HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Legal Description 1982-11-4 "~ -\.. ../ r I I .\ i ~ I , '.' I :, , !I , :-':."", II ,~ ,I .. . ~ ,I , i, , , II I ,II :1 ,I !I I! I! !i il II .' , 1:1 I o ...s> (; " I' ,! ,,: ,. 31!; S I' . "," '., "J' j: !t\- i: ! -.. . :'i~ "'1 :;~ ;~ '.. ~ .~ '1 . . r- r~ 7' /)51 ....-:. H... IU_I,UO"IN ""'0 'AU DIIO 1'''''I.I~..I.. t"'~I. :.';.:'. .::: 8~33'11B I'~ ' ,.i~ / . "IA.OAIN ANO SAll om , ~ KNOW ALL MF:N BY THESE PRESENTS. Th.l. I .HOWARO....E. ...Z.1 NK..... 1 101 fh" con~jd,.rnti(tn IIt'r"in4""t 1t.,ftI, don hereby ,rant, bar,aln, ~1I and convey unto SPRINGfIElD CH,URCH OF. THE..BRETHREN. . " herf'jnll/h~r clIl1"d ,rllnttt". IInd unb 'fltnIH'. heltl, .ucces.'1or. IInd lta.l,n. all 01 Ihat ~r/.in tf'lll r:ropNly with the ; ~ tenements. hrredilamenh and ItppurtenaOO/!. thereunto br/on,ln, Ot in anywl.. apperta;n;n,. ,itultted in fhr COllnt;. 01 La.ne. "'''' Stltte 01 Ore~n. deterlbed a.lollow., to-wit: n...~. u..... .'... '~~1~" .,.~.. ..."... ..... . ht're;nnltrr cnllrd Aflllltor. I' LEGAL DESCRIPTION ATTACHED 0827A001 11/04/82 REC n0003.. n~ VACI INSUffiCIENt. CONlINIl' DUCIIPTlON ON Irvllil 'IOU To Have nnd to Hold the .ame unlo lhe Mid 'rantee and 'tantH'. heitl, 8tlCU~lOtI and ass/,nl lorever. The true end ectual conl/doratlon paid lOt "al. tranalt!r, .tated /n tetms 01 doftan. I. 1,1, 6.Q,.00.0.a,Q.Q.. ~Howe,.er, Ihe actuel oon.id"ration conal.,. 01 or ;nclud,., othflr pro".r'y or ,,"/w ,i,.en or promiaed which i. :::',"'o'r,':. con.ldt:raUon (indlcllte whlch).tD(TM .m.nce be'.....n ,he I)"mbobtD,It no' ."ptlOltbt.,thould be d.I.ted. s.. ORS ".0'0.) In construinl th;, deed and wht:re lhe context 10 rHlU;res, the ,;n,u/ar ineJude. the plural and all 'tammatical chenp. .hall be Implied to mab Ih. Pro,.laiON ItereolappJ, equall, 10 cot~~tion. and 10 Indi.,idual.. In WitMII Wher<<>l, Ihe ,ranlorh.. executtd lhi./n.frument this..$~a,ol . Oc..to,bu.... ,193 2.; 11 a cotporate 'ran/or, it ha. cauHd its name to M "'ned~nd I ,~fjXftl :P'" lia:r dul, aulhorind Ihorelo b, order 01 it. board 01 d;NtCtotl. " . y t , . owaild E. U 'If....... ..,. -..-..... -'II. -._ Nef! IT:",:" :~.~.~.~;~n.t..m...............".....j 1& ....,_......Od~.b.t4.....A.l............ " ..I. t. STAT. 01' ORKOON. eo.ntp 01..,......"".." .....",.. ".........,...", .,........).. ..........,...............................w........_.t'.....H....... "'rtonelr,.""..,.,J M..............,...............'..H........ ..................nd ..........,................. ,.......,...........,........... ...,....",...........,...,..,..110. bel,., 4ul,. _or", .eoh 1M Ill,.,.." .nd 110' OM tw 'h. o".r, did ..... ,...., lhe tw"., /, the ......................................M.........._...................JWf'IId.,., entI ,he, ,he Ie'''' I. ,he .........................................,.......,.. -"'" 0/ .........,...... ...................'m............................................ ...,.... .,....... ,.... ..,......... cotpor.tlon. .,." "II' 'he ..1 .m..d to ,he lort"oi,., IN'rumen' I. ,he cotpor.,. _I 01 1./d eotpot"/OII .nd ,No, ..Id 'N"U"",,' II'.. ."ned 11M _1Mt 'n bI. 111111 01 ..ld CMpot".lIo" by authMlt). 