HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpecial Inspection Correspondence 1991-12-5 . 1:3/1" 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (503) 726-3753 OEVELOPMENTSERWCES PUBLIC WORKS METROPOLITAN WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT CERTIFIED LETTER December 5. 1991 Jada Prane 40866 Deerhorn Ed. Springfield. OR 97423 Subject: Housi."lg - , .1.n2t:..ec.~::.on ~. 1105 11c.ill St:^e~t: - . ~.... ;;,prlr.i~':'€;':"::. C'Y'Sg0;1. ~ Dear Jada Prone: A~ your reques'C, 'the ~t:'rif1gfi-::ld 2uildir~g .=.a:ety Divisic.j"'J cc,rjdi.lc~=<i a Housing Inspection at the above ad=ress. The inspecd~'i1 re'Y:21-:d it-:ms ;,.!hi.ch do n0~ mE;e~ t.rl-: n:-:rJ.mum Cit-:J Ecusing Coo-:: requi:'-=:;-.e:1t.s ::!"J'.J must. C:-= corrected. They c:,j"'.si~-:: c.f 'the fci'e.t.,:iI:g: 3-:ructur3.1 1. AU E~a::s lic'''":::lg t.:-.r-=~ i.:;) cr r.1C'T"-:: ...... =.:.r= .. -- -. ..., ="- :::. ~ i ::-,.:=. -..-- -- pr.:v::::-=,= ""___' handr=.ils on &.-::. 1-==5: (If:-=: c::":,-=.:. ~-::.=ir:.;ays ;n':'~~e :h::!"". ,;'fj" ::. h-=i.g:-.i: 2;-:a~ alse. f"1c'v'E 3. g'~;.=-dr2.il c;; ::;-;e C:>::!1 si.:e:. ~=;1:jl'"2~i2 2r;:~ t,= ;2..=c:d :-::.~ 2.-:22 "Chan ~~O" nc.r we.re t.[ICn .;,'::;' ct..:,.....-e 'the li.-l-=: c.f nosir~gs e,f t.he ~r-==c.s 2:.:-.8 sha..ll ~e cc.rl'tir;uo~s -=:ne fiili lerlg"C.h of t.;;e st.~i:s. Er-:cs s!'";a.!.l b: re-=::'::'"r"'l-::,j to the wall or ~erminate at a pos~. Open s-;:air raiii;;gs shall have int.eriLledi3'Ce rails nc:: gr-=:2.ter 'than 6" aport.. .1ne j-.=ncgr.:.~ ;:.:r~:.cn cr.~ \":j-= rail shall be not more ~han 2-::'/8" in cross-section or an E:quivalE:r,~ smooth gripping Eurface ....ith no sharp corners. The h=.!"':c:-c.:.J.. shall t,e spaced nOi: less U,an 1-1/2" frc,m the wall_ 2. An approved smc,ke de-=:ectcr shall be inst.alle.j in ce.rridc.rs ~r'::'::.c:: -- --.... ;::-~ ".., :-, <: -.-.-.- - - . - ~ , access 1:0 rc,c,ms us:':: I('!", s1.-::ep:.ng pur;::()ses. 3. The stair occessi.-:g t.he u~pe:r l-::vel sn=.ll be mOCl..:~ed to pr.:,v::j-= consi~~ant riser and tread dimensions fCor the full run e.f t.he s'ta~r. Fisers shall not exceed eighi:-one/quar~er _inches in heigh-;: and treads shall be no less than nine inches in depth (front to back). Each tread or riser 'shall be equal to all other treads or risers within a maximum variance of 3/8". Maintain a vertical headroom clearance of at least 6'8" above the si:air nc,sings. . ,..1 ada F'r oarl: DecembE:r _'. 19'';1 / -{agE: 2 Electrical . . 4. Electrical wall outleT.s sh=.ll nc..t t,: 10,:,:-:eo a':Jove elect.ri.: Deset,oard heaters. This condition can CeUS-e tho:: .:,'verheati.;:g c.f c.t:'pll.ence c-c'rcs -:!-Jc: ar-e cc.nnec1:E:d 'to 'the w=.ll c,utl:'L cb,)v-:; 'thE: n-=c'ter. crea'ting a poter;i:i=~i:l hazardous cClndi'tiCon for e:lecrrica.l srJ::H:j.~ c.r iire. The e~~C't:ric.::.l outlet(s) or hea1:er mUS1: be removed or reloca1:E:d_ 5. Expc,se-:l elec1:rical Wiring subje':t L':' . . - . p:-(~'S':"::c.':' Cc!Tieg-2 s h::.ll be F-'='1:E:C:",j, 6. Un~'rc'tect.ed wirirlg n-:ar 'the ser......ic-: pafJ-:.l tr-.?'t is subject. 