HomeMy WebLinkAboutCode Enforcement Complaint 1977-6-8 " ~ SPRINGFIELD PUBLIC WORKS D_N~ 'Q t;? (\~f\ Standard Comolaint Form ~v dN'~ /()7j ~~- -1~J)~ )11~ .A 1JFY,J~ 1:. _ Sb-e- :.; i}) . ~') t/ / D 7;) '7J1/11~ Location of Complaint Type of Complain~ Owner of Propert~ Complaintant's Name Complaintant's Address '-BY _4K Date~/01 Time /:5':) '# de::; (/09&) '7fJb.<:W}~ ~d7?f /1b. ~.? LI. [l1ad -:Jodi I '1 -.---- . , Phone 747- !~' J j- ::::::::-::--~----~-~------------~-------~------------------------------------ ~ --- Person Contacted m=,. I o do! ~ Action Taken ( ~ L~_d.u~) -- wrtJ{; A~ . ~ .:1orl.d..v:- ~h ~(e;-- '77~ . ~ ____ ._-*. . - Bv ~A U~ ", ) Date! A- fY.-! 7'7 Time 3: 30t? hV - I ~~Fi}.~' .: ',.:' ..~:. ~.;: ,:','~', I . ;' ,.,,~.- ~ ;": ' . . .' "'i ~:~2;t.(.;?:<:;-. ,;~:;>,:~, . ~ '.; , . A\~~t:i:::,':;:;.i~; .:, ~:,." '::'j,/Y;>" ,",....'... ".':-;>' :';:~;;~f;::"'/'::~'; :.'~'.>\:: - .............. ~ Date r":UVl:';' I r-UIl INSr'ECTION &,/?pri_I1Ufield ~UI d~"U. D;':P7'lrllllCI11 '/;.-- , _ , - t l;.~ "": ,~ - Time - ,""'.: (,. .'i /".....-. Type 01 Inspection "-!-'~\"\ Time Desired '::- .k (.,) (.. /.... - /.')-7 ' ) I f".,{ Il '... ' . ,',\ -'.' . ,^ --I -, '-'11 '("'-t I:} I..-.!. Ii,', II.: I '.., . ,,_ /., kf-F /~ l' . Owner Contractor Project Address Remarks INSPECTOR'S REPORT ~pproved NOl Approved [~~/7 R j-~ i) / '"ff J ~ l' '/.' I emarks'!'..t. "7'-"'",- " -'" "';'-_,<'_" ,0 A'. _'. .~ . . r.l ~i I j-_-v i ~~..,L7i/.-, ,/. ,...J j-q'/i. /";1":",, -frl'717=.. A -.-, I-::~, ~ / 7.. L) . "PC'I _ (jt"-<',( (.(r=, of,_/>- , ' . t/ 17 j /'/'Ir $c7S<" ",<</:;-,j//,~ "L/ V1..f'---<'- ' 'fry {' / .. '-,./ . ~ t7~'>-72u1.<'~. ~--"-<.'.-"/r::/_/Z_--' -~_' Date ;: .. j',; .. rt.. ...." , . ,v.,..... ,=-.~-'~..: , ,'.' .-'. ", .'; " '... :-::..:>:;:.; '-'.~ ..-......."... :..,....,:,. . .' ..' .'.... , tI: , ,,:,...,'J,. . "'l," ",,; .' .' :,~~.:;'~'~:~'~; .::,'(~::..~ -:'~~~:;;:-::;.~::~~>/:"':"":;'~.~.~-::'~:~: ~~t.~.. " '''J" . .. , ...;.,:,'....' -~".:::,:- - - ) lOqiJ, f.-I"AA 41Z<1 ~-~-17 . - , CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS June 15, 1977 348 MAIN STREET 747-4Z21 Mr. & Mrs. Joe Todd 1096 Main Street #29 Springfield, Oregon 97477 "* Dear Mr. & Mrs. Todd: ,By your request, on June 8, 1977 I inspected your residence at 1096 Main Street #29, owned by Howard E. Zink. As a result of that inspection, and for your information, the structure was found to be in the conditions following: 1. Defective or deteriorated flooring in the utility room. 2. lack of proper plumbing fixtures (leaky faucets) in the bathroom and util Hy room. 3., Hazardous wiring (electrical wires exposed in the kitchen light fixture). 4. Oeteriorated wall in the bathroom. The~abov~ items do not conform with the current State of Oregon Housing Code. If you have further questions, feel free to get in touch with me at 726-3753. 7~9~ Sa 11 y Johnson Environmental Controller SJ/ct -', /' r , )07~~ qT-27 &/r~/77 J'p~~ "~- 'f /1 . .. , I r /Of~ /77~~ ~27 --- b. 5'. " r /C/ Yb ~ ~d7 ? Is-I?l s- ..- , ~ * crr"'Y' OF BPRDSrGFI:ELD FOURTH AND NORTH "A" STREETS SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97477 lVbw.... .. UIU(S ~. "-. '. . " ./ . . Location of Complaint IOl? nl O.J....-A"-../ ..\:.t. do-1 (I /1 0/ U I 1" f'-""""p, ';' .en ny~ -. - .,1 -...--- \','! r ~tJ(}-/~j T1",r w:,~ 'W;"'I Ij '~04.7~.d _C{'fJ~L_~ ,i euL.cncy.' ) U xL.e"LQl!..,y~r~S-~ SI)RIN"f-H~'P' l'UllLlC \WRKS DEI'^WNT Standnrd Comnlnint Form I I I. Type of comPl-JintriJ1.,.Cjt2e--r Ln qinD~ J' .O(,CLI~1 Owner of Property tlO\.dcu"'-cR. 'Zu"'-lk..~_ - Comp 1 a in tan t's :-:J amc ,6 o....(\.cl~ C...CL\" r I::; . Complai.ntant's Address__~CL~V __ .PhOw!_..."J!-i 72;J..':L..'?...__ .Qq",!AA.e. ~~. :"'- '.' Q {, Q.. .-';,~'?... u....: jf!~Q, C"... .::.3-'1:?,:. ~ 05 !'?- Referred to =~ Cc--C,-'7 .' . , ....., .-,../-: /. ')1 / /' "," //17 ' l'erson cont'lcte.d.__UI 5a(~d.!.!.- I~/I/~/ ~_ (,; .. (v '~ /=~. / t;~C'=-:-- Action Take"..! I?~. "-Un/lt'- <(/r/(J/ f J.~ u tzJ.)1.L..._~/f:I-h-:-, ..--- I .. . . n 1,/ / . :./ ./../ \ ,/ If f ~ /n1./ if.--'. () " / ! -..-> I (C?~""C~';-f-<'- .. ~ ,---- -----.---- By }/~.(j~;I-.1:l~;{':~>J-~~)-~~~~= / . "7)'') Dn te__"'2...::..__L:5...~~L_L__-__ Time__ .____.._._. ..---------,--.,---.- -"", ' . .;,\~~i:';:~:.:>.,::'):<:;:,:~,::;:::::" - . ,': ',". .'" . .,,'. <"..., '~:"'. "-".... . . ',. .1'" ':, " ;: .:.,....~~:.~....:'~,,::; :":':"~~;>"~;!~,::..:~::';~~.~>,;:.!.~~~~~ .. '~" . . :~~{~.~~: ,'. ",' ~:F~:;,: ,. ~. . ":~~~;:.;t:b,~"~:~;;'.:'::::~': ,.,. " . ....' .,.,' , : ,::,,_~~:~~~~.~4~!. . ,,:,," ,I, . .. .. ,'\. .'..... . " "'" ,--..,.' ~~...-_.._-~ ',' ..... ,. :fE!.?-::';,:: ,", "'. !".,,', \'.'. I I j ,'-....,,'..../ ..,.:i .; .4;;'~'~~:\ .:;.~: ~:t..~< .,' :'~\,~l~~f,~ I,., t.rt.'" ': ',..~;....\", <" .,' , . " .\~r~.'::.i/;",:~,:,:<~:::<,:<::..:.. . ~ .' , , , .\;'s;,(..ti:n:"'-"':;'l~"':'I:~\"i",:,: '.....::\~, '.', . "I:J~,;.;,..' .....> ...<:,'.......,.... .".. .,~,:r'.".,:.::;"'....:~:.'....'..'"":..,. ~pt IIlUII~jd (lUdtllll~1 11('1';11 t111l!1l1 I~a 1< 'I 'DalC~__ . . _ Type of Inspection .1_(;, /.( ..1.--rl5:...) . , . Timc ~(Ir..;, ( 'to !cf-.'itl ( '-<.;' Time Desired Owner Contractor . \?:~_...t \ 'Ll C.L~../t:t..~.... Projcct Address ;:.~' i V ; J /'" L. ; -:7 ~",7 '-; , 'l" Remarks INSPECTOR'S REPORT , ,. ,;", . "",., .. .. ~l,,,, ''"-\.'" ,'r/lii ~" ~H: . ,4-::',," \"!j'l. ,~ ... '. '1"'- ;, l'~"'"'''' ..... I'S~' ;-"1~{~\:::':" , . '..1::,:;',\,;;.;';..' . ,lIt ',. ..(.'," ,," .,.. I (I; ,~. . I ": " , " ,,'" .. -' 'l1'''\.~~''",",,:'J;:..}~~';'~,;,"J... 'b 'lJ .. .,.....~ 'A!':j~,"~~J~:_, . :-'." . . .' ~, ..:, ""'~: ;':~~>:i', "-". . .:.. <;\::~~~:4~~r,'" . .A";'/~;~~:'>~'~" .::>:..,;:-:.........:''!:,:- '. '~".r:.";Jff'.!., ,;.' ", I' :t-~..<..::".'~::' ;':;:~';:\~:;):.''''~~';''''/::~>~~!.~~~~~' "" .' '-... . :"" ~ . ...... ;:.~ .....,.. . .~.~..,;.'." ""('''':,'~:: . . ,;=;'<::~~~' .' <!f~~~'~:~!::~ .., '. . ~ ,. . .'."- .; .....--~'-- .'.-- ,.,.;.