HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1982-2-4 f), --'" .- r/",Ir..f;;u;" ;i! . , .'- ," '- CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97477 I~FO~~TIO~: 726-;753 . crn OF SPRI~GFIELD SIG~ CD~STRUCTIO~ AND ELECTRIC.'L I~STALLATIO~ CO~IBI~ATID~ APPLICATIO~/PE~'IIT I~PECTIOX REQUESTS: 7~6-3709 LOCATIU~ OF SIGS(ADDRESS) LEGAL DESCRIPTIO~ 1"7 en'SER OF PROPERTY ADDRESS OliSER OF SIG~(IF OTIiER nL\.~ PROPERTY OI'iNER)_(:'r~f,...,,1 ADDRESS J(~~7t~_ ~"'1E OF BUSI~ESS. FI~'I. ETC. 4"/~,r IT~r'/ ~ ""-2- //.2'1.-4 -03 /ldf;' .r r ':l, ~ 4/ f TAX LOT . d ',./ ~O PHO~E ZIP .k?....s;I /1DIo,.'..,.,,,....,,-r. Z:nr. TYPE OF BUSI~ESS PHONE -7....:i(,- 7/& d' "-:13:..., __rr;.....o'!..~ TYPE OF :~ORJ..:: .x.. ERECT RE LOCATE ALTER enlER TYPE OF SIG~: "ALL ROOF flARQUEE .:!:- OTIlER SIG~ CIIAR.-\CTER (CHECK APPUC,\5lE ITE:-!Sl: FREESTA.~DlNG PROJECTING READER BOARD BILLBOARD J( IDENTITY PROJECTI~G INCIDE~TAL K. OOUBLE FACE NON-IDE~T1TY SECC:\D.-\RY SINGLE FACE fRJLTI-FACE ~/... !-?/10hr ~1 E,L;~r:~J/ ~/p- VE~OORS, CO,,.R.ICTORS: SIGN ERECTOR --r;;: - c;, .5,,,,,., / ,y",<-,,,, ADORESS /01'/0 ~,IV QCJ /1/ CITY LICEXSE Sf.r..IBER (tj7 t?h ~r 3.1- SIG~ H"'UFACTURE~ (IF omER TIL\.~ ERECTOR) ADDRESS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR ,t/Alf'~dll/fiI ADDRESS PHONE .9"'/;2- 9/7/. {'".;;t;n,' &r",''-_ 0,- EXP. DATE / - 9- ,f'?_ PHD~E PHONE LICE~SE Nlr.-IBER DD!EXSIO~:S. r:\ST.\LLHIOS ,\~o CC:\STRUCTION INFORH-\TION: TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GlUDE 1',/' VERTICAL DnIENSIO~ OF SIG~ ij , HORI:D~TAL WIDTH OF SIG~ "1'-'. DmE~SIO,~ FRO~I GlU~r. TO BOTTD'I OF SIG~ /0 / THICK~ESS OR DEPTH OF SIGN /..2 " DOES SIG~ PROJECT BEYO~D PROPERTY LINE YES' .x. NO IF YES. DnlENSIO~ BEYOND PROPERTY LINE ~OTE: IF PROJECTIO~ IS :.:ORE mA.~ 12" OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY nlE SIG~ ERECTOR ~:UST FILE WITH THE BUILDI:IG OIVISIO~ COPIES OF HIS PuaLIC LIABILITY "'0 PROPERTY DA>~GE I~SU~'CE POLICIES. HILL SIG.~ HAVE ELECTRICAL lilRI~G? .i..YES -YO IF YES. WHICH APPLY? )(ELECTRICAL SIG~ _ILLIJ)II~ATED (I~DIRECTLY LIGHTEO) OESCRII!E TYPE OF ~\TF.!{[.:\LS SI(j~! IS CQ~!S:!'.IJC'rED m= ;,-".,.t>:rA'/ .1' dt""r//;'r~ ~..45~"'_ PROVIDE UL ~1J"BER IF APPLICABLE W '1079 7.2.- VALUE OF SIGN /, '/~,? ~ SITE INFOR.'IATION (L"ND USE) --EXISTI~G USE OF BUILDING OR LANq (OR LAST USE IF VACA.'IT):'~ .... ';;/;/~~'oJ/:"'; ~ 4..-~/ _"'L........:L~~ I" f"'P/"'I7J.A/..) .;/ , I PROPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR LANO: EXISTING SIGNS (SIG~ CODE): FIP.