HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Miscellaneous 10/9/2008 "";""F"'~ I 0 .f ,...;,~~;...l? .. . ~ t'1~~;z~ I egol} ~~~1~i~ Division of \\'N:J?">"'/ I ~<j~~:>1 State Lands ~ . Impact and Physical Mitigation Project Data Form for Existing Applications (Not for F'ayment to Provide Mitigation or Mitigation Banks) Please enter the relevant information and give to your data entry person when requesting signature from Field Operetions regional managers or assistant directors. App#7343 FHe Name: Farah & Parker LLC Resource Coordinator: Date: Authorized Acreage HGMCiass CowarcHn Class Impact, Mitigation Type . t Auth. Fill -- 3.86 2 3 11 - '2 - 3 6E.'A i 1 '2 . 13 'I Auth. Removal 2 3 i 1 2 3 11 2 I 3 I MIt.Creation 13.85 1 12 3~~'2-3 11 2-"3 I Mit. Enhancement 1 I 2 3 l' 2 3 I 1 2 3 I Mlt. Restoration 3.85 I 2 3 1.' 2 3 6~ I. 1 2 3 Note: .Be sure that acreage, HGM, and Cowardin class boxes correspond, Le., if acreage is,; O.S";i, then you are reporting that this reiates to RFT 2f'in the_ HGM class, and PFO 2, in Cowardin class. If you have more than 3 of any impact or m'itigation'type, use the back of this sheet and wflie O~ER on this side. . Protection Type ONone ~Conservation Easement nRestrictive Covenant in Deed ODeed Restriction . Bonding Type ONone Required [ZiSurety Bond OLetter of Credit []Assignment of CD OOther Bond Amountl ($) 5;15000000 \ Ave. Buffer Width {ft~ 25 Dlus 0.42-acre of wetland/rioarian oreservation Monitoring Years 5 V2ars. (3 or 5 - enter number) Report Due Dec. 01. beainnino 2004 (month/day) As-Built Due Nov. 30 2003 Mitigation Site {Only if different from impact site. Add pages for additional sites.} Number 1 of 1 (if appiicable) Name Farah & Parker LLC Subdivision (if applicable) Waterbody Tributarv to Q Street Ditch (on or adjacent) City Sorinafield [If in city limits) County Lane (required) TRSQQ T 17S. R 2 W 'Sec. 31 NW1/4 le.g., O4S2E36 NWi/4 or just TRS) Tax Lot 4900 & 5000 (if applicable) . For Data Entry Only: Mitigation Project Number: l Da~e,f~eceiv~:-k/J-l/) K" Planner: MM 'Y ~.' ~ . Table 1 Summary Table of Hydrogeomorphic (HGMhbased Assessment Functional Capacity (Judgmental Method) of Existing Wetlands tC\be Impaded. I ;/{F'o+>,S~iCS'>c,~ i!Wnil-. Jt~.q),itl:i.M:i-J.i~ O'i;>.ti,i:lrr; .CO" unCT""fO"'1..S...--..,'.,..".l;:;............--......"".-- ", .l:J.... ,"_'." :':\-\:'''c;''';~;'')";c:L ,h.W€llan(f;:t~jA\';;tlan;d{!,,:; Jv1itigation area v\'111 have equal sediment trapping and phosphorus uptake potential, as highly degraded i~pacted w~tI2nds. ~'1itigation ar~ \"\?iilhave great~r vegetative d.iv~sity than highly degraded impacted wetlands, allowing for greater nutrient uptake. Impacted wetlands have very little vegetative divers.ity. Mitigation wetland. provides greater production via subtle TIlicrotopography and divers~ vegetative . conlmunities. The impacted wetland is suiTou,,'lded by urban development, lacks connecti\;-it), to other',...retIand systems, and lacks desired / appropriate habitat for invertebrate species. The inlpacted wetlaI:\d has no woody debris nor appropriate habitatJ plus it is surroul1aed by urban development. The mitigation area provides greater potential for shelter and'basking areas. The impacted wetland contains 110 woody p Ian! species (due to annual mm\wg) and is 'surrounded by urban development.. Mitigation wetland will have vertical structure composed of various tree and shrubplanllii.gs The impacted wetland is s~rounded by urban development, lacks desire food species (mowed grasses), and lacks suitable shelter. The impacted wetland'has-very little plant diversity and is surrounded by urban developmel1t. The mitigation area has subtle microtopography and greater plant diversity . Note: Fish habitat suppoI1 and Thermor,egulation was not asses.sed due to the lack of watenvay I habitat \vithi.'1 t...~e subject site. \Vater Storage & Delay Sediment Stabilization & Phosphorus Retention Nitrogen Removal . Prinlary Production Invertebrate Habitat Support .-'\mphibian & Turtle Habitat Songbird Habitat Support Waterbird. Support Support of Characteristic Vegetati9n Low Low Low LDW None None or Incidental None None LDW Moderately Low Modeiate Moderate Moderate rvfoderate Moderate Moderate Moderately Low Moderate '. Impacted wetlands solely supported by precipitation. rY1:itigation ar~ vdll receive small amounts of upgrament runoff from railroad right-of-,,,'ay. Date R~'?f?jyed:4!5( Planner: MM " t~.'''' . , . , Table 2. Updated Mitigation Construction Schedule for Farah & Parker LLC. lVlitigation Task Begi.n Completion Clear blackberries, remove sod! seed bap.k Salvage tops\'')il from wetland impact areas Remove and dispose of old fJi material Excavation / construction staki.T1g .1\1itigation gradiT"\g, depression formation Preliminary native steding p.rosion control placement (for ,,,,inter) Corrective finished grading Native seed purchase, broadcast seeding Tree and s~b,planting '-" Willow staking Completed August 2002 Task deleted due to weedv seed hank Completed August 2002 ~ Completed August 2002 . Completed August 2002 Completed late October 2002 As specified by City of Springfield late August 2003 mid-Sept 2003 late Sept. 2003 mid-Oct. 2003 late Nov. 2002 late Feb. 2003 early Feb. 2002 late Feb. 2002 'Vi...~ter.Spring hidro1ogv monitoring ~,yeed controlmm,ving, herbicideapplic. lUll'tuaJ monitoring, reports ' Rep,lacement plantings, additional seeding Dec-Mav Jrm~-A,;'g. Jrme-Dec. NOV.-Feb. 2003 to 2008 2003 to 2008 2003 to 2008 2003 to 2008 Date R,eceived: (1)/;/ a Planner: MM 4-'- ! . -.-......... i ~ "\ -' .' , \ , : i I , , ~ I ! ! Creoted Ditch lor ODrw Proporly o sc NOTE: OHW oontalnod wl1hln l!I:xlatfng. IdQrm water dftch. '- ,-........., Vaoant Indust.-la'_ r...... .--.....;. Land ~" .-'-- ._1- '---'- ~--'- [Khttlng 'i'- I I , , r I I , ,1m ~ .................... I ".-.01.........".,; \ I........... \. ,-'- , , , , , , , , ~.,~, \ , , , , I , , , Legend WllItland flllqd tn 2002 CIS per Carpa Be OSL p.rmll (no OHW) RemainIng -O~66-aor8 wetland to be f111fl1d Sn 2003 upon DSL permit nmoVfol (no OHW) ;:;oth StrB1iJ1'- ,-...... I \ ""-...J Storm Wator DUch - ., 'TI""T'l"-~, ""It " ), " " I , I ,_ I I I , , , I \ , , -@ -* ~, NOTE: MlfIgatlon aroas preVJOUSIY< ~._~ ffllBd (>40YfJo.a ago) hlllnoo all mltlgcdlon Is rosforaflon. ---470 Renewal Exlsftng 16 ft. ~PUE' for. Aooen I~oud / .