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Permit Correction Notice 2009-10-9
'~~'-'--"~"","M;~, ,,,,,,.,,.,,.,,,,,~.M'ltI,,a.:I:lh";m;W"'''''''''''''''.ll'.'''''''.''r,,I''''''''''''''''='''--''''1\lI!-~'''''''''' . 1KY"" ""'-'-"'r""fl"oi~,,""1i-'\ttfIl'i"''''A:fi''"~~f<'''''' ~~1'7"t T . .~,....." " \' fI~ ";'';'ff~'i'\fllf~''''' 1W;;'~I1;ll'I'J''V'~'1i''''l'-""",'~r '~l'~Ifj,J ...n~"i''IJ'V"J('''W'\''''''''' ''''''~\,- .,.. ,-. --, ' 'lltl......... ..-,. . 'W" .....'....-7.1~"'. .,J' fit D'" q w'l-O " City of Springfield/Development Services Building Safety 225 Fifth Street Date: 10,2/ ocr lob# C7 - /So/ Address:_ 5' 3(, '3 ..r. 0, Inspection Type:P.Ou~JI-, Flu/vIe TO: car/",Jc Ela/vV:. Mf?ZI/Jsz{fJ)(I): Y(r...,,-!orf< ~ ", I'YltHley fJ~.J l"ot?11/1 /'u" "",""y<- /1,.", /2_41 .4jAA.__i v ." " ',0 " Corredions and reinspeCtio~'requestshall be made within.' '?~ cciiendardays. 'I: ,,' ' Call for reinspection 1)aYes DNo ',Inspector !5yV<<Vl 111f(.,'''d~<,1!711 " "Date: IO-Q-01 ~~~~':'~~~^'.~N~("caU for inspection 726~3769~~~~":'~~~~~NQuestions j26-3759~~~~~~~~~ '. .' ,/;';:,"'..;~'., ",.':7..~i.~..,7:.i: i', """'" .:". :.',', .."..~-.,:.. ." :'.~~.,.,~~...._. . '"',, ' ""'>""1 '......"..."" ..>....,._..,'t",..'" ..it",.. ,.,'.:....'~., .'. ,,'....,.:Ic.-.. '::, r:, .,1' , -;" "'\.' 756 -L!Cf6?)