HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpecial Inspection Building 2009-9-15 I'. ~* ,~... .~ , a.: , .., 1.:1 .. , ~;-,. , ., 'i. " C', J'! :l' r t:~ '..1 :dl' ""' , ".;'~' ~;j;~:! UNI ,IJ> ,J,[ ~ 1/!1;,1 ',H,: .1,.lj ,,"i:l '.., ..... "~I':!;!. .:t!'Ji,f. . i~ '\,J I. . :<<I'..;Cl ~t3 ,C)!,i" gsy m"to 'O~I:> 'cD"I" ~,j:J ',Ff> Q).riCll (/) ,:; , ~:! " 1. " City of Springfield , CoP\DIUllil)' SCl'1IIccs Division 22:1 FlftIt Streel Sprlngfleld. 0R97471 . Telephone: ('41) 726.37'9 PM: (54 J) 726-3689 ~-8-1(),R~ Buildln& permU # . l1L..IL.r, G". cl. w TNtV piolCGl Tid. ~...~;}(;\ ("'A~. Projoct Ail.. tl Sll,elal JD8(1&clloa IDeI T...lIl1l O'HIj-O<l Pate :I ?J 'I J7' To IppJioaab orpl,llJecb lequlrilla .peoiol in.peclioD 0' 1.1111\811 JlCI ScdlOllI?04 .rtbl Orisen SlnIdlJroISplf1oll,y Cod.. Plwl m1.w lIIe Inlbnnllion bolow, When you Iulwe IJIlbhed. .......lOdae en W1denWld.lIS eflllellll'OJ1IlltlO/l by l!plng baI.w..alld re1U1ll1bI. tom'.lbI C~.: . . ."" p.: I . .' ./. . " sJlirollE A PERMlT CAN 88 JBlIVBDI 1ht own" or own"...np....ntll1lv.. ..llindvi.. "rth. mp01IllblB P,.J<<I BnglJltet Or,Arehftoat, ohall ,uotple".. s,Jp.lDdl1lbmk to ~ City for revl.... .nd .PJ'I'IV"ltJ\i1 fbllD _pitied OIl IlaIh Ill. Ih",und back. ' . . . . ,. , . , . . - . . 1111 OWlIIr IIId Qtnenl Conll1l1o" will.. appUc.blt, ....11.... ...Aot.lod.D till followlng conditio.. op,l1e"j,~ ,. Spoclolln.pecllon ..4'or TO'lloI' . , ". _. . ' \ I BBl'OllE " C.EllrmCA TE Of OCCUPANCY WILL BE ISSUED: Tb. Spooia1lnspoutk!n AileoO)'sbaU ..bmll to Iho BIliIdla8 <!.R1c1aJ & 1lDl."1I\1 dial oil h.... nqulrina 1ru~.<lIOII blvo belli fttIllIl&d lIIUI nported and .wtlll to tho best uf1he inspoutor'. tnowlodB.. hi ...ro_ with lhe opproved pI..., .pec:IO.atlo1ll and sppJlcibl. wiuu,_p' . plovlllOlll, 'Jh!l" 110101 aollel~ ondIOI wp..t<d .holI bDlIIlIc4 ill \he J\l11lIl1~nl, The tepOIllSIo be .ubmllt~ 10 till City prior to a raq~..tlbr tlnall1iapoa\lunl. , . . - I ,-, ' ,}... jt::! I, Conlnolur illIIJ'llllllblo for p"'per aoUfloallon fOr Il1c 1..,.cU.. 0' TatJq of UIlIlIIIIIIcl. 2., T..lln& IalxllolOlY lhaJllIlU IIpplllpriBle'lAII\pla and IIImporl fIlmn tD 1I1.1,iabOrokllY fo, plllper oVllulli.. .o,.ellb\l.' o . COpIC'Drall JI1Iola1ury npollJ IIld InIpealoiu;" tD be "nlllllho City by tho Tollins ASOIl<Y. . 3. Spceilllup.l:llotl AII.01 II 10 avblOit .i.....1IIllI qu.lili,allone of oo-ail. Spcolol I..pouto.." the CIty lor IIpplU\1d; 4. Spooiallnlpt<lo, oheIJ p",vi'" in.,.geion nporll to lb. bulldlos olftoielofellllllpoutl.. aollvlllol, " :"_~~_:J.rll mpuDSible 10 IIvlcw Iha CIly SpplUVed pIonsfa,udldonal,IIIlI,."lono, talloa '"'1011.....""'111181 be_<I. ,c . . . ACKNO~~JJGEMENTS :;.! Owr1"Name (Printlll) bJ AR~~lre~Il" Enswer 01' Arc~ltec1 Plrm (Printed) t:..t..AIL Cow, PAN 't' .t:7J( T..ling La~onlofy Namo (Prlnled) I~' " : .1, : 000, CO.". "",. flrl1l Name (PrIntld) ~/1t C,,""'PAN'{ I {fJc. . Speul.llrupOCItiun AlI....y Name (Printed) , i aenml~r918M1"". . Spedal inllp.I.4.genA:Y Rop Sign. Owno~~rt~ ~-n--. ' IlnBincor or .An:iif Signature .tf~ To?fing Laq,lmtUl)' Rep. Signal\ln 8uildinl OffiGlIll llllllll (Printod) BuUdlng Omclal SllJlIatwe , ,.j ,;"t }! ~l ' .," ' "':)i ", 1"- , " . , : , ~,: ,. r" " j I . 