HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes, Meeting PLANNER 10/12/2009 ...", ~OREGON Historic Oxnmission Meeting Agenda / O::tober 13,2009 05:30pm to 7:30pm ~ringfield Oty Hall OUbrary Meeting R>om 0225 Rfth Sreet 5:30 Call to O"der (Ted CDrbin) 5:35 F\Jblicilimment (TedCDrbin) Action R3que!ted: Ftovide an opportunity for the public to comment on CDmmisSon actions 5:40 Approval of MinuteS(TedCDrbin) Action R3que!ted: Feview and approve, or approve with changes, the Slptember 2009 minutes 5:45 Land Use Applications (aaff) Action R3que!ted: Feview and discuss any land use applications or counter que!tionsSJbmitted prior to the meeting. 6:00 ilimmissioner Updates (All) Action R3que!ted: Discussthe work of individual commisSoners snce the last meeting, and report lime spent on SJch work. .FeedbOC:k and! or approvals may be reque!ted by CDmmisSonersfor items discussed. 6:15 3aff Updates(aaff) Action R3que!ted: None. 6:30 ilimmission Coals & Qant Aanning (aaff) Action R3que!ted: DiscussCDmmisSon 9Oals& objectives, aswell as proposed activities for 201002012 a.G grant cyde. 7:30 Adjourn H1S1MCCXJMMI!BONERl Kerry Barbero. Ted CDrbin . ~ri GII . Paula GJlhrie . ..bhn Tuttle. Saan VanG:>rdon 1'., Date Received: OCT I ? 2009 Original submittal