HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpecial Inspection Mechanical 2006-1-9 OCCUPANCY ADDRESS -:?h..A. ( )~/l--LblJ Ou ~ .sHAItER'~" I <10 COUNGE 1195 MAIN STREET . INSPECTION PERSON CONTACTED PHONE 736-5171 o REGULAR INSPECTION 01/19/06 1st REINSPECTION 2nd REINSPECTION 3 3rd REINSPECTION REFERRED TO FIRE MARSHALL OSVI . . ___ Next Relnspection: 1/19/2006 REINSPECTION TO VERIFY COMPLIANCE OR CORRECTION WILL BE CONDUCTED ON OR ABOUT MAIL TO: OWNER I MGMT. JACK DUGGER ADDRESS 38941 WENDLING ROAD CITY & ZIP - MARC'(jLAb~97478--' PHONE # 521'6575- VIOLATIONS: Noted Abated Unabated o B Extinguisher in each unit o Knox box o Sprinklered building INSPECTOR(S) Fechtel ---rv\ ---4<- clUJ! Shift I STATION . I DATE 3 ( / ( '7 10 Co RECEIVED BY: I I I I I I I I I I I # VIOLATION LOCATION I COMMENTS DATE VIOLATION ABATED Hood and Duct Suppression Systerh~i5Rfi9~ ffi~6"1ro'~~1:~~)195 Main St. Plans appear ' 1/1912006 to meet code requirements. The item(s) noted are in violation of the Uniform Fire Code. This Is an official notice of vloJatlons(s) requiring correction. Failure to comply with these requirements may lead to legal action. The Inspection is Intended for your safety and the safety of the citizens of Springfield. Your cooperation Is greatly appreciated. For more Information concerning this Inspection call 726-2296. FD.46 Rev 8104 Phils Club House 1195 Main Street Springfield, OR 97477 (o"butor: A.l FiN Protedion 3773 Moin St,,1I Springfi.Id, OR 974n Doop Schul.., Josh Rud<~ Guy L..... S41.726.7287 16" Duct: 2 ADP 16" Duct: 2 ADP A + Control NOlZlu Nozzlt, 41,,.C;__;;;"___ ___ _tl!lJ___ _, _';.ou uu ,.._ _::~-:-~=': .. /fi~r 3/S"Pipt ...'tor_ IG~ R",p i"on!. (y1 12 Flow loints MlH ~ l i<i . go t F 1 27".45" F.... S"rfu. D R.mot. PuIl<l8" Off floor , ::L Mllchanicll Gu wM . . 16" H 20" flyer . R 1 ZO" .42" From Surfu. lADP 13".45" From Sumc. /Ir ' '"-- ~ r......... r'. Hood hu 7 20"1120" BoftI. styI. fill... 7 - ADP= Appliono:. Duct,P1"'lJIIl Nozz~ I-F = F'l"rNo,zl. J- R = R~. Nozzl. L- , =a~~-~~ !'" = . ==."."" P" . . 4 GoIlon (y1inder hu 12 Flow point. m.... Thi. Syst.m i:l using only 10 Row point:sltD'ing 2 Flow poinb for future grooth. . 2 bumer Reng. 6 24" Gridd~ C c.8 # /00355 EV:P,'",.s {, - (J 6 if." ",,-/. I ~ - 0-.( fro X CA. f'P~o X - o.pfno.;: - ~, 3' 'I /5 5,-,?fj /"''<- 13 ~ j;rol',t. /,".--.f ,...~ {/' i' ~~- :;/......, V$ecJ.. - o./lolYd , r /3;).. , I() / . \ ...".. j t ,+. ':j'. ..14 6(, ., ,. . , 3 . cONTROL HEAD UMITS . RANGE GuARD, '-.- ,"',n .-, ..,_ ....-"._._0-............. .......,., ~:,..' ...~.'.,..,f,.~.....>.-,..., _.__ .j_.",._ , __~.__~._ ....._........._._R-:--_.....~:~ ._,-,.-.~-~,~.- ~~!"". Umlbr.' ".,-, Nu~ of~ puIIeyI .....'"...'. Number of - jluUoyo .......81 PuB Nu.......of~ ""'tOy. .. Mecb. gaS IIn." . Det8ctlon Un. and/or _od puU'. AmciIaJI ofCalole_uat PUll une....-'. ~I.. 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IITlIR " lhun~~ (OAf) "', C" . .. ,....,;..:.'..<:..::::... .;"..;,.:~ . .81z0a84 '.iJ.:, '. . ,-,....