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Permit Correction Notice 2009-10-7
"'l~"r-t~''''''r,'~'!~r 'l'e...~~..~~~A..,......,q~~~I~~tJr'.f"p,Wt'hw--,VIW'~~f'tl:';~"""I"J~j\f";~~~>ll";J1\~~)1IitM~~t~'~--' City of Springfield/Development Services Building Safety 225 Fifth Street , ',>- 0"" (. ~-r 1",d1 \ ,0' , TO: TJlJ-JOL1 IOlMtnt1l?/f....lf~0 C' Date: 1&7 12/ or Job# cq _ I ~'i'S Address:3/06 PJevce 1'* W~ Y Inspection Type: t..t? w I/o IIv yc. ItIk(M{),/7~(It)/7Z~ /79/300. '2Uc.) I; {UV/ ml /~,<./(j/ 5('('~1v1l'''''; HOu-H1duj/;- Tvt6,"J ,'1<1 o+L-.e.v '7blilc ukcl f''' ./fAf//IIO...."..,U a.,'_ /JIIs/<,1b.f,~.., sh,jl Mc~1 1'1/1;/': 7C17. 22 c , " '"l' ."h..... i' <I ~ :' " (' " "... '" ..' "......: . ::...'" .:',' " "'Corrections and reii1is~~a:ion:~equest shall be made within f tJ cahi!i1dar days. ' , .,. '. , . callforreinspe~ion~ye~,pNO:".Inspectorl<I';M'" iJ.IrLuv,ft;.?v" '. ,,' ,Date/O.:;7-ClCJ ',., ~~~~'~",,::,~~"!,,,;~,,,Call,for Inspection 726"3769~~~~~~~~~~~Questlons 726-3'759~';'~~~~~~~ . " . .';. . ~ ,'. . , . . " , , . ~ . ~, ' ,', '~. ":'h:,~,.,., '1 ~:. " ',; "~".j... :.~"i, ,.,',"'. :::'. ,,"t,. ~':"" .'::1.,;...._:n~l" \('.""\ ' ,.:,~: ",.\ ':~. ,,~'I':',~~;;ji /_' I' ~'< . . .. ,..;,~. ?',j :~~. :.., -.~' .-, ,:.., :,..t~it:,;', \' /_5{)S- bzg~56'69 , \ \