HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2009-8-4 f ~) ~. .I'iiJPCl81r . ~.., _ Jf-'1-oUfc" Date: 8/4/2009 ~/ (I f(t 'J!1J,. (r~f ) ~t~z f..1t. r16. 2."I~ 525 NW Second Street, CQlvilllis, Oreoo097330 d 800.383.8B55 ph 5~1.758.1301 Ix 541.753.2264 www.claircompan)..com Daily Field Report Time Arri\:ed: 7:00 AM Project # : I)roject Name: SHMC - Parking Structure #2 Addre~s: 3383 RiverBcnd Drive Building: PS#' Permil #: (COM2009.01372) . Sperialln~pectlOn:---~ Period: Client Name: continuous Type of Inspections Performed ~ Reinforcing Steel ~ Reinforced Concrete o Concrete Forms o Structural Masonry o Sholcrete ~ Epoxy Anchors o Fire Proofing o Other: Specific Plllcemenl Locntions Curb for leve16 elevator enclosure 8-3.09 rebar epoxied. 8-4-09 concrete poured. Noll': o Structural Steel Fabrication o Structural Steel Erection o Ex pansion Bolts o Geotech Obsen:ations o Struclural Fills o Sub-grade (footings/slabs) o Pile Drh'ing ] 190-006 292 -==>, I I I I I No. : PeaceHealth Weather Conditions: overcast Equipment Type Serial Number ij Type of Material: Supplier Mix # Slump/Flow (in.) Material Temp. (01<1 Ambient Temp. (OF) Time Placed Concrete Grout Mortar " II II II II II II II II II II II II____J/ II II II " No. of Samples Design Strenglh (PSI) Total Cubic Yds. o Previously listed uncorrecled,items o Changes 10 appro\'ed plans and/or specifications by Archilecl,or Enginetr o Corrections of previousl)' listed items o Items requiring correction D Materials and methods of consll"uction o Equipment used (i.e. what was used to proof 1"011 or obtain compaction) Fil'M Ohsl'lVations and Comml'nh ~ Reinfol"cing steel was checked in locations listed abo\'(', for gnde. size, lap, placemenl and clearances where applicable. Observed #4 dowels epoxied into existing concrete slab of PS2. Holes drilled 32" OC to 3-112" depth. brushed and blown out with compressed air. Lee Construction employed a company other than Clair to locate PT cable in slab prior to drilling holes for dowels and holes to secure forms. Barry Architect, originally speced out Hilti Hit BY 150 adhesive. but Lee Construction used Simpson Set 22, lot #035034. expo 01/31120 II. Lee received verbal approval from Barry Architect to use Simpson instead of Hilti. Paperwork to be forwarded to Clair office. Approx. ]/2 yd concrete from Nation's Mini Mix site mixed concrete. 2500 psi was called for but 3000 psi used. No samples were taken at this inspection due to qwmtity and specified psi. Reference Documents: Barry Architect iob description, -A;; mutual protection LO c1i~;~I;;;:-bJic, and ourselves, all reports arc submitted as confidenlial property of clienls and are inler;;!edfor the use of our clients or No other person or entity may utilile the report or Wly ponion thereofwilhout our written pennission. . " 1 s/ q,,-OOI ftP". P..s~l ~ DATA GROUND PENETRATING RADAR EXPERTS Mike Duggan Lee Construction 9/1/2009 ~ - RE: River Bend parking Structure .----- Dear Mike, We have scanned the areas required for the improvements in the parking structure and have the following coordinates for your hole penetrations. Area 1 X=ll, Y=6.79 Drill 12" hole to 3.75" only. Drill 6" hole thru You will cut I rebar end only. Area 2 X=8, Y=9.45 Drill 12" hole to 4" only. Drill 6" hole thru. Cut I piece ofrebar with 12" hole. Area 3 X=10.80, Y=8.0 Drill 12" hole to 4" only. Drill 6" hole thru. You will not hit any rebar. The curb area was done with line scan method and marked in the field. Mike Edwards Partner/Senior GPR Analyst GPR Data LLC (541)953-0039 ~/ ~C>/.M_ "~ ~~.o-I?