HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Sidewalk 1981-10-15 '--. ::;-iU.. t vv""".,s;04.J/ !:/Ip/i,' /N.s"'-:':C7~~ ./ ',IJ.~ 6;. . '........... CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97477 ISFO~~TIOS: 7Z6-3753 CITY OF SPRI~GFIELD SIGS CO~STRUCTIOS AND ELECTRICAL ISSTALL\TIOS CO~tBINATIO~ .\PPLIC'\TIO~/PER.\lIT IXSPECTIOS REQUESTS: 7~6.3~ti9 LDCATI~~ OF SIGS{ADDRESS) LEGAL DESCRIPTIOS I 'ei ,I Ol'SER OF PROPERTY \\"dt\\!~~:() \~~ \-\ I A TT ADDRESS L \.., '\ l...J \' t-l\;\\.:, tJ \ P. \...- O"~ER OF SIG.'{IF OTIIER -TIL\.~ PROPERTY Olm~R) ~cR !'l.1\;\) [ll\l./iY" Pl>.\t \('( Q. ADDRESS \ 2-D S C ~-\ --tl\ PL<::..l>it.lN{; {If LIl 0(1 ( ,....'IE OF BUSI~ESS. FlK.'I, ETC, RNl.,QI\!\\)\!'i' ') NrLi-!r.o..lJll TYPE OF BUSISESS \\'\1 \vl\\ \ I\: "\\>iZ\l\i~ \-:\0, j) Ol~l I..", TAX LOT "17()3~:;i.ff7:1.';O, " '-'0) ,--a PHONE 1 4 " ~3 /, '---1 ..:J ' ~r:C1\lIin HAllin I--.J '1- (CHECK '\PPLIC.\3LE 1T=~.!Sl: PHO~E 7,IP TYPE or: :,ORK: j. ERECT RELOCATE ALTER OTIIER TYPE OF SIG:-:; ~ \'All FREESTA.~DI~G PROJECTING READER BOARD BILLBOARD S IG,~ Cf.\R."TER ){ IDESTlli' ROOF MARQUEE CTrnER PROJECTI~G INCIDE''TAl DOUBLE FACE :x NON-IDESTITY SECONDARY SINGLE FACE ~RJLTI-FACE VENDORS. CO"P,\CTORS: SIGN ERECTOR /?'r;& /'.ri7ZI<L",,/L C S70/Z.tT O(.-(.ttl/f;J?, ADDRESS CIli' LICE~SE Slr.1BER SIGS ~lA.'UFACTURE'R (IF OTIIER T1lA.~ ERroCTORl C A<SCA-iOt7 S/h/f AS ADDRESS .3.~~L~ l.U /<> t' ~7/::.'//-I . (5V c;; .s-A,./e- , 0 If::.. , ELECTRICAL cm.'TRACTOR ADDRESS PHOSE 70(;;, 3 3 G, f ,EXP, DATE PHONE (0 i)' It:' ~ ~:vb Cf- PHONE .LICESSE SlJlolBER DI:-IE~SIO~:S. I~ST.-\LLHIO~ ..'ISO CO~STRUCTION INFORH;\TIO~: TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GlUOE q Pt.--:t:-/ VERTICAL OnlE~ION OF SIG~ i./- rt:::-e / _ ~ORlZONTAL~W}jlTH OF SIGN 5? ~~ OI:IENSiQN FW., GRAur. TO Born", OF SICS _C;- H.c:::=/. THICKNESS OR DEPTH Or SIGN 3f(c /;f/~ ' DOES SIGS PROJECT BEYO~D PROPERTY LISE _ YES ~ NO IF YES. DI>lENSION BEYOSD PROPERTY LINE NOTE: IF PROJECTION IS :,:ORE TIIA.' IZ" OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY TIlE SIGS 'ERECTOR ,lUST FILE \<lTI! TIlE BUILDING OIVISIOS COPIES OF' HIS PUBLIC LIABILITY ....~o PROPERTY O~~GE ISSU~~CE POLICIES. WIll SIGN HAVE ElECTRICAL \HRI~G? _YES ).:;;;NO IF Y~~, W!j;.CH APPLY? _ELECTRICAL siGS _ILLUm~ATED. (INOlRECTL: LIGHTED) OESCP,leE TYPE OF ~_\TF.RI"LS SIG~! IS CO~!STPDCTEO O~ .3/(&: ,~aO h.-?lWooC7 - ./J~//.'7Z--zJ CoA7/ PROVIDE UL NU"BER IF APPlICABLE VALUE OF SIG~ if/, ~ () SITE :r~L\:~~~ {L~'I:~,-;:,XISTWG USE ~:~LOING OR LAND {Pli ?7!/-.lt~T}:-L:L7/A/'T ~'7V/4S" PROPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR LIND: C;Z /VO r7'7f7t../.c:;J S'?W/~ CHECK ONE IF A,!';:kICABLE: )S.INDOOR BUSINESS OlITOOOR "ERCHA..~OISING EXISTING SIQlS (S;G.~ CODE): ARE TIlERE EXISTlSG SHiNS? _YES ~O IF YES, DESCRIBE ~,ElIS1'~NGSI~SS..F~R ,B~SI~E,SS. FIR.~. ETC.~ '~, ~ ' A1.L EXISTING SIGNS ON PRE~IISES(SA..\IE TAX LOT}: /f/tJ/l/G' ~ I HAVE CAREFULLY E~\IINEu the completed application for permit 3nd do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Springfield Sign Ordinance, the Uniform Sign Code as adopted by the City of Springfield and all other Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein. I further certify that my Sign Contractors License with the City of Springfield is in full force and effect as required by Springfield City Codes 8-2-6(~1 and 9.]-2Q(21. I will request all required sign inspections listed on the approved pernit, \) J\ ' (\' NAME {PLEASE PRINT) KC:R t.\!T 9i\ \t k I':.~ SIGNATURE "i<, ~~ y L\'~'''::DATEI 0::'::\1;:. 