HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, DIM PLANNER 10/1/2008 Memorandum October I, 2008 To: DIM Participants From: Mark Metzger, Planner 'Re: ZON2008-00035 Development Issues Mtg. (HylandlHyland Business Park) Scheduled for October 9, 22008 The focus of the scheduled DIM meeting is ~n two parcels that are part of the Jeff Parker industrial subdivision on 30th Street, 3-4 blocks north of Main Street. The original DIM packet that was provided by the client was very "thin." The DIM questions focus in part on the legal status of two parcels that are part of the subdivision that identified them as wetlahd mitigation areas, on the subdivision plat. ' The goal of the applicant is seek approval on two parCels that was set aside as wetland mitigation land as part of the Jeff Parker Subdivision that was approved in 2002. As part of that approval, two parcels were set aside as wetland mitigation areas. The original wetland complex was judged to be low quality by state standards when our local wetland inventor)' and OFW AM analysis were completed and acknowledged by DSL. The applicant mentions a HGM study in the DIM Question #2 that was conducted later on a part of the complex that was built out as Brentwood Estates. The HGM analysis is new~r and better tool for analyzing the functions and values of wetlands. The HGM analysis confmns.the earlier OFW AM analysis that wetlands in the area are low quality. Clearly the applicant would like to develop the parcels. The question is whether development on the sites is in the community interest. The wetlands in question are not "locally significant" according to a state assessment that was conducted in 200 I. There is a problem with trash dumping and transients inhabiting the parcels. ' The attached information provides some context to the DIM questions. I have additional details on the Parker Subdivision and the Joint Permit Application that fills four files. You are welcome to any of this additional detail. I didn't want to overwhehn you. The attached materials include: o Revised DIM questions o Vicinity Map o Diagram showing the wetland mitigation lots as characterized in a Joint Permit Application Form package dated May 2007 ., IIXI7 conceptual development diagram The diagrams show that some wetland area is retained for both parcels, but both show that the majority of the two parcels would be developed. The plans show on-site pretrearinent facilities as well as some preserved wetlands, including a forested wetland~ area. I'm not sure how to divide up the questions for comment. I welcome comments by all on each of the questions. I plan to weigh in on #1, #2,. and #4. ',' '. . ItJ, J of' DateRecelved.~. Planner: MM HYLAND BUSINESS PARK, LLC , CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT ISSUES MEETING QUESTIONS BackEround It is the intent of Hyland Business Park, LLC (the "prospective applicant") to eventually develop the subject property for multi-family residential uses and for an industrial/commercial business park. Prior to any. development, the prospective applicant must apply for and receive approval from the US Army Corps of Engineers ("Army Corps") and the Oregon Department of State Lands ("DSL"). However, prior to submitting the "Joint Permit" to the Army Corps and DSL, the prospective applicant must receive "sign off' from the City of Springfield (see page 8, section 7 of the Joint Permit). Furthermore, even if the Joint Permit is approved, prior to any development, the City must remove from the prospective applicant's property title a document titled "Declaration of Development Restrictions, Protective Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions and Maintenance for Tracts A and B of the Jeff Parker Subdivision as platted and recorded September 9, 2002 Recorder's Reception No. 2002069738 Lane County Oregon official records in Lane County, Oregon (the "deed restriction") that current burdens the subject property. Questions 1. Assuming the Corps and DSL approve modifications to the mitigation site and all proposed development meets applicable city, state, and federal regulations, would the City of Springfield allow the deed restriction to be amended? 