HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes, Work PLANNER 5/21/2009 , ) : .3d Lo\0 .' May 21, 2009 ZON2009-OO012 ~ ':S ~ h 5 "tn.. J..- DaM ~ .D. Proposal: Zone: Overlays: Remodel existing drive-through restaurant MUC (Mixed Use Commercial) Drinking Water Protection Overlay, 1 - 5 year Time of Travel 2:one (16th & Q " Street well) i: ,I Nodal Development Overlay Process: Type 2 Site Plan Review. Estimated fee is $4,593.10, but will be' determined at the time of submittal. Special locational and siting standards to be met prior to being deemed a perrhitted use (Section . 4.7-100) '. Drive up restaurants and espresso shops are allowed in the MUC district(Section 4.7-180) but discouraged in the Nodal Development Overlay. " I Issues Scope of redevelopment Leased area is limits of development area System development charges Ii Based on the additional footprint and fixtures. Credit for existing footPrint and impervious surface. I Street width Development Standards Compliance Lights: fully shielded and directed downward. Dumpster: Screened from public view, covered and connected to sanibuy. , Drive thro: prevent headlights from shining onto Mohawk, landscapirigl shrubs. " Cueing: maximiie cueing, use striping to direct traffic I, Date RecE,lI'tJed: Planner: SH :; s-? ;_0('1, lofS : p~ ; nt Standard Maximum Lot/Parcel Coverage Minimum Landscaping MUC Lot/parcel coverage standards in the MUC arjd MUE Districts shall be limited only by standards (i,\cluding, but not limited to: required parking, landscaping)i,specified in Sections 4.4-105 and 4.6-100. Generally, there is no maximum lot/parcel coverage standard., 'I Minimum requirements defined by standards in other Sections ofthis Code. :! Landscaped Setbacks (3),(4) and (5) Front, Street Side Yard, and Through Lot/I?arcel Rear Yard building setback Parking, driveway, and outdoor storage setback Interior Side, Rear Yard Setbacks when Abutting Residential or CI Districts Building Setback Parking, Driveway, Outdoor Storage Setback' None 5 reet 10 reet 5 reet (3) Where an easement is larger than the required setback standard, no building or above grade structure, except a fence, shall be built on or over that easement. r II (4) When additional right-of-way is required, whether by City Engineering s~andards, the Metro Plan (including the TransPlan), or the City's Conceptual Street Plan, se~packs are based on future right-of-way locations. Right-of-way shall be dedicated prior to the issuance of any building permit that increases required parking. (5) Architectural extensions may protrude into any 5-foot or larger setback a~ea by not more than 2 feet. I Loti parcel coverage standards in the MUC and MUE Districts shall be limited :onIy by standards (inCluding, but not limited to: required parking, landscaping) specified in Secti(jns 4.4-105 and 4.6-100. Generally, there is no maximum loti parcel coverage standard. . 4.7-180 Mixed Use Districts A. Specific development standards for the MUC District shall be the same as those specified in Section 3.2-310 as an "s" use and listed in applicable Subsections of Section,4,7-100, and the following: EXCEPTIONS: 1. Drive-through uses may conflict with safe'and convenient movement of pedestrians and bicycles within MUC Districts. A drive-through use, for the purposes of this Section, is defined as a business activity involving buying or selling goods or provision of services wherever one of the parties conducts the activity,:from within a motor vehicle. Facilities usually associated with a drive-through usually involve queuing lines, service windows, service islands, and service bays for vehicular use. Drive-through uses are therefore not permitted in MUC Districts unless the use is incidental to a primary site use, and when designed in conformance with the following standards: a. The drive-through use shall be limited to service windows which are part of a p~imary use structure, and no more than 2 queuing lanes. b. Drive-up facilities shall be designed so that circulation and drive-up windows are not adjacent to sidewalks or between buildings and the street, to the maximum extent practicable. 