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Permit Correction Notice 2009-10-2 (3)
..r'."""., ,'::;<I"~-"W~,l'I~'''''''"'''''''''l''"'''f''~w.,...p>'-'':'-"''"'-''.,<....,,,...:tf!l,''''';~'''~'''''~=<..~~fl\<~j,jjr~;\.!'mii<~"" I . ."~rf"-">I"I'~V"'1\llI" ,,,,,.,.,.~ "f'iw:'r.t~I"l'~r.;"l"l''!rr'~'f'"'''''''''''''~',''''''' ,.' ",~_1U""'1f'lflP"".'t'Jit11'f~~ . . "l" ('l'- , ll.' l.',......j ; , """", t<t.~J, 'J~" \. .. " . "',,' SPRINGFIELD '~/ City of Springfield/Development Services Building Safety 22S Fifth Street Date:}O 1-.2:...../,<')Cj il i Job# ( q - (J()7/).'; Address: ) 2-<f l ~I.dI H .' /j/ Inspection Type: :'h~../ ,f~.4-~:""r - J ~- TO: / ~M"&:;...r ( LJ..,J:;"j-; / \:/ 1!Iu~, /1 ~.AN'_I'4"I'", h~d1A','t..+-. , - 'tI /i".,.",J... (11[J fJPk) , " ffr]/J , J..~ J/ ~().,;..fJ/_ I f f"", k~.j _, , " /..-X-i ., .,:, v" ;1, . ~ " . '-~L~ ",;:'.-," \' ~: Cor~ections and reinspection request shall be made within, 30 calendar days. Ii. Call for reinspection 0yes DNo' Inspector ~ _Date: ~"''''''''''~~''''''''''''''''''Call for inspection. 726-3769';'''''''''''''",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Questions 726-3759",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .,- - ';''''>:''~'~''/l,''''''~~''':'_".,;/'':_~, "';"> ',,',", .-. >i..~y.),,,:.:_..i:~ ,; .~,I..",,'1:'"";;,,;.i1\." '"~'~;iC.,'.;,.".,l-'."" ,~:_",<~~~!.. .,'-:..~/,~.,,". "\,}o.. .' .,,1.