HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments PWE 5/20/2009 MEMORANDUM City of Snrin"fieJd DATE:. May 20,2009 TO: Steve Hopkins, Urban Planner FROM: Eric Walter, Civil Engineer SUBJECT: ZON2009-00012 Taco Bell DIM Public Works Engineering Comments The subject application involves tax lot 4101, located at 1505 Mohawk Blvd.'. The applicant submitted plans to discuss the possibility of replacing the existing Taco Bell With a new Taco . , Bell restaurant at the same location. Applicant's Questions: . 1. The overall site plan had a Type I Minimum DevelopmenfStandards staff report 'and decision (see DRC2007-00011), dated March 12,2007. The Taco Bell development site is, anticipated to comply with all the current MUC development standards (SC3.2-61S); however, what will the City consider the limits of the development site? (Cannot correct all the ills ofthe larger.site within the context of redeveloping 11 percent ofthe site.) Are there any reasons or problems with separating and providing independent wastewater lines and other, utilities from the shopping center connections? Limits of storm water management improvements (No increase in impervious surfaces, parking, building areas, etc.):: Limits of traffic improvements. It is planned to use the existing trash enclosure. With upgrades, including sc~eening, to meet currenfstandards, is this acceptable? . " . It is reco=ended the sIte design for the sanitary system utilize the e*sting public lateral serving the property. There does not appear to be any issues with Public Works for separating the sanitary sewer from the shopping center line as long as 'all work is done on private property and Plumbing Code is met and approved by the Building Department. The detailed storm and sanitary requirements will be reviewed at the time a site plan is submitted that will include detailed locations of existing and proposed system, The storm water requirements will need to comply with current City codes and standards for proposed redevelopment- please refer to the Springfield Development: Code and the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual for detailed stoim water . . requirements. The trash enclosure will need to comply with current code requirements that include being isolated,. covered, and piped to sanitary, The Planning Department will respond to the question regarding the MUC development standards. : 2. Based upon a reading of the Springfield system development charge methodology and State statues, the proposed new Taco Bell is not subject to any system development charges (SDC's), or only minimal SDC charges. This is because the , Taco Bell's approximately same size building (existing 1800 square foot building Date Recei.ved. Planner: SH S - L 1-64 \ versus proposed2,025 square foot building and having no additional impervious areas, etc.) is already connected to the City's storm water system, the City's wastewater I sanitary sewer collection system, and the City's street transportation system. Is this a correct understanding? If not, where in the City Code is this authority established? The SDC charges will be based on current rates that are calculated based on use and area and the applicant will only need to pay for the net increase to the existing use and area. The SDC calculationS and resulting charges will be determined at the time of building permit application. The fInal SDC calculations will include credits for any existing use areas, existing sanitary fIxtures, and existing storm water impervious areas. For detailed requirements regarding how SDC' s are calculated and for current rates, please refer to attached SDC fact sheet to be given to the applicant at the Development Issues Meeting. 3. Mohawk Boulevard, as identified in the Metro Area TransPlan, is identified' as a Minor Arterial street. Mohawk Boulevard right-of-way (ROW) width along the west side oftax lot 4101 frontage appears to be 80 to 90 feet in width. This right-of- way width is consistent with the ROW width north to Highway 126 I Highway 105 and exceeds the minimum Minor Arterial ROW width of 70 feet, as established in Springfield Code Table 4.2-1. However, this "Mohawk Boulevard width is less than the Mohawk ROW width to the south. Will any additional right-of-way width dedication be required along tax lot 4101 frontage? If additional right-of-way is needed, what is Mohawk Boulevard's adopted right-of-way; plan width of Trans Plan? Transportation Division will respond to the future right-of-way width requirements, 4. The proposed development site (as shown in Exhibit "E") is subject to the following MUC standards: 3.2-610, Permitted use- fast food with drive-through window, including Springfield Code 3.2-610,4.7-100, and 4.7-180; 3.2-615, Base' Development standards; 3.2-620, Conflicts and Exemptions; 3.2-630, Specific Standards... [Information pertinent to Planning Deptl... In regards to SC 4.780, what does reference to Section 3.2-310 as an "8" use imply - process or additional standards? It appears to relate to standards but, if so, what are they? Planning Department will respond to this question. 5. What sign standards apply to this MUC district? Commercial(CC), Major Retail Commercial (MRC)? What are the MUC district current sign standards? Does the MUC district allow new free-standing pole signs? What are the limits of ' refurbishing the existing pole sign; painting, changing plaster lettering copy? Planning and Building Department will respond to this question. -..-----~ "..-..;,:l....'J;"'"." ',-~J!",'.~. 1...j".:. i ,l,,~ .1,:,'n~f.",;i.