HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1984-8-14 '. .. RESIDENTIAL.. AF?LI~A:ION/PER!J1T 225 North 5th Street " Spr-;r~field, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Jcb !.c~~:i.:,": )R 1/ -i ~n /K.J \I()~ 3SA ,- \Vt; \~ T= !".ct N nil n(Y" ~a3UDO".r .~ II Sttbdi:r.:3ic,,: / . ~..".., ~-I;', :>_/Pkb t\'fpJlIY !Je,tLr,Q- Addrm: 3.?g- ~J, ~::A. Pr"",.: t,;?t,- ~,Jij7 City: ('::::-;V1-P//U< Zip: 97410/ I '. n n n n "~, ~&:i ",en Y~qO RO!r.1odsl .'!ob-:' z. ,~t:r.:3 Dirt. of "'?pZio::z~icrl ~n:l"'::c:orB 8' - /'I-~ '-I r:9-t"'..A...-vf f1 A.-/ Ceneral Ptwnbinq EZ.,etJ'"'iccl ,'./Il~Mr.ic=l CO"-8tr-.JC~~ !.C7UiQ,. Describe (.'ork.: Vatue ';:;<; 00. QX:> ~ .. "cc.i::' ~"2,-:2::>7)( *- Siqr.ed: r{). .;jfp -~ f).-r p ~ sY _/~- R- 'I I Add....es3 Date: v L;.;;c..' E..~i.'!'cs Plum&. :/ 1: U ~M NSponD'tbit.i:!I of tns p<<!"'I!fi: iu:tldlU" eo .fle :ha: at: inapflctiou ar. r:Iad4 a't :hi2 ;roper :im&, e.".::: ~it =ddrIlSB U r.......:...~:. Iron. tn. street. end thet the pernri.: card ill t.:x:~ted at ens frent of the property. .:!ui'!.di~.g jo:tJi=io~ C?Frot.:ed FLcn sr.c:ZZ ren:z~n on th.; Eu.-;Zdin~ ~it~ at aZZ times. ?"?t')C~'{!,p'~ r'}n r,"'S?Et::'I~l1 R!'CUZST:CALL 726-3769 (rccordcJ state: you::- City 3esifT"..:zt.a job 7tUr.".bel'.. job ~css.. t!!~e of in::psc-:icn r3qUutcd a.-.d :.r.":en i'ou :ALL be ready fo'l" ir..spcct-;on.. Ccn't7'actcl'S 0'1" 0/...'nS:"S' 11Cme .:nd pilar:e 7Ul.wcr. Requ~s:s l'flceit::d bsfcrg 7:00 <::: ~'iLZ. b. 1f'Ia.ci. t~ sar.. dt:h requests meds aitcr 1:00 en IJ'iU b.t r.ru1s the nc=t :xJl'kin.; dt:r:i' 22/ (JS&<! '. ~~'.&h'''''',- r...._!~:~":':.:.., lour City" Oeaigr4ted Jab N"mb~ 1D: I f)E.~:OLI'l'IO.'! OR "~:a~.; a:':IL::JI,"i(;S .~(J'.~i; ?':.~~~!:!C ~":::~.'?!'~~!:. ~ .'.f?:C.1-_ 0 SIDg-,.{ALX & :JRr.T"'A!: For aU can.. ~NI~)~: Jo ~~~ ia :0 jc co~e~~c creta paving within street right- w::iL :hes. ir-S~8c:icr.s ;'':Vl! beer. of-wc.y.. eo be made attar aU ezca- If'ItX"s :r..-i =??n'Jc'::. va.tin'] ccmpl.6ta & lam !&KJrk of ';uD- F::~::?!.~';!: '?:-;or:.o ?k:.:ir.g f'c.=ir-,; base: mc:'eel"ia! il'l pZa.:e. ~:;. ::: ;:~'o::::=:4a;:::'C- ~~;;: O~ ~~~;~~~~~. ~~;r. t:;1?1'CIJ.:... ~f z:~qll i'tw;"'1.r.g....oO!!..ec:M.-~~.{J.E. . cat 4 r.:ecrmn...:o:L. Al.. roor.."'3 b1"!Jc-:.r.g 4 ci1inrn~ya, 6t~. ~..tac ~e 0 CCmoloi:cd. ;':0 '..l.7r< ~a :0 oe CC7t- . cK"l~ Wlc~l :J:i:; in.st'ec:-;C7l ;'.4. . bcC'J1 ma.doi and a;;pr".,,:ed. o o SI7'~ I,1.3?~C:):": To be rrr:u:.s af:no e:cav.:::t::,,", .;ut pMcr tc Be: u? of J'":;rms. lr.1D~.~Sr.A3 ?:.r.':.f9r:lG. ~L2C:-.'?IC.1!. ~ "~C,f.;'A.'/I;:,H.: ';'0 be ma4S befortJ cny wr.ic ::s ':olJc:~ed. o .