HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 1988-4-27 .. RESIr&NTlAL" . APPLIC~N;PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building. Division 726-3753 Job Location: //? $1''/ MAl/A-- -57: Tc:r:Lot#Or~ OJner: d:)Ec..'::::t:> U6:Z>/T V.4/~A/ Addre88: /.o/O/?7A'/N ~ .' ~r.t:-b A888880rs Map # / 7..o~- y ')'- ',1.'/ Subdivision.: City: _ ~/'1'". / U"m" n Addition n Remodel. n !1obiZe 80m3 Phone: Zip: ~Y;;>7 Rcce~pt !I //</D8 Describe II'ark: Q3Y 111/* /y~ PE/;?PC./,5# CJ/-/~//h'0 :5F /f'E.5. #-IYD 4-P 5ewc=;?'J #r ~~'i''--''-/ 'T ~~~ ~ l,( d U?_j,.,~ L/- -2.7-~ Date of Application C.:011tractors CeneraZr~d:"'/N;"J/-''''''''''' ;" PLumbing Electrical Mechar.ical. . ConstJ'UctUm Lendw It ill ths l"Bspon.si.bility of tJrs pBl'm'it hoUle to 86e that all inopec:tions are made at ths proper tUn€, tr.at each .:dd:t-e88 1.8 rea.dab~lO fl"Om tn. st,.sst, and that ths permit card is located at the f'l"Ont of the property. "Bui!di~ DitJi::ior. approved plan sJu:lt remain on tha Building Sit$ at aU times. PROCEDURE Fon INSPECTION REOUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City design.:::zted job ntD';:ber, job czdaoCBS, type of in:;pec-t;icn raquostcd ar~ w~en you will be ready for inspcction~ Contractors or OWners name end phone number. Requests received befere 7:00 ~ r..'iZZ be made th~ same dcy# requests made after 7:00 am LJil1. be madl1; the ncrt :iXJrking day. Value Address Lise. # Siqr.ed: Date: E:rvil"8S Phone -iq.J ,~~"'?~~- ~€:"~ ~ /'. .' "" ... r R~mJi~cff Tu~~c~tir,~~ O SITE INSPEC'J'ION: To be made after excavation# but prior to set up of forms. O ' U"DERS~AB PLUMBING, E~ECTRICA~ & MECHA,'JIC:'L: To be made before any . work is aOlJcred. D FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To b8 nnde after trenches are excavated and forms are 6rected# but prior to pouring ccncret~. UNDERGROUND PLUMBING. SEWER, W.1TER. DRAI/lAGE: To be made prior to [il-. ,lir.g trenchec. [] 0, TUllDbERFmadLOOR PW/!BING & MEC';1~ICAL: f o e e pr~or to ~nsta~~t~on 0 '. fLoor insulation or decking. --, POST AND BEAM: To. be made prior to ~ installation of floor insklatior. or decki'f1{; . o ROUCH P['lP.1BI?'C, E[,ECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No work is to be COtJered ,until these inspectior.s have beer. made and, ap'prove.::. FIRF:PLACE: Prior to placir.g facing materials and before framing in spec- tior.. ---, FRA!!I!JG: Must be reque3ted after ~ approval of rough pl~hing, electri- cal & mcchaniaal. Al!. roofing bracing ~ chimneys, et~. TlT'..lst be ;'completcd. flo work is to be con- .~.osaled until thin inspection has ~be~n made and approved. ~ ".-' Your City Desigr.ated o!ob Numba' ID: O INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after aU insubti.:m w.d '. required vapor barriers are in place . . but before any Zath# gypswn beard or LXlZl covering is applied, and before any intJulation is concealed. O DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after all drywall is in place, but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel location, bona beams, grouting or verticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. o WOODSTOVE: After installation is completed. 3~~"c-yo/ &80337 VEnOLITION OR gOVED BUILDli/'CS Xl Sanitary se'.Jer capped at vz:..opt:rt":i lir.e ~ Sep.ti:) tank tr..&q)ed and fi Z. Z.e~ L1i th gra~e:: --v1 Fina l - Ifhen ah...--ve it e.ons are camp leted ~ ar.d when de:":lOlitior. is complete 01' 8tru~~ t.ure moved and premises cleaned up. /,(" ")')> Mobile Hemes ::J Blocking and Set-dp ::J Plumbing connecti,ons scwer and rua~er ::J Electrical Connection - Blocking~ set-up and plumbing connections TlT'..lst te approve~ before requesting elec~rical inspection =:l Acaes,:;o2"'.::i Building :J Final - Aft;:r porcr..es, skirting# decks~ etc. are campleted. o All project conditions, [Juch as the i,nstalZation of street trees, co.":Tpletion of tits required landscapir.g, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be request:zd. ::J FINAL PLUMBIllG ::J FINA~ MECHANICA~ ::J FINA~ ELECTRICAL :J o FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requested after the Ft7U1.l PZumbina . Electrical, and Mechar.icaZ Inspectw7W hclua been made and aF!proped. o CURB & APPROACH APRON: Afte:> forms a:t'e erected but prior to pouring concrete. D SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For all con- crete paving within street right- . of-way, to be made after all exca- .vating cUf/plete '& for:'."l work & sub- , base material in pla:Je'. , O :'ENCE: Wher. compl~te -- Provide gates 01' movable sections through P,U.E, ' o "ALL MA!.'HCLES AND CLEANOUTS HUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!.,!:,'J'!' TO EE f.!.4DE loT /.'0 C'ST TO CITY "paf1e:1 of 2 . SOLAR ACCESS REQ,- /~ c-. I, I / S-' coc:> 1- S- -7>' /S: 751 - I I I , , I I- I I I I I I I I I , - I I I I I , - I I I I \\ ,/)c-h'JM/fZ6:J;z~o-J /8.-ej..- ,,-.5"":h ~~..../, ~r J .9" I ~ 3r.~s-l- I JOB NO, IZ""e: Lot Sq, Ft;;o S of lot C""eragt !1 of Sto'riea Total Height Topography OCcurxmcl! C. LCT TYPE InteM.oz- Corner Panhandle CuZ-de-sac lITEM SQ,FTG x Value Main Cc20ace Cartlcrt ACCBS80l"'I/ TOTAL VALUE Is,Doc, (val-we) 1. S :J: Building Permit State Surehargs Total Cha.~ges lITEM 1110, FEE I Fi:rtures IResidential II bath) I I Semi tary SOOJer C::;"p I, I I Wcter'. ~. I I I I I Plumbing Perr.:it I State Surcr.arge , Tctal C1u:.raes j lITEM I NO, FE=: I I Res. Sa. fto. IN~/EXtend Circuits I I Temporary Service I I I 1-,,1' I' Ele~trical Permit I State Sur~ha:rqe Total Charces CHARGE :;:ii':'HGE lITEM I Pra-nace PTU' S I EXhaust Hood I Vent Fan I ' , lIoodsto:JB //.'0. i I I I I I FCC CHARCE " Pe'PT1Tit'Issuance He~hanic:::l Pernrit State Surcharae TCJtcl Charnp.t'J I I SeC"..lritll -- ENCROACHMENT -- De"OO3tt i Storage ! Maintenan.:!B I Permit Total Cha1'OCS . Curbcut Sidewalk Pe~e Electrical Label Mobile Home TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:- ~ I Lot Faces - I PoL. 1N0rth lEast ISouth IWest L-COC~ T;.;pe/Cor.st: ~ Bea-oor.:s: ...,. I Enernu Sources II Heat Access. I I Watel'" Hl?atp'1" I I Range I I Fireplace I I Woodctot:e II " I ) TUr'le i r Setbaeks House C(ll'Q{1e I. ); Fzes \. ...: ,\ .' .. " I ,- I Building Vallie' &'. Permi,t, I This pGrmit io granted on the express condition that the sdid constl"Ucti01l !: shaU~ in all l"e8pccts~ conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of I: SpringfieldJ inc!uding the Zoning Crd:.nance~ regulating the ccnstru.:ticn ; and uce of buildings~ and m:zy be suapended or revoked at c:r.y time upon vie. lation of any pr:Jvisior.s of said Ordir.ances. .. 5co /~#~~o(/~;,~ " ',' I I ,- I I ,I- " , !Plan Check Fee: IVate Paid: I Rectip_t #: IS' -~.' , 1.g"-~, I I I' I , " , P lumbi n'g.'pe r r11 it " No pereon Dhall construct~ instal!~ alter 01" change any ~ cr e--isting plumbing or drainage system in ~hole 01" in partJ unless sueh pel"son is the legal p08BeSBOl" of a valid plwnber's licen8e~ except tr.at a pe:-Bon may do pZ~bing work to property which is ownedJ leased or operated by the appli- cant. :....":" . '......... ': :- \" . ". , .", 0' , , , Electrical Permit Where State La1.J requires tr.at the electrical work be done by an Electrical ContractcrJ the electrical pOl"tion of this permit Bhall r~t be valid until the 1.ahel has been signed by the Electrical ~ontractor. Mechanical Permit /2~~~~ P~Ezcmtner -~ /' Y-/9-8is ua,e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA.'-1INED the completed application for permitJ and do hereby certify that all ir:fo:omation hereon is tPUe and correct, and I f:trther certify that any ar.d all IJOrk perfor:ned shall be do:-re in accol"- dance :.Jith the Ordin:znces of the City of Springficl.d~ and th:: La:.:s of tho State of Oregar. p~r~ining to the work described hcpe~n~ end that NO OCCU- PANCY will be m:z.:ie of any BtructurZ without p~n'mi83ion. of the Building Di- vision. I further certify th:lt o:-rly contra.:!tors ar.d c:rrp1:JyeeB who are in ~pliance with ORS 701.05E will be used on this project Sig"(!~ ~ ~ 22::;-/ f;~_ ,