'to physicc::.l cam2g-== or accidE:nLcl c:.;ytcC't m'Ll$.'t 'be: p:r.::i:E:c:'E:.,j in ~j"l app:r.:;\:E;,j mC.Jlner. 7. The e:>:po $.ed ~ 1'2': :.ri.:.2.l ~'::l.nE: c'- t.:-!E: ..---- .....c...':. r-.-=~te:- is- Et.:E':eptible 'tel physic.al damage arj.j s.hall be pre,t:':1:-:::J. ~; en c;:'pr':lve': ITl.=!"':i"ler. 8. 2ro}:en c.r missi."1g cover plat.es were nct:.::l 0:1 .:lect.:-ic=.l C'Utle:!.2. ~;.;it.':~l-=S and/c,r junction bc,xes which rE:<;ui:": repl=..::rrlE;;l~ 'to redUCE: the possit.2ty c,f elec-:ri.':-.:l shock or fi:e. ?lumt.~~g 9. ?J.l r-:si,je!"';t.ial UI~\-;::' 't:..!b Cor show:!". shall have _ ~'': :'::1-=:-: 'to:.:..2.-:'t. .!..;\'.:-=:c,ry 2';; a. ~ ~,j. Aft.::=- ~':'\':":-lg t.h-: . .- '. c,~:.:..:-;g, ~;,: ::.::....:-:::- ""':-:-1: - - -p- _. .- - - -..- _... --- -- ':....:...::....-..0 , .- ,. :. 1...:..1..:.. ':.::~g - . . -- . . lCH:a-:::..:,n 2f'l::.l...!.. C:':2: cs.::-~-=.: ~.::~.~~ :~:'.':-= ;:- :,;::-=:--.. , ,- -... -.- ~..- i..1s~ec-::-==j pri::.r 't.:, cC'v'e!":..~g - , t.;"";o: -=::.:':.= \.. 2; -::: :':. The above it.-:ms are r-=.~uiremerjt.s !.:,r :rJ: e::.:isti:18 ~t.:ruC-tl.l:re: C:-;J,,:y'. (rth-::.r items such as parb:ir:g, paving, sidewall:s ~ s""::--:e-: t.:-e-:s. e't.:.. i,::ve r~c't been addre2se.j &5 pare elI 't:-J.s irlsp-::c'ti.:.n. Euildii1g permi1:S mus.. be ot1:ail1ed for 1:he abcve items which invc,lve repa.irs or modifications to the struct'..1r2.1. electrical~ plumbir~g c,r mechanical systems of t.he buildL"1g and f::.r ::lY aadtic,:)s. or revis:..cns YCI:J ~'ish 'to ma;:-=: ~o 'the b1..1:J.dir.g. If we CE:n t..: available to 726-3759.< . -. . - . - . CiI o.E::::'=~.=.;;ce J..n c..:.=r:.ry:..;.~ '_'J-: re-~:"::":--s::-(-=:-.-:'2. ':.r '_,j,= bring the prClperty into CQffipj~ance. ple5.s: c:.ll us=t: .:'t:'':--:):;;.~ Sincerely, 1~~ Tom Marx Building Inspector /'7/_' /1. " ~~' L-hris Christensen Electrical !~spector " . ----- . cc: Dave ?uent.. Building' Official 'R.~'. 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CITY OF SPRINGFIELD II~I HOUSING INSPECTION APPLiCATION . ~ BUILDING DIVISION ~. ===================~-----~==----------------------------------------=~-----===== DATE: /1- IS -'1/ _ 'JOB NUMBER: q)/ ~jJ ADDRESS OF INSPECTION: //cJ5' /J1tl/n cY~ c');;nh.~Jdjt9re. ," (; . , V-7';<b-70l-fl~ OIINER: <:.'tflAd "hhasOh . PHONE NUMBER:#_ 7t/7-1~/') OIINER'S ADDRESS: ~ j 6'h .7Jt"'-erhlJn1 1Rd. ~Y'~/7jt1?e/~ t);,e ~7-~:Zt' APPLICANT: ('-.~-~ ~anp-, 7::26 -06~<I APPLICANT'S ADDRESS: 3~~q;) Giraves 11J#l~S.i'mh(jI'P~ol. 6--e,. ~'24z! FOR ACCESS TO PROPERTY - TELEPHONE NUMBER: JJud7R0-?';?tp;Z ~/tJY .., ========-----=============================_~lq~=2~~_=~~_~~=============== A $35.00 INSPECTION FEE IS REQUIRED AT THE TIME OF APPLICATION THIS APPLICATION FORM MUST BE SIGNED BY THE OWNER'OF THE PROPERTY TO BE INSPECTED. ---- Yf<-.4c:L V' "- SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER ~ ~,. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY DATE PAID: Ii -I h -CZ I RECEIPT NUMBER: '?j70 DATE OF INSPECTION: DATE OF REPORT: DATE OF CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: COMMENTS: