HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-5-3 '111l~I'[CIIU/l L1il[ LIlY Uf SI'RI/lufIElU NfORIlAI:.:1 Lo.., 1726-3769 ~~OIIBIIlATlON APPUCATlON/PERMlT . 726-3753 Job Address JOb:2 .: I ~~ ~AI N ~r. I ~~;~r,Y SOURCES: ~:: ~:;: ~:~;S5. l.e9.1 Omript;on \(\O~ \ 04Y('{}) 11"ater lIeater SQ. FtQ. Other lie,., Add 11.1 ter ~eD. Ranf'Je _ -rence Demo Change/Use IA I Val~ Hork: J! Other- - ~"'~lre-v- ~Z'J.: ':-Fq'~1 I Uui)(,jno Pernnt Info: Uescnbe Hork(i.e" Build Single Familv l1esidence lIith flttached r.araoel ~_.\tfjl'G~oh1f~ ~~) I - ?\' Owner 0\'lVIA',,!1 ~Jli1o.A"'a...i1.llt.. .\Jdrcss /() 17 0 M~ 4. ~ . ~ ceO o.-L4-.17 constructiCjr NOIJI:, Phone ,\JJress DES I Grl r l^/1 Phone (name) (ilddress) (lies,. no.) f"vetl1P'r~,..,.AvrLht,".1PJo ~r~ .41~" Primary Structura 1 Electrical !1echilnica 1 COtlTRAC~,9 _ Jllclme) Gener.lll 'j'fJ (!/.(!~ .- (addre,>s) , (1 ir:... no.l Plumbino [lcctrical fl~<,:h,lnic.,l PlUlIBlllG ELECTRICAL i:U. il CIIARGE , --I I I I I I I I /- JIlL..' 1..liL J:lJARGE I Residence of Each single fixture SQ. FT. -----I Relocated building (new fix. additional) IS.F. r.esldencc (I bath \ -----/OuPlex (1 bath) each IAdditi'onal bath ~!ater service -1-- New circuits alts. or extensions ISERVICES I I i I~i (~ I (exnlresl {nhone no. I q74-/)'L ?74~ . a?3?c, (pxnirp~l (nhnnp no. j i i I I I i '~J ~r ~ MECI!J\NICAl furnace/burner to BTlI's ..E.E.L 1.l:1lARGE. I Floor furnace' and vent' ,! Recessed wa 11 ~n~~p hp~tp~ ~nrl \IP'l.L1_' I I i I I . I 'Electrical Contractor. the electrical portion of this per~it I Supervisor and returned to the Building Division ! T cmpora ry I Chanqe 1 n rf'~ i d~nrf' I !mul t i rami ly. Inrtll~tri;d ~IOf ConstructiClJ\ '1 exisUn9 I I Sewer 1 Storm -----I I -----I -----I I , comm, or CH!lf'1S.1 Sel'/er Cor'I./lNO. FEEDERS -+- Install/alt.er/. relocate - _oi.H.ill~e.dPr~ Of amps./ I I I TOTAL I I I I I I I I I I Apol iance vent ~@oal'atp' I Stationary evap. cooler ,I.:" I Vent fan with ~ sinole duct I' I Vent. systef!l apart from I heat.!nn or A.C. . I ~leChdnjca I exhaust " hnnrt itnd dUl"t '. I Hood stove/heate'r I I I I I I I ISSUAr'CF OF PfR!HT TOTAL CHARGES I HAVE CM!UULl Y EXN1Jtj(O the com[J le led apf'J li.;a t ion for ~ermi t. and do hereby certify tha t a II informat ion hereon is true and correct. and I further c~rtify that any and all work nerformed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Soringfield and the laws of the Stelte of Oref)on oertaining to the work described herein, and that lie OCCl!PAIlCY \'1ill be made of any structure without the nermission of the Guilding Division. I further certify that !'t,y renistration "lith the Guilder's Ooard is in full force and effect as re<1uired by nr..s 701.055. that if exempt the basis for exemDtion is noted hereon, and that... only subcontractors ilnd et:lnlo.yees \'Iho. are in com~liance with OI~S 7r}1.055 ",ill be used on this nroJect. IIA:lE(pleaso print~I=D ( ~ SIr.tlATURf ~---v- Orf I FE lISE m,;:'y Sf'!. Ft!J. rta in SQ. rt~. Access Sq. rtg. Other ro~ Zone fire 70ne flood Plain _ __Tyne/Cons t. Bl?drooms Stories Units Occy LOi:ld l)cc,V Group om ~ f'f~ . I. x x x Value Value Value TOTAL VALUATlOtl BUllOlf'G PERI.1l1 __~14~~ PI.ln Ck. Conm/I nd S~stems Development Ch,lr'lC<; itn~ 65!