HomeMy WebLinkAboutLegal Miscellaneous 1982-11-4 c.. '.~ ,'.. A.' AG~.NT 1.0. NO.: S/ PROPERTY TYPE: C. PREVIOUS LIAS.: D. EXTRA CHG/MISC.: . E. PRICING CODE: ", , . -. (<1./ ;,. /1 $ ; $ //.' CO. /' ,'CI (.,'-.",'. " ~. ", F. G. H. REMARKS: SAFtI CONTROL NO. SP,r),/', {,',;"'76 SIMUL. WITH NO.: _I PRIOR CONTROL NO.: _I ESCROW CHARGE: $ ." SPEC.DR/CR $ $ $ CODE CODE CODE /7DS sC;- (I {) f6tJD Agent File No. EL T -1232 Premium: $ 540.00 Amount of Insurance: $' 160,000.00 Date of PoliCY: NOVEriBER 4, 1982 4:09 P. 11. 1. Name of Insured: SPRINGFIELD CI!URCIl OF TIlE BRETI!REr~ {(Yj(o MI'.I'n S.+- 2. The estate or interest in the land described herein and which is ~overed by this policy is: ..... '- a fee \. . 3. The estate or interest referred to herein is at Date of POlicy vested in: BIOLA BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ArIGELES, al so kno",n as IlIOLA SCHOOLS'" COLLEGES, Hie. 10% CIlRISTIAN NATIONAL EVANGELISTIC Cm~ISSION 45% NORTHHEST ClllHSTtMl COllrr,r 45');. as to PARCEL 10 anli PARCEL II. and WILKES O~TERPRISES. INC., as to PARCEL III. and IV. /-'/A -.--L Lj '" C'C' I of 1.(700 4. The land referred to in this policy is described as follows: TL if$Jo 0 .fl(9po attached SCHEDULE A Standard Coverage Policy ORP.218A(Rev, 11.79) .JVJ 5pnl\~ h~ Id CAlJ.rc.~ lJ~ 'the- fl:Jr-€ n r-el\ b'J Vtrkeo ~ ~ fl-t-kcJ..,f) here f.o cg2- "7?s'fl ~ . 93 -'>-t.f;]...'5~ 1.//9 --S -'S'-( ~ '3 9 rrlj'i'JrJ~ m SAFECO ~ ~ ~ ~.t> ~x~rgr~~ JEFF (~KER . "", ./ Advisory Title Officer 1570 MOhawK Blvd. Springfield. Oregon 97477 (541/741.1981 Fax 154.11 741.0619 www.evergreen1andtitle.com jeffw@evergreenlandtltle.com I .".,',.. - :.. . . -~:'~:'::~:'t'.... ,,---- ..-_.~ L. . .' SCHEDULE B This policy does not insure against loss or damage, nor against costs, attorneys' fees or expenses, any or all of which arise by reason of the matters shown or referred to in this Schedule except to the extent that the owner of any mortgage or deed of trust is expressly insured on page 1 of this poiicy. 1. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by public records; proceedings by a public agency which may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the pubiic records. 2. Any facts, rights, interests, or claims which are not shown by the pubiic records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of said land or by making inquiry of persons in possession thereof. 3. Easements, liens or encumbrances, or claims thereof, which are not shown by the ,public records; un- patented mining claims; reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; water rights, claims or title to water. . 4. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments or any other facts which a correct survey would disclose, ..--- 5. TaKes, Serfal No. 17 03 35 41 04700. Code 19-00. Account No. 316842. 1982-83, $557.63, due and p~able. (Parcel I) Taxes. Serial No. 1703 35 41 04600, Code 19-00, Account No. 316834.~ 1982-83, $597.66. due and payable. (Parcel II) Taxes, Serfal ~o. 1703 3S 41 04900, Code 19-00, Account No. 316867. 1982-83. $2,858.83. due and payable. (Parcel III) Taxes. Serfal No. 17 03 3.<; 41 04800, Code 19-00, Aecount No. 316859, 1982-83, $454.15, due and payahle. (Parcel IV) 6. The North line of Main Street is the ~orth line of that certain tract of land conveyed to the City of Springfield, by Deed recorded September 26, 1972. Receptfon Ho. 26440, Offiefal Records of Lane County, Oregon, safd parcel also being mentfoned fn various deeds of record as befng Regfstered Tftle No. 8474. 7. nterest 0 f s Enterprise ne.. Ol"Rql)I(Corpor~ as grantee-fn .t nee from W falll L. flkes Eva r.. Wilkes, recorded Novemb~. ~ .~;).~ !tee 03. Receptfon No. ~ 9955. Lane County Oregon Records. (Parcel 1) Ci3~:> an Oregon corporatfo~antee fn OfJ.. t- H:es. re r11 28, btll, !tee 1 q'1-5>-tj,.3; o ords. (Parcel II) ~ rfses, Inc.. Seller, and Arlan Purchaser. as evfdeneed by 7508051 Ie H. ~M gon <1'3's-<(.7-"., .,P.218.B-Oregon'(G,S,IRev.7;7.