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Permit Correction Notice 2009-10-13
~~~..e.:.i~~~".Q~ ..&l'I,~"", "');':"" .....1:.~}'~' ii....,4,"I, ..-~,':i.,~, '.__,.I'Io~""""'IlI,~~,:,,,,,, ...f'o.Ji.~.il.~......'<l4't:r.$-""~O~~l,n!, ,~~~i;.\:Ii;.~',)~.4.f1\~':'~ . ......r---I'....~"----.., '1" . ~.~.i.:..,......:.r-~-_ '.,r~.... ..r,,' 19~.""it.....~.'Y"'.,~{,;,,, "" -". ~,. City of Springfield/Development Services Building Safety 22S Fifth Street TO: Oi2-U,O,{} F) fdj('-tC !'F-Jl~ /iJp(/' 110 ./2 11t/.s)) An\l9~r V fl-,v-E.L t>vTr::.n..:ro(L '-' A Rr1lJM) IN-r~ (.i?/;..r~fL AND ,'. Date:. 10 I g / oCf lob# c- q - () )2, 1./1- Add,ress: I '-'I <..f I . IJ '5 T Inspection Type: 1-1 f:.M- f);{)""1'J . ;=~\A/ /Jd TO IJJt+U!--6 tT L /..-1')5&5 'ntE.- iZ,f?.pAMy)L-~ 111/:. /-.,f}p , Corrections and reinspection request shall be mad~ within. ,5 0 calendar days. Call for reinspection l2Jyes DNo . Inspector (~r) V Dr.-yo;) Date: /0 -I? -C) 7' ~~~~~~~~",~~~~Call for inspection 726-3769~~~~~~~.~~~~Questions -j26-3759~~~~~~~~~ '. . . LA' '~l' .. ," -,",: .'~".;: .. ~',". '\' :;:'__.~,'! "_. ,..~,.';, 'I :.. ",' t~ ",-,_", ".._,_,C;;' .~ -,\, . . . . .' :..i .-.j:;.:-" 'r\ "~"'" :.',' .l..ll;~';' Ii",... '1 :" ,',:' :,': ..::;~, .I.,' <0..... "~'~".,.;' :._ ~"_.. " :" "...., .. '_:<. ..... . ,~; "~' 'Ii. " J : ~ 3 Lj 3 -I b75 3 . ft1')--j/:-O ' L( ~ 2-? 1~-13--zJ 9