~. ETC.: CHECK ONE IF APPLICABLE: ~INOOOR BUSINESS _OUTDOOR MERCH"'DISI~G ARE THERE EXISTI~G SIG~S? _US jQI0 IF. YES, DESCRIBE ALL .E:lI51'~NG..SI~~~..F~R ~US~~ESS. .... ALL EXISTING SIG~S ON PREmsES (SANE TAX LOT): I HAVE CAREfULLY E~\IINED the completed application for permit and do hereby certify that all infor=3tion hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Springfield Sign Ordinance. the Uniform Sign Code as adopted by the City of Springfield and all other Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein. I further certify that my Sign Contractors License with the City of Springfield is in full force and effect as required by Springfield City Codes 8-2-6(~1 and 9-7-20(21. I will request .~ll required sign inspections listed on the approved pe~t.. /7" /_ /). . 0...:. .... ...~...I.~./ ~ N'AME(PLEASE PRINT).ffi#F~""'.,i) -r;,:.-PL//S mNATURE~a /~C..,. '4'..."DATE~~/r2- -----... FOR OFFICE USE ONLY , SIGN DISTRICT CbHM. ZO~E DISTRICT C ~4 TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIG~ lb.l!:l INSPECTIONS REQUIRED: _SITE/LOCATION ~FOOTI~G OR flETIlOD OF ATTAOl.,JEi-r. ~ELECTRICAL . X F!SAL _OTHER FEES: SIG~ PER.~IT: .<' OlARGES: r -;.00- ELECTRICAL PE~lIT: CI~RGES:::I' /C), () l> STATE SURCHARGE: . "" f'l TOTAL FEE FOR PER.\lIT: ;t/7. "'It) ....~.. .-...- ;;_.... -' ,.~....- ~....>,..~.~.,..:.-..:.:...._.,..-. :.:.-:~.:. I'.". ..~_.h..~_ ,/ / .\ . .:., PLE.-\SE :...c.\D , . ~ '. rER~.JfT \'.\LlD.\T!G~. \':'. ~~ -.,.", .....:::~ ......'. I) Sen3r~te Si~n Ao~lic3tion: sep3r3te ilgn as Jetinca in A Sep3r:lte ":lpplic.J.tion is requir~d for the Sign -'ode. . e3ch.. ~, Electric3!: Any per~it issued under ~his application will include wir- ing 10 or on sign stru~ture. the supply wires for conA-eetian must be-:. 'I' covered on :In"electric31 permit. Electrfc3Vconnection must be rn.t1~e' '.!~ on1r by :1 State licensed Electric3! Contractor. Ill~~inated signs (both \ intern311y 3nd extern311y) must conform to Sections 9-7-4 (4)&(S) ;nd 9-7-13 of the Springfield Sign Ordinance. 2) 3) PI3n, ReQuired: This 3pplication is to be submitte~ sets or pl:!ns dr3Wn to scale. showing dimensions an vertising Dessa~e on sign; location of sign on prop to property lines. s~ructual details of support fr~ footings: r.l..1terials of constructiol! for sign and si, trica1 equip~ent and lighting; size and location of . proper:y .for the s,J..::!~ business. all a~ required to I with the Sprin~ii~lJ Sign Ordinance (Article 7 of tl Code). Also, show the following infomation on the showin~ property lines and location of signs): 'a) Show the 10c.1tion of 311 existing sign(s} as 'wel b) Show th~ length of the street frontage taken up building" j c) Show the location of entrances open to the p~bli 4) h"hen required. bec.1use of design, 5i:::e. etc.. engine, c~lcul.1tions ouSt be prepa.red by a licensed engineer to desi.n stand.1rds on file at the Building Division S) Pl.1ns oE insufficient clarity or detail will be retul plicant with no per~it being issued. 