HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 1/3/2008 City of Springfield Development Services Department. 225 Fifth Street . Springfield, OR 97477 PRE-SUBMITTAL REeD JAN 32008 land Division Plat Application, Type I Applicant Name: Derek Harrison Company: I Northview Investments, Inc. Address: 133855 Van Duyn Road, Eugene, Oregon ,M !l";'~'1\'&""'~,.~t ":-~'!"';""Mr"':w,,, ',M~m !-~--V,.\",,_~_,. '@ Applicant's Rep.:' Renee Clough, PE, ~ 'PLS Company: Branch Engineering, Inc. Address; . 1310 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477 ~"~;",'- '~--Y"':'~~~3t,i. .. --~l*,.:~;/'\0r:; 'I"'~ ~ $d';-;.;.I!'~~'1t(c:",'.:>,*"W' Property Owner: Isame as applicant Company: I Address: (541) 554-1881 1(541) 484-6464 I I (541) 746-0~;7";1 1(541) 746-0389 I I -I 1 1 '<=-_-'~1V''4::;,'~",>,.'~",":"4 I Ph'one: I I Fax: 1 ~-~-"".----i!ii-4'''''" "''''<rfl:l~ ~-;:~.~.Ju;n~~~~~':'1 ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-02-33-31 TAX LOT NO(S): 3600 & 3700 Property Address: 5177 & 5185 'B' Street, Sprinqfield, Oreqori 97477 Size of Property: 37,868 sq. ft. = 0.87 ac Acres 0 Square Feet 0 Proposed Name of Subdivision: Alex Acres ~ i. < ~____ "~--..,."""",~~~_..w"~'- __""'"'......>.'._""".__C('_.."'...:_"'..""-'0_~ "":..'..,.,"""._._',=-""""",..",_.",. -.==",,,, """'"."-=..,"""""'" _~.:> ',.<<<""'..""1 Description of Final plat of a 6 lot single family residential subdivision. Proposal: Existing Use: Sinqle family residential Tentative Case #: . SUB2006-000049 # of Lots/Parcels: 6 Avg. Lot/Parcel Size: 6311 sf Density: 7 w~_..!t"l<'~.. -~"'-;;*~'_r",-"".-\*~"1I"~-% -'''('.;'Jff ~::!*f""\\t~.,,~,_ ,~"-- ~~,*,-? Zoning: Applicable Refinement Plan: Plan Designation: ~::::i;~;d AP~~i;ati~n~~i~~M.o~ - DOQ~1;jt~~w;::~n~~. ~.' "" ~!I:.i!r1lll!r "._o/"..<~...j:liiL=~,.~~ ,._~,.!ltP_.. __'-'11-. Pre-Submittal I /;.,./ . J -IAA Case No.: P(DC()~-(1{J)IDate: ~or Rev.iewed by: A. W(./,IL" Case No.: Date:' Rev.iewed by: I Application Fee: $ Technical Fee: $ Postage Fee: $ I TOTAL FEE'S $ I~-'c """ -1.;'~,*-.5"-;i~~;' -_~~"'>,~~:,,~~"-L.,~y__~.~,_!1 !!f ~i~1iiI<"$i:<q~~")Qi..'ffi0*;t~~Y<<W>A_~~i'~i:_~__t:!l> ' J,t('~L~~ P flJ J,G'Qp- ((j) ~ r Revised 11/20/2006 bj Steps in the Process: 1. The Applicant Submits a Pre-Submittal Meeting Application The Pre-Submittal Application is mandatory. Please refer to the Fee Schedule for the current application fee. The submittal package must conform to the application completeness checklist attached to this form. Please refer to Page 4 for the Pre-Submittal requirements. Pre- submittal meetings will be conducted every Tuesday and Friday between 10:00 a.m. and noon. We will strive to conduct the Pre-Submittal meetinglwithin five to seven working days of receiving the application. . 2. Applicant and the City conduct the Pre-Submittal Meeting We strongly encourage you, the owner and design team, to attend the Pre-Submittal meeting. The meeting will be held with representatives from Public Works' Engineering and Transportation, Community Services (Building), Fire Marshall's office, and the Planning Division. The meeting will be scheduled for 30 to 60 minutes. The Planner \(Ifill provide you with a Pre-Submittal Checklist at the end of the meeting specifying the items required to make the application complete-if it isn't already complete. You will then have 180 days to make the application complete for submittal and acceptance by the City. 3. Applicant Submits a Complete Application When you have addressed all of the items on the Pre-Submittal Checklist, please submit a complete application to the Survey Section located at the NW Quad of City Hall. Refer to page 5 for the submittal requirements. The plat application fee will be collected at that time if the application has been deemed complete. After Surveying and Planning staff checks and signs the mylars the plat may then be recorded by the applicant's surveyor at Lane County. AFTER RECORDING: Submit Five (5) recorded rolled paper copies of the plat along with Three (3) copies of required documents delivered to the Development Services Department prior to the issuance of any building permits. Owner's Signature This application will be used for both the required Pre-Submittal Meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner's signatures are required at both stages in the application process. An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. Pre-Submittal: 0 Case Number: The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate for scheduling of the prC.bmittaIM.t 77g. Owner: C ~~-""...IC--- Date: f2.> 19- 07 Si9~' s::.~ s:: I tL Print Name Revised 11/30/2006 bj - 2- I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information identified by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the information will not be provided if not otherwise cOt;ltained within the suiJmittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a complete application 'Owner: Date: . Signature Print Name Plat applications will be processed as follows: (See attached Plat Review Process Flow Chart) 1. The applicant submits a Pre-Submittal meeting ClPplication. 2. Within five to seven working days, the applicant and the.City conduct a pre-submittal meeting. 3. The applicant coordinates any additional review of the plat and otherrequired documents with representatives from the City's Planning, Public Works Engineering, and Surveying Section. 4. The City Surveying Section will notify the applicant's Surveyor when the plat and other documents are sufficiently refined to allow for the submittal of the plat mylars. 5. The applicant submits:. a. The Mylars and all final documentation to the Surveying Section located in the NW Quad Section of City Hall. b. If document set is complete, applicant submits to Planning the. Plat application, a copy of the mylar and final documents as well as financial securities including the application fee. 6. The City Surveyor and Development Services Director may sign the final plat if all other conditions and requirements are fulfilled. 7. The plat mylars may be delivered to Lane County for recording by theapplicant~s Surveyor or whomever the Surveyor authorizes. AFTER RECORDING: 8. The applicant shall deliver Five (5) recorded rolled plat paper copies; along with Three (3) . copies of any other recorded required documents to the Developmen~ Services Department prior to the issuance of any building permi,ts. Reyised ] 1/3012006 bj - 3-, PRE-sufMITTAL CHECKLIST FOR INTAIf~ OF FINAL PLAT PARTITION OR SUBDIVISION NAME: Alex Acres OWNER/DEVELOPER: Northview Investments, Inc. DATE RECEIVED: SURVEYOR: : Rex Betz, PLS PLANNING CASE NO: (tentative) SUB2006-000049 (final) REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION: Final plat application. A letter which lists and addresses each of the Conditions of Approval, and details the actions taken, and current status of each item. 9 paper copies of the plat stamped and signed by the surveyor. 2 copies of closure sheets for the boundary and each lot or parcel and all common areas, dedicated areas and easement areas that are not simple parallel offsets. 