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Permit Correction Notice 2009-10-15
'"" ':"'" ..... ,.'_,' ""X-,"}"v-...,,)!"'!;.,r'-'~'~~:\:J. ....,..... .~}~:ft....-.-i'{~~'l.ti;.r"'l' .:1?J,.~fJf.:i1~~:;'~~111'<;i.~~~'f~-f'~4"~1~"t"'>':'fk"'..i.t~~?\'~"f:I'1.~;"r,1iil!\~'!i~-I"~~ "",'I('~W:;t:~I"""" I~ ,C-l/ / U-,O ICr/(; -if] , f/1I' Oll' ' !l4<W-:J'" Date:!rJ ( 6, or Job# {'q .. /zt;'o/l Address: "Z- /"'/'2'3 3LI f.., I, 91, TO: C?/V.!(, f1/1///1"(/ .t.(<c Jrt'~ Inspecti~n Type:'f"1J EI{<lvl~ /YECIICM~/9t1-f: Of!t't'1 rtW1- G (,&'h!...,J&v'f I'" tftf/c r;p4/'~ 1/),.,'/ -10 :~vl.Jlv'.// T -BoX. /vU'f/(JJ7.: P/t'a5t !..,rl-e.Ct qvwl'IJ /'yi-.f, I~ ,41f/c. 5//(lc<', f//Ee 2-/0,8111 z: t?1//7~:/V6tt /5-f'2o;4wrp nN/lI~,/LS ;:.. t-~ve.,/'" .,)y../1rJ {", &-rcJ Aol CeL_/ IVIC IHVfc.'J 't'<'YI7-!".C It.tov ?U.V",/-L 1>""L o/"J~-_. City of Springfield/Development Services Building Safety 225 Fifth Street /'":, '1 J! ..,,' correctio;;Si!ndreinsped:ion request shall be ~ade within 30 " 'calendardays. ~ Call for reinspection l2Syes DNa' '. Inspector g''Ya vl/l/rl,d vd 5r:JV' ' Date: /0-/5:""09 , , , . "''''N'''''''''.''''''''','''''''''''Call for insp~ction726-3769"""'''''''^'''''''''''''~'''Questions 726-3759"'''''''N''''''''''''''' : ,:..' ~' "..f.- .h.".......#;.,:.:~->.,..~...";:~....H.r.....:.:::_ .,::;~..,.,~,I.~,.~,..:,'>,.~.;=H::"~...":,;....j~::...>~."..,'~~~tw.A;,....:.::;j,_...!:&I....;o_,.;ll...; .",_,~,~",,',-r,~1J;, '__~' ~'~." ',.,,:::;, .'