> ~ V1.fJ..f.-. I '1-Y--ot'l S{t'~t,~1' - fS-lY'2. STRUCTURAL INSPECTION Fwd. Reference #: S- Page#: One of: RI(PORT #: B-13629 .) ::--....- ~ Back Reter~IIL.t:: '1+. c- REQUEST AND REPORT FORM Print clearly. Use one form for each inspection. 525 NW Second Street. Corvallis, Oregon 97330 If 800.383.8855 ph S41.758.1302 Ix 541.753.2264 Permit Holder: Peace Health ISite Address: Contact: Date Closed: SHMC phone: (541) 741.3085 fax: (541) 741-7911 WINW.claircompany.com Tom DeFever (541) 230-0308 Project #: Permit #: Jurisdiction: r ; ;~1-e71-4--......, 'cOM2009-01372 / "lJllllynela Site Phone: Ii REQUEST A: (type) _Thurs_Fri_ Inspection at or before: Building: IFloor: System: Gridline: Ito Gridline: Grid: _ and/or Pkg: _ Vol. _ of _ Sheet: Grid: AM/PM Date: I I Mon_Tue_Wed Description: Location/Rm#: Pkg: _ Vol_ of _ Sheet: I Date: 'INSPECTION.RESUL TS: The followina conditions are to be corrected and subiect to reinspection unless conditionallv aooroved. Check or "Y" = Affirmativellncluded "X" or "N" = Negative/not included N/A = Not Applicable IOK 'NO' Final Bldg Inspection for PS2 Elevator Enclosure (Top Level): , Corrections: 1. Submit permit application and obtain "no fee" building permit for this project. This issue was discussed with Kirk Haskell who will provide the appropriate paperwork to CLAIR. Permit must be filed prior to closing this project. 2. Submit record of PT Tendon Cable location documentation for project record. It is our understanding from talking with Mike from Lee Construction that no tendons were damaged when drilling for three drain inlets and rebar dowels for cub wall. 3. Provide evidence of final inspection request and results for storm drainage plumbing installation. CLAIR discussed with Mike this issue and CLAIR will send a plumbing inspector out for inspection. IIN PROGRESS: No decision given. Date: I Signature: FAIL - DO NOT COVER! Date: CONDITIONAL APPROVAL: Date: 9/4 109 Signature: Signature: Allan Clair x PASS Proceed with work. Date: I Signature: NIJTICE: STRUCTURAL CORRECTIONS: CorrectIons are reqUIred to completed within 20 calendar days unless other arrangements are made with the inspector. OAR 918-271-0030 OAR 918-785-0230 "Urrll;t: l,;Ut"r toN TRACtOR'S COPY TURNER'S COPY INSPECTOR'S COPY 0010 Site Ins~ection I 0011 Erosion/Gradino Insoection 0015 Footin,o 0017 Foundation 0019 Slab 0021 Post and Beam 0023 Floor Insulation 0025 Fireolace 0027 Shear Wall Naillnp 0029~Framing Insoection RCSIS1R&Rf11103105 0031"Walllnsulation -+ 0033 Ceili~o Insulation -+ 0035 Roofing -+ 0037 D.rvwall _ 0040 MasonrY _ 0051 Firewall -+ 0055 Lath/Plaster -+ 0057 Reinforced GYDsum Concrete 0059 Pilino, Drilled Piers/Caission 0061 Bolts Installed in Concrete 0063 Structural Concrete -+ 0065 Roof Sheathino/Naillno _ 0067 Glu.Lam Beams -+ 00691Ceilina Grid _ 0071 "Hold Downs Installed -+ 0073 EJ?ox~ Anchors _ 0075 Hi,ah StrenjJth Boltino -+ 0077 Structural Welds _ 0079 Structural Masonrv _ 0081 Sprayed On FireDroofina 0100 SDecial.Structural _ 0114 Insulation VaDor Barrier -+ 0130 Rou!l!1 Gradina far Pavino 0134 Final Pavina -+ 0184 Fence _ 0190 Proqressive InsDection _ 0199 Final Buildino _ x 10ther: _ - - --= - - - - -+ - -. r\1'\ 8111.5 hie' (IS 2. fe.