HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 10/23/2008 ~ RECEIVED ocr 2 a 2008 AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE By:-nftW. rfJ ~.. STATE OF OREGON) )ss. County of Lane ) I, Karen LaFleur, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows: 1. I state that I am a Program Technician for the Planning Division of the Development Services Department, City of Springfield, Oregon. 2. I state that in my capacity as, Program Technician, I prepared and caused to be mailed copies of DR.C-2DOZ-/)()(JC,C, 'J15tJ;'~ ~ QM.u~ - 7YlDS - ~d (See attachment "A") on -1.1J./? 3 . 2 8 addressed to (see !.3aIJ l ~ Attachment B"), by causing said letters to be placed in a U.S. mail box with postage fully prepaid thereon. J<:()j)J/t Xtt d~ KARBN laFLEUR STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane ~~ . 2008. Personally appeared the above named Karen LaFleur, Program Technician, who acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary act Before me: . OFFICIAL SEAL . , DEVETTE KELLY .' NOTARY PUBLIC. OREGON COMMISSION NO. 420351 MY COMMISS'ON EXPIRES AUG. 15. 2011 - ' ~_ /0/A.J u U My Commission Expires: <:?Js-./// Date RaC6ived:..1Q1 j3 {or Planner: LM TYPE I TENTATIVE MINIMUM DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS, STAFF REPORT & DECISION ,. Project Name: Driftwood Bar & Grill Nature of Application: The'owner of the existing bar'and grill proposes adding a covered deck as,an" outdoor smoking area. ,The deck is approximately 200 square feet with a 32 square foot access ramp and is located on the west side of the building. This outdoor smoking area is being added to comply with the State of Oregon Indoor Clean Air Act which is scheduled to become effective on January 1, 2009. This smoking deck will serve an existing customer base and does not create an additional serving area. It is not considered as additional area in terms of square footage in calculating parking ratios and is not considered an expansion of the use requiring frontage, improvements. The Planning Division considers a deck which is '200 square feet or less and not mtended as a serving area.to be, an accessory structure to.th'e site. Building permit is the normal review process for this type and size of structure except when abutting 'residential property. Case Number: DRC2008-00065 Project Location: 5094 Main Street, Map and Tax Lots -17023332 3500, 3600 & 3801 Current Site Conditions: The site is located on the northwest corner of Main Street and 51" Street. There are two driveway approaches on Main Street and two on 51" Street. The north most drive";ay on 51" Street enters the site into an unpaved area that encompasses the back of the building. The other three approaches enter onto a paved area of the site. The site is developed with an approximate 5,095 square foot building with a combination of paved parking and unpaved area. The site is fully paved to the sidewalk along the Main Street side and along 116' of the 205 linear feet along 51" Street. There are no street trees OIl site and two unscreened dumpsters are located on the east side ofthe'bitilding. The development encompasses three tax lots. Zoning: Community Commercial (CC) Metro Plan Designation: Community Commercial Refinement Plan: East Main Refinement Plan - Mixed Use Area 2 Zoning of Surrounding Properties: North - Medium Density Residential and COD1If1unity Commercial, West - Community Commercial, South (across Main Street) ~ Community Commercial and East (across 51" Street) - Community Commercial and Medium Density -ResidentiaL Application Submitted Date: September 9, 2008 Site Visit Conducted Date: September 24, 2008 Decision Issued Date: October 21,2008 Recommendation: . Approved, with Conditions. . Date Received: 1O!2~1 ot Planner: LM MDS - DRC2008-00065 1 I CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT REVIEW TEAM I POSITION REVIEW OF L Project Manager Planning r Transportation Planning Engineer Transportation I Public Works EIT Sanitary & Storm Sewer I Deputy Fire Marshal. Fire.and Life Safety I Building Inspector III , Building NAME Liz Miller Judith Johnduff Clayton McEachern Gilbert Gordon , Robert Castile ' PHONE 726-2301 736-7134 736-1036 726-2293 726-3666 Owner, Edwin L Wilson P.O. Box 152701 Lufkin, Texas 75915-2701 Applic,!nt: James D. Voss 5094 Main Street Springfield, OR. 97478 Purpose: Minimum Development Standards (MDS) are intended to support economic development by minimizing City review for minor additions, expansions or changes in use. MDS shall ensure compliance with specific appearance; transportation safety and efficiency; and storm water management standards specified in the Springfield Development Code (SDC) and otherwise protect public health, safety and welfare. Criteria of Approval: In,order to grant MDS approval, the Director shall determine compliance with all applicable standards specified below: ':' Special Use Standards: 1. Policy 6 in the Mixed Use Area Section of the East Main Refinement Plan states the following, "Wherever commercial/industrial nses abut residential uses vegetative buffers and landscaping shall be required in accordance with Site Plan Review standards ofthe Spdngfield Development Code. 2. SDC section 3.2-315 requires properties zoned Community Commercial which are abutting residential properties to maintain a