2 copies of title report or subdivision guarantee for the parcei being divided. The title report must be dated within 30 days of submittal at the time of the final submittal. An older report is OK for the initial review. . 2 copies of each of the reference documents and plats listed on the plat. 2 copies of each of the supporting documents: the vesting deed (must vest title to the owner listed on the plat), existing easement deeds, and documents listed as exceptions in the title report, etc. 8. 0 2 draft copies of any STREET DEDICATIONS (In the City of Springfield street dedications on Partitions must be recorded by separate document per SDC 34.090 (3)(i) [surveying] 9. ~ 2 draft copies of any NEW easements or restrictions being created by separate document, improvement agreements, maintenance agreements, joint use ing'r.ess/egress and utility easements, sewer hook up in lieu of assessment, and any other documents that will be recorded together with the plat or that are required by the Conditions of Approval. 2 copies of a Consent Statement (Concurrence) on the plat (to be signed by the lender prior to final approval) OR 2 copies of an Affidavit of Consent by separate document is required from all Trust Deed, mortgage or other secured loan interest holders against the . property to be recorded simultaneously with the plat IF any public dedications or easements are being made and/or any other interests are being transferred to the public. ORS 92.075 (2-4) Copies of wetland documents as required. Copies of ODOT Access Permits as required. One draft copy of Bargain and Sale deed for RESERVE STRIPS (we have a boiler plate for this purpose). Verification that street tree agreement is in progress as requi'red. One draft copy of the Conditions, Covenants & Restrictions (CC&Rs). Post monumentation deposit as required. Check with surveying for current fee. Surveyor provides a boiler plate.dep~sit form for this purpose. (Applicable to subdivisions only). The location of the floodway of floodway fringe in accordance with Article 27 of the Springfield Development Code. , Existing easements must be clearly identified with their recorded r'eference. New easements and reserve strips must be referenced in the owner's certificates of dedication. The purposes of easements must also be identified on the plat. 1. ~ 2. ~ ,~~ ~ IVI 4. 161 ~. ~ ~ .~'~ ('7. ~ .10-0 11. 0 12. 0 13. 0 14. 0 15. 0 16. 0 17. 0 18. ~ Revised 11/30/2006 bj . -4- NOTE: When, as part of the approval process, the application has been conditioned so that the recordation of a document is required, the applicant shall be responsible for paying the Lane County recording fee for any such required document. Documents which may require recordation include, but are not limited to: Development Agreements; Improvement Agreements; Deed Restrictions; Future Development Plans; Easements; Joint Use Access/ Ma.intenance Agreements; and Dedicatiops of Right-of-Way. .. Final Land Division Complete Application Submittal Requirements Checklist . . Note: If you feel an item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. 1. Application fee-refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee.schedule is available at the Development Services Department. The application fee is collected at the time of complete application submittal. 2. Two (2) Copies of the deed and current title report-which needs to be dated within 30 days of the date the County will record the plat. 3. One (1) Original plat on Mylar with notarized owners signature and signed surveyors stamp. 'One (1) copy of the Mylar on bond paper. 4. Final drafts - The original and One (1) copy'of all required documents with signatures where appropriate. 5. Bring the above items 1-4 directly to the Surveying Section located ,in the NW Quad of City Hall. If submittal is deemed complete, surveying will sign-off th.e city survey approval sheet and send you down to the Development Services Department for application submittal and fee collection. .' : After Recording: Applicant shall deliver Five (5) recorded rolled plat paper copie's and Three (3) copies of required documents to the Development Services Departmen:t prior to the issuance of any building permits. Revised 11/30/2006 bj - 5- WRITTEN STATEMENT FOR THE-FINAL SUBDfVISroN PLAT ApPLICATION PRE-SUBMIITAl REe'D JAN 3 2008 This application is a submittal of the final subdivision plat for the property located at 5177 & 5185 'B' Street. The subdivision was granted,conditional approval on September 13, 2006 under Case Number SUB2006-000049. The title report included in this application is prior to the purchase of the site by the current . develope.L The title report is recent enough that the only change is O\vnership and liens. A copy of the vesting deed is included to show the change in ownership. The developer has stated that there are no liens on the property. A current title report will be obtained for the submittal ofthe . mylars. The following is a discussion of how the final plat conforms to' the conditions of approval placed. on the tentative subdivision application: ' I) Execute and ~ecord an Improvement Agreement of paving, cl;rb/gutter, storm sewer, sidewalk, street lighting and street trees on B Street. A copy of the proposed Improvement Agreement is included in this submittal. 2) The extension ofthe 6" sanitary line past the proposed 7' PUE along B Street shall remain private, and be coveredtlirough ajoint access and utility easement and n}aintenance agreement for Lots.2, 3, 4, and 5. To keep the sanitwy sewers private, the design was converted to one 4" lateral for each lot at the time of building permit application. ' 3) Prior to approval of the Final Plat, the applicant shall extend the proposed 4 inch sanitary sewer service laterals for parcels 2, 3, 4, and 5 to the respective pan portions of the subject lots. The developer has stated that this is complete. Ii.. 4) Prior to approval of the FinalPlat;the applicant 'shall make provisions to,ensure the . proposed water quality swale is properly maintained and cleaned via a nlaintenance agreement for lots 2, 3, 4, and 5 with regards to the proposed water quality swale. A mainteliance agreement is included in the proposed easemei1t document that par! of this submittar 5) Prior to approval afthe Final Plat, the applicant shall include a detail of the area drain inlet located in the water quality swale installed at a slight angle to improve flow. . This was addressed at the time of building penili1 application. 