{H.4-wcJ. 'H.J.'QQ ~J..,I" ?s'7... I . ,~ ~v IIEjL81r STRUCTURAL INSPECTION Fwd. Reference #: B- REQUEST AND REPORT FORM (REPORT #:B-~5~ t:la~~ Rldrldrence #: B-13629 Print clearly. Use one form for each inspection. 525 NW Second Street, Corvallis, Oregon 97330 11800.363.6655 ph541.758.1302 tx541.753.2264 Permit Holder: Peace Health ISite Address: IContact: Date: 1 1 Mon_Tue_Wed Page#: One of: Date Closed: SHMC phone: (541) 741-3065 lax: (541) 741-7917 WW'W.claircompany.com Tom DeFever (541) 230-0308 Project #: Permit #: Jurisdiction: 1141-021-4 CCOM2009-01372 '3 Springfield Site Phone: II REQUEST A: (type) _Thurs_Fri_ Description: Location/Rm#: Pkg: _ Vol_ of _ Sheet: Inspection at or before: Building: I Floor: System: Gridline: Ito Gridline: Grid: _ and/or Pkg: _ Vol. _ of _ Sheet: Grid: AMIPM IDate: INSPECTION RESUL T5: The followin.o conditions are to be corrected and subiect to reinspection unless conditionallv aooroved. . I OK Check or "Y" = Affirmativellncluded "X" or "N" = Negative/not included N/A = Not Applicable INOt< Final Bldglnspection for PS2 Elevator Enclosure (Top Level): The 3 correction items listed in Report 13629 have been corrected. Final inspection is approved. permit can be closed. IN PROGRESS: No decision given. Date: FAIL - DO NOT COVER! Date: CONDITIONAL APPROVAL: Date: II I Signature: Signature: Signature: I x PASS Proceed with work. Date: 9 1 21/09 Signature: Allan Clair NchICE: STRUCTURAL C..,,,,,,,':;TIONS: Corrections are required to completed Within 20 calendar days unless other 'ut-t-/t;!:t;Ul'r CONTRACTOR'S COPY tURNER'S Cbtiy /NSPECtok's COPY Jl010 Site In~oi'~li~n I ..QQ11 Erosion/G'adino I"~~~~li~n 0015 Footinp, 0017 Foundation 0019 Slab 0021 Post and Beam 0023 Floor Insulation 0025 Fireolace 0027 Shear Wall Nailina 0029 Framino Insoection RCSIS1R&R111IOJJ05 arran~ements are made with the inspector OAR 918-271-0030 OAR 918-785-0230 . . 0031'Walllnsulation --+. 0071"Hold Downs Installed --+ 0033 ~eilina Insulation --+ 0073 Epoxy Anchors --+ 0035 loolin.g --+ - 0075 H!oh Stren,qth Boltino --+ 0037 l.rvwall --+ 0077 Structural Welds _ 0040 ~ason!" _ 0079 Structural Masonrv _ 0051 'irewall --+ 0081 So raved On Fireoroolina 0055 lath/Plaster _ -""'01Do Soecial.Structural _ 0057 Reinforced Gyo.sum Concrete 0114 Insulation Vaoor Barrier _ 0059'Pilino, Drilled Piers/Caission . 0130 Roup~ Gradina lar Pavina 0061 Bolts Installed in Concrete 0134 Final Pavino _ 0063 Structural Concrete _ 0184 Fence --+ 0065jROOI Sheathino/Nailino _ 0190 Prooressive Insoection _ 0067 Glu.lam Beams _ l 0199 Final Buildina _ x 0069 Ceilino Grid _ lOther: _ - - - - - --+ - --+ - -I ---.--c=.---...... p - ....-. --.. '---'-"1P'--"'--' ...,,-._- .",.... , '-"i'" ,,-q,i1"oqs:~ fl~. . Q_ stDf>ots"... L\I\l.- ._ ..... ..._.... .'n... ..," . -----------<;-/ '.,-'..-- :,... .~_.._._.._._..- --.-"'.---...... -- Back Reference...: 1-'- Date Closed: SHMC .phone: (541) 741-3085 fax: (541) 741-7917 .. :www.clalrcompany.com..RichMiller(541)501-8095 .' proJect#~iV\f.l'&,(,~, . . . Per~:"" C()YYJdO{fl - 0 I?> '1-a.,'\'--,; JurisdictRmC~ Springfie~ ~ - . - .",,="-=~., ...