2. What stormwater function(s) do the mitigation parcels provide? Is the following information accurate? If not, why? The impacted wetlands on the Brentwood Apartments site were characterized as severely degraded wet prairie wetlands. The wetlands and surrounding area had been subjected to significant disturbance and , the result was a series of shallow, isolated depressions vegetated with mostly non-native Facultative species. Stormwater functions for the impact site were documented in Scoles Associates, Inc. Wetland Delineation Report, December 1992. A HGM assessment of the functional attribute~ ofthe impacted wetland states: "The site was found to have low to very low (functional) value for passive recreation, nutrient retention/removal, on- and offsite flood storage/ desynchronization, sediment trapping, and food chain support." The compensatory wetland mitigation plan for Tract A & B states: "As a historically filled wetlilnd, the mitigation,area has essentially no wetland functions and values." Under the CWM Functions and Values section, the document states: "All of the area for mitigation is currently upland (filled wetland to be , more precise) and currently has no wetland functions and values." Hydrology for the compensatory mitigation wetlands is entirely precipitation. Rainwater is trapped in shallow depressions and retained to percolate through the clay soil profile. Tract A does not have an inlet or outlet. Because the parcel is not a flow-through system, water quality functions are Iimite~'~1 _/ . . Date Received: ,I b Planner: MM Tract B does not have an inlet but does have a permitted outfall that functions only to regulate water level a'nd not water quality. The outfall is a stand pipe located beside the drainage ditch in the southwest corner of Tract B. The top of the pipe is set at an elevation designed to maintain water levels to support the prescribed wetland vegetation, Stormwater functions would include "Water Storage and Delay", "Sediment Stabilization and Phosphorus Retention", "Nitrogen Removal", and "Thermoregulation" . Because the mitigation areas are not permanently inundated or connected to surface water in the summer, thermoregulation is not applicable, The'mitigation sites do provide a benefit by retaining potential floodwater for the 6.36 acres included wi.thin the parcel boundaries. Moreover, water quality is improved through phosphorus retention and nitrogen removal for both sites but sediment stabilization would not apply to the eastern site with the water control structure that might allow introduction of turbid water. 3. Does the proposed site development adversely affect the existing stormwater treatment functions or does the proposed development include appropriate design to improve stormwater functions? How can 'the proposed development design be improved to increase the storm water runoff quality? 4. Would the City provide assistance, planning and/or funding, to find solutions to the problems listed , below? One possible solution is to make the forested area a pocket park. An urban park would benefit the local community and would be compatible with the proposed development. The park would be accessible to all, lighted at night, be regularly maintained and would deter unfavorable use.. Both sites have nuisance problems including the following: o Trespassing is a constant problem. o Fencing along the sidewalk is regularly vandalized or struck by vehicles missing the corner. o . Both sites have become pedestrian pathways for people walking to shopping areas in the Mohawk Blvd area. o Site has become a de facto dirt bike park, trash dump, vagrant campsite, and drug dealing hang- out. N:\F - J\]ohn.Hyland Construction,.lnc. 1549S\Springfield Deed Restrictions 15495-5\Documents\Hyland DIM 5questions Revised 093008.doc \ - - Date Received:-4fo C Planner: MM . , -. ~ .1;;..L ! I :---1 I ,.,' lS'lstl _.>t":'~'-" I :, .,~~C-,," L!i,',r'~"',"l .," ," "'~"I-'_:_~'" ,..~ "1"",;'-"" ;-,~ ,~,~ ~ Ii' ~,-~ ;;"~-- ,.... '-'::-':;;-~I">'!""("''-'''' "---:'~-~Ii ~~~.~~,'cc,.,.,t '~~~~_~~~~~I ~ "",-~ ~--' i ! l-~! l~ - --- ----.--------L~,: H ~ ,i ..--,.!-__L_____ ' 'i!'t' I ~ ~ il'l -".ic~-=::',~....r_;;;.;~-!--I-~J :ti;L-.,'~,'-- , , ....r12l :~L - t~h.'f o,;:.,o~ : I ~T-j 1!-~~>,l.-L)~~IJ.~.~~!~,--/ -' :ct;!J-;;... ~-~'- j ,[ [i,! 1 g" ii" -11 I' >, ...;r.,;'----r-lii ';"'C""'-'-;"TIS1:-:TI'- '_" ,._"-'1 p ~II .LZi'l '::.._---11 II: ~_==r::=c!.....:.....-t.::il ~1.i..i.J~~ t I 1~1.1! 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