HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Deed 1976-4-8 I' . . .-- ;~..--' .iIIEN RECORDED RETURN 'fO I EUGENE ESCROW SERVICE r / \ ~, MAIL TAX Df.LLS TO I o SPRINGFIELD CHURCH OF I ;) / 1032 KAIN STREET d ~ ~ SPRINGFIELD, OR 9} 4 7 7 J" !,~;;:':A,i;.~e '~3u08A~T rUNO ~.OO !:;:./ ~;'.!u.26 ':nMOBH S f'EE ~.OO 9354238 THE BRJ::THREN ::Jh-/4a. '!J.[o.1EC 10,uJ ":d,,,G.::o'1:l~aePi"UNO 10.00 WARRANTY DEED FOR VlILUE RECEIVED, ARLAN H. FARJ.IER and ROSE rl. FlIR1:EP., husband and wife, herein referred to as grantors, hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto flOWARD E. ZINK, herein referred to a. grantoe, the following doscribed real property, with tenements, hereditaments and ~ppurtenancos, to wit: PlIRCEL ONE, &eg1nn1ng at a point which is 360 feet East of a point that i. 94.57 feet South 40' 40' East from a point 105.2 feet North of the ~outhwest corner of the Paul Brattain Donation Land r.laim No. 63, in Township 17 South, nange 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, running thence East 60 feet, mora or less, to the monument which marks the Southeast corner of Block 7 of BRATTAIN'S AODITION to Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, as platted and recorded in Book 9, Pago 6, Lane County Oregon PlAt Records before BArno was vacated, thence Nor th 196.3 feet I thence West 60 feet I more or Ie.. to a point due North of the Beginning Point I thence south 196.3 feet to the place of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPTIIIG: That portion of the above-described premise. included in that certain deed wherein Paul Hadley and Pearl Hadley, husband and wife, were grantors, and the Town of Springfield, was grantee, registererl in 800k 14, Page 480, of the Certificate of Registered Titles, being Instrument No. 3474, in Lane County, OrQ~on. lILSO, Oeqinning at a point 420 feet East and 206.9 feet North of a point that is 94.57 feet South 40' 40' East from a point 105.2 feet North of the Southwest corner of the Paul Brattain Donation Land Claim No. 63, in Township 17 South of Range 3 West of the willamette Meridian, in Lane County, Oregon, and running thence South parallel with the East line of Tenth Street, 206.9 feet, more or less to the North line of ~Iain Street in Springfield, La"e County, Oregon; .thence Easterly along the North line of Main Street GO feetl thence North parallel with the East lin. of Tenth Street 214.3 feet, more or less, to a point 60 feet East of the beginning point, and thence t'Jest 60 fect to the place of beginning, in Lane 'County, Oregon. EXCEPTI:IG THF.REFROlI: That certain tract conveyed by Andrew J. Haffle and Stella ~1. Naffle, husband and wife, to City o~ Springfield, a municipal corporation, by instrument recorded October 21, 1940, in Reception No. 88967, Lane County Ore90n need Records, in Lane County, OrcC)'on. PARCF.L THO: Deglnnlng at a point on the South line of the alley running East and West between ~ain Street and '11' Street 225 feet East ~f the T.)T.\L CO~SIDERNrIOll FOR TillS 7RAllSACTION IS $l9Q, 000. Page 1 - liarranty Deed I ',/:': '~', I01lo M v:..vn ~+ I ~ r.., ,i-::\ , '. ~"." ~ ~ ,:,', !'. ,...... '. )rJt. .t, ~..:.,', , , ~j 1''- ',\'t,~).~? '" .r. I . . :. .