/Oldn Pror Fpp C .roe (1.5") .Pldll [k. nes Surcharf)cs ?JJ'L '301lB I do Per Fee PlUI1nING PERMIT I Fence I C!1argcs and ------------ Surchdrges I Of-mo I . [lECTRICf..E rERI:IT I Sidewalk I Char~Jl~S and ------------ Surcharges I A/e Pavin9 ITotal (OPlb. rermi t /lECIIANICAl PEr.f111 J Curb (tIt ,- l Charges and ------------ ?8.:)3 Surcharqes I jlOTA I, ., - COMBINATION APPLICATION/PERMIT (CAP) IV. t. Applicant to furnish A. Job Address B. Legal Oescription 1. example. Tax lot JOO. lane County Map Reference II oj q3 Z. examele- Lot I. Block 3, Znd Addition to ~prlngfield [states Name. etc. of owner and construction lender Energy Sources 1. example- heat/~Icctrical c~JJn.9/or !n~~t!:......~ 2. example- watct'heater/l!leclt'lcal/or !ooT".... E. Square rootdgc or valudLion. clc. - 1. "examole. 1250 sq. .foot house. 500 sq. foot garage 2. example- if new project, check new _ if adc.Jilion, Check add, etc. F. BuiJding pennit information: 1. example - construct single family house with an attaChed garage 2. examole - remodel existing garage into family room J~ examole - convert single family residence into restaurant (change of use) . G. Value of work as defined in Section 3D3 (a) of the Structural Specialty Code II. OES IGN TEAI.I ANO COil TRACTORS To avoid deSign or cOnSl,"uction delays, Building Division Staff must be able to contact appropriate persons regarding design information Or job site- corrections. etc. Abbreviated Plumbing. Mechanical. & Electrical Schedules A. Except where blank spaces OCCur in the description portion of the Mechanical and Electrical Schedules. the'applicant need fill-in only the No. Boxes adjacent to the appropriate item{s) to be installed 8. fu11 Plumbing. Nechanical. and Electrical Schedules are available at the Building Division 1. To conserve space on the permit form the schedules have been abbreviated 2. If the item{s) to be installed are not covered on the abbreviated schedules you should consult the fu 11 schedu I es C. BUILDING OIVISION STAFF WILL FIll OUT ALL FEfS AllD CHARGES Oil THE SCHEOULES D. As noted on the CAP. the label must be delivered to the electrical contractor for signature by his electrical supervisor. The general contractor is not authorized to sign the electrical :labe1. Applicant to sjgn and date Whenever possible. the initial application will be used as a workSheet only. .Where possible. Building Division Staff will prepare a type written copy and return it La the applicant at the time the actua-J permit is issued for his Signature. Fees and Charges Plan check fees are due and payable at the time of the application. and no plans will be processed until these fees are paid. All other fees and charges are due and -: payable when the permit is issued. :<~;-'" ~ C. , O. II. Ill. V. FOR OFF'CE USE OrlLY . ~ . PERMIT VALIDATION ~ i; 1*\~fJ340 cS-3-DO) I I Cl"k~.J , I -I Pe rm i t PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPArlCY: . .\: '; ", . -, Permit applicant exempt from registration with the Guilder's Board because: Additional Project Information: , PLANS REVIEWED BY: name signature " ,~ date - .1