HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes, Work PLANNER 6/17/2008 . . :City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 LAND DIVISION PLAT PRE-SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST Subdivision . ('/I7./of Date ReceiVed:If.J;');~k Planner: MM ~i't'fT Project Name: Hoerauf Subdivision Project Proposal: Pre-submittal for Subdivision Plat for 6-lot subdivision Case,Number: PRE2008-00014 Project Address: 1290 F Street, Springfield Assessors Map and Tax Lot Number(s): 17033622 TL 6000' Zoning: Low Density Residential (LDR) Overlay District(s): N/A Applicable Refinement Plan: N/A Refinement Plan Designation: N/A Metro Plan Designation: , Low Density Residential (LDR) Tentative Decision Date: November 9, 2006 Pre-Submittal Meeting Date: February 26, 2008 Application Submittal Deadline: November 9, 2008 Associated Applications: PRJ2006-00055, ZON2006-00031, PRE2006-00077, SUB2006- 00057 r:~~~~~PRINGfiIEI]DIJ)EVcECOIP:E~~~~E~:EWMsT;E;&;M~~~U'-'"'--';n=:~~~'EI r. I Proiect Planner I Land Use Planninq Mark Metzqer 726-3775 I Transportation Planninq Enqineer I Transportation Gary McKenney 726-4585 I Public Works Civil Enqineer Utilities Eric Walter 736-10341 I Public Works Civil Enqineer Sanitary & Storm Sewer Eric Walter 736-1034 I Deputy Fire Marshal Fire and Life Safety Gilbert Gordon I 726-22931 I Community Services Manaqer I Buildinq Dave Puent I 726-3668 WAeeLtIe;&;NTJ&Sl1DEVcEl!:OeMENT~REWEWji11EAM.~"""_r!€~'l!',ll Applicant/Owner Engineer Gordon Hoerauf Dan Nelson 638 McKenzie Crest Dr. Branch Engineering, Inc. Springfield, Oregon 97477 310 Fifth Street Sprinqfield, OR 97477 1[11] t 1111- 6/17/2008 10f6 The items needed to make '[he application complete for rev'tew are incorporated below., NOTE: Date Received: ~ . Conditions of Approval - taken from Notice of Decision datedP~cMt1 !/In! . Applicant Response - taken from: 2/26/2008 /condition #1: The applicant shall record an irrevocable joint use access easements for Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 prior tq Final Plat approval. ' Applicant Response: A copy of the proposed easement document is included for review in this submittal. Staff Finding: A Joint Use Easement document is enclosed in the submittal. The joint easements for lots 1, 2 and lots 3, 4, and 5 show on the final plat. The easement documents will be recorded with the Final Plat. vk'ondition #2: Execute and record an Improvement Agreement for street lighting on 'F'Street. Applicant Response: A copy of the requested document is included for review in this submittal. , Jtaff Findin~: The Improvement Agreement is enclosed and will be recorded with the Final Plat. (Z}:ondition #3: The applicant shall repair the damaged portion of the existing sidewalk prior to Final Plat approval. Applicant Response: Field inspection and discussion with contractor has presented repair concerns. A discussion is requested at the pre-submittal meeting to address these concerns. Staff Finding: A staff person from PW Maintenance inspected the tree and sidewalk on 2/25/08 and has indicated that the sidewalk has been lifted more than 2" and cannot be ground down. The slab must be removed and replaced with one or more slabs to allow for slope and drainage. irofessional arborist should be called after the slab has been removed to examine the root s ucture causirig the uplift and to recommend how best to resolve the sidewalk issue. , ondition #4: All electrical lines shall be placed underground for both new and existing homes on-site Applicant Response: The contractor has stated that all electrical lines have been placed underground and SUB has connected to the power grid. Staff Finding: There is evidence of electrical service to the site. Condition #5: Maintain 20 feet clear widths on the panhandle driveway per 2004 Springfield' Fire Code 503.2.1. Applicant Response: This was addressed with the approved construction plans. Staff Finding: The panhandle driveway meets the 20 ft. clear width requirement. yrndition #6: Prior to ~igning of the Final Plat, the applicant shall install "No Parking-Fire Lane . signage" posted on both sides of the proposed joint access driveways for Lots 1, 2,3 and 4 perSFC 503.3 and SFC Appendix D1 03. 6. Applicant Response: The contractor will be installing the signs before submittal of mylars to prevent vandalism. Staff Finding: Signs have not been installed. 6/17/2008 20f6 Condition #7: Fire apparatus access roads shall support an 80,000 lb. imposed load per ?C!..o? J' Springfield Fire Code 503.2.3 and SFC Appendix 0100ate Received: u~ Applicant Response:This was addressed 'with the approved constnP~REPiaMfY1 l Staff Finding: The driveway and joint access driveway were built to meet the standard. /condition #8: Prior to Final Plat approval, the applicant shall execute and record joint-use , access easements as proposed to support shared driveway accesses. Applicant Response: A copy of the proposed easement document is included for review in this submittal. Staff Finding: The Joint Use Access Easement is enclosed with the submittal. The document will be recorded with the Final Plat. 6ondition #9: The applicant shall pave the existing graVele~ driveway serving Lot 6 prior to . approval of Final Plat. ' Applicant Response: Field inspection has shown this completed. Please refer to the enclosed' picture dated 2/19/08. Staff Finding: The ioint access drivewav has not been built to the desion reoresented in the aooroved tentative olat. The drivewav must be 'comoleted accordino to submitted alan for final, aporovaL ~ondition #10: Provide ~nd maintain adequate vision clearance triangles at the corners of all lot driveways per SOC 32.070. Applicant Response: This restriction is noted on the plat. Staff Finding: The vision triangle requirement is shown as Note #2 on the Final Plat. @ondition #11: Prior to Final Plat approval, the proposed joint use access easements shall be paved. Applicant Response: Field inspection has shown