-- I I , I " " " " " " v .' '-'- .-'-'-'-. - -.-'- ~ "I:.-.;.~"'~' '- r--... futuro RssldentlQI_ r-..... '-"""'; - Land ~"' Qlo t '0 .5.x'U) :Eli] ,j",,,, 0.. 7 /--) -j ci/ FI>> .'.'.,' :. I 1i~i/>,. - (I . :! ~ :...<1> L <.'"" =;'~Ta Sclence,lnc. sOIl~or. '" Weiland Consullanls I I r I I' r--- , r " I r , , ,. I I I I r Wetland Fill Appllcatlon and Permit for Farah and I'arl<er Su\1divislon Springfield, Lana County,. Oregon INCH=250 FEET ~" 1\l,...j',.nr-"...., 250 500 August 2003 . 4.69.5 ,~. ~ i'~::!~iE-* ' , f' 16 II. PUE fO' Futuro AQ:con Road Upon DSL Permit Ronowal Pruervod RlpllrJan For,,,,Jt (no OHW) Existing Conditions '---"/ l' Block Vlnyf-CfJofe-d Chaln-Ullk Fence' to Continue o-n North SIde of Streot ." GS c::: ;;0 m N . & ~ 'ch'- -W"~+ - NOTE: OHW contained withIn exIsting slon" water dItch. "'J'- Vacantd~~U'frlal--J'-..... Exl.llng 10ft. PUE for ^-ccess Road '"00 -I>> 1>>.... ~(I) ~..,., (I). '^' :-!@ 3: <'. 3: CO n . ~ ~~~~~:~~aot'i 0;66-ocr. ;:) .....\ Wetland Fill Application and Permit for Farah and Porker Subdivision' Springfield. Lone County, Oregon I to fl. PilE tor Future Access Road Upon" OSL Permit RonewQI Pr"36rved RIparian ForQst (no OHW) Wetland Impacts and Proposed Residential Plan Blaok Vlnyl-Coatod ChaJn-Unlc Fence to ConnnuG: em North Sldo of Stro!3t Terra Science.lnc. Renewal '11 - Q C Al m w Soli, Wl7ll-er, &: Wetland Consultants o .125 SCALE: 1 INCH=250 FEET 250 ,".f-.Il!il;\f~ 500 August 2003 b. ,dW~."I~__\,~, 25-Foot Buffer WETLAND PRAIRIE, 1.64 Re. 1- - ~ - _ _ Ditch . tufted halrgrass, spike '. - -~ I Inflow bentgras6, slender rush, spreading W I~ . - - - -.. ~~~--.... __ . - _ ~ ,o';,~:;~:~~~m~:~~,~.:" i: . .;(/1 G ravel I Access . _ ~~~~~,~. Rd. 61n. II _ _ ~.~j-~~~- ....""",~~>,.. overflow. ..:- _' ...pE"i'=" .' ..,,~,>,o,:!!lc~ Pipe .' r -.-...-" .. 'FT"'" . """'''''~ ~'''''''' . :1' "c:;;;;r~ - I, ~ :-:~~ ~~i~~,. If,."""".' .'..'''''!oO,....~... I ,'V ~".."''':';- ! n I:' I I I I I. I I Ir-' I I '00 ~!!l. , 1I> t~ . f: <' . 'l'r@BA SCIENCE, INC. .. Soil, Walar 11 Vet/and Consultanfs EMERGENT BOTTOMI_AND AND FORESTED FRINGE, .. 2.01 ac. Black cottonwood, willow, red- osier dogwood, tufted halrgrass, small-fruited bulrush, water foxtail, cattail, spikerush and western manmigrass ----- t.. / ..---- (~ ti I UJ I ~' I :c B g ---r- MITIGATION BUFI'ER Blgleaf maple, red alder, Douglas-fir, hazeinut, serviceberry, crabapple, ciustered rose, red fescue, and blue wlldrye. WETLAND FILL APPPLlCATION AND PERMIT RENEWAL FOR FARAH & PARKER SUBDIVISION Springfield, Lane County,Oreg. ~ ~<:> ,~ ~ ~ ..,e. .... )",---,~ ____. ~ , -'~"-, \,v ,// '~r/ . -' ~I~~:~~-~'~'::.~--,---=- .--------- --~~- ===1. I I I I I I I I Cuivert Under Road Replacement Buffer Zone for East Gravel Access Road (O.10-acre) 12-Ft. Wide Gravel Access Rd. (proposed) ......... .-..- Residential Housing ...-~ MITIGATION PLANTING CONCEPT :II G) c :0 m ---J AUGUST 2003 Approx. Scale 1 Ill. ~ 110 fl. o umn.0l0\~~"'" .jj""#ll<j""~...J_l>."",, 110ft. 220ft.