landscaped setback area of 5 feet. o Complies as Shown on Plot Plan X Proposal Complies when the following Condition(s) is/are met Condition 1: Provide one of the following options on the Final Plot Plan to meet the setback, screening and bUffer area at the residential property line: 1. Provide a 5' landscaped setback area along the 11950' northern property line that abuts the residentially zoned property. Per SDC section 4.4-105 the landscaping required for approximately 600 square feet of area are (6) 2" caliper trees and 20 five gallon or larger shrubs or; 2. Repair or replace the existing (} high wood fence at the property line. This fence should extend along the entire length of the residential property line and must end 10' before the front property line along 51" Street Please Note: Boat storage (as shown in the photo below) is not pennitted on the property andmust be removed. "))1; .... ',' ~ ~ J ,".j":" ", ; MDS - DRC2008-00065 . 2. Fence along northern property Line Looking north from the area of the proposed smoking deck MDS - DRC2008-00065 . Dgjre Rec,rilived:lIl/23 I Dt Planner; LM 3 A) A five-foot wide landscaped planter strip, including street trees, with app~oved irrigation or approved drought resistant plants as specified in SDC Sections 4.4-100 and 4.2-140 shall be installed between the sidewalk and parking areas or buildings. EXCEPTIONS: 1. Where there is an unimproved street, a four foot wide landscaped planter strip shall be required to be set back one foot from the propertyline. 2. ,Where there is insufficient space for the landscaped strip required in Subsection A., above due to existing buildings, street width, paved parking, changes of elevation or location of utilities including catch basins, the Director may approve: a. Decorative fencing located immediately behind the property line. The fencing may be wrought iron or masonry and shall be subject to the fence height standards of the applicable zoning district and the vision clearance setbacks of Section 4.2-130; and/or b. Landscaping equivalent to the amount required in Subsection A., above may be placed at the 'property corners or other areas of the properly that are visible from the street. X Complies as Shown on Plot Plan o Proposal Complies when the following Condition(s) is/are met , Since this deck is being added to provide an outdoor smoking area for an existing customer base and cannot be used as an additional serving area, the use will not cause an increase in customer traffic or intensification in use. This MDS review Will not require improvement to the frontages of this property and Will concentrate on the screening requirements of the deck from residential properties and other minor . upgrades to the interior of ilie property surrounding the smoking deck. Please Note: An expansion of the building or a larger deck area proposal will cause the need for 'either a pJanted setback area with street trees or decorative Jencing to be installed at the property line street frontal';es. B) Trash receptacles and outdoor storage areas shall be screened bya structure or enclosure permanently affixed to the ground as specified in SDC Section 4.4-100. ..;, i. '. MDi;':. DRC2008-00065 " !"J 4 '.' ;.;,:;-;.._,, .~, -i1tl.. " ~. ~'~s..~:r;"i Unscreened trash receptacles on the east side of the building along 51" Street. ' o Complies as Shown on Plot Plan X Proposal Complies when the followmg Condition(s) is/ are met: I . , . . ' , Condition 2: Show a covered and hydraulically isolated, pennanent trash enclosme with sight obscuring screening of a fence or masomy wall to contain the existing trash dumpsters on site on the Final Plot Plan. This enclosme must be placed on a paved portion of the lot. All dumpsters on site must be contained within this enclosme. Condition 3:' Provide screening on the north side of the deck in 'order to provide additional screening from residentially zoned property directly to the north and north east across 51" Street. This screen can be vegetative in the form o(evergreen shrubs to provide a continuous hedge or structural in the form of sight obscuring fencing per SDC 4.4-110. Thehedge can be placed in a planter box if necessary, C) Bicycle parking spaces shall be added to meet the nU:~erical standards for the appropriate use or upgraded to meet the standards set in SDC Sections 4.6-140, 4.6145 and 4.6-155. o Complies as 'Shown on Plot Plan X Proposal Complies when the followmg Condition(s) is/ are met: " Condition 4: Show the number of existing bicycle parking rack on the Final Plot Plan to qemonstrate compliance with the bicycle parking requirement. Eight bicycle parking spaces are required. MDS - DRC2008-00065 Dab; Rf3Qf3iV~rJ;JJlI zlf or Planner: LM 5 [ransition area between graveled site and pavement Dj Parking and circulation areas shall be paved and striped and wheel stops installed as specified in SDC Sections 4.6-100 and 4.6-120. Required pa~g and other impervious surfaces on the site shall comply with on-site stonnwater management standards as specified in SDC Section 4.3-110 for required parking, circulation area and storage area impervious surlaces only'. EXCEPTION: In cases where the number of vehicular parking spaces cannot be met'due to lot size or physical constraint, the Director, in consultation with the Transportation Planning Engineer, may