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Permit Correction Notice 2009-10-2 (2)
. :-.:' -~",. , t'" ,........,f".Il........,...,.$ .:-")'. ,,r.;:,.., ,,rl;'r~,:,p- '-',. l-"'~"'~' .:.: fA"::-,,<,,.:\~.'j"t I.'''''f..,~?,:''.fi~,...t:~", .~_,/::,...i"~.,"'.Ij,tf ~""f.Ftl'o$-.~..\1'1'{'.;i?~]..t/'&'\'-:t-l''$~'3''jo\-#.Y'''~~~i~~~AA~'r~t.#'1~~ . "~ ~~~~ :. J:;ti~:.J~;~;' ,:;<;Nl' City of Springfield/Development Services Building Safety 225 Fifth Street ~L~ Date:' 10 / Li ;? <7 Job# (Jj - /J/'Y/l S- I ,Address: Lj 2 7 > 'I fi..../:I. I ~o: ~, '. , Inspecti~n Type: RRz,cL /~.4-. ( , J 1& I!fl/!Y('/~ /{hv AI.".""" ~C:~ A-k AJA".~..Jk=- ..),~~b ~ h._ Ii ; l/ ..... / j~;'>t.L d~ j:w,4.,ij .(7-06 Cil!/u '> 2.~..J t;/L- a1..-r & lr{....;2(f.'~,~ 'I ~ I..^j L!YL "';"l<U., "3 jJ- ~ ,i<"'x;,~ AMA<A"'^^:; )v0<?IJ.J.. (--r;,; diAL) t7 v ,: d,. r , r;, ~&:::4->-..J....- M",i~ ~ ,n ~0-~ ,4 ~~ H"'Lob h / /-(.fU.,( ~ . I f V I 1/ V ( 'I' ,;LJJdt~/::j~:~ .~ ~V:Z6.t ~,:~.. ~: '3:::::~'j~r~0/ ~~'LM !~),1rli\~*~~i,~ "~~~~hl:;; d/-i L-.) . . (/ \. Corrections and reinsp~ction request shall be made wjt..h~II, 30 calendar days. Call,for reinspection [0yes DNo Inspector'. ~ .Date: ~~~~,~,,,;':'~~~~~~.call for inspection]26-~769~~";N~~~,:,,~,,:,,~Quesi:ions 726-3,759~~~~.~~~~~ . ,; ,:", ';.- . '..,....;..,.. ...I;'~,,~~'...l:l;;', ,:'".' '_">4"":<,..~::._,:'..',>""i\'!~"~;:'<,:v"":'1i:\I'->1'~,":':"r~:.;~.': ,;',;,.,,\,:,..,.,~~~~~.3,fr,-;;.~,. ~.:,:l,. ',-', .,.l..~~,,:':...,...,. '. J,_',. "'.' .