6) Prior to Final Plat approval, the applicant shall dedicate a IT public access easement to the 20foot drainage easement along the south boundary of the proposed development.. This easement is dedicated on the plat. 7) The applicant shall coordinate all electrical line placements unde~grouncl with SUB. The developer has stated that this has been completed 8) In order to serve the property with water, four (4) new services will need to be constructed priono final plat. The applicant shall coordinate all water line placements with SUB. The developer has stated that this has been completed 9) Maintain aminimum 20 feet clear widths on the ,proposed access road (joint panhandle access) per 2004 SpringfieJd Fire Code 503.2.1. . , The developer has stated tjl~t this has been comjJleted 10) Prior to signing of the Final Plat, the applicant shall install "No Parking-Fire Lane signage" posted on both sides.ofthe panhandle driveway per SFC 503.3 and SFCAppendix Dl03.6. The developer has stated that this has been completed 11) Fire apparatus access roads shall support an 80,000 lb. imposed load per 2004 Springfield Fire Code 503.2) and SFC Appendix Dl02.1. ' The developel'lias stated that this has been completed. 12) Inlprove the existing Lot 1 driveway onto "Boo Street to a minimum 12' ~vidth per SDC Table 32-2. The developer has stated that this has been completed. 13) Provide and maintain adequate vision clearance triangles at the comers of all lot driveways per SDC 32.070. ' Thisreslriction is noted on the plat. 14) The applicant shall apply for an LDAP from the City of Springfield prior to undertaking any fill and/or gradihg for road improvements arid/or building construction on .site. . The developer has stated that this has been completed. IS) The applicant shall apply for a tree felling permit prior to felling more that S trees on the site withS inch dbh or greater (within a twelve month period). A tree felling permit has not been needed to date, but:the developer is aware of the need to apply for one if the above described requirements are met. I, " PRE.SUBMITTAl REe'D !:i,.........",~,<'Io'<I!'.-eI.... I ,......._.~ .......\..~ ...\_......\/~._ \\.-{1:1I......-, CLOSURE SHEETS ALEX ACRES NOVEMBER 28, 2007 ~. , PRE-SUBMITTAL REe'D . JAN 3 2008 . . --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parcel name: 26.00' ACCESS EASEMENT North: 4593.02528204 East: 4039.13975213::' rJvJ Line Course: S 89-44~00 E Length: 26.00:0 (i..SK'l.) North: 4592.90427298 East: 4065.1394-7053 Curve "Length: 61. 72 Radius: .487.00 Delta: 7-15~40 Tangent: 30.90 . Chord: 61.68 Course: 503-21-50 E Course In: S 89-44-00 E Course Out: S 83-00-20 W RP North: 4590.63768024 East: 4552.13419592 End North: 4531.33417915 East: 4068.75846757 Curve Length: 4.6.75 Radius:487';.00-"~. Delta: 5-30-01 Tangent: 23,39 Chord: 46.73 Course: S 09-44-41 E Course In: N 83-00-20 E Course Out: S 77~30-19 W RP North: 4590.63768024 East: 4552.13419592 . End North: 4485.27538515 East: 4076.66833303 Curve Length: 24.54 Radius: 513.00 Delta: 2-44-25 Tangent: 12.27 Chord: 24.53 Course: S 11-07-29 E Course In: S 77-30-19 W Course Out: N 80;14-44 E RP North: 4374.28799833 East: 3575.81825569 End North: .4461.20351228 East: 4081.4017-7346 Curve Length: 31.38 Radius: 513.00 Delta: 3-30-19 Tangent: 15.70 Chord: 31.38 Course: S 08-00-07 E Course In: S 80-14-44 W Course qut: N 83-45-0? E RP North: 4374.28799833 East ..3575.81825569 End North: 4430.12928819 East : 4085~76996943 Line Course: S 83-18~14 W Length: 26.00' North: 4427.09760170 East: 4059.94732671 Curve Length: 12.49 Radius: 487.00 Delta: 1-28-11 Tangent: 6.25 Chord: 12. 49 COl!rse,;~ly"g,6-57-37 W Course In: S 83-46-29 W Course Out: N 82_18-18 E RP North: 4374.288322'42 East: 3575.81905856 End North: 4439.49747890 East ..4058.43356924 Curve Length: 40.80 Radius: ~87.00 Delta: 4-47-59 Tangent: 20.41 Chord: 40.79 Course:. N 10-05-42 W Course In: S 82-18-18 W Course Out: N 77-30-19 ~ RP North: 4374.28832242 East :' 3575.81905856 End .North: 4479.65'061750 East: 4051.28492145 Curve Length: 30.52 Radius: 513~00 Delta: 3-24-32.3(v'''",0\:''J) Tangent: 15.27 Chord: 30.52 . Course: N lO~47-25 W Course In: N 77-30-19 E RP North: 4590.63800432 End North, 4509.62816365 Curve Length: 83.74 Delta: 9-21-09 Cofirse Out:.S ~0-54-51 W East: 4552.13499879 East: 4045.57167036 Radius: 513.00 Tangent: 41.96 c..cV'r"IIt. 'If.- c? 0'1 J! Cl~ (..1'2... ell "",~; C.\O cot Chord: 83.64 Course In: N 80-54-51 E RP North: 4590.63800432 End North: 4593.02560612 N 04-24-34 W N 89-44-00 W 4552.13499879 4039; 14055500 C(;mrse: Course Out: East East 'P~rimeter: 383.94 Area: 4,315 sq'. ft. 0.10 acres Mapcheck Closure " IUses listed Error Closure: 0.00086581 Error North: 0.000324082 Precision, 1: 443,446.02 courses, radii, and del ta"s) Course: N 68~01-06 E East : 0.000802872 Parcel name: LOT 1 c\ North: 4593.30453371 East. : 3979.14040198~I',Iwc.c"',,",ev Line Course: S 89-44-00 E Length: 60.00"/ . ", North: 4593.02528204 East : 4039.13975213 Curve Length: 83.74 Radius: 513.00 Delta: 9-21-09 Tangent: 41.96 Chord: 83.64 Course: S 04-24-3.4 E G \ Course In: S 89-44-00 E Course Out: S 80-54-51 W RP North: 4590.63768024 East : 4552.13419592 End North: 4509.62783956 East : ^045. 57086748 Line Course: N 89-25-15 W Length: 67.27"- North: 4510.30781771 East : 3978.30430425 Line Course: N 00-34-45 E Length: 83.00/ North: 4593.30357732' East 3979.14328428 / Area: 5,198 sq. ft. 0.12 acres ,,$.-......, Perimeter: 294.01 Mapcheck Closure - IUses listed Error Closure: 0.00303683 . Error North: -0.000956388 Precision 1: 9",814.77 courses, radii, and deltas) Course: S 71-38-36 E East : 0.002882296 :"~ ~j "'l.'."... - ,"~_h. < ._<.,.,~....-"--,,, "-_r.",_","*."..~_'S. ,~-.,,~..._ .c............. Parcel name: LOT 2 North: 4440.31234926 East : 3977.593954'97"Si>->K>V"'~V Line Course: S 89-25-15 E Length: 87.41~ . North: 4439.42879210 East: 4064.99948927 Curve Length: 42.29 Radius: 493.50 Delta: 4-54-34 Tangent: 21.16 . Vi Chord: 42.27 Course:' N 10-02-24 W ~ Course In: S 82-24-53 W. Course Out: N 77~30~19 E RP North: 4374.28595719 East: 3575.81786547 End North: 4481.05452521 East: 4057.62978197 Curve Length: 112.81 Radius~ 506.50 Delta: 12-45-41 Tangent: 56.64 Chord: 112;58 Course: N 06-06-51 W C-~ Course In: N 77-30-19 E Course Out: N 89-44-00 W RP North: 4590.63563909. East 4552.13380570 End North: 4592.99298862 East 4045.63929151 Line "C6ur"se';""N 89-44-00 W .Length: 6.50"- North:' 4593.0'2324089 East Curve Le~gth: 83.7'4 Radi us: Delta: 9-21-09 Tangent: Chord: 83.64 Course: Course In: S 89-N-00 E Course Out: RP North: 4590.63563909 East End North: 4509.62579842 East Line Course: N 89-25-15 W Length: 67.27"- North: 4510.30577657 . East Line Course, S 00-34-45 W Length: 7a.00 ..- North: 4440.30935280 East ~ "'- 4039.13936191 513.00 41.96 S 04-24-34 E' S 80-54-51 W 4552.13380570 4045'.5]047727 c\ 3978.30391403 3977.59634051 Perimeter:" 470.02 / Area: 6,207 sq. ft. 0.14 acres Mapcheck >Glosure ~ (Uses listed Error Closu~e: 0.00383009 Error Norrh: -0.002996457 Precision 1: 122,717.74 courses, radii, and deltas) Course: S 38-31-27 E East : 0.002385545 "- ._;" "-"'. North: 4379.31583700 ,East: 3976,97740142.,SWc.c,..,",,,,,,. Line Course: S 88-57-15 E 'Length: 98.85--- North: 4377.51160491 East: Curve Length: 105.81 Radius: Delta: 12-07-319.1 ("',^,..,J.~"'~) Tangent: Chord: 105.61 Course: Course In: 5'89-37-49 W Course Out: RP North; 4374.28519225 East: End North: 4482.46003320 East: Curve Length: 111. 3"'1 Cr."'",.l.