-" ~..! I I CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97477 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS June 21, 1977 34e MAIN STREET 747.4221' Ms. Sandy Curtis 1096 Main 1127 Springfield, Oregon 97477 Dear Ms. Curtis: By your request, on June 15, 1977, I inspected your residence at 1096 Main Street #27, owned by Howard E. Zink. As a result of that inspection, and for your information, the structure was found to be in the condition following: 1. Defective or deteriorated flooring in the bathroom (flooring around toilet is not capable of supporting an average person's weight). 2. Dampness of habitable rooms due to lack of maintenance (ceiling in kitchen and living room/bedroom leak). . The above items do not conform with the current State of Oregon Housing Code. If you have further questions, feel free to get in touch with me at 726-3753. Sincere 1y, , ~' ,/'j~ ...-........ " /. / \ '.. tf...<:..J! 0t~- ~'~-<--'-_./ Sally Johnson Environmental Controller .' . e LANE COUNTY LEGAL AID SERVICE. INC, MERVYN H, LOVA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 1309 WILLAMETTE STREET EUGENE. OREGON 97401 June 18, 1977 Building Inspection Unit Publi:C WOrks.Depa..;..,....t... 346'Main .: SpJ;'ingfield, CLC':jUH ':. ATI'ENTION: Ms. Sally Johnson, Inspector RE: Howard Zink Properties, 1972 Main Street (SPringfield) D2ar Ms. Jolmson: By constant carmunication fran this office and fran our clients I am infm:med that you have now CClllpleted your inspection of the al:ove-noted premises and that you have CClllpiled your LCI.^'L '-. As has been earlier noted to you, we would be rrost pleased to obtain a copy of this LCI.^'L~. Ms. Sandy Curtis informs lIE that she has kept close contacts with you throughout this investigation and so I request that you provide her with your LCI.^'L'-, separately. The LCI.^'LL. I am rrost interested in is that dealing with the 'Ibdd premises, the Todds being my individual clients. Enclosed you will find the Todds' Authorization for Release of Infor-- mation. Naturally, should there be a fee for copying this report, you may bill this office. Finally, I am told that a Fire Inspection was CClllpleted at the same premises late last week. If this is co=ect, please o:mfim. I thank you very much for your earnest concern and diligence in attending this matter. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me. Sincerely, LI\NE CXlUNTY LEGAL AID SERVICE, INC. ~~;;;~'a: '~tS~n ~ By: ~!(, &, J s R. Eckley Legal Intern jre: ccl enc: 0 AREA CODE 503 342-6056 /,' ~ ~p \ . . e ~ .' I).,,, 9-~'- '7 /577 'J TO: C /TY oR.., e ou I'~ Ii" B,--)~1__OIN6 iN5:PI;C;-G~ l-1(..L..IAN (;. TOOO ~ I, the undersigned -rf"lC:- l-. TOOD , hereby authori~o~:.o~~~~~..!~~ and all records and information concerning~to my attorneys, tne Lane County Legal Aid Service, Inc" or any of its representatives and to discuss with that office or its representatives any information you might have concerning me. ~';/ /L.--; !'z/d) \?,e>-o /V~ 6/75