~~;c ~ FOU:!D.1TI~.'I: To b. .>:'Cas aj":o1r :rencnOlS Q"g i:CCf)at~d cr.d f~a c::re erec~oid, ,!,ut ;:r1,.,r :c pourir.g c:;ncret.;.. !r.!~t:iC.9~:r..'D ?:.(,,~;:;C" SE"..r::R. :J.l?'~P.... DRA~:/~t;Z: fo ce r.n=s prior :0 J.'i.i.- z.t.,.~ :1'er.c;..as. D o UllCE.~"r~~c.~ ?!.:.1.'.!3~:C ~ .'~c:!:...7[r::.!'.: To :,e ~ prW1' ;.0 iI'l3~.::"~t-:;oll at f7.00l" ::r.6UW::tion or tUckir.g. ?'JS1' .'~,'l!J =!::....f: To bB r.-m:c p.,...:"'l' to tltB:aL':"::-::Cn of 1'7.001' insL:l.a:::iOJ1 0'1" ticc.,,,,. o o o D . :J FI,~'A!' ;'!-:.1,'..'51::C :J Fl.'!:'!. ,'.'!:~.:A"'!C)'!. =:J Fr:IAG r:.z::R!::'l. .=:J O I!lSULA'I'rON/VAPO.t? EARRI2R n!S?:-C7IO,''-: To be m:z.ia atter aLL ir.suL.::'ti.:m cr'.a . rcqu~red vapor 1::mT'iers are in p lacs l:ut: cefors any lath.. gypS"Jr.l bcCU"d or uztz. covering is a?pU.ed.. and bsf'ord any ir,$'..ilation ~s conceal.ed. O DR';!''/ALL nlSP=C'!'!~.'I: Tc as made attar an Cr:...{'..)Q.n is in place.. but prior to cny tapir.g. O MASON.~Y: Stae! loc.:ztUm~ bc7rd b120l1f3.. grou-ting or vel"tic::::Zs in accordance l&1i:h U.B.C. Secticn 241~. O ".IOODS'!'OV::: After instaLlation is cc:rrpL.z:.d. .., o CUP.!J ~ APPROACH AP.~N: Aft.:- fOMls :rre erea'ted out ?riar' ta pcur";ng .:on...'7ete. :=J S~i~:;/ 8tr'..).~ :a;;ped .::t ~op;rt':i t.i.'!':8' :=J S(Jpti~ tank tr..."?...:I ar.d r~lZ.~ lJ'i-:h ;;r.:r~z~ :J FinaL - :/1um ~-v(J i-te:::s are c::r:Jl12tea . ..l '" .__ ar~ when ~~L~~r. ~s Compl..tB or S...~~. ture tr'.oued cnC pr~3es ~l.ane:! up. t.!aoil.e ifc.T,es :J 3l.ocki:ng and SoO!!C-;lp =:J Pz.un..bi~ connec::-::cns 8:::.JtJ1' ant:! W-:-_l' ---, ElectricaL Ccnr.ecc~ - BLockir4.. 88~-U? -1 and p~ir..g O'~r.ec;:ions ,n:.:st :;e c;;pr:n;oO!!c before l'flquest~r.g sZ.41c~.::aL ir.a?8c=io~ =:J Ac.::!essor:,' 3uiz..::~ng :J Fil"..::.L .. I.ftc.r J~'r':r.ea.. etc. are 0'~r..8=...d. sJdrt~r.g.. aeaYJl.. o ~Ll. pro;ec: cor.di:~ns. ;uc~ cs :he .{ns:a~Zc=~~n Qf s:redt :re~s. :~~!c:~n of :n. NUf..iired ~cnd:;c=?ir.;..::tc... :r.use ~e sat~.s;'icd ;;~fQre tr.. 3UIr.:.r::C i'D'AI. :oal'l ;8 r:!CjU9stad. o .':'!:IA:' a:;I:.:r:lC: 11:e FinaL SuiLdir.g !r:s;Ulctio" .':':".at bB ~equeator.:i -;.t~Jr :10. f'~r..:r.l. nlJr.':oin; r!eCtri.~al.. and ~Qcr4r.ic.::, Ir.spec:io"3 ;~a cee" ,~e a"~ cpp~ou.i. .A':': ...!;.:.'p.t;:.r~ I..ND C!~AN()Il':'S .'fUS! 3E .~C:!s..S:=l.E.. .4.~J;':S7:f2:l': :'0 3E ".