HomeMy WebLinkAboutLegal Miscellaneous 1986-7-14 -. ... Cd. 31) / 98? 11m mriul~. 8:;" ~ . DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT CITY OF SPRINGFIELD . DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AND.PETER KRYL CONCERNING CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR SITE PLAN OF SPRINGFIELD SPAS, 1100 MAIN STREET " t'\. THIS DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT i~".~~tered into this -Ii{ day of . i ,. ~/)" ,1986, by and between PETER KRYL (for Springfield 'Sji'asl) ana tne City of SpI"l ngfi e 1 d.. ...... . . . ; .", . RECITALS A. The City of Springfield Development Coordination Board, on July 5, 1983, after conducting a public meeting, approved a Site Plan for Peter Kryl (Springfield Spas) at 1100 Main Street, and required compliance with the following conditions: 1. Pave alley behind property at the same time as Springfield Church of the Brethren paves their portion of the alley. . ; 2. Remove and replace sidewalk as required by City Inspector. ~~ 3. State permit required for all work within the state right-of-way. B. The City of Springfield Planning Commission, on November 2, 1983, after conducting a public hearing, approved a Request for Modification of Special .Use Permit S-83-07-27, Conditions #3 and #4 as follows: , "II"'" ....,.... . /'~ \.1\ t'.,' .... .l:~>::............:,' ,3';'. Pave 175' of alley from Selco Credit Union to approximately the ,/ (,>", .. "center of church property by June 15, 1984. Pave remainder of alley [ i ,(\ t. I ! (.' . " to eas t property line by June 15, 1986. ~,,~...... .,. '.~. \ "\" i:'(,'iX\',\. ..4.',.iThe church will not be required to replace the mercury vapor lights. \ I: .... ,.,' .:' ..,' _ <"',,,1" ';::',;G. 'The Springfield Church of the Brethren agreed to all conditions, including.those amended, and their completion dates. D. The action by the City of Springfield Planning Commission to extend the alley paving deadline for the Springfield Church of the Brethren also extended the alley paving deadline for Peter Kryl (Springfield Spas) until June 15, 1986. ,-;. \.:.:. ' ~ ---- - .. .' AGREEMENT C" . ;'} Section 1. General Provisions A. In consideration of a City of Springfield Capital Improvement Project to replace an 8 inch sanitary sewer line in the alley adjacent to 1072-1096 Main Street, scheduled for construction in spring of 1987, and; B. In consideration of a State of Oregon Capital Improvement Project to replace storm sewer lines in Main Street adjacent to 1072-1096 Main Street, schedule .for construction in spring of 1987; .. , C. . Peter Kryl (Springfield Spas) agrees to reschedule completion of alley paving behind their property from June 15, 1986 until October 31, 1987. . ._ ....h.. '. ,_ ". ,.__. D. Peter Kryl (Springfield Spas) agrees to complete all other conditions of Site Plan Review as specified heretofore. Section 2. Modification of Provisions or Revocation A. The prOV1Slons of this Agreement may be modified upon mutual consent of the City of Springfield and Peter Kryl (Springfield Spas). B. Failure or unreasonable delay to perform any term or prOV1Slon of thi's Agreement may result in a recommendation to the Springfield City Council to secure a performance bond, in the amount of 110% of the estimated cost of alley improvements, from Peter Kryl (Springfield Spas). . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Peter Kryl (Springfield Spas) and the City of Springfield have executed this Agreement as of the date first hereinabove written..' G".' '''~.':.'' '~.:,. '-,;/~/ fro uate. ........, " ....... . . I ,I) J _ ,/ I:..... "t...'; /;. ., / " '.;.... ", J ','Jl. ___. .,' ~~TER KRYL (For Springfi.eld Spas).....! ;0..' ',. , ". (,'" : /:? /l . ...... ,". . .!lll) ,\ ./ " By. ".Je%L '7 f\;? ", " ", ;1, . ';; . .........,.\,/ 1/ -c::.- ". .' 1'11'1 ", '---- '.', . \' %f/ fl. ec.e:;7~/ CITY OF SPRINGFIELO 7-If-fl . -, ~ Vi.. Date I By: tQ a."" cS\\..<K-J~L r (,\.10 t.(.. \^" 0... k., i), ve~{.",... Ci