HomeMy WebLinkAboutAddressing Correspondence 1997-7-25 :. .. . "w . SPRIF'ELD ) 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 .(541) 726.3753 FAX (541) 726.3689 DEVEL,OPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT July 25. 1'997 ., Julie Mariscal 2960 Ferry Street Eugene. Oregon 97405 RE: Street Address Assignmerit * Dear Ms. Mariscal: I am writing in response to your request for mi address (0 be, assigned to the most southerly structure located on the property commonly known as 1141 Main Street, Springfield, Oregon. The property . currently has five structures located on the parcel known as Lane County Reference Number 17033541. Tax Lot 7200. The property currently has four addresses assigned which. are 1141 Main Street. 1141 Main' Street Unit 1.1145 Main Street, and 1145 Main Street, Unit I. We have no record of the fifth siructure , being assigned an address. Therefore, this is your notice that the most southerly structure located at Lane COl,lnty Reference Number 17033541. Tax Lot 7200 'is assigned 1143 Main Street. This address assignment takes'effect immediately: . ,-- . . 1 will'notify the following co~paniesandlo; agencies of this new add;ess assignment by sending them a 'copy of this letter: Springfield Police Department . Springfield Fire Department U.S. Post Office , U.S. West Communications Northwest N~tural Gas TCI Cable United Parcel Service Springfield Utility Board . Lane Council of Governments 911 Dispatch, Public Safety Lane Co~nty Elections Departl1}ent Sanipac ' Rainbow Water District Springfield News/Register Guard Please place the address numbers on the structure and mailbox as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please feel free to phone, me at 726-3790, Sincerely. ", ........--=--.----....\ ; , i Lisa Hopper' Building Safety Coordinator ) .' ,.. ~ .. -" I . e . ADDRESS REQUEST Property Owner: FrDh "\n"rQ.. l'h\:d'_ t\r.<,<;.rn 't ,. , Mailing Address: ~9 ~C:l \?.,.~ tt 'C"" Person or Agency requesting address if other than owner: City: State: r?\~ Zip: Cit'-\()~ " Phone number where you can be contacted: (S41 \ h<;<~-~OO~ Assessor Map #: i -, () ~ ~ S:-<-j I Tax Lot #: C\.., A"<.... Properties are generally assigned addresses when application is made for a permit to improve the property. Please explain specifically why you need an address assigned prior to the property being improved: ~) Jtrl.\~,N!. ~\"'\.~\ -~ ~~ ~",~cL o'""'~ Q \00...."\ \:-...~l.~.' \..\h'lo l_',-.l.~.~..... '\;:'v,,,,-\-' C!\Lt..,,- \-.......l.~~ ~~cd."';:~ ~~~ 0......) \---... '~J..AJ C'l'\.,~.l..J. r-P("'",\"\""~,, ........."'.:' .C1o.",",rI'L~'{~_~~\"'c>c>~'L>J. ~.'n r-~~",l.\.~\) ~: \-...." ,""O'\l.~...~ Y"<-..n:,~, n.s;uu.o.J '""'^~, ~"""'~ t ,'<"" ~H..__" ...\..... ~CJ.>.~~S Proposed ~~ \\14. \ IM.~, (~.:Wo'*'.. c...~'<K2~\\r\ ./ Property Owners Signature: [;,1. ~#, ~. 'I.: ~ \\n~c..n-- <1. . -------------------------------------~--------- -------------------------- OFFICE USE fN\lO Tax Lot #: ()\?ill ~ Received By ( Reference Number: \ '"1 (),~~L\\ Approved: V ,I If approved, ~e:::~~dres=at~ \\ L\/0~~f\ Jm,t-; ( Reviewed bY:illL'\J'-J"tt~ f ) Date: \.~ l.q ) (g) -*-J'tJJst~ ~01\ ~ o\wG\wiL ~MJ'r'\o OtttL~ ~ ~\\-~tic& Date Received: Denied: . /", c. ",._ "'lI - '<I W.Q.., [,vowot 1lA0 10 Ch~ {{4/ Ma:rv dCo..-vJ ~ SO~~ A- czcc..w0. . ' ...... . ;#' , . ~ '\'5, \'\"'1 ~ \A-c~-,r I ;\ ~"'-- "'" '<\"'" <'>'-',-,> -4... ~ \~ C3J()O\.d: ~ ~ ('~C\..~- \~ ~,\cl-\-~\ ~-\S,(..~ ~ '-u~ ~o....l(""~~~m...~~ ' ~"""-- ~('e.. w~ "'-'~ ~ ~ \\'-'.\ \-\~ - ""'~ -bo.. ~A~. \0..... ~"- \"'"'~ ~~ C'->oC ~"'".- ~ c\.."-u<<- ~o"""t" \\..v ~"?",,. '<*- c6 "'o.uo.. 0'->..< ",,:.\..~ ~ ~"?"" <t:>~.r. .J, --r~~w 0.... '-S~~~~> "'O~\.0,~~ . Q~~-i~.