this completed. Please refer to the enclosed pictures dated 2/19/08. Staff Finding: Staff has verified that the joint access driveway has been paved. It is apparent thatthe joint access driveway has not been built to the vtondition #12: The applicant shall apply for an LOA~ from the City of Springfield prior to undertaking any fill and/or grading for road improvements and/or building construction on site. Applicant Response: This was addressed at the time building permits were issued. Staff Finding: No record of an LDAP (No Tidemark record) could be found at this writin~. vConditio~ #.13: The ~PPlicant shall apply for a tree felling permit prior to felling more than 5 trees on the site with 5 inch dbh or greater (within a consecutive 12-month periodl . Applicant Response: At this time, less than 5 trees with 5" DBH or greater have been felled. Staff Finding: There was nq evidence that trees were inappropriately removed. Heads Up Comments: 1. 6/17/2008 3 of 6 THIS APPUCATION IS: 1 /,,-,1 ( Date ReCeiVed:~b D COMPLETE FOR PROCESSING Planner: MM' [g] INCOMPLETE AND NEEDS MISSING INFORMATION NOTED ABOVE City Planner Date THIS IS NOT A DECISION ON THE PLAT. The plat pre-submittal meeting shall be held within one year of the date of the Land Division Tentative approval. A complete Land Division Plat application shall be submitted within 180 days of the pre-submittal meeting. If the applicant has not submitted the Land Division Plat application within these time frames, the Land Division Tentative approval shall become null and void and re-submittal of the Land Division Tentative application shall be required per SDC 5.2-140., I, the owner/applicant, intend to submit all missing items indicated herein to the City within the lBO-day timeline. Owner/Applicant's Signature Date' 6/17/2008 40f6 . . Land Division Plat Application Process (see next page for a diaeJ"a~ ~~eiV&i~ss) ~ It? /6(/ 1. Applicant Submits a Land Division Plat APPl'ication for Pr~~~'W,!rli~M I' . The application must conform to the Land Oivision Plat Pre-Submittal Requirements ' Checklist on pages 5 & 6 of this application packet. . The purpose of pre-submittal is to ensure the applicant has all items necessary for a complete submittal. . A pre-submittal meeting to discuss completeness is mandatory. . Pre-submittal meetings are conducted every Tuesday and Friday, from 10:00am - noon. . We strive to conduct the pre-submittal meetings within five to seven working days of ,receiving the application. 2.' Applicant and the City Conduct the Pre-Submittal Meeting . The applicant, owner, and design team are strongly enc'ouraged to attend the pre- submittal meeting. . The meeting is held with representatives from Public Works Engineering and Transportation, Community Services (Building), Fire Marshall's office, and the Planning Division. . The meeting is scheduled for 30 to 60 minutes. . The Planner provides the applicant with a Pre-Submittal Checklist at the end of the meeting specifying the items required to make the application complete if it is not already complete. . The applicant-will then have 180 days to make the application complete for submittal and acceptance by the City. ' 3. Applicant Submits a Complete Land Division Plat Application . When the applicant has addressed all items on the Pre-Submittal Checklist and the City Surveying Section has notified the applicant's surveyor that the plat and other documents are sufficiently refined, the applicant can submit a complete application to the City Survey Section located in the NW Quad of City Hall. . The application must conform to the Land Division Plat Submittal Requirements Checklist on page 6 of this application packet. . If the submittal is deemed complete, the City Survey Section will sign-off on the City Survey approval sheet and send the applicant to the Development Service;s Department for application submittal and fee collection. . Planning staff checks and signs the mylars. 4. Applicant Records Plat at Lane CountY &. Submits Plat and Documents to City . After Planning staff checks and signs the mylars, the plat may then be recorded by the applicant's surveyor at Lane County. . After plat has been recorded at Lane County, applicant submits five (5) recorded, rolled paper copies of the plat and three (3) copies of required documents to the Development Services Department prior to the issuance of building permits. , . I' LAND DIVISION PLAT APPLICATION eR~:'t.!'1ie'r I , rlsRAcr: 1\11'1 I I Applicant submits land division plat application for pre-submittal (See Land Division Plat Pre-Submittal Requirements Checklist) 1 City departments review application for completeness and hold pre-submittal meeting to discuss completeness issues with applicant and applic:ant's representatives. ~~ , Applicant addresses incomplete items. I City Surveyor checks application and returns comments to applicant's surveyor. Applicant's surveyor corrects plat and returns to Cjty Surveyor. City Surveyor conducts field check and returns comments to applicant's surveyor ~ /' Applicant's surveyor sets new monuments and flags existing ones. 1 Once no errors appear on the plat and a current title report is submitted, applicant's surveyor is given ok to submit complete land division plat application. 1 1 After ok given from City'Surveyor and applicant has addressed all incomplete items from r pre-submittal, applicant submits complete application to the City Survey Section I (See Land Division Plat Submittal Requirements Checklist) 1 City Survey Section signs-off on City Survey approval sheet and sends the applicant to the DevelopmentServices Department for appli,cation submittal and fee collection. 1 Planning staff checks and signs mylars and notifies applicant's surveyor of approval. 1 Applicant takes plat and accompanying documents to Lane County for recording. f , 1 Applicant brings copies of recorded plat and documents to Development Services Department. Revised 9/26/07 Molly Markarian 6 of 6