~":l) Radius: Delta: 12-45-41 Tange~t: Chord: 111.14 Course: Course.In: N 77-30-19 E Course Out: RP North: 4590.63487416 ~ast .: End North: 4592.96197142 East: Line Cc;utse:'N 89-4'4-00 W"'Length:'6,50'/ North: 4592.99222369 'East : Curve Length: .112,8.1 Radius: Delta: 12~45-41 Tangent: Chord: 112.58 Course: Course In: S 89-44~00 E Course Out: RP North: 4590.63487416 East: 'End North: 4481.05376027 East: Curve Length: 42.29 Radius: Delta: 4~54-34 Tangent: Chord: 42.27 Course: Course In:.S 77-30-19'W Course Out: RP North: 437'4.285192'25 East: End ~orth: 4439.42802711 East: Line Course: N 89-25~15 W Length: 87.41/ North: 4440.31158432 East: 3977.59743376 Line Course: S 00-34-45 W Length: 61,00/ North: 4379.31470076 East Parcel name: LOT 3 '4075.81093442 500.00 53.10 N 06-25-56 W N 77-30c19 E 3575.82134427 4063.97931438 500.00 55.91 N'06-06-51 W N 89-44-00 W 4552.13728450 4052': 14269991 4045.64277031 506.50 56.64 . 5 06~06-5i E 5 77-30-19 W 4552.13728450 4057.63326077 493,.50 21.16 S 10~02-24 E N 82-24-53 E 3575.82134427 4065,00296807 3976.98083398 Perimeter: 626.04 / 'Area: 6,967 sq,ft. 0.16 acres Mapcheck Closure.~ (Uses l~sted Error Closure: 0..,003615.74.,.. Error North: -0.001136245 Precision 1: 173,140.21 c...1 C-'? c-'2- [.,I..P courses, radii, and. deltas) Course: S 71-41-04 E East : 0,0034325'67 North: 4377.51172068 East : 4075.80836357' SW v.:W"'/ho" Line Couise, ~ 88-57-15 E Length: 73.15, North: 4376.176570.68 East: 4148.-94617783 Line Course: N 00-34-45 E Length: 84.34' North:' 4460.51226182 East: 4149.79870283 Line Course, N 89-25-15 W' Length: 75.01/ North: 4461.27047739 East: Curve. Length:' 23.04 Radius: Delta: 2-36-22 Tangent: Chord: 23.04 Course: Course In: S 80-06-41 W Course Out: RP North: 4374.28756947 East: End North:. 4483.86868.3'36 East: Curve Length: 109.92 Radius: Delta: 12-45-41 Tangent: Chord: 109.69 Course: Course In: N 77-30-19 E Course Out: Rp. North: 4590.63725138 East : End North: 4592'.93409638 East: Line Course: N 89-.44-00 W Length: 6.50"" North: 4592.96434865 East: Curve Length: 11+ .3~ "1 (y'o~\'\rl~~~...)) Radius: Delta: 12~45-41 Tangent: Chord: 111.14 Course: Course In: S 89-44-00 E Course Out: RP North: 4590.63725138 East: End North: 4482.46241043 East: Curve Length: 105'.81 Radius: . Delta: 12-07-3'Q1("'."',..d~,,'.:l) Tangent: Chord: 105.61 Course: Course In: S 77-30-19 W Course Out: RP North: 4374.28756947 EaSe End North: 4377.51398213 East Parc~l name: LOT 4 4074.79253503 506.50 11.52 N 11-11-30 W N 77-30-19 E 35,75...81736157 4070.32138529 493.50 55.19 N 06~06-51'W' N 89-44-00 W 4552.13330179 4058.63864680 4052..13871720 500.00 55.91 S 06-06-51 E S 77-30-19 W 4552.13330179 4063.975331-68 500.00 53.10 S 06-25-56 E N 89-37-49 ~ 3575.81736157 '4075.80695172 Perimeter: 569.14 / Area: 7,267 sq. ft. 0.17 acres Mapcheck ~losure, ~ (Uses listed Error Closure: 0:00266599 Error North: 0,002261450 Precision 1: 220,979.82 courses,.radii, and deltas) Course:..N 31:58-3,7 W East: -0.001411851 (.../0 c..'-\ G.~ c...1 Parcel name: ,LOT 5 North: 4461,26894471 East Line Course: S. B9-25~15 E Length: North: 4460.5'1072915 Line Coutse: N DO-34~45 E Length: North: 4530.50~152~1 Line Course: N 89-25-15 W Length: North: 4531. 3334 9770 Curve Length: 61.72 Del,ta: 7-15-40 Chord: 61.68 Course In: N 83-00-20 E RP North: 4590.63699878 End North: 4592.90359152 Line Course: N 89-44-00 W Length: North: 4592.93384379 Curve Length: 109.92 Delta: 12-45-41 Chord: 109.69' Course In: 8 89-44-00 E RP North: 4590.63699878 End North: 4483.86843076 Curve Length: 23.04 Delta: 2-36-22 Chord: 23.'04 Course In': 8 77-30~19 W RP North: 4374..28731688 End North: 4461.27022479 4074. 79388104 ~ SW CO...."'~... 75.01/ East: 4149.80004885 70.00'-- East: 4150.50762237 81.75/ East : Radius: Tangent .: Course: Course Out: East East 6.50/ East 4058.64287226 Radius: .493.50 Tangent: 55,.19 , I Course:: 806-'06-51 E C. '-\ Course Out: S 77-30-19 W East: '4552.13752725 East: 4070.32561075 Radius: 506.50 Tangent: 11.52 Course: 8 11-11-30 E Course Out: N 80-06-41 E East 3575.82158703 East 4074.79676049 ,4068.76179890 .487.00 30.90 N 03-21-50 W N 89-44-00 W 4552.13752725 '4065.14280186 Perimeter:' 427.94 / Area: 6,149 sq.ft. 0.14 acres Mapcheck Closure -.,(OS8S listed Error Closure: 0.00315116 Error North: 0.001280079 Precision 1: 135,803.96 courses, radii, and deltas) Course: N 66-01-56 E East : 0.002879444 cS c~ ........ ". } Parcel name: LOT 6 'North:,4531.33352587 East: 4068.75854772 "'SW c...cy;-..(l.v Line Course: S 89-25-15 E Length: 81.75 ~ " North: 4530.50718108 East: 4150.50437118 Line Course: N 00-34-45 E Length: 62.00 r North: 4592.50401356 East :4151.13107916 Line Course: N 89-44~00 W Length: 86.00/ North: 4592.90427429 East: Curve Length: 61.72 Radius: Delta: 7-'15-40 Tangent: . Chord: 61.68 Course: Course In: S 89-44 -0,0 " Course Out: RP North: 4590.63768155 East End North: 4531.33418047 East 4065.13201061 487.00 30.90 S 03-21-50 E S 83-00-20 W 4552.12673600 4068.75100765 (.."7 'periTIleter: 291.47 / Area: 5/221 sq. ft. 0.12 acres Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed Error Closure: 0.00756843 E,ror North: 0.000654597 Precision 1:' -38,511.29 courses, radii, and deltas) . Course: N 85-02-18 W East: -0.0075.40071 Parce~ name: PLAT BOUNDARY North: 4597.50384583 East: 4151.18592984: I\ll!: u'v""'-'" Line Course: N 89-44-00 W Length: l72.ob~ North: 4598.30436729 Eas,t : 3979.18779274 Line Course:' S 00-34-45 W Length: 219.00..... North: 4379.31555580 East: 3976.97409845 Line Course: S 88-57-15 E Length: 172.00..... North: 4376.17617371 East: 4148.94544571 Line Course: N 00-34-45 E Length: 221.34/ North: 4597.50486565 East :4151.18279318 Perimeter: 784.34 Area: ~7,868 sq.ft. 0.87 acres Mapcheck Closure - (U~es listed Error Closure: 0.00329828 Error North: 0.001019813 Pre-cision 1: 237,802.7'3 cou:::-ses, radii, ,and deltas) Course: N 71-59-21 W East : -0.003136662 Parcel 'name: STORM DRAIN EASEMENT North: 4427.78372758 East: 4065.80431706=N6 c..oVVIO-v Line Course: S 83-18~14 W Length: 5.90/ North: 4427.09576795 East: 4059.94456352 Line Course: S 00~21-57 ,W Length: 32.85/ North: 4394.24643757 East: 4059.73481782 Line Course: N 89-38-03 \~ Length: 82.61/ North: 4394.77389852 Ea?'t : 3977 .12650174 Line Course: S 00-34-45 W Length: 15.,4'5"- North: 4379.32468784 East: 3976.97033016 Line Course: S 88-57-15 E Length: 94.38("'18.lSS-'i.<ll) North: 4377.60204318 East: 4071. 33460781 Line Course: N 06-17-35 W Length: 50.49--- North: 4427.78780297 East :' 4065.80020508 Perimeter: 281.68 Area: 1,755 sq. ft. 0.04 acres Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed Error Closure: 0.00578941 Error North: 0.004075398 Precision 1: 48,654.35 courses, radii, and deltas) Course: N 45-15-22 W East: -0.004111977 Parcel name: 17.00' PUBLIC I~~INTENANCE EASEMENT North: 4429.76600494 East: 4082.68877340:ONEe..o".",l!.v- Line Course: S 83-18-14 W Length: 17.00 (",<1.'10+,.10) North: 4427.78374839 East: 4065.80473778 Line Course: S 06-17-35 E Length: 50.49~ North: 4377 .59798859 East: 4071.33914050 Line Course: S 88-57-15 E Length: .17.14 (~'i.'i,HZ.("l) North: 4377 .28514'551 East: 4088.47628522 Line 'Course: N 06-17-35 W Length: 52.. 