-- ,/ 9354238 r E~st line of Tent~ Street in Springfield, LAne County, Oregon, and running thence East on the South line of Baid alley 75 feetl thence South parallel with the EABt line of Tenth Street, 168.00 feet, mor& or loss, to the North line of Haln Street r thence WeBterly on the North line of Baid Hain Street 75 plul feet to a point exactly 225 feet East of the East line of Tenth Street if extended Southerlyr thence North 156.05 feet, more or leBs, and pArallel "Hh tho EASt line of Tenth Street to the place of"beginning, 1n Lane County, Oroaon. I\LSO: Beginning at a point on the South 1 t ne of the aHey running East and West betwoen Hain Street and "1\" "treet And 300 feat East of tho East line of Tenth Street in BRATTAIN'S ~OITION to Springfield, as platted and recorded in Book 9, Page 6, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, runninq thence East 60 foct: thence South 180 feet; more or less, to the' North line of t1ain Street; thence liesterly along the North line of 11ain Street to a point due South of the point of beginning; thence :lorth 170 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. Subiect to a Land Sole Contract, dated October 31, 1972, recorded 11arch 15, 1975, lleception No. 75-08051, by and between Wilkes Enterprises, Inc., an Oregon Corporation, as Vendor and Arlan H. Farmer and ROBe H. Farmer, husband and wife, as Vendee, Official Records of Lane County, Orogon, which gran too herein assumes and agrees to pay. Subject to oasements, resorvations and rostrictions of record. TO IIAVE AND TO 1I0LO the sald premises unto said grantee, his heirs and assigns forever. And the said grantors hereby covenant that they are lawfully se!zed in fee sb,ple of said prem- ises: th~t they are free from all encumbrances, except as above stated, and thAt they will WArrAnt And defend the above-granted premises against all lawful claims whatsoever, except as above stated. Tho $190,000.00. true and actUAl ~onsideration for this transfer i. DI\TED this ~ day of April, 1976. /(~t. yLZAA~ ,- Arlan Il. ~'at'J1),er(,' ......v\. ,JJ~~ ~ N_Q,..w-<<o-~-r..1!:::.. 7" '<"',J =. ~au<A. 7.(,<::7P-~ Rose M. FArmer ,.,~ '~;~;i'~t...j)REGON ) ,:' . ..... .'., ....:.... .... ) ss .. ..' .. ~.1 . /.~./ c"Wl'lIlr-Cl.! 'l,ane ) . ... \,Q . ~ :.l. /)u.~~ Ie:]' J" this f'! day of April, 1976, personally appeared the . ".accl"e-I1<i~ Arlan II. Farmer and Rfl H. Farmer, husband and wife, . 'iln?,-!,c;~no.iledged the foregoing in wnent ~be tiir voluntary . . Act "end ..aeed. Be fore me: _'_ ... . ." <"~..:. . ('\;. 'L-:z/"'-d<..o~' Hotary PUbl1C to~ 6ilgon r-ly Commission expires: ;'. ,e. 7,' Grantee's address: 2278 North 8th Street, Sprinqfiold, ux ~,.". Page 2 - Warranty Deod (End) .. I I ., ~ ,~,., '~_....- ;..,...'.... J....:...t~.:.'~.:.........:.~.~~,:L..;.;.~..,..:...;:~ "" t '. ;>......... ~ ~ :-;'"i~~;"~;'-;...~"f'~':f~.~';"';" .~-.' 93S42.18 ~~:j~i.~~j~ !.'. '. SU.. 01 ""zon, County 0' U~. l. l~ CountY om.. in ..net lot ltw wMt County. &. hrwby ern'" th.llt lhc- wilhin ,m.trunwnt..,asrn:...n."dbrt'COl'Cl.at 2!> t.l.G 952...; OS 1874R .... t...rw CountY OfAClAL RKon:b. l.Irw Cf.lUnhr c.rk ~ By: "4~1 .'~ .. .":;.. ~~~:':r~;j;j~' .' '.' , " . -, 0.,;.-' ~..:- '" -- ...... ~. I , ,.; ----" '1 \. "' . . 