01 It. boord 01 director.; .nd nc" ot ,1I.m ed_lflIled ..hi ,,.t,..,_n' '0 bt In "olunt,.,,. .t .nd tlNd. 8,I_me: . (OFI'rC1Al. S.BAl.) I !I I I ",,.n,lI,. .""..,flI ,he llbo.. nem.ct ,_........,. ...... . ... H Q."'A"'d....t~, ..Z .i.n8.......... .. .. . .......... ...... " "A ", ,. .. \1\..,.. 8... "'~ ......,.. ..,... .. , ....,..~" ........ A:""':': and K Ipd ,he IM.tol", In,'ra. '.' ~. . . ~n'. '~'li.~: ....,.. sf!o.tl-..\ II1"ToIun,." K' .... ..... : -:I: 8. ,. !. i ? rO';'i,Ct,' ~",.YlL(:Jr1..'(~ SlrALJ' . "fJ~ f' " : "~rr.,"'j,.I~ ('" 0_ '" 'M'-4"Jk.~'<<i'"pI"I..J..O-:,..1J.-'6,. ,...., Not.,y l'ubllo tor 0'.10" TtI,. commI..lon .."Irt": HOWARD. ,E. lINK STATF: OF' ORECON, d.}" I <<tlUy Ihllt lhe within instru. menl W/UI rN:e;vt'(/ lor reeord on th~ ..,dllyof ....,./9.. lit... ... ....o.clodr......M.. and rf'COrdf'd in bnolfjrfftlvotumft No.. nn PII't, ..... ........ ,or 1111 dncumMlllff/li/f'l jn"rum~nl/mjcro'ilm No. . Rt'COrd of DH'd, 01 !llIid enunt)', WitM!t'I m.,' hnnd IInd ~"n' 0/ COt/nt,. nll;.f'd. . ......'o~. ;..~~. ~"it .oo~n. County 01 SPRINGFIELD CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN . .. o......u.........'o.oa..... ".CI""...,a ,.. .ICO_OI..un ...".........,".........,.. GRANTEE I ...., . "_' " '~H" .. .. "H._' ...... ._,. .. ."..... _H. I ,i ........aa"i.,:.i;..' GRANTEE I(~~. .~ ~.l' " ~;.~. ~, f.! '; ,; " H il " '! " R.;i~ !I Ii , I , , " I :/ Ii Ii I ,I " :j I, :1 :' " I: i: I I " II ., " " .1 ., , !! ., :! ~:. " " " l ',/ '. -., . . ..... _.. . -" 8233.\ 18 ~ ~ .' !r :tJ '~ ~ EI.T .I?J? rARCEl I. neglnnlng at a point which Is 360 feet East of a point that Is 94.57 feet Smith 40' 40' East from a point 105.2 feet North of the Southwest corner of the raul Brattain Donation land Claim 110. 63, In Township 17 South, Range 3 Wost of the Wl11amette Meridian; running thece East 60 feet, more or less, to tho monument which marks tho Southeast corner of Block No.7 of Brattains Mdttlon to Springfield, lane County, Oregon, hefore same was vacated. thence North 196.3 feot. thence West 60 feet, more or less to a point due North of the hogtnnlng point. thence South 196.3 feet to the place of beginning, I., lane County, Oregon. EXCEPTING therefrom that portion of the above described premls..s included In that certain deed wherein Paul Hadley and Pearl Hadley, hushand and wife, were Grantors and the Town of Springfield, was grantee, registered In Volume 14, Page 4BO, of the Certificate of Registered Titles, bol ng I nstument No. B4 74. .. . . " PARCEL It. Boglnnlng at a point 420 feot East and 206.9 feet North of a point that Is 94.S7 feet South 40' 40' East from a point 105.2 feet North of the Southwest corner of the Paul Brattain Donation Land Claim No. 63, In Township 17 South, Range 3 Ilest of the 1/111amette Meridian, in Lane County, O,..gon, and ronning thence South parallel with the East line of Tenth Streot 206.9 feet, more or less to the North line of Main Street