'jl- ~! :i)' . ..1; , " ! ~R . " . ~ : . ~, ,I' . I' '! ::l. I RaiDfDn:e<I r.<lllC1t~ Gunlte. GroullIDd Mallar' I Con""';- . (JUDila- - Grout. lMortar I ~. I I V' t ..... I ........ I I; 'I, I ..... I I Pn:llII5IIPro-ot=<ed (".on.me: PlIOlI - PliSt-T...- -Pro- Tena ,. 'I.j, i . '1: .:1'. Ji ~. ..1: '. :;H,',' . ;;J,; 'Ikli' :r~ j:r:; :r.J:. ;"i "I' .r I I. ..:/' i v" """ v""" j.. I I I V I I V' I I ../' I I ........ \ : ./ I SMQKI CQNTROL: Leakage tcs11ng Cllntrol VorificatfOll ROOJIING: . , Inmlllllon Jn5ll1llallonfR-Valu.' Tal J1ripsI.....,. : I ~'.' ( '1- I ; I J'" I I .., I'! I '. ,jl' .,..,.___~.17:f': ''''1\''~I;;:;J' f~:~-",,")'~T"~~~' ".(.~~o.=,~". I ~ZJ~.t.;,..- , SPECIAL INSPECITON AND TESTINd Sem:DULE ....i. 1 . I t l\f.ur!lP!!te.7~ nf"l.r." Dosie I Rt:J.nfotclnR Toel ! ~ o..lpWO!UmUtorCorl,. I RaInfumn2 Placement i ContinllOWl Batch Planlln..oct. I I..."" I'I..in- I Cost ~Ilta I Samnlca lPickunlDc:livctcdl I Clllllllrcssion Tor Claddln. -~,,!!e;,:o~t!I Remforcln'l TBSlI _ 'T ! ...fut I Mix De.imu' . Rlllnibrcin2 Pl8ccmenl l'liW:iIP.I......ODt_ I Conotolc B~a I ConCMe Placement I InIIllI.lIon 10-. I ea.l SlIDlol.. I Plck-UD Samal.. I ComlnuiooTC5tB FlREPROOIi'ING: ~l:&I.N&UlOlI,~~\.hl Density lesU ~ 1n.s~1 batcblng ADDmONAL lNSKl1CTIONS, OTHER TE~, '" INflUC1l0NS, . , 'I. :-,1 ,,-i: 1Zi,~ ~! r:t+ <D'l. q';J;: ~"i> ,;,1" ~}i,: . GRADING,EXCAVA110N,A1lDFILL ' ACOIlplBll<:a _ · PSP Ilslablbb tilllll pd. ......~~~ r::umililllIMpse\!1l1LIcaDlinuOU5 ~ STRl1cnJllALmELlWELDING., r r ",,~"""llliroplOancllclt(ljStspocitl=l"""-hdo\I1 ""I""1:_SIiOji'iiiit"CiiiJ'idenlilloal!On(millCerl);c"'., :- ;/. W.ldlnspeotioo ~Shop~i.ld. '-~'''', ::':S-:~=;:=lt~'~~~~:~i:lf AI23 101 X_F .0.490 -N -x _F .......... M.... d<oIc woldlnglnspootlo. - - ':;f."""".' RlllnlblllinilSteerwolili. 'oiiDlpooticD ~ . """... ReiD1\;rcilliSficJ:lIIiU'eemfi!"l1e . ';".A",,~"Mitil'itUd~oldlog,lnspccIioD"- . ~ OWrctc iDlen welding Inspootlon ~ MntDent...istb>g 11..1 limo.. I I I STRUCTURAL WOOD: ./., Shear waD nalJlna Impcction ../ Shoot wall """,on In",octlon ofOlu-1am illb. . T/Cp.l lcsp.otioD oftrusajoillllib. SlUIIplo IIIld toot compon.DlI ~~..y~":Ji:4'6Y1E8t:"1 r~Ao\!~....tD-!I: MAsoNRY . Spwial m.pcctian .IIas" usod' Pm fa ; Prwliminaly ...".plance tealt (m"olllJl unit..' WBiI p~lsms) ,Sub.!"'Iuen1 lab (mortJ1J'; groul,'tt.1d wuU'prism.h' 'PlaclDlClltwpOctlon ofunila. and ninfon:.riient '. .MuoI1l)'. 1aDr1sr, gmlll, aruf rclnforcln.ltee' ecnlll"".. -;" .j'- ;' 1: ".',~ 11" "n IJ :'fonnC~mploledby;~,~,.V, ~uUp.le.~}La J 0' '.: 'PROVlDE ~NGTH REQl1IRED BY IJU:B1TECT OR ENGfNEER OR _u", MCTDOC11M&NT LOCATION or VALUES 1 ,1..f ,~ . !