiveness, Normally, the Corps will defer to state and local authorities regarding managelnent of water flow. 7 ..... . . ..... . ..... . . .. ...... . . .. ...... . . ... .. .... . . '. .... ...... . . .... 22. Adverse Effects From TmDoundments. If the activity creates an impoundment of water, adverse effects to the aquatic system due to the acceleration of the passage of water, and/or the restricting its flow shall be minimized to . the maximum extent practicabie. This includes structures and work in navigable waters of the US, or discharges of dredged or fill material, 23. Waterfowl Breedin" Area.'. Activities, including structures and work in navigable waters of the US or discharges of dredged Or fill material, into breeding areas for migratory waterfowl must be avoided to the maximum extent practicable. . 24. Removal o(Temoorarv Fills, Any temporary fills must be removed in their entirety and the affected areas returned to their preexis~g elevation. 25. Desimated Critical Rf?source' Water~. Critical resource waters include, NOAA-designated illarine sanctuaries, National Estuarine Research Reserves, National Wild and Scenic Rivers, critical habitat for Federally listed threatened and endangered :species" coral reefs, state natural heritage sites, and putstanding national resource waters or other waters officially designated by a state as having particular emironmental or ecological significance and identified by the District Engineer after notice and opportunity for public comment: The District Engineer may also designate additional critical resource waters after notice and opportunity for comment (a) Except as noted below, discharges of dredged or fill material into waters of the US are not authorized by NWPs 7, 12, 14, 16, 17,21,29,31,35,39,40,42,43, and 44 for any activity within, or directly affecting: critical resource waters, including wetlands adjacent to sllch waters. Discharges of dredged or fill materials into ':at~~. of the US may be authorized by the above'NWPs in National Wild and Scenic Rivers if the ac~iY.~<mlplie~"<frtll. General Condition 7, Further, such discharges may be authorized in designated critical habiWh'O"ederallyMted threatened or endangered species if the activity complies with General Condition I I and the PSFWS or the NMFS has concurred in a determination of complian~e with this condition. .:...:. (b) For NWPs 3,8, 10, 13, 15, 18, 19,22,23,25,27,28,30,33,34,36,37, and 38, T1OJIift:ation l'sre~uired in accordance with General Condition 13, for any activity proposed in the designated criticatreiJur€e water; .. . .... including wetlands adjacent to those waters. Tbe District Engineer may authorize activities tmejeritfese NWPs only after it is determined that the impacts to the critical resource waters will be no more than rninimat.. . . .. ......... . II .. .... 26. Fills Within 100- Yea, Floodvlains. For purposes of this General Condition, I DO-year f1cft:>t1p!.tin.s wilJ.be .. identified through the existing Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate ~.or FEMA-approved local floodplain maps. (a) Dischar~es in FlondDlain: Relow Be.dw.tm. Discharges of dredged or fill material into waters of the US within the mapped 100-year floodplain, below beadwaters (i.e. five cfs), resulting in permanent above-grade fills, are not authorized by NWPs 39, 40, 42, 43, and 44. (b) Dischar~es in Floodwav:' Above,Be"dw"te". Discharges of dredged or fill material mto waters of the US within the FEMA or locally mapped f1oodway, resulting in pennanent above-grade fills, are not auth~rized by NWPs 39, 40, 42, and 44, . (c) The permittee must comply with any applicable FEMA-approved state or local floodplain management requirements. 27. Construction Period. For activities that have not been verified by the Corps and the project was CO=enced or under contract to comence by the expiration date of the NWP (or modification or revocation date), the work must 'be completed within 12-months after such date (including any modification that affects the project). For activities that have been verified and the proje~t was commenced or under contract to commence within the verification period, the work must be completed by the date determined by the COIpS. For projects that have been.verified by the Corps, an extension ofa Corps approved completion date may requested. This request must be submitted at least one month before the previously approved completion date. 8 ..... . . ..... ...... . . .. ...... . . .. ....... . . .. .. .... . . . .... ...... . . .... Compliance Certification Project County: Permit Number: , Date of Issuance: Name of Permittee: .... . . . . . . ...... . .... . . .... ...... . . I hereby certify that the work authorized by the above referenced permit,:hll~=t,een completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the said perAtit, 'll.nd that.... ... . required mitigation was completed in accordance with the permit contjUjIlP~, eX~as described below. ... . ...... . . .. .. .... . . .... . .. .. . .... Signature of Permittee Enclosure (4) ..... . . ..... ...lot .. . . .. ...... . . .. ...... . '. .. .. .... . . . .... ...... . . ....