reduce the standard without a Minor Variance if a finding is made that the reduction wilI not have an adverse impact on public safety. UiiJ Complies as Shown on Plot Plan x' Proposal Complies when the following Condition(s) is/aremet: I Condition 5: The paved parking aiea is not shown on the plan with any striped parking spaces. The parking ratio for eating and drinking establishments is 1 parking space for every 100 square feet of gross floor area. The gross floor area of this building is 5,095 square feet The serving,area is 3,345 square feet which would require 34 spaces. Show 34 spaces on the Final Plot Plan to be striped out on 'the paved portion of the lot in accordance with SDC Section 4.6-115, Parking Lot Design. Up to 30 percent of a lot may be designated for compact cars. Additional bicycle parking may be substituted for up to 25 t'~,,~ut of the required motor vehicle parking, see SDC 4.6-120. Parking spaces in a public right-of-way, which allows on street parking, may be counted as fulfilling a part of the parking requirements per SDC 4.6-110. Condition 6: Two parking spaces are required to be installed for disabled persons. One of which is required to be van accessible, which is a nine foot wide space with an 8 foot .... ',' .' .. ....,..... MDS - DRC2008-00065 . I~ ~ ,"" .~ .~\~. 6 , wide access aisle. Two adjacent accessible spaces may share an access aisle. This revision to the parking lot shall be shown on the Final Plot Plan. Condition 7: All parking spaces fronting. a sidewalk, alley street, landscaped area or structure shall be shown on the Final Plot Plan with a'secure<I wheel bumper or linear curb not less than 6" in height to be set back from the front of the stall a mirrimum of 2 feet to allow for vehicle encroachment E) Access onto the public right-of-way shall comply with SDC Section 4.2-120. X Complies as Shown on Plot Plan .urr Proposal Complies when the following Condition(s) is/ are met The smoking deck is being added to provide an outdoor smoking area for,an existing" customer base aild carmot be used as an additional serving area. The use will not cause " an increase in customer traffic or intensification in use: This MDS review will not require improvement to' the ,frontages of this property and will concentrate on 'the screening requirements of the deck from residential properties and other minor upgrades to the interior of the property surrounding the smoking deck This size deck would usually be reviewed by building permit only with t:l)e exception of it's proximity to residential property. Please Note: Any expansion of the building, parking lot or intensification of use on the property will c'ause the need for access to the site to be reviewed by both the City of Springfield (51" Street) and Oregon Department of Trarisportation (Main Street). It is likely that both access points closest to theintersection which do not meeUhe distances listed in the code will be required to be closed. f) Concrete sidewalks shall be installed where the site , abuts a curhand gutter street as specified in SDC Section 4.2-135. . X Complies as Shown on Plot Plan [ill Proposal Complies when the following Condition(s) is/ are met: G) Streetlights shall be installed as specified in SDC Section 4.2-135. X Complies as Shown on Plot Plan [J1;j Proposal Complies when the following Condition(s) is/ are met: MDS - DRC2008-00065 Date ReCeiVe{fJ oj 2.~ J Or . Plannf1r; I...M 7 .:l":. ,. H) The development shall connect to public utilities as specified in Sections 4.3-105, 4.3-110 and 4.3-120 of the SDC and comply with the Springfield Building Safety Codes, where applicable. Easements may be required as specified in Subsection 4.3-140 of this Code. X Complies as Shown on Plot Plan ~ Proposal Complies when the following Condition(s) is/ are met' Timelines and Conditions of Approval: The property owner and/or applicant has 30 days from the date of this decision to submit a Final Plot Plan (the Final Plot Plan must be to scale and indkate the scale ~m the plan) demonstrating compliance with the following Conditions of Approval: ' Condition 1: Provide one of the following options on the Final Plot Plan to meet the setback, screening and buffer. area at the residential property line: 3. Pr9vide a 5' landscaped setback area along the119.50' northern property line,that abuts the residentially zoned property. Per SDC section 4.4-105 the landscaping required for approximately 600 square feet of area are (6) 2" caliper trees and 20 five gallon or larger shrubs or; . 4. Repair or replace the existing 6' high wood fence atthe property line. ThisfenceBhould extend along the entire length of the residential property line and must end 10' before the front property line along 51" Street, '. ' Condition 2: Show a "~.~_ _.: and w;draalieaJJy i!;olated, permanent trash enclosme with sight to Ii ( ~ Cr ~ obscuring screening of a fence or masonry wall to c~ntain the existing trash dumpster, s on site on (!JJ-; P,~Yir~ the Final Plot Plan. This enclosure must be placed on the paved portion of the parking. All I D I V 0 V dumpsters on site must be contained within this enclosure. . '. I 0 , Condition 3: Provide screening on the norfu side of the deck in order to provide additional' p , I ~ screening from residentially zoned property directly to the north and north east across 51" Street This screen can be vegetative in the form of evergreen shrubs to provide a continuous hedge or structural in the form of sight obscuring fencing per SDC 4.4-110. The hedge can be placed in a planter box if necessary. . Condition 5: The paved parking.area is not shown on the plan with any striped' parking spaces. The parking ratio for eating and drinking establishments is 1 parkIDg space for every. 