HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes, Meeting PLANNER 12/11/2008 CUSTOMER CONTACT Case NO..] (LL;200<:[ - (j1J.Oz., Address: UnO ~Sr ~111~t Q lCO'.'.\ \jJ~~h'''d~61t- _ Map/lot No. Phone No. !llL/ -CQSL DISCUSSION . '., Date Received: [hKlI5SION _ Da\iffime - - - r - -- - -" - - I - I - - I - - -- -... - - - I - I - , I I - - , , , . f -- ---- - . f :-l , , - - , -- , " - -.... j . I I , - ____n _ ______ n_ _ _ ___ ~e<<6 - 2-?:q\1;o CII" rlfii1-(J<trr^hL"4< f}rFr~ rntf(l7aX' -7 taft/wi-- II I (Y\! ~ Q~; (d eiS UJafc~ i rd - j I' (lJ~ct'7 C414~ (j afrO '~f- 01 A erf A- " 'fft.{- 0032... I ()rJ.f&~ :, 100- c:;/~ s+ ((ffJlr on fr6l(, :1 .~\~~Aomto L I .lk ~CL W.~ k;vJ:A be--, ~ 1'1 ) Ovwv Df -ct.---- ~WD.2 - Sd 7AJI'(..j tJr.--.... ~ ,'h.. ~rt)'.$ 1.10 ~ C:;( S=S ~f ~ ~ ~_. : YuvYf-. -h> .f..<,1)c0->-e J....,-, rO~( f? A-f2 ((h_1 r ":;\<- 11-1.. /':..... Ir J. v ,I If,. II~ ( v<<) ~!:P f/L-- '" ^ -jo b:::L$ ~ 'II ~f ~J.'v<- c-<-, - f::::n~ G-V-? I ~ J bv d r"P 0 C-dJ. W' ~ u..J I fLf::J I ,~'r~ 0.)yyiJZ-/. ~ ~ dt>u.v. !rl I~ vu/AL. II I' '(;U~, fA} ~ ~.JL.- \"\) h"",-<- fl ~J IAq\::)J. ~ ~ ~----^ ~L:.'r G,\J....(t,<.o!lvrJ,) ~.tl ~o --+f___c ~ ~J ~~- L I HI Ii II' I': ll:~ lAC) - <;?(<;.::: C;;\- - ~ ~ ~ N-< ' I,! I' I ',I I I: I ? Date Received: Planner: LM I J I RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION Inspections: 726.3769 Office: 726.3759 SPRINGFIELD LOCATION OF PROPOSED WORK' 1~-9 ASSESSORS MAP: /7~o:z-33-"3.2 ~p //H"/L. ~~ . . PHONE: ~~-.::?/~"9 ADDRESS: ~ ~/,,;<P"h. - ;",...,~.:.:;-x;. ';'.'?~o/ ~A-".vv~ CITY- //.J::"~ STATE: ~/? . ZIP: -??Y"7.,j2. - ~. r . . DESCRIBEWORK:72~~C.?7~ ~~S, REMODEL ADDITION LOT: OWNER' NEW BLOCK: DEMOLISH JOB NUMBER "7150'%' 0 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 TAX LOT: ~~~66 , SUBDIVISION: OTHER CON ST. CONTRACTOR # CONTRACTOR'S NAME AD~..J~ n GENERAL~lz:'~r4f:) r~~~/" PLUMBING: MECHANICAL' ELECTRICAL: /~ r /v..? 7?;? , EXPIRES -3'-~~ , PHONE :.?V?-~~ - OFFICE USE - QUAD AREA: LAND USE: FLOOD PLAIN: # OF BLDGS' # OF UNITS: ZONING CODE:_ OCCY GROUP' CONSTR. TYPE: # OF BDRMS: # OF STORIES: HEAT SOURCE: SECONDARY HEAT: WATER HEATER' RANGE: SQUARE FOOTAGE: TO request an Inspecllon, you must call 726.3769. This Is a 24 hour recording. All Inspections requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, Inspectlons requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. o Temporary Electric o Site Inspection - To be made aller excavation, but prior to setting forms. o Underslab Plumbing/Electrical I Mechanical - Prior to cover. o Footing - After trenches are excavated. o Masonry - Steel location, bond beams, grouting. o Foundation - After forms are erected but prior to concrete placement. o Underground Plumbing - Prior to fllllnQ trench. o Underfloor Plumblngl Mechanical - Prior to Insulation or decking. o Post and Bea"", - PrIor to floor Insulatlon or deckfng. o Floor Insulation - Prlor,to decking. m Sanitary Sewer - Prior to filling ~ trenCh.