HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 9/17/2008
Site Plan Minor Modification
Case No. DRC2007-00066 Hawes Investments
Staff Report and Notice of Decision
September 17, 2008
. Owner
Joseph R. Hawes
Hawes"Investments, LLC
2982 Crescent Ave.
Eugene, OR 97478
Map No. and Zoning
17-03-15-40 TL 500
Zoning: Campus Industrial
Proposed Project
Amendment of the original site plan to add
an ATM island facility in the parking lot.
. Applicant's Representative
Ted Corbin
Eric Hall Architects
116 Highway 99 N
Eu~ene, OR 97402
Site Address
400 International Way
Springfield, OR 97477
Project Size
The proposed ATM island replaces 9
parking spaces on the west edge of the
parking lot near the main building.
I. Executive Summary
The final site plan application was approved on February 8, 2008. Subsequent to that
approval, the applicant submitted this proposed minor site plan modification that would
replace 9 parking spaces with a landscaped A TM island on the west side of the main
building. The A TM facility will be mostly shielded from view by a 4- foot high masonry .
wall. Openings in the wall and landscaping allow some visibility of the A TM from the
street for safety purposes.
Upon staff review, it was concluded that the proposed amendment will not substantively
alter the established site plan and that important design elements such as traffic.
circulation, parking, stormwater management and landscaping and screening will not be
affected. The proposed amendment is thereby approved. No new conditions of-.
approval are imposed. '
By this approval, the Final Site Plan approved for this project is amended to include the
replacement sheets and details provided in this application. No new conditions have been
required. The original Development Agreement is still in force and no new conditions of
approval are added by this action to that Agreement. It is the position of the City of
Springfield that the existing Development Agreement for this project commits the
applicant to build according to the approved Final Site Plan as modified by the.approval
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II. Description of the Proposed Modification
The applicant provided the following description of the proposed site plan modification:
Hawes IrTVestment Building
Site Plan Modification
September 17, 2008
Date Received: If ( i .
MM I ot 5
Pa' l--~
"The remote AIM is intended to be an adjunct service for a prospective bank tenant that
would occupy a portion of the new building in the secondary retail area on the West side
of the building. Therefore, the location chosen for this service was necessary to be in
proxllnity of this bank. The machine is a free-standing kiosk that sits on a raised curb and
is protected by pipe bollards. A minimal weather cover for the unattended kiosk may be
necessary per A TM manufacturer's requirements. Any AIM sig:i1age is the responsibility
of the prospective tenant who will pursue sign permits as required.
The proposed remote ATM location replaces 9. designated parking spaces along the West
property line and landscaped swale area. This will not result in a net number of parking
spaces less than the land Use Code allows. The existing traffic patterns would not
change, as at least four vehicles can pullout of the traffic lane into the queuing lane. TIiis
queuing lane is flanked by a landscaped drainage swale that runs beside a planned
sidewalk along the future extension of Maple Ishind Road.
The proposed ATM location will not impede any storm water management measures
taken for site drainage to the adjacent drainage swale or nearby catch basins. There is no
impact to the amount of impervious surface added to the site.
. Two requirements need to be addressed in this project: a visual connection to the
approach to the Westerly entrance to the site and the necessity to retain a visual
connection. to the retail storefronts beyond. A resulting issue would require that vehicles
in the queue line be screened from those same sight lines. Our approach to satisfy these
, issues is to create a screening wall along the length of the cue line. This would consist of
a wall, no greater than 4'-0" high, that would complement the materials and colors of the
monument sign that would be placed on the South parking lot, fronting International
Way, as shown in the Site Review documents. Since the Oregon Revised Statues may
not contain all siting restrictions for A TM, the future banking tenant may have specific
requirements for the safe siting of this exterior AIM.
Materials that will be used for the AIM.and queue lane screening wall will include cast-
in-place concrete with a finish colored to match the project's monument sign. The wa)l
wi!-l be detailed to match other planter and retaining walls on the site,
The lighting proposed in the area of the will remain as shown on the site plans previously
submitted. "
m. Procedural Requirements
Section 5.17-145 (C) ofthe Springfield Development Code (SDC) states that "the
, Director shall determine whether the Site Plan Modification will be processed under the
Type I or Type II review process." A Type I Minor Site Plan Modification application is
evaluated under the Type I review process. A Type I modification is "a modification in
the location or type of required landscaping or an insignificant change in the number
and/or layout of parking spaces."
Hawes Investment Building
Site Plan Modification
September 17, 2008
Finding #1. The Director has determined that the proposed change is consistent with
the definition of a Type I Minor Site Plan Modification under the provisions of SDC
Section 5.17-145 (C).
SDC Section 5.4-100 (Table 5.4-1) of the Springfield Development Code Development
Applications shows that Minor Site Plan Modification is a Type I application. Type I
decisions are made by the Director without public notice and without public hearing.
Under a Type I procedure, the Director may approve, approve with conditions, or deny
the application. The Director's decision shall address all of the applicable approval
criteria and lor development standards. The director's decision is the final decision of the
City, The Director's decision is effective on the day that,it is mailed or otherwise
provided to the applicant.