100 square feet of gross floor area. The gross floor area of this building is 5,095 square feet The serving area is 3,345 sqmue feet-which would require 34 spaces. Show 34 spaces on the Final Plot Plan to be striped out on the paved portion of the lot in accordance with SDC Section 4.6-115, Parkmg Lot ~esign. Up to 30 percent of a lot may be designated for compact cars. Additional bicycle parking m'ay be substituted for up to 25 percent of the required motor vehicle parking,Bee SDC 4.6-120. Parking spaces in a public right-of-way, which allows on street parking, may be cOlmted as fulfilling a part of the parking requirements per SDC 4,6-110, Condition 6: Two parking spaces are required to be installed for disabled persons, One is required to be van accessible, which is a nine foot wide space with an 8 foot wide access aisle. Two adjacent accessible spaces can share an access aisle. This revision to the parking lot shall be shown on the Final Plot Plan. Condition 7: All parking spaces fronting a sidewalk, alley, street, landscaped area,or structure shall be shown on the Final Plot Plan with a secured wheel bumper {\ linear curb ,not Jess than 6" S bIlLLpo/l{d/\91S;7{1~0,(~rlf{ylr(rt~ 7c~;~Q.sf;;' MDS-DRC200~00065 ct(~C()-~SItn- Wi tt '{ 8 .r~tlIOr A'~ in height to beset back from the front of the stall a minimum of 2 feet to allow for vehicle encroachment. In order to complete the review process, a Development,Agreement is required within 45 days from the date of this decision to ensure the terms and conditions of this application are' binding upon both the applicant and the City. This,agreement will be prepared by Staff and upon approval of the Final Plot ~lan, must be signed by the ".v,,_.~j owner prior to issuance ofa buildingpermit and land use approvaL The construction of the required improvements shall begin within 90 days of the date of this decision. [fthe established time line cannot be met, the applicant may submit a written request for a time line extension as specified in SDC Section 5.15-125. The Director may allow a one-time extension of the 90-day start of construction time line due to situations including but not limited to, required permits from the City or other agencies, weather conditions and the unavailability of asphalt or the unavailability of street trees. [fthe time extension is allowed, secutity shall . be provided as specified in SDC Section 5.17-150 of this Article, The time line extension shall not exceed 90 days, If the established time line is not met and the applicant has not requested an extension, the Director shaU deClare the application null and void if the property is occupied and the property owner shall be considered in violation of this Code. [fthe established time line is not met and the applicant has requested an extension and that time line has not been met, the Director may require the improvements be installed as specified in SDC Section 5.7-150. PERMITS THAT MAYBE REQUIRED: . AU new sewer taps will require permits from the Public Works Department prior to connection. Sidewalks and driveway curb cuts and closures require permits from the Public Works Department. Building permits will he required for the construction of the building and the paving of the parking lot. , An LDAP permit will be required for all grading, filling and excavating being done. Sign Permit"NOTE:Signs are regulated by the Springfield Municipal Code Article 9, Chapter7. The,number and placement of signs must be coordinated with the Community Services Division. The location of signs on a Site Plan does not constitute approval from the Community Services Division. . . . . Additional Information: The application, all documents, and evidence relied upon by the applicant, and the applicable criteria of approval are available for free irispection and copies are available for a fee at the Development Services Department, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon. Appeals: This Type I decision is exempt from the provisions ofORS 19i195, 197.763 and 227.173 and therefore cannot be subject to the appeal provisions of SDC Section 5.3-100, Appeals. I Questions: Please call Liz Miller in the Planning Division of the Development Services Department at (541)726"2301 if you have any questions regarding this process. Date Received:lD1J2 for Planner: LM . MDS - DRC2008-00065 9 . . :~ SeR'NGC'R~ lil"iA~');i'I:j;J;I/II{~;1I".'~"J;/.:lt'f'Il'~ . . DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET , SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 Edwin L Wilson PO Box 152701 Lufkin, Texas 75915-2701 . SeR'NG~ tt:~~::~::~;I~=:~~c::,j;l:(tfON~~ ~.. PLANNING DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 James D Voss 5094 Main Street Springfield, OR 97478 . " ..... ".' ..~. ...!. . .... .,... .... ..' .. (.0 121J' ot' '.DateRe<:eived:_- .~. . ,'Planner: LM . ~)"'."""""""."b' , .,' . .' . '.--. -' .'. ..,-"'- . . -: "... ~> '.'