- Inspection at or before:' AM/PM I Date: OJ I II I ~Cl Building: % :5brt.!iFI?Or: -'(;'Q r System: GfOYh'I dl11..WlcUlp. l Gridline: Ito Gridtrne: Grid: _ and/or Pkg: _ Vol. _ of _ Sheet: Grid: Fr'Reference#"p"---~.,,---, ---.-- .....'m . . .... ... ..... -- .-.. ." . - .~ORT#: p. 13( o~O) " . ---- '1 Page#: One of: el i'\e. HosoltallOHVloannlt Print clearly, Use one form for each Inspection. t1:ltl NW ~econc:l ::iUe;et, l,;orvallls, Oregon 97330 . tl800.383.8855 ph 541.758,1302 IX 541.753.2264 Permit Holder: Site Address: 3333 River Bend Dr. Sprinpfleld OR. ..-I Contact: Site Phone: ....joate: q 1 11 1 oct Ii REQUEST A: (tyPe) I Mon_Tue_Wed_Thurs_Fri 'I. IDescription: I Location/Rm#: LOp I_e..ve\ Pkg: _ Vol_ of _ Sheet: ~. 1,!!.iL8Ir PLUMBING INSPECTION REQUEST AND REPORT FORM INSPECTION RESULTS: The followlna conditions are to be corrected and sub1ect to ralnspectloJ'l unless condltionallv acoroved. I OK Check or "Y" = Affirmative/Included "X'; or "N" == Negative/not Included N/A CI Not Applicable ~ -., NOf< Lvt.,;p",,..+,tM .<<;o/-.nVWl ,d,\"'1ili1IA:q~ p;~AY\d dec.k.drlt~lI!~ "V\~t'AJI.p..a ~(1)l1'\~l.pJ;iOVl ~f tJI~~tl1aJ 6':19t.eWl ...,hll-\Nd o.o\.~'~t ~Dl1t&l kW'n.1V1 t:, 11,p-eae"2l Q htAJh~ 11'- ~,jI!i1,C\V1GLe..t~pJ _v'I.ll:w{M!J..f;w\4l,..w!"..ftA,c.e+LI'JW6 tY\, IK. +Fe.d:.e.d t'1-\'" P jJ.,o;, . . :f,vr_..;t:;-iAJ.,(OL-tlO/lf-EtIiV\AtJ.vd r. S t" - '2..o(l~ 1tLh\~~ ~Ap;f-Jk1J11 -"';f'r_-h/lVl 'Z,S.4 ~te..; ~'/I. 5~pp-v.tdpd? lil1Ph..&IIJI be. 6(J-~ttlklu bl-1.lce4~ PVf-VP-I'lt t1lJV'l'Zfl~tAlftlAlt'!I.p1AII.pYlt-. . An p~'i~-.<1 .1..w1 d,V.1..~I'tt;, i-Iw~br~;Vl~r!--lIPQ\ &yJt\FpI1JVP..J . ..' -.~~~Jl~ ~.~~::~~~ 91 tj:Jd:>I/l/l1I8J?& tr~m~w~ .. :::;:.:..r_._._.._..____:~;~~=lJRl..({L".<~(.!!.;.::iJ:l=..L., .. :_.u... '. t:'1..... I IN PROGRESS: No decision given. Date: 1 I Signature: FAIL. DO NOT COVERI . Date: I" 1 Signature: CONDITIONAL APPROVAL: . Date: I I Signature: /) IJ . PASS Proceed with work. Date:...1-LllltJ1 Signature: ~ -/~........ NOTICE: PLUMBING.CORRECTIONS: .Corrections are required to complEll€cVwlthln 2 lendar days unless other- - I . -.. .' arrangements are made with the inspector. OAR 9-W-'785-020 4)..... ....' - ... . OFFICECOI'Y. . 92)6 Rough Plumbing'. '.' '.-+ 0270 Speclal.Plumbing "_' CONTRACTORS COPY' i' . .0218 ~hower Pan -+ . 0278 Underslab Medical Gas _' TURNER'S COpy, . - .0220 Water Line . .-+ . 0280 Underground Medical Gas INSPECTOR'SOOPY 0226 Sanitary Sewer Line _ 0284 Rough Medical Gas _ . .0207 Underslab Plumblng..-+ . 0230 Stonn Sewer Line -+:>4 0289 Final Medical Gas .. _ . 0210 Underground Plumbing -+ 0250 Backflow Device -+ 0290 ProgreslIve Inspection _ .\ 0212 Underfloor Plumbing -+ 0252 Grease Trap -+ 0299,Final Plumbing _ RC:;IIPJI.&Rl11/031O& .Hf(-&P! br~ ~ Pf~ 5/ Bill Shaw approval From: Bill shaw'[bills@berryarch,com] Sent: Friday, september 18, 2009 11:22 AM TO: leeco7@callatg.com subject: RE: River Bend HOSp email of rebar report.txt Mike, I've reviewed the GPR Data report. It is approved. Bill -----original Message----- From: leeco7@callatg.com [mailto:leeco7@callatg.com] Sent: Tuesday, september 15, 2009 4:24 PM To: bills@berryarch.com subject: FW: River Bend HOSp Bill here is the report from GPR Data. Alan clair said to treat it as a construction submittal. Your e-mailed approval back to me was all that he recquired. when I have that, I will forward it to him and Kirk and that should close out the project. Thanks Mi.ke . Page 1