in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. thence Easterly along the North line of Main Street 60 feet. thence North parallel with the East line of Tenth Street 210.3 feet, more or less, to a point 60 feet East of the heginning point, and thence West 60 feet to the place of beginnIng. EXCEPTING THEREFROH that certafn tract cooveyed by Andrew J. Waffle and Stella M. Waffle, hushand and wife, to City of SprIngfield, a municipal corporation, by instrument recorded October 21, 1940, In lane County Oregon Deed Records, under Recorder's Reception No. BB967, PARCEL Ill. Beginning at a point on the South line of the alley ronning East and West between Main Street and "A" Street 225 feet East of the East line of Tenth Street in Springfield, lane County, Oregon, and ronning thence East on the South line of said alley 75 feet. thence South parallel with the East line of Tenth Street 16B,OO feet, more or less, to the North line of Main Street. thence Westerly on the 1I0rth line of said Main Street 75 plus feet to a point exactly 225 feot East of the East line nf Tenth Street if extended Southerly. thence 1I0rth 156.05 feot, more or less, and parallel with the East line of Tenth Street to the place of beginning, In Lane County, Oregon. PARCEL IV. Beginning at a point on the South line of the alley running East and West betwoen '-laIn Streot and "A" Stroet and 300 feot East of the East line of Tenth Street In BrattaIn's Addition to Springfield, in lane County, Oregon, as platted and recordod in Volume g, rage 6, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, running thence East 60 feet. thence South lBD feet, more or less, to the North llno of r~ain Street: thence Westerly along tho 1I0rth line of Main Street to a poi nt due South of the pol nt of begl nn I ng. thonce North 170 feet, more or less, to the point of boglnning, In l.ne County, Oregon. -, , -, ;1 ~ I I "I .1\ . , , , . ~.. '-" - .". . " J; \ - ;t:i. . ,;.,....11.. .11 - ,~"".". ....:-...:- ',".wlm;.~~-' , . 8233418 or O..eIOIl. ~~, of Lalll-U. Cown,. Chr', Shy... i. Id:UCo.mt.,. do lMu. . I. 4 for the said vltb.ia IOSITU. ~; ::,t111 t:~~e~b.;.r record at _lit ..... rK 4 ~., 1!2 16: 00 . .' .... 1217R 01FICIAl.:' beor,b. u.. CoImty Cluun1 Clerk S:..ell J. lelle., '. " ~ .J/J o.put~ it! . :.~ r C'lO-U . '::ti!:: ~""" i!t.t~1-.~. ' "".u,~."-W'~ ...._. I J.l!l&..',~~.~~1 ...",}i~;~-:, ~"'... ,,_,0_ >-;.:.-- . ;'rt.r~ . 'A.... i.."'":'''::';''' .. ," "'~*:'; ""f.i7~.<..: :"'(!i;~'iI::ii'''~.. . :,,' ,.'.<;~:1~~.c: .J ~. ,. . , J Arb# 17-03-35-41-04900 17-03-35-41-04900 17-03-35-41-04900 17-03-35-41-04900 17-03-35-41-04900 17-03-35-41-04900 17-03-35-41-04900 17-03-35-41-04900 17-03-35-41-04900 17 -03-35-41-04900 . . Property Index Search Report Requested by Plant User of Evergreen Land Title on May 11, 2004 at 3:43 PM County: Lane PI Plant Date: 05/06/2004 == PI Search Description == Type Search Grantor TaDoe Dates Grantee Show Arb Number 17-03-35-41-04900 - ____l == Arb Definitions == Status Arb Open Date Close Date Comments NOT Specified Ill... ===-............... _ ____ ______,_ I == PI Search Results == (14 Documents Retrieved of Which All Were Selected for Printing) DocTyp Dacum. Date Amount Title Camp Doc# Bk/Pg Orlg. Num COVENS, CON DS, RSTRCTN5 02/23/2001 2001-010620 $0.00 /N WARRANTY DEED 08/26/1993 $135,000.00 DUP 08/26/1993 $190,000.00 DUP 03/08/1988 $0.00 93-054239 WARRANTY DEED 93-054238 DECLARATION 88-009349 RECONVEYANCE 12/09/1982 $0.00 82-036944 STARTER 11/04/1982 $0.00 BARGAIN AND 11/04/1982 SALE DEED $0.00 ASSIGNMENT 11/04/1982 OF CONTRACT $0.00 WARRANTY 11/04/1982 DEED $200,000.00 TRUST DEED 05/19/1982 $180,000.00 ELT-1232 82-033418 82-033417 82-033416 82-014711 Page 1 of2 First Party Second Party Comments LANE SHELTER CARE aRETHREN HOUSING; HOME INVESTMENTS PARTNERSHIP; DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE CONVENANTS/UNCLEAR LEGA WILKES ENTERPRISES INC f . 110n_ n FARMER; ARLAN H, ET ~ ~ FARMER; ARLAN H, ET f .. r. P ^ ZINK; HOWARD E ~ - SPFLD CHURCH 8RETHREN SPFLP CONFERENCE 8RETHREN DEC COMMERCIAL CREDIT CORP DONALD W. COUPE RE 82-14711 HOWARD ZINK 0" 0 0_ SPFLD CHURCH OF THE BRETH 1 ~ HOWARD ZINK SPFLD CHURCH OF THE BRETH DONALD W COUPE HOWARD E ZINK DNAD W COUPE HOWARD E ZINK 17-03-35-41-04900 17-03-35-41-04900 17-03-35-41-04900 17-03-35-41-04900 . . Page 2 of2 WARRANTY 05/19/1982 82-014710 HOWARD E 21NK DEEO $200,000.00 DONALD W COUPE OTHER 03/29/1982 82-009224 PARTIAL RELEA5E IR5 UEN $0.00 ANITA T PARK5 RE 82-10 RE 78 36978 OTHER 03/29/1982 82-009225 IR5 $0.00 ANITA T PARKS RELEASE TAX UEN RE 79 443 OTHER 02/04/1981 81-001125 FARMER, ARLAN H. & ROSE M $190,000.00 ZINK, PHELPS,ETAL (OEFE AlOP; EQUITY PERF R E5T CO == End of PI Search Report == . . Property Index Search Report Requested by Plant User of Evergreen Land Title on May 11, 2004 at 3:44 PM COunty: lane PI Plant Date: 05/06/2004 == PI Search Description == Type Search Arb Number 17-03-35-41-04800 ~'-'-------'---"--====-- = Grantor ToDoc Dates Grantee Show == Arb Definitions == --=- Status Arb Open Date Close Date Comments NOTSpecifled_=__._._.....,._._'--- ::::I == PI Search Results == (14 Documents Retrieved of WhIch All Were Selected for PrintIng) 1 Arb# DocTyp Docum. Date Doc# Amount Bk! Pg Title Comp Orlg. Num __'_n'_'_ --,,---- --- - ---- --- ------ - ,-,--- 17-03-35-41-04800 COVENS, 02/23/2001 2001-010620 CON OS, RSTRCTNS $0.00 /N 17-03-35-41-04800 WARRANlY 08/26/1993 93-054239 DEED $135,000.00 DUP 17-03-35-41-04800 WARRANlY 08/26/1993 93-054238 OEED $190,000.00 DUP 17-03-35-41-04800 OECLARAll0N 03/08/1988 88-009349 $0.00 17-03-35-41-04800 RECONVEYANCE 12/09/1982 82-036944 $0.00 17-03-35-41-04800 STARTER 11/04/1982 ELT-1232 $0.00 17-03-35.41-04800 8ARGAIN AND 11/04/1982 82-033418 SALE DEED $0.00 17-03-35-41-04800 ASSIGNMENT 11/04/1982 82-033417 OF CONTRACT $0.00 17-03-35-41-04800 WARRANTY 11/04/1982 82-033416 DEED $200,000.00 17-03-35-41-04800 TRUST DEED 05/19/1982 82-014711 $180,000.00 Page 1 of2 First Party Second Party Comments LANE SHELTER CARE BRETHREN HOUSING; HOME INVESTMENTS PARTNERSHIP; OECLARAll0N OF RESTRICTIVE CONVENANTS/UNCLEAR LEGA WILKES ENTERPRISES INC /_ FARMER; ARLAN H, ET / (; il U'-l FARMER; ARLAN H, ET A ZINK; HOWARD E lJL ~ SPFLD CHURCH BRETHREN SPFLD CONFERENCE 8RETHREN DEC COMMEROAL CREDIT CORP DONALD W. COUPE RE 82-14711 HOWARD ZINK $PFLD CHURCH OF THE BRETH HOWARD ZINK SPFLO CHURCH OF THE BRETH DONALD W COUPE HOWARD E ZINK DNAD W COUPE HOWARD E ZINK . . Page 2 of2 17-03-35-41-04800 WARRANTY 05/19/1982 82-014710 HOWARD E ZINK DEEP $200,000.00 DONALD W COUPE 17-03-35-41-04800 OTHER 03/29/1982 82-009224 PARTIAL RELEASE IRS UEN $0.00 ANITA T PARKS RE 82-10 RE 78 36978 17-03-35-41-04800 OTHER 03/29/1982 82-009225 IRS $0.00 ANITA T PARKS RELEASE TAX UEN RE 79 443 17-03-35-41-04800 OTHER 02/04/1981 81-001125 FARMER, ARLAN H. & ROSE M $190,000.00 Z1NK, PHELPS,ETAL (DEFE AIOP; EQUITY PERF R EST CO == End of PI Search Report == . . Page 1 of2 Property Index Search Report Requested by Plant User of Evergreen Land Title on May 11, 2004 at 3:44 PM County: lane PI Plant Date: 05/06/2004 == PI Search Description == Type Search Arb Number 17-03-35-41-04700 - - .."-===---===~,~ -- ==---~-,._--------------' Grantor TaDoe Dates Grantee Show == Arb DefinitIons == Status Arb Open Date Close Date Comments NOT Specified Cl'""'_."--'-= . == PI Search Results == (14 Documents Retrieved of Which All Were Selected for Printing) _..,--,--- ---- - --,-~- ----- .... '-,-,.,--,-_.",---,~--- ----"-------,-~-- -----= I Arb# DocTyp Dacum. Date Ooc# First Party Amount Bk/Pg Second Party Title Camp Orlg. Num Comments - --- ====-=-==' - .-,. ---'-. .~ 17.03-35-41-04700 COVENS, 02/23/2001 2001-010620 LANE SHELTER CARE BRETHREN CONDS, HOUSING; RSTRCTNS $0.00 HOME 1NVESTMENTS PARTNERSHIP; /N DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE CONVENANTS/UNCLEAR LEGA . 17-03-35-41-04700 WARRANTY OB/26/1993 93-054239 WILKES ENTERPRISES INct~ DEED $135,000.00 FARMER; ARLAN H, ET O'uf OTC 17-03-35-41-04700 WARRANTY OB/26/1993 93-054238 FARMER; ARLAN H, ET dv.fJ DEED $190,000.00 ZINK; HOWARD E OTC 17-03-35-41-04700 PECLARATION 03/0B/19BB 8B-009349 SPFLO CHURCH BRETHREN $0.00 SPFLD CONFERENCE BRETHREN DEC 17-03- 35-41-04 700 RECONVEYANCE 12/09/1982 82-036944 COMMEROAL CREDIT CORP $0.00 DONALD W. COUPE RE 82-14711 17-03-35'41-04700 STARTER 11/04/1982 ELT-1232 $0.00 17 -03-35-41-04 700 BARGAIN AND 11/04/19B2 B2-033418 HOWARD ZINK SALE DEED $0.00 SPFLD CHURCH OF THE BRETH 17-03-35-41-04700 ASSIGNMENT 11/04/19B2 82-033417 HOWARD ZINK OF CONTRACT $0.00 SPFLO CHURCH OF THE BRETH 17-03-35-41-04700 WARRANTY 11/04/1982 82-033416 DONALD W COUPE DEED $200,000.00 HOWARO E ZINK 17-03-35-41-04700 TRUST DEED 05/19/1982 B2-014711 DNAD W COUPE $1BO,000.00 HOWARD E ZINK . 17-03-35-41-04700 WARRANTY 05/19/1982 DEED $200,000.00 17-03-35-41-04700 OTHER 03/29/1982 $0.00 17-03-35-41-04700 OTHER 03/29/1982 $0.00 17-03-35-41-04700 OTHER 02/04/1981 $190,000.00 82-014710 82-009224 82-009225 81-001125 == End of PI Search Report == . Page 2 of2 HOWARD E ZINK DONALD W COUPE PARTIAL RELEASE IRS LIEN ANITA T PARKS RE 82-10 RE 78 36978 IRS ANITA T PARKS RELEASE TAX LIEN RE 79 443 FARMER, ARLAN H. & ROSE M 2INK, PHELPS,ETAL (DEFE AIOP; EQUITY PERF R EST co