6) Signs must meet corner vision clearance requirements Fig. 9 of the' Springfield Cocprehensive Zoning Code. , 7) ~OTE: ~ sign O3y be erected which is less than 12 f ~ertiC:.11ly froo cverhe.1d electrical conductors in yolts, or less than S feet in any direction from overi lines which 3re energized at less than 750 volts. 8) If 3 si;o is not inst.11led~.ithin 6Q days after the.gi this per::lit. the pe~it sh.il~f be -yo-;"fil. . . ~~.~ .' ").. .:.1;,;;.. 9) Inst)~ctions: I ~) Site Ins~ection - to be made before the sign is pl the Foo~t~~ Insoection (if applicable) may be made ti~e as the S1te Inspection. The Footing Inspecti. ma...!e. after hole.(,~) is .~~avat_e~_~~but .p;:tC?,r. t!'~~: concrete. .,.. ~ ' .. . ., b) Fin.1! I~st)ection - to be made upon completion of al c) Elect~ical - All electrical signs aust be inspectec ca1 hOOK up after the sign is erected and before th turned en. CoILL FOR TIlE REQUIRED ISSPECTIDSS ON 1HE 24 HOUlj INSPECTIOS 726-3769, ~ SPECIAL COSDITIOSS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTION OF SIGN:,- ADDITIOSAL INFO~'tATIOS NEEDED BEFORE P~~IT ~tAY 8f ISSUED: , <.Y' PL~~S REVIE>>ED BY: c:.(U I ~I' ." ~......~... <""i. i>.-. .. ." ,'-~ " . , with twncFf"VOFSPRi N'GF I E LO City Hall Springfield. Oregan Department of Public Work. OFFICIAL RECE1PT. . No. B 57969c ~~te~\.2b ~ 1~~~.. . . R~c'd Fro,,: '7\ 0 r\~ (J) ~C Address \Sn.O ~~\ . ~ ( 5\ ',. ,'. \ ,(~ c- ( c (~' Received For: ( <: c (~~r-.. ~ ,oD .( , \() CN .~ ( '. - ~ ( ~. -:f3i. ~... ( G ( .-...;'" fjr.~.. . (." Amount Received' ~D- J' P_ ( l ~ {to .. v ~." ...".. ( l .MUTO...T!,"....ULL ....'..TIl.... ~ "r.J f-. DATE 1-,- b - Ell . .. ~.:..........-.~.~ ..<:..... .J /!d'".(r.~.1:. ,,;Z . . .... CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97477 I~FO~~TIO~: 7Z6-37S1 CITY OF SPRI~GFIElD SI~ CO~STRUCTIO~ ~~D ELECTRICAL I~STALL\TID~ CO~IBINATIO~ APPLICATIO~/PER.\IIT IXSPECTIO~ REQUESTS: 7~6.3~o9 LOCATI~' OF SI~(ADDRESS) LEGAL DESCR I PTl O~ / "7 OIISER OF PROPERTY ADDRESS Oh"XER OF SIC~(IF OTHER TIU.'l PROPeRTY OWNER) t!t!h_Tr."o! &",rI /1a~'I'f"4'~~....,~-r. Z:Hl:O. ADDRESS Sa h-l .e- SA.'[E OF BUSISESS. FI~'l, ETC, .4r1u/r- DM,I" "'.:L //..J~A 03 lId';' J-r.- ,~ !'r 4/ I TAX LOT . ~ift!JO PHO~E ZIP TYPE OF BUSISESS PHO~E '7-'t- 7/0 d --::;:t,ftp _Sr:;r'~ fP TYPE OF '"ORK: .:t... ERECT RELOCATE At TEll QTIIER TYPE OF S~GN: IIALL FREESTA.~DI~G ROOF PROJECTISG MARQUEE READER BOARD .:!.. DnlER BI LLBOARD E(p nAn~"1 C~;sl7lu g/P. . SIG~ CHARACTER J( IDENTITY PROJECTING INCIDENTAL .x. DOUBLE FACE (CHECK APPUc..\BlE ITE~IS): NON-I DE~TlTY SECONDARY SI~GLE FACE ~IULTl-FACE VENDORS, CO~;TR.\CTORS: SIG~ ERECTOR ---r;;: - c:, 5't4..... f ~Q~, ADDRESS /0610 /-/ull/ q<? /II I CITY LICENSE Nlr.-IBER ,f'61t?.r3J- SIG~ ~IA.'UFACTURE~ (IF OTIlER Tll"-' ERECTOR) ADDRESS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR L/Alf#//u/AI ADDRESS PHONE 9<,/.;1 - 9/7/. {!."di"", &"'"",,<<.. 