IV. Criteria for Approval
SDC Section 5.17-145 (D) states that the criteria of approval for a Site Plan Modification
application shall be in compliance with the applicable standard and/or criteria of approval
specified in Section 5.17-125.
The proposed modification has the potential for affecting the standards for 1) off-street
parking; 2) traffic circulation; 3) stormwater management on the site; and 4) landscaping
and screening.
Off-Street Parking
Staff reviewed the approved Final Site Plan and made the following findings with respect
to the impact of the proposed modification on the minimum off-street parking standard
found in SDC 4.6-125.
Finding #2. The modification replaces 9 parking spaces with an A TM island and
drive-through access. .
Finding #3, The approved site plan provides 359 off-street parking, spaces. The
required number of spaces under the Code is 297. The plan provides 62 more spaces than
Conclusion: The loss of9 off-street parking spaces to accommodate the proposed ATM
island will not cause the plan to fall short of the minimum required parking standard.
Traffic Circulation
Staff reviewed the approved Final Site Plan and made the following findings with respect
to the impact of the proposed modification on traffic circulation.
Finding #4. The proposed modification removes 9 parking spaces and replaces these
parking spaces with a 75-foot ATM facility that includes both the island and drive-
Hawes Investment Building
Site Plan Modification
September 17, 2008
,through access. The overall dimensions of the ATM island and drive-way does not
exceed the dimensions of the original parking spaces.
Finding #5. The Final Site Plan shows that the driving isle near the proposed A TM
facility is 25 feet wide. The modification will result in a 26-foot wide isle adjacent to the
Finding #6. The ATM facility is located approximately 80 feet from the nearest drive
way access to the future Maple Island Rd. This is not including the 40-foot queuing
space provided by the drive-through access adjacent to the island.
Conclusion: The l'wl'used modification does not narrow the drive isle width and the
design allows adequate queuing space for the anticipated use of the ATM. The proposed
modification will not significantly impact on-site traffic circulation.
Stormwater Management
SDC Sections 4.3-110 through 4.3-115 outline the standards for storInwater management
and water quality protection. Specific design standards are found in the City of
Springfield Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Handbook (2002). Staff
reviewed the proposed modification and made the following findings with respect to
impact of the modification on stormwater management:
Finding #7. The proposed modification introduces an island structure into the area that
was planned for parking. Staff review of the grading plan detail that was submitted with
the modification application shows no significant change in drainage patterns and the two
catch basins serving the area shown on the Final Site Plan are not affected.
Finding #8. There is an adequate break in the curbing that forms the drive-through
accessway to allow free drainage of surface water planned for on the Final Site Plan.
Conclusion: The proposed modification does not impact stormwater handling on the site.
Landscaping and Screening
SDC Section 4.4-105 details landscaping standards tor new development. SDC Sections
4.4-110 and 4.5-100/110 provide the standards for screening and lighting. Staff reviewed
the proposed modification and made the following findings with respect to impact of the
modification on landscaping and screening.
Staff requested the modification plan provide a substantive, attractive screening wall for
the ATM. The goal is to minimize the prominence of the ATM while maintaining safety
for the customers who might use the facility. The screening was accomplished through a
combination of a masonry wall and vegetation.
Hawes Investment Building
Site Plan Modification
September 17, 2008
Finding #9. The applicant submitted a modified landscaping plan which shows how
the modifications would affect the original plan. The new plan shows how the drive-
through access would be landscaped. The proposed landscaping is consistent with the
standards found in SDC Section 4.4cl05.
Finding #10. The proposed modification introduces, at staff request, a low masonry
wall to help screen the ATM island.from view. The wall will be constructed of materials
and colors which compliment the main building, The wall has a short break in it to allow
some visibility of the ATM from the street for safety purposes. Surrounding landscaping
near the ATM is low growing for the same purpose.
Conclusion: The proposed modification will adequately screen the A TM from view
while allowing sufficient visibility for customers to~afely use the facility.
V. Director's Decision and Implementation
Based on the findings made with respect to the .t"vpvsed minor site plan modification,
staff finds that the modification complies with the applicable standard and/or criteria of
approval specified in Section 5.17-125. The proposed Minor Site Plan Modification
for the Hawes Investment Building project (DRC2008-00066) is thereby approved.
SDC Section 5.17-145 (E) states that "the Director may require approval conditions as
specified in Section 5.17-130."
No additional conditions of approval are required.
SDC Section 5.17-145 (F) states that "a Final Site Plan and Development Agreement is
required as specified in Sections 5.17-135 and 5.17-140."
By this approval, the Final Site Plan approved for this project is amended to include the
. .
replacement sheets and details provided in this application. No new conditions have been
required. The original Development Agreement is still in force and no new conditionS of
approval are added by this action to that Agreement. It is the position of the CitY of
Springfield that the existing Development Agreement for this project commits the
applicant to build according to the approved site plan as modified by the approval of this
Hawes Investment Building
Site Plan Modification
September 17, 2008