HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Sidewalk 1980-7-14 . . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97477 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS July 14, 1980 346 MAIN STREET 726,3753 CERTIFIED LETTER Mr. Bernard Hiatt Mr. E,R. Lichterwalter 1838 Main Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Dear Property Owner(s): A recent inspection of the sidewalk at Springfield, Oregon, shows that sidewalk completed as required by our April 21 1147 Main Street repair and/or replacement has , 1980 letter to you. not been If this office does not hear from you by July 25, 1980, the City will schedule the sidewalk repair/replacement work and bill all costs to, the property owner. Please direct all inquiries to the Springfield Building Division at 726-3753. Sincerely; ~~ Ronald B. Clark Superintendent of Building cc: Maintenance Superintendent Building Occupant RBC/SJ\lj CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS July 14, 1980 346 MAIN STREET 726-3753 CERTIFIED L~""~ Mr. Bernard Hiatt ~rr. E.R. Lichterwalter 1838 Main Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Dear Property Owner(s): A recent inspection of the sidewalk at Springfield, Oregon, shows that sidewalk completed as required by our April 21 1147 Main Street repair and/or replacement has . 1980 letter to you. not been If this office does not hear from you by July 25, 1980, the City will schedule the sidewalk repair/replacement work and bill all costs to the property owner. Please direct all inquiries to the Springfield Building Division at 726-3753. s~~ Ronald B. Clark Superintendent of Building cc: Maintenance Superintendent Building Occupant RBC/SJ;lj ..' . .. ,:l 01 31SlfNn - C3SS~ltiaO\l i1~i; H3m3C iON li ~il ~3~ ~ Ll~6, uo~a~o 'P1a,J ,~dS q.aa~q.s u, W gSg1 ~aq.1B~~aq.qo,~ a'a'xw q,q,BJH P~ u~as: . XW \ I r~0~ ;;;1 el6! ~__ IJ~A;~ \ 7J:!)!f"i)11011 [JuZ ~--__iJ.J!Ju~~II" --__, " / % ~ _'\'0"" I!d .Q'~'o"""" ...r--- tl;!J.';:I'" .-~ \ ;\ on \' -; , : ~ ;\ : v ill} A 0 G8,~.t1nr U) "" I!!ii. ~ ~ .> 1J ... _---.~,~I ~~" _... ......0 ~ill\f\SCe ~\!!~ _~.,'7/,:I<)'\:;~ .... ~_~ '\ 7Y;e,..~~..._. ~ f:E=:.~~'~-~- .L _ - .' ~ ( "il 0 '0-!7 c:;f I E'( u_ ~ ~ A\\G6 <? \ ELCC8L6L ~d_r~_ ~ @ ~ Oll!}~~~ ' - - - - . . """ -"""'lI h' \:J3J.1-;::l,M\j ...Jlfl (, ,'- II ir.3:J.J;a~ a;:TT h~":,,,~l \.l~~.c3 :i S}/HOM DI7EIl1d LL~L6 NO~3~O 'O'3I.:1!)NI~dS SJ..33~.1S ..v" H.H:lON ONV H.U:lnO.:l ......- ~~'DNJ:'HdS .a:O .A..LXO A WP . ~ , . 'f' " 'I' ; , ~ I'. I . ~ , .. ~ _ ___ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ n _ _ __ _ n_ _ __ _ _r"~ 'L .L~. J; .. I ~~:,~ Q SE1"IDt."ll: .. Complete item, 1, 2. aM 3. .. Add)'OW addICSS m the "RITURN 1'0"' sp;i:ft qD revene. -. '- ~ 1. The following service is requested (check one.) ..:./ -. :;:.- ~ Show to whom L'lJ data deHvered..........':~~~. I ~ 0 Show to whom, date and address of delivery,.. .~' 4 ~ P: o 'RESTRICTED DELIVERY , '.' , '}': Lt,. ~. ~.~ Q:~ Show towl1om and d.3te delivtml..u..u...~~~t . ~ o RESTRlC1ED DELIVERY, "I---' , Show to whom. dlle, and aUress of delivtl'}' .~~- . :;'. - \~'>); (CONSULT POSTMASTER FOR FEES)' '" ' ~~"'ftt~'t"t~~' Lichterwa1tifF;' 1838 Main Street ' Springfie~~, Oregon 97477 2. ", .. .. c: :II Z :II .. o ~ ;; ," '" 3. AAT'CLE tKSCfU"TtO.~: n<~mR'D ~u 17:;~:';~ N<> ,I UCSURED~, LAlmrys obtain lignatule of ___ ...-..,. or agentJ 6, " .;;: 1 h.ne rccei\'ed the article described above. ?: SJCNATURE U\ddrcssce QAuthoriz:ed ap1. .i ). DATE O~ DELIVERY PO$1'MAAK (f$ ~ S. A::lDRESS......., + -"tlf , . , cs:~ . '" :: ~ 6. ~UJ.:A8Ui TO DEUVER BECAUSE: 0" ,~ UNCLAIMED __ _0_ ___ _ _ _ __ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _ _ ___ __~::':~:; J'~' . CLERIt'S IlllnAlS , " ~ ,1~1~~.i 1- .-1.1.1 , .. , I' ;,', . t ,~" . U-"tj, ~ . ''\ '~ , '---.... ,. . . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97477 PUBLIC WORKS April 21, 1980 346 MAIN STREET 726-3753 CERTIFIED LETTER Mr. E.R. Lichterwalter 1147 Main Street #7 Springfield, Oregon 97477 * Mr, Bernard Hiatt 1838 Main Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Gentlemen: An inspection of the sidewalk at 1147 Main Street, Tax Lot #7300, Reference 17 03 35 4 1, reveals the need of repair and/or replacement of six (6) feet of the sidewalk directly west of the Sizzler Restaurant property. We urge you to complete this replacement/repair not later than thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, Your failure to do so will make it mandatory, under provlslons of the City Code, Chapter 2, for the City to proceed with the replacement/repair of this sidewalk and assess all costs, Any additional information concerning this replacement may be obtained at the Building Division at 346 Main Street, Springfield, Oregon, or by calling 726- 3753. s~~ Ronald B. Clark Superintendent of Building RBC:SJ/lj cc: Maintenance Superintendent