HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Correspondence 1996-2-20 ,,# ,,/ . . SPRlr.aGFIELD ,~. '" .'. February 20, 1996 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726,3689 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Morris, Redden, Affolter & West ATTN: Lynn West 1310 Coburg Rd, Eugcne, OR 97401 RE: Minimum Development Standards (MDS) for 1001 Main St. Dear Mr. West, The Springfield Development Code (SDC) 31,0 I 0 requires any business that has changed use or expanded by no more than 50 percent or 10,000 square feet to be reviewed for MDS, These standards help establishments comply with new development standards without the cost and time required for a full site plan review. The proposal to construct an addition totaling 2000 square feet triggers MDS review. The following are needed at 10QI Main to successfully complete the MDS process: 1. The site has a total of 5 curb cuts, only two of which are currently being used. The addition will block access to the site from the second curb cut being used (the first being the eastern most curb cut). The Transportation Division has looked at the site and reconum,nded that all curb cuts which currently lead directly to existing or proposed buildings be closed. The second, third and fifth curb cut (measured from 10th street) must be closed. The City will allow the fourth curb cut to remain open since there are no structures impeding access to the site from this curb cut. The fourth curb cut may need to be reduced to the appropriate width for a driveway on a one-way street. The SDC states that the width for such a driveway is 16', Closed curb cuts must be replaced with curb, gutter and sidewalk. {ref SDC 31.01O(2)(a)} 2, Street trees must be planted along Main street fronting the SUB site. Street trees must be a minimum of 2 inches in caliper, six feet in height and selected from the enclosed street tree list. SDC requires one street tree every 30 feet {Ref SDC 31.010(2)(d)}. 3, Install a 5 ft wide landscaping strip along Main street fronting thc SUB site. The planter strip must contain a minimum of 10 shrubs (5 gallon in size or larger) per 1000 square feet {Ref SDC 31.010(2)(c)}. All planted materials must have a permanent irrigation sysJem unless drought resistant plants are used, If permanent irrigation is not used, a nursery person must submit written verification that thc proposed plant materials will have a 90 percent survival rate over a 5 year period without an irrigation system {Ref SDC 3I,OI0(2)(c)}, /-'" .~ . . The following need to be submitted in order to get Ihe application process moving: => A plot plan, drawn to scale, showing where you intend to place the required improvements. Please refer to the application for required information on the plot plan, and => Signed MDS application (enclosed). Once you have reviewed this letter, please call me to set up a meeting to discuss time frames for improvements. I have talked with my supervisor regarding the timing for improvements, As long as there is a definite time schedule for improvements to the SUB site, a brief time extension will be permitted. If you have questions please feel free to call me at 726-3632. Sincerely, ~~ Planner I ~---~- j cc: Building Dept.)