HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Change 1989-3-16 .. RESID.ENTlAl" APPLICA.N/PERMIT 225 Nopth 5th Stpeet Springfield, O,'er/on 9?1J?? Building Division ?26-.3?53 l' Job Loaatian: / / '-I I K A8Ge83or= Map # i /) 0 ~ 4'-4,N 51." "3 <:; 'V/~ -r.,;;2fJO'c:r Lot # Subdivision: CUne:r: :~ /-Iv m /UKR //4/~ m~ SYRJAl6r 'cLd Address: City: Q"'PI" Ii .~dditicn n Ramodel n .'!obile 110m.:! Date of AppHaation :3 - / (,. -1'1 Contractors General . Plumbi.ng I t-lechan:lcal I Elec:tdc:al c:. -f H t!Lt5c rJi:lC l Suoervising__l::lec t r.i (' LI n Pi;"".: 7;;.10-001-1... .-, Rcce-:.pt # (339 f .. Signed: Date: C0 ~;..n.-R9 Zip: DescPibe rl'Ol'k: Juv~ Value Address Li~c. II BId rs Board R~". Pbonp ~7~5J- '7Ji?Jr;,C,5 J.I ILL 7i:'d. Expires .5'107 L 3</:J-f1(5 7-.30 -if It is the 1'8aponGibility of the permit hoLder to BBB that all inupections are ~de at the proper timel that each ~e8s is rea~ab:e j"7'OfTI ths 8tre6t~ and that the pel'mit cam is located at the j1>ont of the propel'ty. tBui!dirzg Divi=ior'. ap;n.oved Flan s1u:.ll remain on the; EJu-:.lJing sit::: at all times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION R~QUEST:CALL 726-3769 rl'ecopdepJ state yaup City desian.a.ted job numbel', job address, type of in:Jpec;ic~i l"equcstcd ar.d when you. will be ready fop inspection, Contl'aetol'S 01" OtJnel"S nc.me and phone nwnbcr. Requests received befcl.e 7:00 c:;; i.'ill be made the same dcy. I"equests made after 7:00 am l.){,ll b::: Trrlde the nezt ':XJrking day. .qp.m11:",?~n r'1.<:p.,t'!t:i.('m_.<~ O SITE INSPECTION: To be nnde aftcp excavation, but priOI" to se; up of forms. O UNDERSLAB PLUMBINC. ELECTRICAL & NECHA.YICAL: To be made befol'a any work is ~ovcred. o FOOTING & FOUND,1TIOII: To be ""de after trenches are excavated and forms are el'ectad, but prior to pouping concret~. UNDERGROUND PLUMBINC)' SSIIEH. W.1TER..1 DRAINAGE: To be made pl'io,' to fil- ting trenchez. o o UNDERFLOOR Pr,ljf.53ING ,I; MECHANICAL: To be made priol' to installation of 11001" insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made pl'ior to installation of floor ins~lation 01' decking. ROUGlJ PLW!BI!JG. Er.ECTR!CAL ,~ MECH- ANICAL: No WOT'k is to bc eOl:ered ur.til these inspectior:s h:we beer. made and approved. FIREPLACE: Prior to placir.(J facing matel~als and before framing inspec- tion. FRA1!JNr.: Must be I"equeated after appl~val of rough plwr.bingJ elect~i- cat & mechanical. AU rooring bracing ~ chimneys, etc. nr~8t be . completed. !lo w:n'k is to be con- . cealed until this inspection has . b6en mad.;: and approved. o o o o Your City DeGigr~tcd Job Number 10: O IIISULATION/VAPOH BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after all insulati~n ~"~ pequired vapor barI'ieps are in place but before any lath, gypsum board or wall covering is applied, and before any insulation is concealed. O DRYWALL INSPECTION: Tc be made aftel' all drYLJaZZ is in plaae, but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel location, bond beamtJJ (Jrol~!:.ina or verticals in acc01>(lwwe LJi th U. B. C. Section 2415. WOODSTOVE: After installation is ccmpleted. o o CURB ,~ APPROACH APRON: After> forms al'e crected but pl~or to pOuring concre te. SIDEf{ALK & DRIt'EfIAY: For aZZ con- crete paving within street pight- of-IiK:Y, to be made after all exca- vating complete & foPom work & sub- base material in place. 