1 . ,. i-' I I tli (p ., f/ / tU , :}o s J'~ . . ~ :;,,;,i.'J :,' '::'i"aREC io.oo 93542311 WHEtl RECORDED RETURN TO: EUGENE ESCROW MAIL TAX BILL TO: 199~N~i~L~T~~~aH OF THE :~~~ DEED SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 KNOW , ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That WILKES ENTERPRISES, INC., a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of Oregon, hereinafter called Grantor, for the con- sideration hereinafter stated, does her~by grant, barg.in, sell and convey unto ARLAN H. FARMER and ROSE M. FARMER, husband and wife, hereinafter called Grantees, and Grantees'" heirs, successr:rs and assigns, that certain real property, with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or appertain- ing, situated in the County of Lane and State of Oregon, described as follows, to wit: i:.".,l. G .::':. '~31108PFU~1) '!<~:,I..J."6 '93"OaA!\T .'UNO 20.00 ..(;i=f'lL:u.26 '93ttuatl 5 F'EE 20.00 PARCEL 1: Beginning at a point which is 360 feet East of a point that is 94.57 feet South 40' 40' East from a point 105.2 feet North of the Southwest corner of the Paul Brattain Donation Land Claim No. 63, in Township 17 South, Range 3 West of Willamette Meridian, running thence East 60 feet, more or less, to tho monument which marks the Southeast corner of Block No. 7 of BRATTAIN'S ADDITION to Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, as platted and recorded in Book 9, Page 6, Lane County Oregon Plnt Records, before same was vacated; thence North 196.3 feet; thence West 60 feet; more or less to a point due North of the Beginning Point: thence South 196.3 feet to the place of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPTING: That portion of the above described pre- mises included in that certain deed wherein Paul Hadley and Pearl Hadley, husband and wife, were grantors, and the Town of Springfield, was grantee, registered in Book 14, Page 480, of' the Certificate of Regi.tered Titles, being Instrument No. 8474, in LaneCounly, Oregon. (Vk ~ r\ ~-\"' ALSO: Beginning at a point 420 feet East and 206.9 feet North of a point that i. 94.57 feet South 40' 40' East from a point 105.2 feet North of the Southwest corner of the Paul Brattain Donation Land Claim No. 63, in TownShip 17 South of Ranqe 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, in Lane County, Oregon, and running thence South parallel with the East line of Tenth Streat 206.9 feet, more or less to the North line of Main Strsot in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, thence Easterly along the North line of Main Street 60 feet; thence North parallel with the East line of Tenth Street 210.3 feet, more or less, to a point 60 feet East of the beginninq point, and thence West 60 faet to the place of begin- ning, in Lane County, Oregon. PARCEL 2. EXCEPTING THEREFROM: That certain tract conveyed by Andrew J.Waffle and Stella M.Waffle, husband and . wife, to City of Springfield, a munIcipal corporation i.. by instrument recorded October 21, 1940, in Jl~c,.'pt1on...,. No; 88967, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, in Lane .,.... County, Oregon. '. I '1(' , , . .\: Beqinninq at a point on the South line of the alley running East and West between Main Street and "A" Street 225 feet East of tho Eaat line of Tenth Street in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, and running thence East on the South line of said alley 75 feet, thence South parallel with the East line of Tenth Street 168.00 feet; more or less, to the North line of Main Street, thence Westerly on the North line of said Main Street 75 plus feet to a point exactly 225 feet East of the East line of Tenth Street if TOT.