~... o Slorm Sewer - Prior to IlllJng trench. o Water Line - Prior to filling trench. o Rough Plumbing - Prior lo cover. REQUIRED INSPECTIONS o Rough Mechanical - Prior to cover. o Rough Electr~c81 - Prior to cover. ' o Electrical Service - Must be approved to obtain permanent electrIcal power. o Fireplace - Prior to facing materials and framing Insp. o Framing - Prior to cover. o Wall/Cefltng Insulation - Prior to cover. o Drywall - Prior to taping. o Wood Slovo - After Installation. o Insert - After fireplace approval and Installation of unit. o Curbcut & Approach - After forms are erected but prior to placement of concrete. o Sidewalk & Driveway - Alter excavation Is complete, forms and sub.base materIal In place. o Fence - When completed. o Final Plumbing - When all plumbing work Is complet.e. o Final Electrical - When all electrical work Is complete. o Final Mechanical - When all mechanical work Is complete. o Final Building - When all required Inspections have been approved and building Is completed. rn Olher.M~ ~//'<: . .~ /~;&_~ $c.. .tf'~~l- -::... MOBILE HOME INSPECTIONS o Blocking and Set.Up - When all blocking Is complete. o Plumbing Connections - When home has been connected to water and Sewer. o Electrical Connection - When blocking, set.up, and plumbing lnspecllons have been approved and the home Is connected to the service panel. o o Final - After all re ulred Inspectlons ar ap ro d and Streel Trees - When all requJrliQ t R-_Q.~r.c;..h..f;;' .kf II ,d , and trees are planted. US e tfCWV~ d. Planner' 'M Lot faces Lot Type Lot sq. flg. Interior Lot coverage Corner Topography Total height Panhandle Cul.de.sac BUILDING PERMIT ITEM SO. FT. X $/SO, FT, = Main Garage Carport Tolar Value Building Permit Fee State Surcharge Total Fee (A) --, Setbacks HSE GAR Accl I I I P.L. IN Is Iw IE VALUE '. SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) (B) PLUMBING PERMIT ITEM Fixtures Residential Bath(s) N' Sanitary Sewer FT. Water FT. Storm Sewer FT. FEE M~tle Home ~ r/~ -:~~/7C ~ ~w:.~ Plumbing Permit ~ /.5...... ~ State Surcharge n ..~ /.,G.;?.:!> Total Charge (e) MECHANICAL PERMIT Fu mace Exhaust Hood Vent Fan N' Wood Stove/lnserllFlreplace Unit Dryer Vent MechanIcal Permit Issuance Stale Surcharge Total Permit (D) MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Mobile Home State Issuance State Surcharge Sidewalk II It Curbcut Demolition State Surcharge Total Miscellaneous Permits (E) -L1?-' .~ - . /~rY -'-'-..... /y TOTAL AMOU.NT .DUE (excludlrili electrical) - -j . ~ jb (A, B, C, 0, and E Combined) rHE PROPOSED WORK IN THE, HISTORICAL DISTRICT, OR ON THE HISTORICAL REGtSTER? If yes, thIs application must be signed and approved by the Historical Coordinator prior to permit Issuance. APPROVED: BUILDING VALUE, PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT This permit is granted on the express condition that the said constructIon shall, In all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City 01 Springfield, InCluding the Development Code, regulatIng the cOl')structlon and use of buildings, and may be suspended or revoked al any time upon violation of any provisions of saId ordinances. Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: Receipt Number. Received By: Plans Reviewed By Date Systems Development Charge is due on all undeveloped properties within the City limits which are being Improved. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS By signature, I stale and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certlfy that all Information hereon Is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances 01 the City of Springfield, and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permissIon of the Building Safety Division. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all required InspectIons are requested at the proper tIme, that each address Is readable from the street, that the permit card Is located at the front 01 the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the s~te at arl times dU:"} ,:o,;?tructlon. Slgnature~~ .fA:d~ Datp 5' - a i/ ~ C} ? VALIDATION: RECEIPT NUMBER DATE PAIr> AMOUNT RECEIVEn RECEiVED BY /'77/9'2 <)'-::< ~'"75~ d"5':CY '7~ -RESIDH,eAL" APPLICATIONjreRMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 . ioc,tion: / & 0 tV, S/iSi- 'Sn r;;. . -:::rr-' .ooor: Map K /1 0.23 33~ SPRINGFIELD (Jr. C( 7cfr Z T=i-otH 037(}() di"n:~io'l: ~.r: J JJ J1rV.t 1-1JJ r'ft..-'rs ~eo'J.(bg 11/~L)/ ' y: )nIW, PI;nll': 7- c;/- i &; 1- '1 Zi?: cJ ?-V9- 15 ~N"'IJ l ,1ddicicn l Remo:!el l .'fob~!C! lIom~ nte of Applicaticn )t rae tors ncral DeDcribe rl'ol'I~: YLtuJ fU/W ~/ I?-/ g-~ vClz,rI-L/Jd.02 "eipt .f 14 I() I f) ~ ..... Siqr.ed. Dato: -I O~ ~I h ~("r: Exv'1rHS Pr()n~' ^ddrp~s Lise _ II . 1I1d rs 110" rd Re'!., ~AJ umb1ng chanica! '~l:c.ric..:a 1 o('r"igin~ l~lc("l:I'.i~'i:ln ill tho! rODpo1HJJ:bility nf tll~ porrn\.t 'loll/er' to aDU tllat all. il1ol'ooti6na 01"0 r.Jada at th. prop"r' timc~ that I'coh .::ddrUD iB l"oa:::'a~':~ :In! thu utrcut. on:! th"t the pl!"rrrit oard ia l,xatt:d at tile [roOnt of tllo property. ,i!cli.'I!1 O{vi::io': t1p;:,,'ol.:cd plllll :JJt~ll I'emain on tllz nu~I,Ull!1 ~it:; at all timell. ?C.~DUP.E .t'on rr.!:N:C."fON ,1lSPUE:ST:CALL 726-3769 fJ'ceor'der) atatu your City .:leo;'anated Job nwr.bor, '(Uc3tcd ar:d lJ.:L.'1I you uiLt be J'l!ady for in:Jpeot~on, Contraotors OJ' CUnerD' nams and phons number. ~l be nr:zde the uame dcy, requests mcde after 7:00 an !.'in b.:! 100da the next :.rorki~ day, Your Ci ty VeDig,:a ted Job Nwnbcr' 10: r":.,.Pf/ r....:n..'./1:r."'1 ] ~1'J't: IN~'N:C'."{04': ~'o ho:! nada aftl!" c:rCC1V~t1..?lI, ~lIt pr.t.cr' tc se: lip of forme. ] UNDrRSI.AD PWf./DINr.. r~EcrRrr'1. , NEXHIl.YICAl.: To be made bej'or.e any wor'k ill ~ovcrcd. o 1I'SUf.Il'r/ON/VIlJ'OJ{ llllIlRn:R _[l1!)\Ec'rroN: fa be It'Ilrde aftcr' an inDIl .:Ihon a~ rcqu~)'ed vapor bcwl'iero arc in p1406 bu t before any la tll, uypaum board or wll oover'ing is applied, and b6forg any in:mlatio'! ill cOllocaled, ] PORTING/ ~ FOUNDil'rTCfI: To be m.1cc artCl' renchC:J ar'c excavated and fOl'm(; arc erect~d, allt prior. to pouriTI!] cenc,'e to:. DRYflIlU. .rJI~'iPf.'CT!nN: To bo mado aj'tel' uzl tlr'yuall io in place, but priol' to any tapino. M/iSONRY: Stecl location, bo~d beaJl/:J, aroutilla 01' verticalB in accordance lJ'itll U.B.C. Section :?J]S. o ] U.