0,-- EXP, DATE / - 9_ .f7-:>. .M ---." ~ if PHONE PHONE LICENSE Nlr.-1BER DI:-IESSIO~:S. r~Sn..LL.\rro:-; :\'.10 CC~SiRUCTION INFORH\TIO;-':: TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE Is! / VERTICAL Dn[E~SION OF SIGN ~ / HORIW~TAL WIDTH OF SIGN '1'-". DnIE~SIOS FRO~l GRADr. TO BOTTO>l OF SIGN /0 / THICK~ESS OR DEPTH OF SIGN /.2 d DOES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LINE YES J{ NO IF YES, DIHENSION BEYOND PROPERTI LINE ~OTE: IF PROJECTIO" IS :.:ORE TIIAN 12" OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY mE SIGN ERECTOR :.JUST FILE II In I THE BUILDING DIVISION COPIES OF HIS PUBLIC LIABILITY ~'D PROPERTY DA;l~GE I~SU~~CE POLICIES. WILL SIGS HAVE ELECTRICAL "IRING? ~YES --.'/0 IF YES, WHICH APPLY? )(ELECTRlCAL SIGN _ILLillIlNATED (INDIRECTLY LIGHTED) DESC!UI!E TYPE OF ~\TF.!H"LS SIG~! IS CQ~!STP.IJCTED OF /f-1"e7;;> ./ d~",.v/~r. ..oh,s?"';r_ PROVIDE UL ~1J"BER IF APPLICABLE W 9 {7 79 72- SITE INFOR.\~TIO~ (LA.~D USEJ--EXISTI~G USE OF BUILDING OR LA.'Q d...J A h;: J /.Z-~" ...A~ ,y ~ I. VALUE OF SIGN h"/'? ~ (OR LAST USE IF VAC~'lT): _ ) (',..p~~ \ . PROPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR LANO: EXISTING SIGNS (SiGN CODE): FIR.\of. ETC.: CHECK ONE IF APPLICABLE: ~lNDOOR BUSINESS _OUTDOOR lIERCHA.~DISING ARE TIlERE EXISTING SIG~S? YES po IF YES, DESCRIBE ALL.e;lIS:r~NG.SI~S~..F~R ~Us~~es.S. ALL EXISTING SIGNS ON PRE~ISESrS~'~ TAX LDTl: I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA>IINED the completed application for permit and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct. and I further certify that all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Springfield Sign Ordinance, the Uniform Sign Code as adopted by the City of Springfield and all other Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein. I further certify th3t my Sign Contractors License with the City of Springfield is in full force and effect as required by Springfield City Codes 8-2-6(~1 and 9.7-20(21. I will request . .all required sign inspections listed on the approved permit. /7~ L ^-... 0... N'AME(PLEASE PRINT)flIF~"'" ~ '77t::-UU/S SIGNATURE~a ~ ~1~CUtl'~ ,. ':....::DATE. ~~ ---------- FOR OFFICE USE ONLY J' SIGN DISTRICT ~HH. ZONE DISTRICT C -Jj. TOTAL SQUARE fOOTAGE OF SIGN lib J11 INSPECTIONS REQUIRED: _SlTE/LOCATION ~FOOTlNG OR METIIOD OF ATTACH.'IENT ~ELECTRICAL X F"~AL _OTHER FEES: SIGN PERMIT: Jt OlARGES: r 7.00- ELECTRICAL PE~llT: CHARGES: 11'/ t:). () l) STATE SURCHARGE: . ~ f') -- TOTAL FEE FOR PER.'IIT: ~/7. "It) . -:., PLEASE ~tAD I) Seo~r~te Sien Ao~lic3tion: A separate application is required for each, separate ~l~n as Jctinco in the Sign Code. 2) Elect~ic31: Any per~it issued under this application will include wir- ing 10 or on sign structure. the supply wires for connection mUSt be covered on an electrical permit. Electrical connection must be made only by 3 State Licensed Electrical Contractor. Ill~~inated signs {both \ intern~lly and externally} must conform to Sections 9-7.