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Permit Correction Notice 2009-10-6
<" > '_"'. ',~ _ _ ',', _,.....:~ .....t '.~N;'.;\.>, t .'~'";. ~.,;' .._'\":....<., ~~, ,<...tf;.....,,\t;,N.l...fn:;.,....'~~,!-- ~:;II{~pl:f',';t..",..Jf,'y,"'-->:;'.;r..i~,,;;~.i'-'4.w..MJr.f'i\. l.f'Jtt.,...~~~&,~t;.:~'~~~~~~,4>~t,!:tJI't: City of Springfield/Development Services Building Safety 225 Fifth Street J--~'" f~~:b~ >\ Date: ItJ I...!...-/ tJ Cf Job# C 0/ - 1'2 S"'15 Address: ?It( 3 'l J Vy sl. ~~specti~n Type: h., J /31< ck/ 'c- w.iL~ ToReuv m&UP71.. f~') t/eclne. IlIfc./ltJ,lZ: Ycc~t//"'dt <l?14 IA;t~1 w..114 '7t<.~ 1'00"11 lJof W(;Y,k/.-4 " .J Ivee ZlO, 7~.' (cIt1'Ii') /1 "t,1s (}/.A 1'/..,/,1/'" cf 4", ""'<>0_ 4-= H.f tA..Jo.k-':'L/ v . ~J A![U/rJ,I'J/Z<;O, 1';"/: P/I'''~( (hale. maft t.<.{) dr 'lvUIIc'-t'7 t7I1J fM/(u'0 O'/4<j7 -r?h"C /., 5wJc.48Q>\ ;1)1f('Id'6. tj; ]r/,.n-/r.jf'1 IIVU"/s ;'1 f7(/f!'~/ J/f?'1/)t( "//",,)1- prof} /hwV' TOV1 ,-.. '?t<U yC'om /r, loo!; d t{);X /AfAk-('....d "'''# ~ St"("" // fOl1 ~f)K fA!r, '7 //r)5kJI/j " ".! Correct;ionsand reinspe~iOnreqUestshall be rna~e within?t>, calendar dav,s. ' 0 I -OCi CallfoHeinspection~es'DNo ., Inspectorfj'YtflA j?,,.!'u,,h,"?,,, _Date:/ -f:) r ~~~~;';";;~~~~N~",Call for inspec;tion 726-3769~~~~~~~~~..:.~Questions 726-3759~~~~~~~~~ , ." , I . , _ - ,:-,:. ~'.;,.;'.~~: :'".~. ~. "_~" .,,".,>~i. '",.. "L." ""'~""'''''''' ) ); ,,/' ,~.', '':.., '. ,.j' ,~_, ~:,;",\~':-,~;l" ...< , '1~~'~.\;:'f__. " ",',; ",:;,,' ~. . _" ~_, " 'I.. , " \l-:'t"L .~ '. "lift ~W;CfS