\'.!1:Jlfi!lf}U.~D P!.UM~INC. DlrlllHAIJ!': 1'0 be "ade lir..g c:renchet'. S.'-:/JF:R, r/.1TE.~ p,'ior' to Ii L- o ) UNDf.Rf'WDfl Pl.U1.fTJI.yC .l ME:C!lANICAL: To he made pl'iol' ~o ill:Jtallat~on of 11001' inDulction or deckina. ] POST AND DEIlH: To be made pr'iol' to 0 CURD ..c A{'PRP4CJ{ APR?N: Ilftor .fonna imlCallatioll of flool' insl:lation or arc nroa~ed but P"loO" to pOIlM.na dcckiru;. .::On.:J,'t:!te. ] Roucn Pf.lI.'m/!lC. P.f.F.C"rR!f.A!~ ,r, MF.CU- 0 SIDf.1/Ilr.X .e ORrt'f.l/t.Y: FOI' all con- ANleM..:. No lJOrJ:. ia ~o bc COlli/I'cd Ol'ete EXUJint} uithill at1'8ot right- ur.tiZ thc3e 'ill!Jpee!:ior.s }1.:ltJC beer: of-LX:Y, to be made after all 8%oa- made and appl'OlJe:!. vatina CC1nplete " [Ol'm IXIrk I. cub- ] FIP.pPLAC,E: Prior to plccir.a facing base mtltcr--ial ill plaae. materia !l and before frwnin!1 i'lOpec~ . tior:. .. !'F.'NCF.: "?IOr: cornpl..rto -- Provide ] rRA1~JNr:: M,~t be roqllc~ted al.er Ot(teu or movable oootionD t}n.ouoh approvL1.l of l'ouah pIIUr.bt.'la. .2Zactrt. P U F.' . caZ J mccha'li:~al. liB r'oofino . ,... brac-ina t. c}limncyo. et.::. nr.J!lt be O' .. completed. !lo lJ.?rk i:J to be con- . cBclcd Ilntil thin inIJpcction han . 'bEen made and approved. . D 'IDOO,~TqVr.: cc1ltple~cd. After itlUtal.lation io job addrcDD, typo of i1l3pec:icll Request. receivod bsfore 7:0C.~ fC;o:;;-r; 7 'D>>IOLIT!ON OR !-I~D BUIWI/IGS ~ Sani~ary ogOer aap~ed ~t p~op~rty lir.c =:=J S.pti~ tank pumped and.fitt.a with ura"2t --, Fina.l .:.. rthen above items are cemploted -.J and ulum dsmolitior: io oomplete or !JtMI';. tura moved ~ pr~mi8eB oleaned up. I Mobi16 Ilem6IJ =:=J Blookino and Set-up ~ Plumbing connections -- 8~e~ and ua~er I ElDotl'ioal Ctmn,otion - 'Dlookina. oct-II;; ~ and plumbing oon"Dotions mr.Jst te appro~ld bafora requ6l1ting oZoo:rioal. in8?Cc~io~ . \ . =:=J AoauBol"li' DuiZ~inq . . I ::J Fin.:ll. - Art~r p~rc~eD, Bkirt~ng. otc. ara oompleted. decke, O' 1~J./I' Dt Date Received' Planner: LM :All p,'ojuct. oOfICUtiono, :J/U!!: aD t'IO ,:"otaLlation of atroot tr0f18, co::'pZotiol1 of t;IC . requirud lom!:Jcc:pi':!1, eta.. ImIUt. be oatisfiod bofore tho DUILDINC FINIl4 c:an .bo r~qlloDt:1(J. ] F'IfllIf. Pf.UI.mltlC ] FINAl. J./F.~'J/A"IlCM. ] /'INAL ELECTHICU ] o FINAL OUJf.DTNC: 'l'JUl Pillal Duildil1a Inopcotion must bo roquootod altar tllO Fin::rl Plumbin;J Elcotr'-i~al.. and }.f(!char:ical In!lpeotio,:o haLlo bBen mads and approLlad. ~llfJ. !-IM!fICLE~' AND CU:MJ()U'J'::" nU:?1' m: IlCCES::IOCF.'. ADJUSTJfEN'!' TO DE: ~HOE AT NO COST TO Cl'!'Y I Pa!,c of:: I JOG NO. SOLAR ""CESS IlEQ.- I ZO"~: OccuJ]QnC'l( ( Lot Sq, Ft.. ~ ~f lot CvVQ~gt !I of Stanoo Total Haight TOl'ograpll!1 LOT Tla, ...\..,:.... Int"ri.o,. ~:.":' ',' o . ..... Cartlst- .1...... Panhandle Cul-do-o~~ I rrm I SQ.FTG X Valuo I I "hit! I I r...:J'nr:{! I I Cm'nOJ't " I I Accconot'1I I I I I ,TOTAL VAWI: I Is.D.C. Cva'IoU:) . 