HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1983-7-21 ,- ~ .. , '.,.. , ".. ...,. .", " . ; city of springfield 225 n. 5th stree t SPRINCF1ELO INFORMATION: 726-3753 INSPECTIONS: 726-3769 SIGN PERMIT At-PLICATION (!-V / r) . , M~S-h . . A. LOCATION OF SIG:: (ADDRESS) LECAL DESCRI~TION }nr,f r4JII/ - , . TAX LOT -J!' j J I OIlllER OR PROPERTY . -::;;:- ~ r> r[ ADDRESS /0 rJ. ~ M,4,^1 pHOIlE ZIP ADDRESS OtlNER OF SIG:l (IF OntER nlAll PROPERTY OWNER) /0 -r-(/' /J.-'tA,.,/V : ;----,AMr _OTHER b~..4J:A, Ao,",UN..r M?"IJ t" A "-_ _MARqUEE _UNDER l1ARqUEE _OTF.ER pHOm: TYPE OFBUSI!:ES~V'h","..::.f~"" D. USE AND CP.A.'lACTER OF SIGIl: XIDE!ITITY ' _DlCIDElITAL _DOUBLE FACE -XSINGLE FACE -,'!ULTI-FACE _READER BOARD _BILLBOA!Ul NAME OF BUSIIlESS. FI!l.'l. ETC. _~,.,..-.,-,' .B. TYPE OF \lORK: I C. STRUCTURAL TYPE 'OF SIGIl:, _ERECT _ALTER -X-UALL _FREESTANDIIlG _RELOCATE _ROOF _PROJECTING ....~~.cz.~,....A.c: /, :'/" E. VENDORS. CO!ITRACTj)RS: /.I, ." SIGIl ERECTOR A~~,~; ...r .-:'=-~/~/ /-d-r~::;e:.'~~ ./.DD?.:!SS 27c1) .::. ..P/~/aAr;:::' CITY LICENSE IIlP.1BER PilON!: ':? c../ <.{. ..:1"'GlC::;- '~ SIGN HANUFACTURER (IF OTHER !F.AN ERECTOR) 4~ 7"1~... EXP. 'DF..<;_-^, ,ZIP DATE ADDp.ES S ?? '-I ? b .f, A.J(; A""'~ .... . .. p!!OI:E .-:?4C.L:5oc;e::: F. DD1rJISIONS. llISTAL....\TIOII (, TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE VERTICAL DIMENSION OF SIGN HORlzomAL WIonI OF SIGN DUIENS ION FROM GRADE TO Bono~ OF SIGN nlICXllESS OR DEpTlt CONSTRUCTIOn ~' !2.0" -' -3 C" .3-k .. G. EXISTING SIGNS ARE THERE ~lY EXIST!!JG ~IGIl~? X.YES _110 IlUUBE:'. SIZE IN SO. FTG. o-j -, ALL EXISTING SIGNS FOR EUSINESS. ETC. rJ l~rI77' ~ tvA ~ _"'''''N'T' " ,;20 I(' /0 ' DOES SIGN PROJECT BEyo:m PROPERTY LIIIE? _YES 2(NO IF YES. D!HENSION BEYOlm PROPERTY LI::E NOTI: IF PROJECTIOn IS :IOR::: TIlA.>; 12" OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY TF.f. SIG~ ERECTOR HUS7 FILE WI71! THE BU!LDI:IG DIVISION COPIES OF HIS/IIF.R LIABILI:'Y AND PROP- ERTY D;.~tA.CE H:SU?.A..'JC~ POLr:::::ES. H. UILr. SIGIl !lAVE ELECTRICAL WIR!llG? /Vo ' IF YES. \/HIC!! APPLY? EL:::CTl\ICAL SIGI: _ILLU!!L'iATED (INDIpJ':Cm LIGHTED) ELECTRICAL CO:lTRACTOl\ ADDRESS LISC .llU11BER PEONE J. DESC:UBE TYPE OR ~ATE<tIALS SIGlI IS COIlj3'RUCTED OF. _ , t:AF:.<;"'- .... ~ E. I,QJ;: A. rp;,/', ::;2. Y iF. j- ~K R- J. SITE IllFOP~.ATIOll (LAND USE) -- EXISTIlIG uSE OF BUILDUrG OR LAND (/,)R LAST USE IF VACAIlT) K. VAWl: OF SIGI:: :2, ':? c::> C!tC AINDOOR BUSINESS _OlJTDOO:l. l'ERCHA!lDISIIJG PROPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR LAND: I I L. I tJ.AVE CAREFULLY E."WII:rED the completed application for oermit and do hereby cercify that all 1nfo~ation is true and correct. and t further certify that all work performed shall be done in accord3nce wit~ t~e 5pringfield Sign Ordinance. the Unifo~ Sign Code as acopted by the Cicy of Sorin~field and a1: ocher Ordinances of the City of S9ringfield and the laws of the State 0: Ore~on ~ert31nin~ to t~e ~ork aescribeu h~~~Ln. I further certify tha~ ~y ~:~~ Co~t=ac~or ~i. cense ~ith the Cicy of Spri~~field is in full force and effect as re~uired by Spriny.field Codes 8-Z-6(3) and 9-7-Z0(Z). I will request all required sign insaections listed on the approved pe=it. /" ) lIT) :..J A ,AA F -"\. C. - AL1.c- N fFA , c= "" ( ..:5'"'~ L r'Q SIGNATURE ~__ 2. ~ _ ~ ,DATE '7-/9. - ~~ - -' '- ~ " \\" . . t .,'D PLEASE READ 1) 2) Seoarace Stzn Aoolic3cion: 10 c:ne. .ilgn ~"ae. - Elece~ical: Any pe~t issued