HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes, Work PLANNER 5/21/2009 " ,,' Date: Application: Proposal: Zone: Process: Design: " ., May 21, 2009 ZON2009-00013 Parking lot. Parking lots and parking structures are an allowed use in the MUC district. MUC (Mixed Use Commercial) Type 1 site plan modification. Estimated fee: $1303.05 Special design standards in SDC 4.7-180 are applicable.. ];0; I),~ rf<,~'t'<-U Notes Remove access to A Street & reduce number of driveways Wider sidewalk h. &-'5" /rtIJD Cj) p(j h YlCb I di/1 / ' '\ (p - UJ7//1.{) / Location of ADA spaces Ratio of compact spaces to regular spaces Maintain clear vision triangles Lighting >>-.c-JA) tC1ro I c- - C{Jn-, p)-efc be {Jrt 0C.~.CC> \ ~ ;;".).5 rlii.:> k; \ I 4.7-180 Mixed Use Districts 2. Parking Lots and Parking Structures, Public and Private. a. In MUC Districts. surface parkinl! lots abuttinl! public streets shall include perimeter landscapinl! and shade trees as sDecified in SectionS 3.2-315 and 4.4-100. b. Parking structures located within 20 feet of pedestriari facilities, including, but notlimited to: public or private streets, pedestrian accessways, greenways, transit stations, shelters, or plazas, shall provide a pedestrian-scale environment on .the fa<;;ade facing the pedestrian facility. One or more of the following techniques may be used: i. Provide retail or office uses on the ground floor of the parking structure facing the pedestrian facility; ii. Provide architectural features that enhance the ground floor of a parking structure adjacent to the pedestrian facility, for example, building articulation, awnings, canopies, building ornamentation and art; and/ or lll. Provide pedestrian amenities in the transition area between the parkin~ structure and pedestrian facility. includinl! landscapinl!. trellises. seatinl! areas. Q~ ~@g@'Ved; ~lil1l1l~r. . O/ZJ-{)q 5~\t l~ kiosks, water features with a sittinlr area. olazas. outdoor eatin\! areas. and drinkinlr fountains. c. In MUC Districts, parking lots shall be located beside or behind buildings, internal to the development on a site. Existing or new outparcel buildings between a large parking lot and the street shall be used to help define the streetscape, and lessen the visual imoact of the oarkinlr lot from the street. 4.4-110 Screening not required 4.4-105 Landscaping A. These regulations ensure that new development complies with the landscaping provisions of this Code and any applicable Refinement Plans, Plan Districts, Master Plans, and Conceptual Development Plans; is adequately screened from less intensive development; considers the effects of vegetation on public facilities; retains significant clust~rs of natural trees and shrubs wherever possible; minimizes run-off; facilitates energy conservation and crime prevention; and improves the appearance of the City to create a desirable place to live and work. B. Three types of landscaping may be required: 1. Landscaping staridards for private property as specified in this Section and other Sections 'of this Code. 2. Street trees in the oublic rkht-of-wav as soecified in Section 4.2-140. 