6'10;;"(fp - DEUOLITION OR NOVED BU1LDIi/GS ~ Sanitary 8e'.JCl' capped ~t p~opcrty lir.e =:J Septic tank p:Jr.TPcd and filled uith gPa:J2l ---, Final - rlhen above items are ccr:roleted ---1 and when demolition is complete or stru~- ture moved and pr;::mises" c leaned up. J./obi te Homes :=J Blocking and Set-up :=J Plumbing connections -- scwer and wa :'el' ---, Electrical Connection - Blocking,' set-u; ~ and plumbing connections nr~st be appr~~ec before requesting elec;rical inspec:io~ ~ Acaoesso1",i Build:.ng --, Pinal - Aft::!p p~rch.eB, sk-:.rtina, decks, ---1 etc. are completed. o AU 1;Z'o.i'-~i:i eomJit7:on:J. :mc:!: au the 1',Iwtallativn of S!:.l'cet t1'6es. eO::1pZeti.:m of tife l'equir'f!d Imul:wr..ph:{1J ck, J lmwt be aai"iaj'icd before the BUILDINC FINAL can be raqllcat:.:d. D FIlIAr. Pr.UMBl!IG o FINAL ME~'IJANICII!, ~ FINAL E:LECTHICI.L o o FfNAL BUrr.nrNC: 'l'he Pinal Building InDpcction must be l"equ8sted altep .the Pinal 'ElcCJtri::!al. and Mechar:.ieaZ InspectionD halJe been made and appl'olJad. Plwnbill[j /' o o :'ENCE: fI'her. compl;;te -- Provide gates op movable sections through P.U.E. >tAU, t,fAJlHCLES AND CLF.ANOUTS nUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!fENT TO BE MADE AT NO COST TO CITY I Pa!~(! ! of :: o ~ I JOB NO. 890;2{ 10 OC::~"RG:'S S I Zona: I Lot Sq. Ft.. I Z "f :0 t ~DVeI'ag~ I ,if of .;tOr-Lt'!a TotaL Haight I I Topogra;;hy I WT TYPE Interior Corner Panhand La Cut-dc-sac I JTf,/.f SQ.FTG X Value Mail1 I Garaae I Carvcl't 1.4CCCSBOI'IJ TOTAL VAWE IS.D.C. J.5 '" fvat.uc/ Building Permi t State Surcharagc Total Cha~ea lITEM NO. FEE CHARGE 1 Fixtures I ResidentiaL (J bath) Sanitary Sewer Water Plwnbing Permit State Surcr.a.rge Total Charaes /Inu NO. FEE CHARGE Res. Sa. fto. N~/Extend Ci1'CUi ts T or;J:e7L:L1 Ele~tI'~ State Surcharac Total Charges I I I IT:) _ (JO I .?s I (5,75 , FEE CHARCE , lITEM Furn:lce !!TU' S I Exhaus t Hood I Vent Fan i I Wooda to:Je NO. Pemrit IS8uanca Mechanical Permi t State Surcharoe Total CharaeD I -- ENCROACHMENT -- I Secr.4rity Deposit Storago Maintena~e Permit Total Cha1'QCB !CurbCU: Sid_Lk I F'e1f::c 1 Elec troica 1.. Laba l I Mobile Home , I I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:' I I I IS~ 751 REQ.- L-COC"'" I I I I I \ I 1 1 i '\ 'Fiipe/Cor:st: . Bedl'oon::::: f;'un'Qll SO:Il'Ot!S !leat Time I [JOt Faces . I I P.I,. INm.tl1 It.'rlst iSouth IWest Setbacks I/maw lr:m'w!c I I I Ii.ccc~W. r"a~cl' .'Ir.(1[('I' H(JI1~;r: f'.iT'enlm:': I WOo(J;;tOLJfJ II -- F2es Building Value & Permit This permit io gronted on the express condition tJUlt the said construction shaU, in all respects, confom Lo the Ol,dina/i.Ce .'2dopted by the Ci.ty of Springfield. including the Zoni'lg Crdi'UlHce. reaulc.tillg the cenotructien and uae of buildings, and m:1Y be GUJJpended 01' revoked at C./:y time upon vie- lation of any pravisior.s of 8aid.~dir~nces, Iplan Check Fee: Date Paid: IRecdpt H: I Sia"ed, Plumbing Permit No person chall constn~ct, inBtalZ, aZter 01' change any new or e=isting plumbing or drainage system in whole or in part, ur.leGs such person is tha legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except tr~t a person may do plumbing work to property which is ow'rled, leaaed or operated by the appli- cant. , Electrica I Perm it Where State Law requires tr~t the electrical work ba done by an Electrical Controctor, the electrical portion of this permit shall r.ot be valid until the label has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. Mechanical Permit I I I I I r ' I I I Plan Exam1..ner vate I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that all. i~foromation hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any ar.d all. lJOrk perlOl":1lcd 8}Ulll. be dO:1e in ac~or- dance :Jith the Ordinances of the City of Sprinafidd, and th.:: Lcr.,;s of tho State of Oreg:)" p$rt.::r.ining to the work described hcra~I1, end that NO OCCU- PANCY will be made of any structura witho~t parmi33io~ of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that o:'1ly contractor8 arid e.-npl"ye~8 who are in compliance with ORS 701.05t will be used on this proj~et ~~~ fignr 3~/6~r9 D....,te