~ (4)&(5) and 9-7-13 of the Sprin~rield Sign Ordinance. 3) Plans Reouired: This application is to be submitted with two complete sets Ot plans drawn to scale, showing dimensions and height of sign; ad- vertising rnessa~e on sign; location of sign on property with dimensions to property lines, structual details of support framing, br3cing and footings: n3tcrials of constructio~ for sign and sign structure; elec- trical equip~ent and lighting; size and location of existing signs on property.for the s~~e business, all as required to dcter~ine compliance with the Sprin~ti~lJ Si~n Ordinance (Article 7 of the Springfield City Code). Also, show the following information on the plat plan (plan showing property lines and location of signs): .3) Show the 10c.Hion of 311 existing sign(s} ~s well as proposed. sign(s). b) Show th~ length of the street frontage taken up by the business or building. c) Show the location of entrances open to the public and driveways. 4) When required. because of design, size, etc., engineered drawings and calculations ~ust be prepared by a licensed engineer or shall conform to desibn standards on file at the Building Division Office. 5) Plans of insufficient clarity or detail will be returned to the ap- plicant with no per~lt being issued. 6) Signs must meet corner vision clearance requirements as .described in Fig. 9 of the Springfield Cocprehen~ive Zoning Code. 7) ~OTE: ~o sign cay be erected which is less than 12 feet horizontally or-vertic~lly fro~ overhead electrical conduc~ors in excess of 750 volts, or less th~n 5 feet in any direction from overhead electrical lines which ~re energi:ed at less than 750 volts. . 3) If a si;:\ is not installed liitnin 60 days after the date of issue of this pe~it. the per.nit shall be void. 9) Insoections: 3) Site rns~ection - to be made before the sign is placed. Usually. the Foo~:n~ inscection (if applicable) may be made at the sace time 3S tn~ Site inspection. The Footing Inspection is to be maJ~ after hol~(s} is excavated. but prior to the placement of concret e. b) Final r~soection . to be made upon completion of all work. c) Electric31 - All electrical signs must be inspected for electri- cal hOOK up after the sign is erected and before the sign is turned on. CALL FOR TIlE REQUIRED I~SPECTIO~S ON TIlE 24 HOUlj, INSPECTIO~ LINE AT 726-3769. ,. SPECIAL CO~DITIO~S TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTION OF SIGN: ADDITIO~AL INFO~'~TIO~ NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT ~~Y BE ISSUED: PL~~S REVIEWED BY: c:.(~ I / .\ . '~'r:J{~.ln '.',\LlD.\Tro~j / . ~};J 51qbq Dt~r;.oo ,J)jd- (0, C)f) ~ 4lJ DATE .j t-.4;8V DATE 1-'-6-8/ - -...........--