~ . '. 8i200~ 8G454I ' . - ~~...:i.. ,'. '-..> ,:_ B1Z11G!14 G),j;}:~i<i"~~ ;"; . :;,'. .,.... z". ;-;:-,::j I f.):' .(.. 't'" 1 ...id with lIOIonold. z". :i '.,:: ~" , ,.~~;.-.."~ :\:. .:-'.,,,, .,,' -.::,..'-: .' ;~. .,.".~. .,,:'-; . ._....,.....~_.-:;.... '<"'--'--' .e>, . .. ~>., .; ,. .. .. \ \ ~:{ ;~~, > '''~ ~~:;.0... .. ,.x;,~..,::. .. ~ .... '..y'." '> ~..; ." ..,_ .'. h,._'~_.'''":,.' ~---; '.~ ;:_:J.::' ,?~.~.-. ,.' tt:".:.:~;~, ...c;'\'~~~~~~,~r}.~'~I.lt'~'~i'~z~~4;; ;- " " "- .' ': '.-::-. 1 ~:~, :. :;f~~-~':};Stc.;:$~3;::1:;~~d~:;;J~~;~;;.:;::~::;;;i\~~i;~ ..: :;~:~i:~~~~=~~i~~lrll~l ~~.~~~~u'~,,{.:;t:;g~.~~;,,;:.;,';d i~l:~.~~~o ~,a;;. . . DUlL ':;Y&r::3~~ .~.:: r(&#~H,*>:.:Apl,~,.At>~-7 ..'iwint:.~1Iia. .WidihM;;;;."Fmei.. . '... ;Niii2i8~~ij;!:" .. 10' ',;4' . 'V" Bank or SlngJ8 ADP I f'~ 1-' ADl"" ..~,~. .~.~ ..N!>t#. Inches. Inches Nozzle PosI1Ion 281<2~ '~iii~~ .. Within 9" radius 01 mid point 24 ~ 24 161020 ,<;enterei!.OV1ir))ilzard . .-..'~'~.:..:. I , -,-y ",',". ',.... ,~., .- ,"," PIenUrn .' 1iaZ/II'd . ':~~four.suiner. . ~ ," . "' ,.>Rang& ~1:oW "\..;. ,{.; 'Griddie'i~ ra~~),AlIi~sUifube' 'FiY<<'"~:V8i(DifPIio;;ici8:fto6') ,..:.', J F,y.;..~ :3m9te Vat(6.iP.~:;ia;;~~1")" .' . .::~;I~~:;,:t~~~l.M~j~~'~jd.>.~P5") , ,.f'. ~~~:~~iabY1WP.I"*:~(onP"'jj;;,,,~'''!1l1 .. .. i.,~~ ~g~;;a~~'M~:ie:(~;;lJc;;;'~. . : :', ,~'*s. (3',10 8"l!OOp) ~.:,;:,;,"~c:;., ...,--.. ',.. .rlll-Sldllet eiJcllIrPislng Pan (liquid Can exceed 6sq II) ~;~_I,li~S.;\;. /:;,.~;-. Ciiain.~: ckised Toi>~(UseWpipe) . ....-..... '" ..: --~;,.. '. . ~ Chajri~ - OpE.nTop (use%" p;p.,) :.;' ~~i~-:E,.i:-'~..~~':~~,.~~.,. : :."" ~,O:_",.';';,"X'~Gas.~.~'l.r,;;.~'-rM;; :::;.; . . " 'c;::"'-.::t":::~-Oi>eil'Giici -:. -~. ,cli.i~iJioi~:~~;~~'.,.,. .'. -' 42X.30 ''iifxlil . 24.x24 . .1~,1<J!5.5 141<15 . ~:J I .) ..1 I I I I ,1-4i115 93~33 ,14 lD 211 CIa" 241'24 3O.2SX34 28X29 .28X28 ?l1<~_ 24.X 21 24 i< 21 ., ~:~2,4-:-:" 0, ".'.. '131046 ',: ."'2j:tit45 .' o.iP~ aim ~nn 3'.cir:. .. . . :_." ~::.~':.'45"t090. '27.51046r . .Oncj(Wllhlii~ .. _ . ,l~Io.24. '. 3.51013.5 0Ifsei; Mli16 FL PI. iT 10 45~" 10 llO" .161027 ' ::'':Z22.Siii2il./i' .'.~':~~ai' 27.510 46 '. "see" 3-10 '"see a:12 See 3-12 <1..Io4ll.. . 241046 Z41046 I ADP/l :3:~.tOe:5" (,ifPerlmeil.r .'l.EiQht Ai)p 11 ea. .,..oGRW/l I . "/2 I I I 45".- 9(l~;2laY'!'8 of rock I. I I I 'r :...: ,.., .Onor~..(.-,:.' . .".... ':'-wllhin2". Front edge, Wuh;n pim~ top'4" of brol1eroomp. . . see 3-12 See 3-12 45" 10 SO" . 45. to 90. Nozzle I Row NO. Rll l..!'Rll ADP/l ,. "F/2 "F/2 LPF/2 '. .Fi2 ADP./l ADP/1 . Two ADP /1 ea. .. '.F/2 G~/1 GRW/l ADP/1 .I?M 13 .....,..:_c'.., ". 3-13 AD4-1 .3-5 3-5 ~ , AD2-3 3-5 3-7 A05-3 3-10 ADl-3 3-10 3-12 3-13 3-11 3-11 "' 3-11 I 3-11 I 3-12 . I I '1 -I' I I 24'iii_~,' .L#":!Ki"; '1"Fuelde~ '"~.1,Oii8rOiJlW/~i~,-*,,'a...?Ds; ?;"'''~'. :::::~::30j(24:G~~~~lD'!lI .' r, rW:-1!o~;".10"Fueldepth :::::::L":;:i~~.I*t~~~\~N'ffi.~~~(~.~~Jl!9lJ9,',. <JllCi!ic~ and.linltations. .. .