80~- North: 4429.76698582 East: 4082.68867453 Perimeter: 137.44 Area: 878 sq.ft. 0.02 acres Mapcheck Closure ,- (U?es listed Error Closure: 0.00098586 Error North: 0.000980,887 Precision 1: 139,401.13 courses, radii, and deltas) Course: N 05-45-21 W' East: -0.000098871 Parcel name: PORTION OF 17.00' PUBLIC ~~INTENANCE EASEMENT OVER LOT 3 North: '4428.61192589 East :. 4072.85866706 :NE c..c",^e.....- Line Course: S 83-18-14 W Length: 7.10'- North: 4427.78404227 East: 4065.80709924 Line Course: S 06-17-35 E Length: 50.49/ North: 4377.59828247 East Line Course: S 88-57-15 E Length: 4.47~ North: 4377.51669504 East Curve Length: 51.21 Radius: Delta: 5-52-05 Tangent: Chord: 51,19 Course: Course In: S 89-37-49 W Course Out: RP North: 4374.29028239 East End North: 4428.61769351 East: 4071.34150196 4075..81075732 50'0.00 25.63 N 03-18-13 W . N.83-45-44 E 3575.82116717 4072 .86093660 Perimeter: 113.27 'Area: 316 sq.ft. 0.01 acres Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed Error Closure: 0.006198'09 Error North: 0.005767621 Precision 1: 18,274.98 courses, radii, and deltas) Course: N 21-28-46 E East : 0.00226954~ oS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parcel name: PORTION OF 17.00' PUBLIC MAINTENANCE EASEMENT OVER LOT 4 North: 4429.76600494 East: 4082.68877340 "NE..c..c'{",~.- Line Course': S 83-18-14 W Length: 9.90"'- North: 4428.61163200 East: Curve Length: 51. 21 Radius: Delta: 5-52-05 Tangent: Chord: 51~.19 Course: Course In: S 83-45-44 W Course Out: RP North: 4374.28422088 East: End North: 4377.51063354 East: Line Course: S 88-57-15 E Leng.th: 12.67.... North: 4377.27937789 East: 4088.47401568 Line Course: N 06-17-35 W Length: 52.80/ North: 4429.7612"1820 East: 4082,.68640499 4072 .-85630560 500.00. 25.63 S 03-18-13 E N 89-37-49 E 3575.81653616 4075..80612632 Perimeter: 126.58 Area: 562 sq. ft. 0.01 acres Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed Error Closure: 0.00534062 Error North: -0.004786734 Precision 1: 23,701.37 courses, radii, and de~tas) Course: S 26-19-32 W East: -0.002368418 us Q5/18/2006THU 8:54 FAX' ~~1. 682 3W LANE CO. LAND MGMT. . ~OOl/001 MAY-17-2006 WED 04:34 PM BRANCH ENGINEERING 5417480389 P. 01 Subdivision / Con.dominium N am.e Reservation PRE-SUBMITTAL REe'D JAN 3 2008 Lane Coonty Sllrv~(I'S Offi"" 125 F. 8th avenue' E~gene, OR 97401 Phone: l541)682""f195 Fax: (541)682-3947 . . Please complete thisfarm and submit tot~ Lane County S1a'IJeyo1'S Office. Date, S -/7'O~ Sl1bdivision / Cllndaniniuln NaIlle: -.AI e)( . &re-5, T-R-S: J 7 - 20-3"3 Jurisdiction, $"fY' Jh~ 'tt'eJ) Survey.... .)/..., [3 >7illcL '. Developer;.;...k?t'VI),/ ~t!-r7 T .J I':' ?1 t'"4-~ understand that if the above name is not pending or recorded within three (s)yearsthe nami= will no longer be reserved for IIse. ~lflA: The Lane COlIDty SlIIVeyon; Office does heteby approve and r<Serve the above name pursuant to ORS 92.090 fORS 100.11S (5) &'(6). ~7~ $lor.' ~ . Date'. Reservation.E>pires: ~j;X;/O"t. Return vie M ail to: ~ Ii,.., 8 rc..vr.J... 7'-tt.- 038't . \ . '~ , . ~.' , A, , ~~" , /;t%'1 ..s"_:':lfi'L-. ..: . '~'~..,'j.~a"jj" ' . :p~m~??i:>t . . ~.. . .=,.~. ~.~ IIliF~ "'" '\ . 1. , verreen Land Title COlllpany PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D . JAN 3 'Z008 . PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT. . " . . -. ( ~ TO: RIVERSIDE MORT AGE AND PROPERTY MANAGEMENT INe 170 W 6TH A VEN,DE JUNqION CITY, OREGON 97448 ATTN: JODI RE: ' RIVERSIDE MORTGA.GE AND PROPERTY MANAGEMENT INC '''~' - ". " /. Orde~ reports and listing kits I'nline at (www.evergreenlandtitle.com) July 26,' 2006. EL T-50440 Main Office: 1651 C;entennialBlvcL Spl'ingfie]d,OR'97477 . Phone # (54]) 7+]-]981 Fa.,. # (54]) 741-0619 . . Branch 'Office: 875 Country Club Road Eugene, OR 97401 Plume # (54]) 687~9794 Fax # (541) 687-0924 1651 Centennial Blvd. . Springfield, OR 97477 P.O. Box 931 . Springfield, OR 97477 Phone: 541.741.1981 . fax: 541.741.0619 1\ ~X~!g{~,,~aU . . TiTlE INSURANCE SERVICES ESCROW ClOSINGS 875 Counlry Club Rd. . Eugene, OR 97401 P.O.'Box 10211 . Eugene, OR 97440 Phone: 541.687.9794 Fax: 541.687.0924 ~.' July 26, 2006 OurOi'derNo.: ELT-50440' PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT Riverside Mortgage and . Property Management Irc. 170 W 6th Avenue Junction City, Oregon 97448 Attn:' Jodi Jennings Estimated Premium for: PARTIAL BILLING $200.00 TOTAL $200.00 DearJodi We are prepared to issue on request and on recording of the appropriate documents, a policy or policies as applied for, with coverages as indicated, based on this preliminary report that as of July 20, 2006, at 8:00 a.m., title to the property described is vested.in: RIVERSIDE MORTGAGE AND PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, INC.,. an Oregon cOIJloration Subject only to the exceptions shown herein and to the terms, conditions and exceptions ,. contained in the policy form. No liability is assumed until afull premium pas been paid. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Beginning at a point on the East line of the A. W. Hammitt Donation Land Claim No. 38, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, South 00 21' West 525.0 feet from the Northeast comer thereof; thence South 00 21' West 239.0 feet; thence South 890 11' East 86.0 feet; thence North 00 21' West 239.7 feet to the center of the road;.thence along the centerline of road North 89039' West 86.0 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. . CONTINUED "IN OUR BUSINESS, YOU MATTER MOST" www.evergreen!a~~title<co,m. . " , EL T - 50440 Page 2 SCHEDULE B GENERAL EXCEPTIONS I, Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public records; proceedings, by a public agency which may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the re.cords of such agency'or by the public records. 2. Facts, rights,.interests or claims which are not shown 'by the public records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of the land or by making inquiry of persons in possession . thereof.. ' 3. Easements, or claims of easement, not shown by the public records; reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; water rights, claims or title to water. .. , 4. Discrepancies, conflicts in: boundary lines, shortage in area,encroachments or other facts which a correct survey would disclose. . 5. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, material, equipment rental or workers compensation heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed bylaw and not shown by the public records. CURRENT EXCEPTIONS 6. 2006-2007 Taxes, a lien not yet due or payable, 7, Rights of the public in any pOliion of said premises lying within the limits of streets, roads and highways. ' . . 