~1C!' :!': .','0 ::sr ':'') CI':! f ?.:::~ ! of 2 I Jcb Nwnbcr: J 4 t1_~ ~ic" Grou,,~ Zona: WT TYPE Interior Corner Lot Sq. Ft;. ~ :;f tot CJVerag~ iff. of Stones , i Total Height iI'opogl'aphy lITEM I iNain , I GaPace !caroort I Accessol'U sr;:. FTC TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. evct.ucI 1.5 :r BuiUir.g Permit State Surcharge Tota l Charges lITEM I Fi:rtupes Residentia~ (1 bath) NO. Sanitary Sewer I Water I Plwnbing Pertr.i t State Supc::r.arge Total C1u::.l'aes InEU Res. So. fta. I NeIJ/Extend Cir~i ta I Temporary Service , i I I NO. Ele~trical Permit State SW'::harqe Total Charces 1 ITEM I ?urn::ce !!TU' S I E:::ht;nts t Hood i Vent Fan I r';:;odsto'Je I ilO. I I I I '1 Permi t 13suarlC2 Me::hanic:l l permi t State Surcharoe Tntal CharaeD I -- EllCROACH,'.fENT -- SeC::-.lntl/ D200sit I Storage l Uaintena~e Parmi t Total CharGes Curbcu: Sidewv.Zk I Pen:16 I Electrical Label I Mobile H:;me I I I TOTAL ANOU.vT DUE:" x FEE FEE FEE Panhand~e Cul-de-sac Value CHARGE CHARGE I I I I I C.r!ARCE I, I I I I I I, I I /x~1 I I I I IJ&O I, Refcl'er.ce ~umcel's: L-COC #: T:ipe/Cor:st: _ Bedrooms: WEn2rml Sources Heat rvatel" Yl!att?T' Range Fireplace Wood3tove T.JDe I Lot Faces - I Setbacks I P.L. House Garage Access. INorth lEast South IWest Fees Building Value & Permit This PBl"t1Tit io granted on the express condition that the said construction' shall, in all respects, confoT'm to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, incZuding the ZOning Ordinance, regulating the construction and uce of buildings, and may be suspended or revoked at c:ny time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordir.ances. I I ' I !PZan Check Fee: !Cate PaUl, IReceipt g, I Signed, Plumbing Permit No person shall construct, instal!, aUer or change any new or existing plumbing or drainage system in'whole or in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, e:z:cept that a person may do plumbing work to property which is ormed, leased or operoted by the appli- 'cant. , Electrical Permit J Where State LazJ requires tr.at the electrical L)Ork be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall r~t be valid until the Zabel has been signed by the Elect;rical Contractor. , 1 I I I I Mechanical Permit ..1 PLan Examner uar;e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for pe1'lTtit, and do hereby certify that all info~tion hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any ar.d aU L)Ork perfor:ned shall be do:19 in ac::!or- dance with the O1>di=es of the City of SpPingfieZd. and tho l<rJs of tho State of Oregan pertaining to the work described here-'~n, and that NO OCCU- PANCY !JiZZ be Trade of any Btructura LJithout p3rmission of the BuiZding Di- vision. I further certify that o:1ly contractors ar.d mrployees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 LJill be used on this project &~~ t/!;:/qY Date /