HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-6-14 '- . li!SPEC! 1011 l HIE 721'-)7';9 LIlY "I' SPHIin;FIElU COIIBIiIATlON APPlICATfON/PERM/T E!IERr,y SOURCES: Ileat tlater Heater Job Addr... \D W 8- \'{\~"f\ "I--\}-, .-- l.e9al Demiption \( \D-:::)~~'SA-\ rA.G\D() ., ImORI1Al:.:1 ll..:;' 726-3753 Sa. Ftq. '.lain ~q. f'tl). Access. SQ. Fl9. Other lie,., Add /J.I ter ~eo. --Fence Demo Change/Use Other - - RaMe (I ics. no.) (exnires I Primary ~L f\r Structural Electrical Bui Id Single J]i .-01 I : J I I I fohone no. I i , i i I J J , i General SIr.rlATURCa M ~ DATE d -,.J.f/-S7 FO~ OFFIC,.lIlil: O:II.Y r S~. Ft!]. f1ain x Value SQ. Ft!]. Access x Value SIl. Hg. Other x Value TOTAL VAlUATlOII ,. ~ Plumbin" - t\ .\ (\ ') Electrical f\ r (\ ./ P'p-chanical PlUIIR IiIG ELECTRICAL MECIlANICAl i:U. t ~IEach 'in91e fixture IRelocated building (new fix. additional) Is,F. Residence _(1 brlthl Duplex (1 bath) each -.Ef.L J:JUIllGE. II Residence of furnace/burner to BW' , SQ. F1. !New circu!ts alts. 0'" extenSIons ISERVICES -, I Floor furnace and vent I I Recessed wa 11 _ ~f}u'P hP;ttpr ~Il{l I I Additional bath I Temporary Construct ion IChanrye in existing rps;d~nr~ Imultifamily, [ndll<;.triill I ApolTance vent <;.POil.l'atp I Stationary evap. cooler I Vent (an l'lith sinale duet I Vent system apart heatilltl or A.c. I ~leehanieal exhaust _~ood .lnd durt. ". Wood stove/heater I SSIJANCr OF prR!1I T 11A:IE(plea,e print) ~J;,tI ,if. ~,Il-P/'Yd'4/' Zone Fi re lone FlOOd P1.1in Tyoe/Cons t. Bedrooms Stories llnits Oeey load OCC,Y Group BUIlDlllG PERI-liT Charl]es an~ SurCharges _ ull.~~i ') _ <.~. /.';)." Plan Ck. Comm/lnd 65!/Bldo Ppr Fpe Plan 0. lies JO%/Bldo Per Fer PlU'1BING PERMIT C:'arges and SurCharges I Fence -------- / Demo ____________1 Sidewalk ,.1 AIC Pavin9 I Curb Cut ITotal (amb. rermit IIOTAL &;5. U3 , ,CLECTR'Cf.l rERI:1T CharQes and Surcharges IIECIIANICAl PEP-lilT Charges and Surcharf}CS ------------ ~-rlARGl. I vpn' I I -, I I I from I I LI I I I I , I I I . . COMBINATION APPLICATION/PERMIT (CAP) I. Appl iCdnt to furnish .A. Job Address 8. legal Description 1. example- Tax lot 100. lane County Map Reference II O"j 43 2. eXolnlple- lot 1. Olock 3. 2nd Addition to ~prlngfield [stales C. Name, etc. of owner and construction lender D. Energy Sources 1. examn.le- heal/electrical ceilinq/or forced air QdS 2. eXclmole- waterheater/electrical/or solar L Square footage or valuation. etc. - 1. examole- 1250 sq. foot house. 500 sq. foot garage 2. example- Tf'"""'new project, checknew _ if addition, cneck add. etc. F. Building pennit information: 1. examole - construct single family house with an attdched garage 2. examoJe - remodel existing garage into family room 3. examole - convert single family residence into . restaurant (change of use). G. Value of ''lark as defined in Section 303 (a) of the Structural SpeCialty Code H. OES'IGN TENI AND COIITRACTORS To avoid design or construction "delays, Building Division Staff must be able to contact appropriate persons regarding design infonnation or jOb site corrections, etc. II. Abbreviated Plumbing. f-lechanical, & Electrical Schedules A. Except ,",here blank spaces Occur in the description portion of the Mechanical and Electrical Schedules, the applicant need filJ.in only the No. Boxes adjacent to the appropriate item(s) to be installed B. Fun Plumbing. Nechanical, and Electrical Schedules are avaj1abl~ at the Building Division 1. To Conserve space on the permit form the schedules have been abbreviated Z. If the item(s) to be installed are not covered on the abbreviated schedules you should consult the full schedules C. BUilDING DIVISION STAFF Will FILL OUT ALL FEES AIID CHARGES 011 TIlE SCHEOULES O. As noted on the CAP, the label IllUSt be delivered to the electrical contractor for signature by his electrical supervisor. The general contractor is ~ authorized to sign the electrical label. 11[. Applicant to sign and date Whenever possible, the initial application will be used as a worksheet only. Where possible, Building Division Staff wi 11 prepare a type written copy and return it to the applicant at the time the actual permit is issued for his signature. IV. Fees i1nd Chilrges Plan check fees are due and pilyable at the time of the application, and no plans ''IiI I be processed until these fees are paid. All other fees and charges are due and payable when the permit is issued. V. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ., PROJECT CONOITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPAtICY: .e ,. I :I I i , I i I Pe rm i t . PERMIT VALIDATION ~- \+-81 +~0S v&~ clerofm) -I . ] J Permit appl icant exempt from registration with the Builder's Board because: Additional Project Information: PLANS REVIEWED BY: name signa ture da te