'I I - - ~OR OFFICE USE Q:onv SIGN DISTRICT!' /~~ -=->NE DISTRICT ,1:.. -'-i4 TOTAL SQUARE fOOTAGE OF SI INSPECTIOSS R~RED~TION _FOOTING OR flETIIOD OF ATTACH.\lEm- _ElECTRICAL FEES: SIGS PER.~lT:,d ~ ELECTRICAL PER.\IlT: CHARGES: ~; 'j'\ b{D CHARGES: ~ $'~~ooS7E: '" / 'IL ~,+n, ~ ~L(l' ~ ~ ,.-VYl.AVV , ' M~ "" Y. ,B 2I.t1J j , --C>1liER e- 4- T1lTAL FEE FOR PE~\IlT: ,~ ~t '.' PLEASE hL:?AU ,,~ 11 ~ , Ii ii rER~.!IT ':.\L1D.UIO~ 1) Seu3r3te Si~n Ao~lic~tion: A separate application is required for each separate jlgn JS ~etinea in the Sign Code. ( Final r~soection . to be made upon complet~On 01t- Electrical _ All electrical signs must be inspected for electri- cal hOOK up after the sign is erected and before the sign is turned on. 2) Electrical: ~y permit issued under this application tT~' ing 1n or on sign structure, the supply wires for cont covered on an electrical per~it. Electrical connectic only by :1 State Licensed Electrical Contractor.. lUlU' intern:! l1y and extern311y} cust cooforr.!. to Sections 9. (l 9-1-13 of the Springfield Sign Ordinance. 3) Plans ReQuired: This application is to be submitted, sets Ot pl~ns dr~.n to scale. showing dimensions and i vertising ~ess~~e on sign; location of sign on proper to property lines. structu3l det3i1s of support frami. footings: D3tcri3ls of constructio~ for sign and sign tric31 equip~ent 3nd lighting; size and location of e proper:y for the S~de business. all as required to de with the SpringfielJ Sign Ordinance (Article 7 ot the Code). Also, show the following infomation on the p showing property lines and location of signs): ~. a) Show the loc3tion of all existing sign(s) as well b) Show the length of the street frontage taken up t ( building~ . c) Show the location of entrances open to the public 4) When required, bec3use of design. si;e, etc., engine! c3lcul3tions ~ust be prepared by a licensed engineer to desi&n st3nd3rds on file 3t the Building Division .5) Plans of insufficient clarity or detail will be retu: plic3nt with no per~it being issued. 6) Signs must meet corner vision clearance requirements Fig. 9 of the Springfield Conprehensive Zoning Code. , 7) ~OTE: ~o sign cay be erected which is less than 12 ~ertic31ly fron overhead electrical conductors in volts, or less th3n S feet in any direction fro~ ove lines which are energi:ed at less than 7S0 volts. 8) If 3. si;n is not inst~lled Idthin 60 da.ys after the this pe~it. the pe~it shall be void. 9) InSDcc:tions: 0) Site Insocction . to be made before the sign is the fOOtln~ (ns~ec:ion (if applicable) may be m~ time as tn~ Site Inspec:tion. The Footing Inspec mad~ after hole(s} is excavated, but prior to tt concrete. b) c) CITY'OF SPRINGFIELD City Hall Springfield, Oregon Department of Public Works OFFICIAL RECEIPT ,i! { " ,s.~' ... Dote e. Rec'd \\(1).Q "19R~O. B From~~ ~5\ll/. ~~O \~)\~n..) ( 57558( Address ( Received For: (' (""( (st l[l~~ \ F\,t5J -0 _ ( C' ( ( ( 1- , ( (' Amount Received n, ou ~~u.. ...tuO...T.......u~~ ....,..u.. . e"'OE..e, 011 '7.0' ..."., C--- - '\ \r-bd ( -. <;t IIY -rbe \t of \ ( c !:.\LL FOR TIlE REQUIRED I~SPECTIO~S O~ TIlE 24 HOU~ INSPECTION LINE AT 726-3769, ;' , SPECIAL CO~DITIO~S TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTION OF SI"~: .:~<~~..~~. .--::: ---- / ,~ .-..,. ADDITlO~AL INFOR.'1ATlO~ NEEDED BEFDRE PERMIT ~lAY BE ISSUED; P~~S REVIEWED BY; -"'"""/ <., , -' ' '--:. ,,'7, '_"',~ ".. / .' ..; ..,..;:... ; 'ATE 1/' -- , / CITY OF 5PRH'lGfIFLU Deer!' 'ment of Pubiic lVorfrl :!'25, '\ur.!. 5th Street .., SpnnUfield, U/'(g01l 97477 ~ '. ~~; - ,;:-~