~L COtlSIDE'lATION FOil TIllS T~ll~^CTIOtl IS $135,000.00. Warranty Deed - 1 10.00 ~- 'I f . .,:., ~\ _:.?7 \.:' r.,:~:t' ,. -:r,;~':.~t" '..' ,\~i1','" . -..l....\Jr-. :I]~~,t.....'.~,.: .~;~.~\.~> S:il'!:t( "";'li-i' '~~";"'\ ~ .'., ~"""~,:' ,. ,t'~-' ~ i l;.~\'''' .,."",;~"",, it"~:n , ", , \'t" "'" , ~~,.. ",. -If \':t.), " .. ., . .. t._ V ~, .:. ,. '.r' I' .,.-.~.;:. :..:!' 'It.. ~ "'-'" '. !7<C ~~. .;. , ;~{~'. -r ~(', ,J" ~..."" '~':"',' r.lr:"" J.' 1.{JI',~t\,;, ~'tr.~~;.,wt":' \~:.::),~.,' . j..,;.''''..'''.... , .~\~':j{rt,.J/~. ; " ~~ ~\~'. \~~~~~,., ~f.C~'~'\" . ',..', iii;,~ l:~ 'iI.~'~";' WI:'*"~~~"~' ~ ". ~'H : ,~ '~'" ~ ;j ->I" .'~ ~. .. -l:';' '. ~ ,~t.~ t' J.1~,f{\\:.:I:: :. .~~':.~1~i;~~., " .. :.--' I . .-- . .' 935<1239 .' extended Southerly; thence North 156.05 feet, more or les., and parallel with the East line of. Tenth Street to the place of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. ALSO: Beginning at a point on th~ South line of ~e alley running East and West between Main Strset and "An Street. and 300 feet East of the East line of Tenth Street in BRATTAIN'S ADDITION to Springfield, as platted and recorded in Book 9, Page 6, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, running thence Ea.t 60 feet; thence South 180 feet; more or less, to the North line of 'Main Street; thence Westerly along the North li~G of Main Street to a point. due South of the point of beginning; thence North 170 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto the said Grantees, their heirs, successors and 8ssigns forever. ,'. ,\\ And said Grantor hereby covenants to and with said Grantees, their heirs, successors and Assigns, that Grantor is lawfully seized in fee simple of the above granted premises, free from all encumbrances, except contract of sale dated August 1, 1969, between Harold V. Johnson, Executor of the Estate of Wayne E. Elliott, deceased, seller, and William L. Wilkes and Eva M. Wilkes, buyers, and mortgage to Pacific First Federal Sa.ings and Loan Association, dated September 19, 1962, from William L. Wilkes and Eva M. Wilkes; and mortgage to Alex G. Smith, dated October 8,1962, from William L. Wilkes and Eva M. Wilkes, and that Grantor will warrant and forever defend the above granted premises and every part'and parcel ther~of ag~ipst the lawful claims and demands of all persons whomsoever, except those claim- ing under the above describerl encumbrances. .: ~ ',' ..,.~'i'.).;. ~';~' ~( ,..\.,., "ri';-'I:"-::: ,. I. ,~).. 'Ii!M:'oI' . ,t~, , '~\' '. The true and actual consideration paid for this trans- fer, stated in terms of dollars, is $135,000.00. Done by order of the Grantor I. B'3~rd of Directors, corporate seal affixed, this .~/~ day of October. 1972. .." ' ".... ....~.~~\ t.n.~~h its ~. ".,'1 , ". ~' . lc., ,,' ,IlII",' ,J' ". il4J/<.,I.)' .', 0_", :~: r6, .,,' .' ...' ;;.i \~~.....:,.. ..,.' '-',/ ""~ OnE'CO".,.... ..,...."""..".... WILKE: E~~RP~SES, INC. By (J1Y~;/~.4..- " President By , 12.-.....