3. Curbside planter strips in the public right-of-way as specified in Section 4.2-135. C. Materials and installation costs of planting and irrigation other than what is required by the Minimum Development Standards (Section 5.15-100) shall not be reauired to exceed 10 oercent of the value of the new develooment, including parking facilities. Th~ Director shall determine the location, quantity and quality of required landscaping as specified in this Code. F. Parking lot planting areas shall include 1 canopy tree at least 2 inches in caliper that meets City street tree standards as may be permitted by the City's Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual and at least 4 shrubs, 5-gallon or larger, for each 100 square feet of planting area. Shrubbery that abuts public right-of-way or that is placed in the interior of any parking lot shall generally not exceed 2-1/2 feet in height at maturity. Parking lot planting areas shall include: 1. Parking and driveway setback areas specified in the applicable zoning district; and 2, 5 percent of the interior of a parking lot, exclusive of any required parking setbacks, if 24 or more parking spaces are located between the street side of a building and an arterial or collector street, and are visible from any street. D~ Reoalyo.f. Planlljr,'" ,*,. 5 -L-l -[/j S{JH- '~-~'-'-' ........, _ ;'~X~4'\~~: ~.'-"""u~~_"'.."....,'. - . ~ - '~"('(HLr:". Date Recejvedl~ Planner: .., I Ii [) -'n~iY7 ut?9rl- ..:_ ~. y DG 7PU.(,J:f).- (J'N) ycr/}, oG br,1 J,,? hOd {..r tf!o ~ . J{ (J'/u S -1-\ ~01 Date Reoelved:-- Planner. . . - 8\2~ . '. " ., ,', " ~. .>' t:-. . ,.I 1...1~1 ,,"\ ~ 'l'.' .:: \ ,~ ... r='..:-,-,.-'='.'=:=~-""-- ,.roO ~~ai1n$:i....\l ...1'-', ) f-. :- 1-. i- _ 1--. ( 6TH STREET I I ( ;,. CO i ! ~ ; II I f . I f -;- f , f , f. (--;-. f -;- f . II f 7TH STREET Date Received: 5-;'':./-09 Planner: SH ; I ~l I SITE PLAN I ~J =YSLEARMNO~ I ....1. \ .. nw_,_~_~_ 1 ~ . ".- I ""'~ IS ~__,.....-...n .1", ~l -.' - ... I ,ii' I ~JJ.J ::-':1a':.;:.:?';;;:~.::::-III",a. ---J --/ MAIN STREET ~ W 0::: E-o rJ) :r: E-o \0 GA1'EWAYS LEARNING CENTER &XIsnNG BUILDlNG EXISTING BUILDING J J I i':::~. C~';" "'N IE 6- OUT ([)-454.27 CATr.\oI RA<;lN _4:JO.41 IE 12- Hi (W)-45J.92 IE 24- OUT (E)-45J.62 IE 12- IN (S)-o453.92 (PROP.. 12"S / AI.T.1l:V 12"S 12"C" / ~~~-~m). ~f~!_ _T-~ ,,,,,_,,o<n /, ~ L~ ~~ ~ ~ t!--. ~'.l ~ - ip< Rn"-~.76 IE 24- IN (~-451. 72 IE 24" IN (E _451.7a IE 24" OUT S)_451.62 _24" ........ PIUlP r.ATl'1-I RA<;JN - ~ W 0::: ~ :r: E-o to- tlJ ~ I F"X1s.!_ i"N1URV 1,"'.NHOl.{ / HIM_'~I!I''';t IE 12" IN 1'/-450.56 IE 12" au W)-450.54 / EXIST. CATCH BASIN. /' / ~~~ OUT (S)o-45~21 ./ ' -..l' ~ I . ~ EXIST. SANITARY "'ANH~ 1~-4:lO.ti:l IE 12" IN 1'/=450.~ IE 12" OU W)-450.54 ~ _24"sg 18"~ 1.t;S-- .4 STR ~ --- 18"S--. lEET --- ~ ---18"S-- ___ _ ~ --- 18"===--- - ___ _ 18"S--. ___ - -- 18"S--. - --18"~ --- - _ ___ _ 18"~ --- r==- - - -- ---- NORTH ~ CONCEPTUAL SITE LAYOUT GA TEW A YS HIGH SCHOOL SPRINGFIELD, OREGON APRIL 20, 2009 SCALE 20 0 10 20 r-..r_ 1 IN01 ... 20 FEET '" .... EXIST. CATCH BASIN RIl,l=456.24 IE 6" OUT (W)-454.S8 f '::-----,- . "___.">3--- ~ lIJ 1.I6J Consulting Engineers :;>t'lI'Qoo~~Di6qrco......_ r.;.,-...;n>Fu(f;4f6IN-<<'9 0-- E_ u.,.",.. _ _ _ Sl-J,.,... __o.vo_.-.-_r_ ...... 44- 2>~W ~ ~r i/"Je l<..P-i I ~"'o1J tel ~r-.2 -e ""'t\,,-.Lcc1 ~ ""-" ) ;5f--,-/ -- tr~ e ~, 1 9, ~~ \.r1(p I .~~ -Ill 80: @