8. Right-of-Way for Irrigation Ditch, granted to.Eugene-Springfield Land and Water Company, including the terms and provisiOllS thereof, by instrument Recorded'January 25, 1940, Volume 202, Page 262, Lane County Oregon Records. CONTINUED 'ELT - 50440 Page 3 ,- . , 8. Covenants and Restrictions, but omitting restrictions, if any, based on race, color, religion or national origin, imposed by Deeds from Chester V. Moon as follows: (a) The number 'of dwelling houses per lot as platted shall be limited to one. (b) All buildings shall be painted not less than 2 coa,ts of standard paint within 90 days of completion. . ' (c) A standard septic tank of adequate capacity shall' be installed at time of occupancy and thereafter mentioned in confoTIllity with approved health and sanitation standards. (d) All buildings shall be set back from the nearest road line at least 25 feet.' (e) No part of the lot may be used for business or storage purposes. (f) Use of the lot for housing or holding farm livestock or poultry is expressly forbidden except a family flock of poultry or his pets. 9. Deed of Trust, inCluding the terms and provisions thereof, executed by Riverside Mortgage and Property Management Inc., an Oregon corporation, as Grantor(s);" to Cascade Title Company, as Trustee, for the benefit of North view Investments, Inc.,as B~neficiary, Dated March 9, 2006, Recorded March 13,2006, Reception No. 2006-016563, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon, given to secure payment of a Note for $199,500.00. . NOTE: Taxes, Map No. 17-02-33-31-03700, Code 19-00, Account No. 0134799, 2005-2006, $1,405.03, paid in full. NOTE: The address of the property to be insured herein is: 5177 "B" STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97478. NOTE: A JUDGEMENTILIEN/BANKRUPTCY SEARCH was done for the name(s) RIVERSIDE MORTGAGE AND PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, INC., and as of July 20, 2006, none were found. NOTE: As of July 20, 2006, there are no liens for the City of Springfield. CONTINUED . ' EL T - 50440 Page 4 ,-, INFORMATIONAL NOTE: The vesting deed and changes within the last 24 months are as follows: WARRANTY DEED RECORDED March 13, 2006, FROM BLAKE HARRIS AND JAMES STRAUB, TO RIVERSIDE MORTGAGE AND PROPERTY MANAGEMENT INC., AN OREGON CORPORATION, RECEPTION NO. 2006-016562. . . WARRANTY DEED RECORDED July 25, 2005, FROM LILLY KATHERlNE HUBBARD, TO JAMES STRAUB, AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 50% INTEREST, AND BLAKE HARRIS, AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 50% INTEREST, RECEPTION NO. 2005-056581. WARRANTY DEED RECORDED May 23,1981, FROM ROGER JOSEPH HART AND CANDICE GIBBENS HART, HUSBAND AND WIFE, TO LARRy; DEAN HUBBARD AND LILLY KATHERINE HUBBARD, HUSBANDAND WIFE, RECEPTION NO. 81- 21786. . Very truly yours, EVERGREEN LAND TITLE CO:MP ANY HOME OFFICE By: /} ;) / '} .il /. . . '.' /~;'-l;l'" ;(:~/' [" /. /,,,c;:' " 1/. 1/ / ,. .' ../,'-1'..'" / . - ," f I.. l_L_~ .._ - /, ........... Jeffrey K. Walker . Advisory Title Officer CC: Branch Engineering. Attn:' Ananda Shurwood e~ail: ananda@branchengineering.com NO LIABILITY IS ASSUMED HEREUNDER UNTIL POLICY IS ISSUED AND PREMIUM PAID. IF FOR ANY REASON THE REPORT IS CANCELLED, A MINIMUM CANCELLATION FEE OF $200.00 WILL BE CHARGED. I fJ /(: Tj:;"H.S f\f ?W ~+ C', :5 /) (;r--" 3901 __'.ro" I{fl~ -r'€ .l- tV "~-;:;J' C' , I ~ ~"""_4t: 1_ %>~.s q"_~7', I ----;;;;:-aqo;r4TW 2900 .0.13 AG. , ~33g -b) Jq>S' /r'8':1"39'E \OCl'NS,'S11.,J "f- 3900 .'1 , ' " 0 . ~ ~ i. .-t 'OO'.vM.,A..:.....' ,- r. , . ~ 3800 i., o. -~ ~ ,~ ~- -1 Bi'"" 8'" 3600 , ~ , SSW COR. H.JOHSON . D. L.C. 62 ", i..' , .. ~.t>..~.,....'w. NW COR. P. GORDON O.LC. 46 4404 eo' 3700 ~ 'i\j ~ . ~ ~~ ~ 418~a44t,f', 10 0""'" I i.:;. , I"' o . ~ ~ c , c . $ "' ~ . o o lJlf.-25' :" . ~ , ~ " ~ I\~' S.f.""_"l. 4400 1 " ~ . o 0, tnl9 ~ :1[1 3 3000 ~o ~ Z " , c (\I' It) ""'". .. I'~ 10' ~L I flS' ?,-,3'-jr 95' ~ , /~,,' }I~'I_ _ _ _ _ IIS'~ - -v.1' ..6U;".S,r...r:----~ s~.~'e ~,.p(J} $"5' . KENZIE . 6::d"';~N' ~__ ~.L/A/~ 'pL.c.","~ cn~ IC ..,7.0' _ ion' ~ ~, 6800 ;, " o 0- 6900 -" tQE. 6702 "'.~_...~' 'iW 6701 '0 '" '" """"5, ,'<"' ;or ". (,' . 3200 3500 :.. ~ ., '. t , , ~lnO N,r<) r<) " , \, . ' ~I ,-4()' :;. N""'>:,'/t'~13!>' ';1.\0.""0' 4402 j~ , . .~ ~ g~ "i ~~ 80>.= -l:?"+-- __ --1'.f~ ~~r" r-f\."'*t9I..' ;J9'~"nn", ~ ! II ','" ,'uu W !w.oO' , ,~I 'H.ll' ~ :j~1 7200 0.53 AG. I~ol . :~ ir!:1 . IN ~ "'C1Cl:1 lSc::1 ~ eN:::..... "l~I' ,-~ YI~ .~' 11 I .1.. N 8"'44'OQ' \J ;:981' 93' 2901 ;.. 0.21 AC. " .. , ~ Q ',' , ... 100' 3100 ~ ~ ~ , -L IS?' 1"'7' 3300 3400 /471 4801 '0 " .t Il.Po"'iO'E.. . .' , , ,. ~ 4802 ". 1/"'1'\........,,..,..'01. .01 lOS' 4700 I Ig , I " , ~ ,lof , IDS' liS' 4600 C Q , I/S' 135' 4500 ,.' ,~ ........ ~~ . . , " 0, .' ), [IUU ". 90,0'; . S.....- ISO' '\ "7,S' ....... 82.S' 2000 1900 "i , '" '" ' " , 100' a,5' Lr- -L , ,. , . , , ~ 1800 dJ- 'Z ;<t ..J + ,.. /50 ' ~ , ,. , 170Gh ". Ii il ". y' ~" I . I~ . , ...11 ~' ~ ~l #'. ~ ".. 'I~ ,; ( I I , - '" '8fi,2! 4900 .0' "" ~ ~ :;. , :.t~ 01;," ~~ , _.!iF ~ 8b.Z. g "' , 'I ~LEourA 6100 -I Q !2Z <(" ~~ a..~ ,C:( ~:r: 'U . (IZt>.o~) -.1."" ,'=, ,.j ----r~ '.'T'T' _~!J...e.~' 5.t!"'~4~'2,"' ,,-, -I~ ?' e~.5' ISO' _ J. ~ :1 Ii l'-r \\ 1200 ~ ;1-: ISO', &<:,5"' -- lo7.S' f: 1400 1300 ~,,:,~:'.~'i ' ,..- Z8s' ...., "7/,l.Z' I 5000 1ge' I' . I' ~ lit ~ l~ I I " "b J~ 165' -- ,- ~ . . , . \'-; i' i~ I ;:,; ~ " 07.'" ~ .7..1 3D' (..7~' -!.,r S T. <' + ~. o " 1500 1600 , ~ ~ ; , , \! , b.',:;" , ~ ;.; ~ :;a~ /1 ...1 o '" SB9011'E " \ ....~. 15101 l . 520 ~;,,'O,22 , ~ ~... . .. ................'" " ~ 5201 j ; o _.n-H' ~ 5100 , , e ' \~ ~ ~~ ~I 71.1.,,' rE -4.: .\ ~--ol- ru;z' + ~'UJ' ,~ ,,9,35' \ 6-9.:3' 6000 0' 590 00.21 1 " o , , ~ o , . ~ " ~ ~ , J,8<j"44 'Cd"t,3' '~,3!>-' 100 ' 6200 , 0' ~ ,. EI I' 100' --'- JV89" nOi 0.27 AG. 7300 f. e,fD()5"'sS~.I. --- '\tUJ.()-!.< ,j N<i o N'" 1'---: o N 82'qo'~e' v 118.72' z. " ~~ .. A"'''i>:< ,~.,\"-:'-," . .. '; f- w W CC f- (f) 7204 0.52 AG. g ,~ zO " ?'''' 'I) ~: ~ ~ \!.I ~ ~ ~ : '\. l,,~ I q ! S 8'3'44'00' E' N :e9<4~'QO' \,I ---- "9,1l'; -J ~ : 1:9,23' _ , ) cl,;"i9> . I \~ /QI!!' ~l Al:e;>D-u'3(J-,E. ~ ~~ 7301 ~ ., )' t t:. ~ ~';: 1 71 :;~-~---'I\'~ '"i ( 1) n~ ~~ ,,' PRE~SUBMllTAl REe'D JAN 3 2008 .. IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT INCLUDING NOTICE OF POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT LIEN '.. . - - . I (In Lieu of Immediate Construction of Public Improvement; includesWaiver of Right to Remonstrate) iN CONSIDERATION of the covenants herein.r,ecited, the City of Springfield, hereinafter referred to as City, and Northviewlnvestments Inc. " hereinafter referred to as Applicant(s), do covenant and agree with respect to the real property described below as follows: t : ' , 1 . . . ': 1. Applicant(s) warra'nts and represents to the City of Springfield that it is the owner of the property more particularly described and set forth i!;l Paragraph ,7 below and, as owner, has the authority to enter into this Improvement Agreem~nt:with the City of Springfield. . , 2. Applicant(s) desires Development Approval from the City with respect to the following' Development Application SUB2006-000049 ..' . . . . , c 3. 'The development will cau~e, both, an imme~iate;andlo!;lg-te"rrn demand on the various : public facilities of City and I..ane County, inyluding the specific public improvements necessitated by the development as set forth in paragraph: 6. " . . . 