- Standard Coveraoe Polley Form '. . . . . '[LT-1232 . SCHEDULE B PAGE 2 :/ . 10. Unrecorded Contract, between Arlan H. Farmer and Rose M. Farmer, husband and wife, Seller, and Howard E. Zink, Buyer. as evidenced by Memorandum, recorded April 9, 1976, Reception No. 7616601, Lane County Oregon Records. The Vendees interest in the .abov~ Contract was duly assi9ned anq set over to Springfield Church of the Bretheren by Assignment recorded November 4, 1982, Reel 1217, Reception No. 8233417 and Bargain and Sale Deed recorded November 4, 1982, Reel 1217, Recept)on No. 8233418, Official Records'of Lane County, Oregon. I OLt1- 9~-S-'-(2 ~8 ct/A.d Sf2- - 7~L{ I~ . '. ~ '. .'. .. . . . " ..... .' ELT-1232 PARCEL I. Beginning at a point which is 360 feet East of a point that is 94.57. feet South 40" 40' East from a point 105.2 feet North of the Southwest corner of the Paul Brattain Donation Land Claim No. 63, in Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Will amette Meri di an; runni ng thece East 60 feet, more or less, to the monument which marks the Southeast corner of Block No.7 of Brattains Addition to Springfield, Lane Count~, Oregon, before same was vacated; thence North 196.3 feet; thence West 60 feet, more or less to a point due North of the beginning point; thence South 196.3 feet to the place of beginning, in'. Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPTING therefrom that portion of the above described premi ses i ncl uded in that certai n deed wherei n Paul Hadl ey and Pearl Hadl ey. husband and wife, were Grantors and the Town of Springfield, was grantee, registered in Volume 14. Page 480, of the Certificate of Registered Titles. being Instument No. 8474. PARCEL 11. Beginning at a point 420 feet East and 206.9 feet North of a point that is 94.57 feet South 400 40' East from a point 105.2 feet North of the Southwest corner of the Paul Brattain Donation land Claim No. 63, in Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian. ip Lane County, Oregon, and running thence South parallel with the. East line of Tenth Street 206.9 feet, mor~ or less to the North line of Main Street in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon; thence Easterly along the North line of Main Street 60 feet; thence North parallel with the East line of Tenth Street 210.3 feet, more or less, to a point 60 feet East of the beginning point, and thence West 60 feet to the place of beginning. EXCEPTING THEREFROM that certain tract conveyed by Andrew J. Waffle and Stella M. Waffle, husband.and wife, to City of Springfield, a municipal corporation, by instrument recorded October 21, 1940, in Lane County Oregon Deed Records, under Recorder's Reception No. 88967. " PARCEL 11 I. Beginning at a point on the South line of the alley running East and West between Main Street and "An Street 225 feet East of the East line of Tenth Street in Springfield, lane County, Oregon, and running thence East on the South line of said alley 75 feet; thence South parallel with the East line of Tenth Street 168.00 feet, more or less, to the North line of Main Street; thence Westerly on the North line of said Main Street 75 plus feet to a point exactly 225 feet East of the East line of Tenth Street if extended Southerly; thence North 156.05 feet, more or less, and parallel with the East line of Tenth Street to the place of beginning, in 'Lane County, Oregon. PARCEL IV. Beginning at a point on the South line of the alley running East and West between Main Street and nA" Street and 300 feet East of the East line of Tenth Street in Brattain's Addition to'Spripgfield, in lane County, Oregon, as platted and recorded in Volume 9, Page 6, lane County oregon Plat Records, running thence East 60,feet; thence South 180 feet, mOre or less, to the North line of Main Street; thence Westerly along the North line of Main Street to a .point due South of the point of beginning; thence North 170 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning, in lane County, Oregon.