HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments PWE 5/12/2009 MEMORANDUM TO: Mark Metzger, Urban Planner City of Sorimdield . ~o '.' . . ell 2- Date ReceIVed. Planner: WIN! DATE:' May 12, 2009 FROM: Eric Walter, Civil Engineer SUBJECT: ZON2009-00011 Davis Mixed Use Employment Development DIM Public Works Engineering Comments The subject application involves tax lots 1502 and 2500, located at 1081 Linda Lane. The applicant submitted plans to discuss annexing 46 acres into the City of Spriqgfield to build a mixed use employment development. The development would have a mix Of Business / Professional Offices, Educational / S.chool Facilities, Manufacturing/Assembly / Warehousing, some eatil1g / restaurant establishllents, and multi-family dwelling / apartment buildings. Applicant's Questions: 1. Does City Planning staff ha:ve a preference as to which option is pursued? If option #2 does not exist, the owner / design team is fine with the MUE zoning. Clarification of these two options would be helpful. ' Planning Department will respond to this question. 2. Please explain and show us on the urban service location and routing mapping how and where the various urban services will be routed to the site, covering the . following: Wastewater / sanitary sewers, street connectivity with sib Street South,' storm water, water mains, electrical distribution, and natural gas. What urban services and utilities are located in the Parkway? At the southwest corner ofthe development site, it is some 900 feet to 1000 feet east to the Parkway. Is the City acquiring any collection or lateral utility easements to facilitate the developer's ability to extend service to the properties not immediately adjacent to the Parkway or the wastewater trunk line? Transportation Department will respond to the question regarding street connectivity: A sanitary sewer trunk line is planned to be installed in Jasper Roa4 in the future to serve this area. Jasper Meadows pump station is planned to be decommissioned once this property is developed, where all Jasper Meadows sanitary that is presently being pumped, will gravity flow though this development to Jasper Road. There is no public storm water system. Water presently flows onto adjacent County la~ds. Storm water quantity will need to be limited to maintain existing natural state. The site design may need to include an onsite detention / retention system in order to mitigate the discharge limitation. The futureCapital'Project plan may 'include channel improvements. Storm water should be managed on site. Springfield lftility Board (SUB) and EPUD should be contacted regarding utility availability and how water / power will be extended to site. , , . '5),~/~ 3. The owner cannot afford to build / ("mance'the extension of all th~lI4i~ " services to their 40 acre development site. How can the Ci~~); lI\Q.; City funding resources available? A willingness to set up meetingV\%'liilk with all abutting surrounding property owners along the planned route of key urban facilities about forming a local improvement district (LID)? Willingness to set up an LID and/or reimbursement district? Is a ~eparate LID / reimbursement district for each individual City service? Does the City coordinate these other urban services? Public Works Capital Projects section has indicated that an RFP should be going out for the design and scoping of the sanitary sewer trunk line in Jasper Road Council has approved the rate structure and bonds where funding for the project has been budgeted and planned for construction in 2010, The developer of this property will need to participate in the fair cost share of any Jasper Road and Sanitary s"wer trunk line improvements. The'infrastructure / service needs for this property, including storm water management, will need to be determined by the developer's engineet where City's Master plan and adjoining properties will need to be considered in design. ;The developer's contribution and City participation considerations would be determined at the time of the annexation agreement preparation. Public Works will provide an eJcplanation of an LID. 4. It is our understanding the City and Springfield Utility Board have been doing the preliminary design and cost analysis for these urban services. What is the status of ,this design process for the key urban services and facilities? Does the City yet know' or have an estimate of how much each urban service / facility will cost? What is the construction timetable of the wastewater trunk line? What will th'e City require of the owner (Royal Family Investments, LLC) in terms of what will be in the' annexation agreement? SUB and EPUD should be contactedfor questions regarding water and power service. (Note: SUB may not be the utility provider in this area, please verifY). ,Planning Department will also respond to this question. S. It i~ our understanding the Jasper-Natron MetroPlan Amendm"nt has been delayed until around December of2010, until the City's land use inventory and needs analysis has been completed. Will tbis delay ofthe amendment also delay the annexation? Does this delay prevent the City completing the annexation agreement? Could the owner execute the agreement but simply':delay annexation until the Jasper-Natron MetroPlan amendments are adopted? Does the City have a standard Jasper-Natron annexation agreement format? Does st~ff have an estimate of how long it will take to have an initial, but fairly complete, anne~ation agreement, with estimated cost figures, including what th,e City wants from the owner? An annexation agreement will be required; however, no detailed iriformation can be provided by City staff at a DIM meeting regarding City and/or Developer obligations under such an agreement. Annexation agreement details and obligations will be determined during the Annexation application and'annexation agreement process. " Planning Department will also respond to this question. ' Heads-Up Items: . Wetland delineation will be required, Wetland will need to be maintained, (