HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpecial Inspection Building 2009-10-19 ;"'.!- ...; ~ City of Springfield Community Services Division 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Telephone: (54t) 726-3759 Fax: (541) 726-3689 _ IJr'1- / /'1'--1 Building Penn it # Date ~ 'An-n-.::n <:- S\Z9 R. ~ '"3-L. D ProjeCt Title '33"3 S, 0 t~ SPI'="t..-\\ DT2-- '1f/'-l"1'1 Project Address Special Inspection and Testing To applicants of projects requiring special inspection or testing as per Section 1704 of the Oregon Structural Specialty Code. Please review the information below. When you have finished, acknowledge an unders!anding of the information by signing below, and retum this foml to the City. BEFORE A PERMIT CANBR ISSUED: The owner or owner's representative, on the advice.ofthe responsible Project Engineer or Architect, shall complete; sign. and submit to the City for review and approval this form completed on both the front and back. " , ~e owner and General Contractor, where applicable, shall also acknowledge the following conditions applicable to Special Inspection and/or Testing. I. Contractor is responsible for proper notification for the Inspection or Testing-of items Iiste~: 2. Testing Jaboratory shall take appropriate sampJes and transport'them to their laboratory for proper evaluation or testing. . Copies of all laboratory reports and inspections are to be sent to the City by theTesting. Agency. 3. Special Inspection Agency'is to submit names and qualifications of on-site Special Inspectors to the City for approval. 4. Spectallnspector shaJJ provide inspection reports to the building official of all inspection activities. 5. Contractor is responsible to review the City approved plans for additional inspection or testing requirementS that may be noted. BEFORE A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY WILL BE ISSUED: The Special Inspection Agency shall submit to the Building Official a statement that all'items requiring inspection have been fulfilled and reported and were to the best of the inspector's knowledge, in conformance with the approved plans, specifications and applicable workmanship provisions. Those items not tested and/or inspected shaH be rioted jn the statement The report is to be submitted to the City prior to a request f&~ti~al inspections. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ,( /J '. /7-L- Sot'^'1(-':.t.\\) ~u."ol) .5 i (1\ f ~te.lt.~ h1?o/V~ ~/,,;;~~ t:::e ~~) ~,i; <:.10: Gpn~~ntractor Firm Name (Printed).l / I~ral COrifra,ct\Sign~u " ~r or .....1,' Finn (Printed) ~eer '::.Jt -:gnf~e._ <~.e;.~nsp~n Agen~'e (printed)~iaI3P' Jl.ienCY-Rt!!> Si'gn, : }-- . ~ --t- -;tU. . \ _ 9. \ \ \ F \. , \ .....' ~- _ , -f Testing Laboratory Name (Printed) Testing Labo}"tory Rep. Signature BUtl1lmg 15 Icial Name (printedf . Building Official Signature ..~- r . Reinforced Concrete, Gunite. Grout and Mortar; Concrete Gunite Grout Mortar I I I I I I I I I .1 Precast/Pre-stressed Concrete: -I Piles Post-Tens Pre-Tens I I Cladding SMOKE CONTROL: Leakage testing Control Verification ROOFING: Insulation installationlR-Value. Test strips/seams SPECIAL INSPECTION AND TESTING SCHEDULE Aggregate Test of Mix Design Reinforcing Test Mix Design-Weighmaster Celt.. Reinforcing Placement Continuous Batch Plant Inspect. Inspect Placing Cast Sam~les Samples (PickuplDelivered) Compression Test* GRADING, EXCA VA TION, AND FILL Acceptance tests + PSF Establish final grade Fill placement inspection/continuous Soil Density STRUCTURAL STEELIWELDING: . Sample and-test (list specific members below) Shop material identification (mill cert) Weld inspection _Shop _Field Ultrasonic inspection _Shop _Field High Strength Bolting_Shop _Field A325 _N _X A490 -Y1 _X Metal deck welding inspection Reinforcing Steel welding inspection Reinforcing steel mill certificate Metal 'stud welding inspection Concrete. insert welding inspection Moment resisting steel frames _F _F A~mgate Tests Reinforcing Tests Tendon Test Mix Designs. Reinforcing Placement Insert Placement Concrete.Batching Concrete Placement Installation Inspection Cast Sa.moles Pick-up Samoles Compression Tests STRUCTURAL WOOD: Shear wall nailing inspection Shear wall anchors . Inspection ofGlu-lam fab. ... .T/C psi I nspection of truss joist fab. Sample and test components Fabrication welding of steel accessories FIREPROOFING: Placement inspection Density tests Thickness tests Inspect batching MASONRY 'wi"'" SpeCial inspection stresses used.I?(J~ fm Ze>oo f'g Preliminary acceptance tests (masonry units, wall. prisms) Subsequent tests (mortar, grout, field wall prisms) V'I' Placement inspection ofunits~ and reinforcement Masonry, mortar, grout, and reinforcing steel certificates ADDITIONAL INSRUCTIONS, OTHER TEST, & INSPECTIONS, .:1:J....i<",-A......, ,\.".lQkl * (...~LJn.-"'-~~<.I\k ~(~_~ ~orm Completed by: Date 'PROVIDE STRENGTH REQUIRED BY ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OR CONTRACT DOCUMENT LOCATION OF VALUES