4, This Improvement Agreement is an alternative to imposing a condition on Applicant's development approval that the Applicant make immediate construction6f any public : improvement. that the development. necessitate~. The objective is'" to promote' efficiency, coordination, and spread costs by p'roviding an' opportunity for a district wide improvement mechanism where construction occurs in a coordinated project with the participation of adjacent and other properties in the area, instead of requiring immediate improvement in conjunction with each development application, There is no guarantee, however, that such a coordinated project will b~ possible and the City " reserves the. right to require construction of ,t,he improvements in the future at City' discretion, . , I' _, . ," 5. (a) Applicant and City agree that Applicant will pay the cos( o~ the following public . facility improvements described in' Paragraph 6 in: accordance with, respective cost assumption ,policy established by City at the time'the City determines to undertake and complete such p'u~lic improvements. . ' (b) Applicant and.:City acknowledge anq,a,gree that thecostof such improvements <. _ . l., and the portion thereofto be paid by Applicant are presently unknown and may be . ! greater than the,) costs that would be:. apportio~ed ,if thei~pr6vements were' constructed immediately or by Applicant now or later. . ." , : , . - .' . " (c) Applicant acknbwledgesthat the timing of the construction of such improvements ,- ... - - . .~ iswithinjhe sole and exclusive direction of. the City; " . j _ .....; .. ,l 6, (a) STREET IMPROVEMENTS 'along the ~rontage of . 'C' Street:, ' ,', . . to include: . k8J surface paving; k8J storm s,ewers; U sanitary,sewers;' l2SI curbs; . ~ gutters;, Dplanter strips; k8J street trees; ,~~tre,et lights; I ,,~ sidewalks. , (b) TRAFFIC SIGNALS at the intersection of ;. ";'. (c) OTHER IMPROVEMENTS, , , , ... il ~, ,I. , , 'i" (Bar C()de Sticker) .' AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: . . crTY OF SPRINGFIELD - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTIViENT - 22S'FIFTH STREET - SPRINGFIEL~ OR 97477 Z:\2005\OS:277 JIM STRAUBISURVEY\APPLlCA TIO~\Improvemenl Agreement.doc Page 1 of4 REVISED OCI~ber: 2004 '" . " ;, '. ' Applicant acknowledge~ that the list of marked improvements reflect those that would currently' be required under the appropriate City codes and ordinances. Applicant acknowledges that it understands 'that the improvements made will be those required to bring the street to full urban standards for the then current functional classification of the street as those .standardsexist, at the 'time the .improvements are made and may; therefore, differ from the list of improvements checked herein. !. 7. LEGAL DESCRIPTIQN: /0 SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY.REFERENCE . " AKA: Property Address: Tax Map &' Lot No.: 17 -02c33-31 TL 3600 & 3700 5177 & 5185 'B' Street . . .. 8. City agrees that Applicant's execution aM performance ,of ':the terms of the Agreement will be deemed to be in compliance, with City's policy pertaining to improvement requirements, anq' if Applicant complies iri. every res'per.;t with all other applicable laws of the State of o.regon, Lane County, and City; ,Applicant shall be entitled to. Development Approval, subject tei the terms and conditions. of approval set forth therein. ' . " '. "....' ..; 9.. This agreement is enforceable by the State of Oregon, Lane County or City. . - < 10. APPLICANT AGREES TO. SfGN ANY AND' ALL' WAIVERS, PETITlo.NS, Co.NSENTS AND ALL OTHER Do.CUMENl'S NEC,ESSARY TO. ,OBTAIN THE ABo.VE LISTED IMPROVEMENTS UNDER ANY IMPROVEMENT ACT o.R PRo.CEEDING o.F THE STATEo.F OREGo.N, LANE Co.UNTY:OR CITY AND TO. WAIVE ALL RIGHT TO REMONSTRATE AGAINST' SUCH IMPRo.V'i'MENTS. Applicant does not waive any right to'pr6test the amount or manner of spreading the assessment the~eof, if the same ~hall appear to the Applicant to bear inequitably or ,unfair upon said property of Applicant. Applicant's acceptance of the non-remonstrance condition is in consideration for the City's waiver-of the requirement for, the immediate construction of the public improvements that the development necessitates.:This improvement agreement waives , the property owner's right to file a written remonstration. It does not waive a property owner's right to comment on the proposed district or any related matters orally or in writing. 11. It is the intention of the parties hereto that the covenants herein contained shall run with the land' hereil) described, and shall be binding upon the heirs, E;lxecutors, assigns, administrators, and successors of the parties hereto, and shall be construed to be a benefit and a burden upon the property herein described. This Agreement shall be , recorde,tf in the Lane County Deed Records. .' . NOTICE TO APPLICANT/PROSPECTIVE PURCHASER If, you are' the applicant or a prospective purchaser of this property, you are advised to ~iscuss this Agreement with ,an Attorpey of your choice. Execution and recordation of this Agreement will place requirements on the o.wner and any subsequent purchaser'of' the Real Property described in Section 7 and their heirs, successors'and assigns. These requirements' include but are not: limited to the payment -,for the public , improvements described in Section 6. This may result in .an ass~ssment lien on the' Real Property described in Section 7 and significant costs to the o.wner and Purchasers, and their heirs, successors and assigns. An Applicant'.~ signature on this Agreement indicates that the Applicant : has. thoroughly read' this Agreement, , understands it, has had the' opportunity to consult. legal counsel pri9r to its execution, and understands that execution of the Agreement may result in significant financial obliga'tionsjmposed upon the 9wner of Jhe .Real Property. Any prospective Purchaser of the property burdened by this Improvement Agreement should also thoroughly review this Agreement, consult with lE;gal counsel prior to p~rchasing 'the property, and understand that this Agreement may result in a significant financial obligation imposed upon any o.wner,ofthe-Real Property describ'ed in Section 7. , '. . , . . - . . t: \;'. '" . Z:\200S\05-277 JIM STRAU8\SURVEYIA:PUCATIONllmprolJement Agreemenl.doc ~age2"of4 REVISED October, 2004 . , ._-, },. " , .;~ i, WHEREFORE, the p'arties have hereunto set their hand this day of ' ' , 20~ By . By Applicant STATE OF OREGO.N ' : }. . COU~TY OF Lane . 55 Applicant " . BE IT REMEMBERED that on this day of . , 20L before me, the undersigned,' a notary public in ,and for said ,C,ounty and State, personally appearep the within named Derek Harrison. President of Northview Investments hie. . who,se identity was proved to me on. the basis of satisfactory. evi~ence ,and who executed the within instrument and' acknowledged .to me that he executed the . same freely and voluntari"ly . . . . IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and. affixed my official seal the day and year last above written. . . Notary Public for Oregon My Commission Expires .~ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD . -., -. I - By Dennis P. Ernst - City Surveyor , r.. ,. STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF Lane , J 55 .J BE IT REMEMBI;:REDthaton this day of , 200_before me, the undersigned, ? notary public in and for said County and State,'~personally' app~ared the ;withjil named Dennis P. Ernst whose identity was proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence and who executed the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same free.lY and voluntarily ," '" IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I haVe hereunto set..my hand ,and affixed my official seal the day and year last above written. Notary P~blie for qregon My Commission Expires ", , . Z:\2005\05-277 JIM STRAUB\S~RVEY\APPUCATION\lmprovement Agreementdoc .Page3pf4 REVISED October, 2004 ,~ , " ,I ,} " " i , EXHIBiT"Ai' , 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION . ,,>~ SITUATED IN THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD', LANE COUNTY, STATE OF OREGON IN ,THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST .1/4 OF SECTION 33; TOWNSHIP 17 . SOUTH, RANGE 2 WEST OF THE. WlllAMETTE MERIDIAN AND DESCRIBED AS FOllOWS:' . " .' . , .' ' , ,~~ . . , '\. J , BEGINNING AlA POINT ON THE EAST 'lINE OF THE AW. HAMMIT DONATION lAND CLAIM NUMBER 38, TOWNSHIP 17:S0UTH, RANGE 2 WESt \N.M. THAT IS SOUTH 00034'45"WEST, 764.09 FEET FROM THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID CLAIM; THENCE SOUTH 88057'15" EASt, 172'0.0 FEET to A POINT; THENCE. PARALLEL TO SAID EAST.CLAIM LINE NORTH"00034'45" EAST, 221.34 FEET 'TO .' THE SOUTH MARGIN OF B STREET; THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTH MARGIN NORTH 8904-;1'OQ"'WE,ST, 172.00 FEET TO.TH~ AFOREMENTIONED EAST CLAIM . LINE; THENCE, ALONG SAID EAST CLAIM LINE SOUTH 00034'45'; WEST, 219.00 FEET, RETURNING TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. . ,- . .... . I ,', J , , 'J ,. , \ . ".. ,r 'I " I '> ., , < '. "I" ,I ...' \ ,",- c, ,. " , r, \' . :' ',;- '. . ' I ~ ' , . ~Z:\2005\05.277 jlM STRAUB\S~RVE~PPUCATI6N\lmprOvement Agreement.doc ~" , Page4of4 " .REVISED.9ctober, 2004 , , -., :;.~ '1: Re.corded at t'he reg{iest of and after recording return "to: ~ " Branch E~gineering, Inc. 310 FiIth Street Springfield, O~ 97477 ,. PRE-SUBMITTAL REe'D .l JAN 3 2008 " DECLARATION OF PlUV ATE JOINT USE ACCESS, i PRIVATE UTILITY AND PlUV ATE STOI~M DRAINAGE ,. I --, EASEMENTS The,true and actual consideration for this dcclarationisother than monetary. , , 1) REClT ALS: DECLARATION OF EASEMENTS: A) Easement Createcl: NORTI-IVIEW INVESTMENTS, INC. hereby creates a perpetual eascmcnt for the bene1it of Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5 over that certain area desig~ated as "PRIVATE JOINT USE ACCESS AND PRIVATE UTILITY EASEMENT" on said plat as said . . . "I . . casemcnt lics in Lots 2, J; 4, and 5 for private access purposcs. , ). , Easement Created: NORTHVlEW INVESTMENTS, INC. hereby creates a perpetual cascmcnt,for the bencfit of Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5 ovcr that ccrtain area designated as "PRIVATE JOINT USE ACCESS AND PRlVATE UTILITY EASEMENT" mi. said' plat as said casemcnt lies in Lots 2; 3, 4, and 5 for private utility pLlrposes. .'/~rJ. 1)1) I ' Easeillent Crcatcd: NORTHVIEWINVESTMENTS, INC. herebY9-~'ates a perpetual cascment for thc bencfit of Lot 5 over that certain area designated as'''PRIV A TE STORM . .' .' - DRAINAGE EASEME,NT" on said' plat as said casemcnt lies in Lot 4 for private storm .~l~a:~~~l~~f~~~~~~; NORTHVIEW INVESTMENTS, INC, he~~~i1~;,~~~~~i::~;~~etu~~' casement for thc bcnelit of Lots 2, 3, 4, and' 5 ovel,that certain area desighatedas "PRIVATE STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT" on said plat as said casement lics lin Lot 3 for private storm drainagc purposes, . " ~ \ ' E) 'Exclusion ofPUEs: Notwithstanding an)\ other language herein, theseeascments do ,not I allow the placement' of private utilities within any Public Utility Easement except 'for crossmgs. ',' Use ofthe Burdcned Proneliv: "Thc owners Ol"'occupiers of the lots affected' by these easeinents shall have the right to use their properiy, including the areas described as the easements, for any purpose as' long as the owners'or occupiers do not interfere with the use of the ease'ments as granted by this instrument. No' vehiclc parking or s'toragc of vehicles shall . _ J , be allowed by any party within the eas~ment area; including the agellts, ,employees, tenants, and invitees of said owners. . . Maintenancc and Reoairs: The cost of any rilaintenance or repair of the drIveway and storm drainage improvements within the easem"nt areas shall be split equally between the owncrs.of Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5. Thc cost of any maintenance or repair pf private utilities lying within the cascment areas will be the respol!sibility ofthe owner of the respective facility. . Succcssors in Interest The provisions of this instrumcnt touch and conc~m, and rclate to the lISC of L6ts 2, 3, 4 and 5 of said plat, and are intended to ,be covenants and restrictions running with thc land. All provisions of this instrument, including tlie b1enefits alld burdens, ' arc binding mid inure to the heirs,::successors, assigns, trarisferees, and personal representatives of all owners of any of the aIorementioned lots. . ' 2) 3) D) . G) NORTI-IVlEW INVESTMENTS,. INC., Grantor, is the own~r ofthe lands that are described in that Statutory Warranty De~d that was rccorded March 7, 2007 at Recorder's Number 2007-015353 in the Official Records of Lane County, State ofOregon.i The owncris dividing said rcal propcrty into si~, lots as shown on the plat'ofAlcx-Acresas platted and recorded in Lane County Oregon Plat Records. ,i . '. ' The oWller clesircs lo'cr~aie easements and detine lllaint.enancc'responsibility on ccrtain areas and facilities for the benetit offulure owners of the lots as described below. B) C) F) H) ,. .' DECJ~ARA TION OF PRrV ATE JOINT USE ACCESS, Pi!VATE UTILITY AND PRIVATE STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENTS Pagd.of2 ' ;U .' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have executed this DECLARATION OF PRIVATE JOINT USE ACCESS, PRIVATE UTILITY AND PRIVATE STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENTS' on this day of . 2008. . . '. - NORTHVIEW INVESTMENTS,.INC. " Derek Harrison, President STATE OF OREGON ) )ss ) " County of Lane .On .' "',2008 personally appeared the above named DerekHarrison \vho . . is the President of Northview lnvestments Inc. and Who is known to me to be lhe.:identieal individual ", '" . " " " who executed the foregoing instrLlln6nt and who docs hereby aeknO\vledge said instrument to be his/./fi.'eF voluntary act and deed and that said. instrum~nt ';ilS signed on behalf ot sa~d~~~~~~":'(1 Y', '. , " '-";.,"^/ k ""', .'" '". Notary Public for Oregon ;1.. ;..' t I. " '.' ~l , " ~~ j" I: ,. ~ I DECl.!;A.-RATION OFPRIV A TE J,OINT USE ACCESS, PRIVATE UTILITY AND PRIVATE STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENTS . , Page 2 01'2