2. Parking Lots and Parking StructureS, Public and Private. a. In MUC Districts, surface parking lots abutting public streets shall include perimeter landscaping and shade trees as specified in Sections 3.2-315 and 4.4- 100. b. Parking structures located within 20 feet of pedestrian facilities, including, but not limited to: public or private streets, pedestrian accessways, greenways, transit stations, shelters, or plazas, shall provide a pedestrian-scale environment on the fa~ade facing the pedestrian facility. One or more of the following techniques may be used: i. Provide retail or office uses on the ground floor of the parking structure facing the pedestrian facility; ii. Provide architectural features that enhance the ground floor of a parking structure adjacent to the pedestrian facility, for example, building articulation, awnings, canopies, building ornamentation and art; imd/or iii. Provide pedestrian amenities in the tr,ansition area between the parking structure and pedestrian facility, including landscaping, trellises, seating areas, kiosks, water features with a sitting area, plazas, outdoor eating areas, and drinking fountains. c. In MUC Districts, parking lots shall be located beside or behind buildings, internal to the'development on a site. Existing or new outparcel buildings . .' between a large parking lot and the street shall be used to help 'define the streetscape, and lessen the visual impact of the parking lot from the street. 3.3-1020 Minimum Density and General DevelopmentBtandards The General Development Standards for Mixed-Use described in Section 3.2-625 describe the pedestrian-friendly and transit oriented design standards that apply to mixed. use and nodal development. These standards' apply to development within the ND Overlay District. In addition to those standards found in Section 3.2-625, the following apply: A. MirUmumDensityand Floor Area Ratio (FAR). FAR means the amount of gross floor area of all buildings and structures on a building loti parcel divided by the total loti parcel area. A 2 story building that covers 50 percent of a lotlparcel would have a FAR of 1.0. Typical suburban FAR's range from 0.3 to 1.0 in mixed-use centers. 2. Where the base zone is NC, CC, MRC, MUC, or GO, the minimum floor area ratio (FAR) is .40. B. Building Setbacks. 1. Buildings occupied by commercial and industrial uses shall be set back a maximum of 20 feet from the street. There is no minimum setback from th,e street for commercial and industrial uses, C. Parking Between Buildings and the Street. 1. Automobile parking, driving, and maneuvering areas shall not be located between the main building and a street. 2. For sites that abut a,street, parking shall be located at the rear of the building or on one or both sides of a building when at least 40 percent of the site frontage abutting the street (excluding required interior yards) is occupied by a building andlor an enhanced pedestrian space. EXCEPTION: These parking standards shall not apply where the base zone is LDR. 3.3-1025 Specific Design Standards B. Specific Development Standards for Commercial, Industrial, and Mixed-Uses. Specific development standards for commercial, industrial and mixed-uses within the ND Overlay District shall conform to those standards specified in'Section 3.2-630. 1. Commercial and Civic Uses. Commercial uses shall comply with the special development standards specified in Section 3.2-630A. ' . 3.2-630 Mixed-Use Development Standards-Specific A. MUC Development Standards. 1. Preservation of tIle Commercial Land Supply a. One hundred percent of a new mixed use building footprint may be developed for commercial uses. b. A minimum of 60 percent of the ground floor area within a new building in the MUC District shall be dedicated to commercial uses to ensure that commercial land is preserved for primarily commercial purposes. Up to 100 percent of any building may be developed for residential uses so long as 60 percent of the total ground floor area within the development area is devoted to commercial uses. EXCEPTION: This provision shall not' applv when commercial uses are proposed for an existinll residential buildinll within a commercial district that was within a commercial district Prior to lune 3. 2002. c. The commercial uses on an MUC site shall be developed prior to or concurrently with other proposed uses. Concurrency may be established by approval of a Master Plan that provides a mix of uses that includes commercial and other proposed uses. EXCEPTION: This provision shall not apply to residential andlor limited manufacturing uses that are in existence as of June 3, 2002. 2. Maximum Footprint for Retail Uses. The maximum building footprinUor a grocery store shall be 70,000 square feet. The maximum building footprint for other single tenant wholesale or retail uses shall be 50,000 square feet. The maximum footprint for all other uses shall be based upon loti parcel coveralle and buildinll setbacks. ' 3. Minimum Floor Area Ratio. A minimum floor area ratio (FAR) of .40 shall be required for all new development or redevelopment in the MUC portion of the Downtown Mixed Use Area. AFAR of .30 is required for new development on lotsl parcels greater than 1 acre in the MUC District outside of the Downtown Mixed Use Area. FAR is defined for this purpose as the amount of gross floor area of all buildings and structures on the building loti parcel divided by the total lot! parcel area..