under this application will Includ~ wiring ~n or on sign structure. tne SUPPLY wires for connection must be covered on an electrical permit. Electrical connection muse be ~de only by a State Licensed Electrical Contractor. Illuminated signs (boeh Intern~lly and externally) must conio~ to Sections 9-7-4 (4) & (5) and 9-7-l8 of the Springfield Sign Or- d1nance. A separate application 1s required .for each. separate sign .as defined 3) Plans Reouired: This application is to be submitted with two coeplete sets of plans showing di- menS10ns anQ neighc of sign; advertising message on sign: location of sign on properey with di- mensions to property lines, struccural details of support framing, bracing and footings; ~acerlals of construction for sign and sisn structure; electrical equipment and lighting: size and loca.tion k of existing signs on proper:y for the same busien!!. all as required to determ1n~ com!,liance with i~. the Spring:ield Sign Ordinance (Article 7 of the Springfield City Code), Also,. shoy the follow-, ,ing infotmationon the plot plan (plan shoyingpropercy, lines,and location of,signs): .. 4) a) Show the location of all exist1ng sign(s), as well as' proposed sign(s)., b) Shoy the length of the street frontage taken up by the business or building. For yall signs. show the lengch of the building frontage. c) Show the locacion of enC=ances open to the public and driveways. Yhen requi~ed, because of design, size. etc., engineered drawings and calculations must be pre- pared by a licensed engineer or shall conform to design standards on file at t~e Building Divi- sion Office, , Plans of insufficient clarity or detail yill be returned to the applicant with no permit being issued. Signs oust cast corner vision clearance requirements as described in Figur~ 9.of the Springfield Comprehensive-Zoning Code. 1I0T~: No sig:> =y be erected which is less than 12 feet horizontally or vertically from"overhead elecc=lcal conductors in excess of 750 voles, or less than 5 feee in any direction froQ overhead electrical lines which are energized at less than 750 volts. . . If a sign is not installed within 60 days after the date of issue of this perclt, the perclt shall be void.. _' 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Insnect!ons: I :/- a) Site Ins~ection - to be made before the sign is placed. Usually, the Footin2 Insoection (it applicaole) ~~y be cade at the same time as the Site Inspection.. lne root~ng Inspec- tion 1s to be cade after hole(s) is ~av~t7ci, bue prior to the placement o! c~ncrete. b) Final Insoection,- to be made upon completion of all work. c) ~leetrical - all electrical signs ~st be inspected for electrical hook up after the sign 1s erectea and beiore che sign is turned on. CALL FOR THE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ON THE 24 HOUR L~SPECTION LINE AT 726-3769 . . ~ fUR OrrlC~ US~ ONLY SIGN DIS'IRICT K~I R.,f3 i " ZONE DISTRICT JOB ~ TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIC:l REOUIRED INSPECTIONS: SIGN ~ERMIT FEE: C)C:/ , , :\.' _SIrE/LOCATIO:1 _ELECTRICAL , _ OI'rlER. _F~IllG OR MEIHOD .kYnlAL. ' ELECTRICAL PE~~IT FEE: OF AI'IACHMENI 41. STArE SURCHARGE: roTAL: ~. ~C),Oc) DArE f) -/J / -83 RECEIPI( o/L.L~~ CLERK ~ I ;/"-{f'l./ - I - SPECIAL CONDITIONS ro BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTICN OF SIGN: ADDITIOAAL INFO~"""-::IC:1 llEEDED BEFORE PERMIT MAY BE ISSUED: APPR.OVZD SECTION: ,,~ '{ c})ILf/aJll~~~ "', O~=~, It/JI d /, tG o . " ...'''..-,