- ~. )/~j~.u Secretary ana Vlco-President STATE OF OREGON ) ) 88. County of L.ne ) On this JloJ d.y of October, 1972, parsonally appe.red William L.Wilkes and Eva M. Wilkes, who, being duly sworn. each fcr himself .nd not one for the other, did say th.t the former is the President and that the latter is the Secut.ry of Wilkes Enterprises, Inc., a ccrporation, .nd that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corpor.te seal of s.id corpor.tion ,,~'~~";!l""- tll.t eaid instrument was signed and sealod in behalf of sdd ,....:.::...!.~;p.or.tion by .uthority of tis Board of Directors; .nd each of .... . tli$m\....cknowledged said instrument to be its voluntary act and deed. . ,o'f^ny "',1\- '", Before me: , . I ' : ..' c. "', I." I ut.' ,/:t! ,I"... '.....c(J l 1','" " ...,. , , ........ (\" .' Ie'!JF 0"..""" '-n7,..J..d ~..!, - Not.ry PUbliC foi~~on My Commission Expires. ~_ 11_ '7-.1 W.rr.nty Deed - 2 . ....:~."-=~~-<-~:;<~~~~~ftZ--;.~~~:::i;~:~:.:.~""::~t: : '.' .. <II, </ 3~ 9354Z39 : J: i~i I ~~J~J :);r;"~~~.!~J ~. - ..' _ 01 0..-. COItnty 01 ~ I Itw Counh Clrd.. .. .-t lor rtw wid. (OU"')". eI.. ~ ~ thM dw ~iIhM'o l""runwnl"'""I'K~lrol'rI'C'Of'd ~j(G93z..;Gb .... 1874R Unr Counh' ()fF1CJAL Rftun:b :~c__~ '" ..' .., 'I ~ . _0' .'..__....4.. '. ~...::--:.;;;.~..'! ......- -. """'-.'~~'. ~1..9$-;;."-~~~:.:...;:::.r.!!;;-J~!:9"'-'-_'-~:f..-'1t";............ ,. ..:.,s' '~'. "'~~~f~..-'- ".- . ~i~::~~~t~~~~t~. :.;'$.~_':~~~ ~:~f~}:~~'.~"- :. T tD '" U\ ... ~ tD ~. .;.. .' \; . .' . 1 . \\ i i \ ~ . _.~mm 'or ~ESCRIPTlONS OF REA"ROP ER1ItS7.0j.~';, v OFFICE OF COUNTY ASSESSOR. LAN E COU NTY. OREGON ~()()_ _.. , TA~ LOT --1- 55 3161867 17' . :3 I ,m ~<CO" I ACRES YEAR 'I N^ ! SECTION TOWNSHIP S , R"NGE E._OR \'Ir'.__~.~. J VOL._ _~~~~ ~Jt~I~INC I eE~ -- -;'I-S~ANC" ---- BE:RING RE-;~I\;;;CE :;-I..E~J.~- SUBDIYllIlON ./, ~ I'~-,,,- 1941j' i. , ft I .1 ! I i East South , NW!rly. 75 ft. 'Begi~ at apo~nt 225 feet'E of a point '192.9 feet N of a point 94.57 ft. S ~oo40' E from a point,wh\~s ' 105.2 ft. N of the SW cor~~ ~aul 3rattain DLC # 65, W 1!p. lln OS, R',:3 W, 11M, ,thence <: \.i. .... thence ~"( f'l. p '. ,to,~i~,~M~enz~e Highway, thence along;Hfgtway'to pOlntS' of the place of beginning, thence to place of beginning. I, ";: i. 9. ~. .' 75.0 ft I I i I i Begirning. at, a point. on the Reg'. 16703 South' line- of the alley running East I and \lest bet..'een Main Street and ! R..2Q4 i ' II A II Street and 225' fe'~ t East of the, i ~039 E:ast line of lOth Street in Spring": 1 ,035 ' field, Lane County, .Oregon, running' i 8 034 , thence" . IRSO /23(,,25 ft on the South line of said alley, . .la73 josc ~t_? . thence I ' more or less, parallel with the.E8 st I R67d9/ line cf 10th Street, to the North ,1 ,,01 line of Main Street, thence more" or less, on the North. line of , said Main Street, to a point exactly 225 feet East of the East .lineof 10th Street, if extended Southerly, thence more or less and parallel with the Eas,t line of 10th Street, to the place of beginning. , I .1 I I I. I I , ~i" ,( ,i: ~: ~~ , . North 1944 ,;. 1963. 1973 1975 ,East, 1976/South , ' I I ' 1978, "'I : VI 'j' 1981 : ! !' 19821 j 1~82 i 11983 North I ! . I 75,q 168.0 ft /156.05 ft , R91 ]/42,832 R1116/811-0315i. Rll 84/F2-0835) Rl1"3/8~-1471 0 R1217/82-33416 'R1217/82-3341i R121.7Ie~-33418 , i ,. I , j I I i i I i ! o' f ": . " . . H f I i I (:)<1 V M(~ St-