1.$ '" ,. . ',:' Bu.iLding Psrmit .' .StatG Surallarne Total CJlOr(JQD.. IITI:N ^'O. FI:I: CIIAnr.F: I ri..rturos I Rooidnntial II bath} 1,')nnit..'tJ',y Sewer I Wr..t.l!l" Plumbing pgnr.it Statfl S~a;..argfJ Tota l C1111r,l,JfJ I !Tf:II I flr'."I. Sn. fen. I Nuw/Ertand Cireui-to Iremporary SRrvico I NO. FI:o CIIMICF: I. Elo~trioal Pormit Statl1 Slll"OMrafl Total CMrfj:fJ8 1IT.~!1 I F'urn."Ice P.TU'S It:xJlalIO t }food. I Va~t Fan I ).I~odlf to;J(J NO. FEf: CIIARCo Psrmit !lJl1UanOfl Mtt::hanioal Ptzrrrri:t Stato Surohame Tnto.l Cha~n~n' -- 'tflckt;{ClllrENT I I sl!caritl, D:C'(I3it . I ~.~.. .~W"'''l'''''''.. Stornqn I Mo1int~nml':~ I Permit ,:'J I ~""'.I'1.' :1 ",:.' \',."""..,.,1.,l'.,.IJ,I,I....."". 'to'I'=". To ta l Char(1(JlJ Cllrbcu ~ ISidmM1.k. I fCII:JO I f.lllctricat I Mobilo lfun9 5,00 Lab.l .'~ TOTAL ANOUNT nl/F:: A S(J() -, .,. L-coe^ Tijpe/Cor.nt: n.uiroor.u; : I wt Facnn - I I P.L, jNOI'tn lr.allt ISol.(th I"'nnt I F.1I~r'n'l ."ioarr.o:'!n I !leat II II II II \ I T;u'c SatlXlckn lfOUOR I r.m'rJqn I I I I A(~CC:1!l. Watt!!' !/f!(Jtrf' Uourii'! Fircplru:.... Wood.:;tot:,oz F:UlfI Building Value & Permit Thin pr.nnit in !]rmltcd 011 till! nJ.proDn cmldit.ioll Lllnt. thl? II,Jirl COll:;tl"L1C'tLO nllaLL, ill till rOlll'cetn, (~allfon" l.o Lila 01.dr:1Irl/;(:r. :"lort".] b!1 dlf? Ci~!I (}[ Spril1rlficld, illc!lId~n!] t.ile Zol1i'l!1 C,.d~nmlcd, 1'r!:llllf;LLll!J LIlI) cCllvtr;(.:LLclI and lICS of buildill!]t;, 011(1 IfI:;;Y bo ouc:pcndc.i or ,"evoked aL (;':!I t:.I.1': 1(j'0': vi taLioll of oily pr"vi.1ilJlln of "aid 'Ordi,.;atlccG. I Plall Check F",~: I Catc ra~d: !Rcct:ipt II: I.'iia~ted: Plumbing Permit No pnrcoJ1 ohnll cOllntl'uet, itln::'aB, a!..tar or ehall!}c ~lIY lieU el' e.=ilHitl!} plumbitl!1 0" drailldoa t1Yllta:J1 ill :JIlolo or ill pad, w:lcGO ,1l.,;ch P:J':iO/I io th leaal pOOOCGnol" of a ualid plumbcr'c liccnGc, l!Xccpt tJ:at a IM:-'GOII mai' do ptwnbill!1 lJOrk to IWOP(H't.y wlliah io ou"od, lerJocd or' opcl'ated llV tJ:r. appti ca,at, Electrical Permi t Whero 5t.ata f.aIJ rcquiJ'a.'J that tho cloctJ'icaL 1.101';": b~ do"n by an ELI:::trLCII COlltJ'ac::tOl', tha atlJcLJ'ical portioll of tlli:J pel'lnit alllILL ';ot be valid lmei tilt, LabeL hao been Dian~d by the ELcctricaL ::Ofl tJ'ac: tor, ,. Mechanical Permit Ptall t:r.a/llLIlt!1' UtH.,: \. I IIA VE CAREFULLY EXAMINED t.I,C completed applicatio" for parmi t, and do IIOJ'Qby certil!! that all i~fo:"1natioll hSJ'oon it; trw, and cort'cet, ana I furtluzr certify that allY a,:d all. lJOrk porfoJ':J1cd .:1MB bfl done in ac::or- danc6 with the Ol.din:mcno of tlld City of Sprinaficld, and t/t~ [q..!o of tho Stata of OJ'co"n P'::I't.uillill!1 to tho /JOrk daocribcd hero::'l, end :1l.aL NO oce:.! PANey will be 17\1.10 of allY C1truotw'.1 lJitho~t p3l'mioJion of tho Buildin!7 Vi. vioion, I fllrtlwr cortif;j that o:1ly eontJ'o.:tOJ'O m:d C-Tlpt"Y(Jco 1J;:o are ill cCr:lpt::anc(J witli ens 701. os~ wi.Il be uocd 011 ellio proj-sct "1'jt~r1&J1~ ttlly! fnlerbetll..n9.'Optlon.I): ';f',nd8yl..;dr.n ~r'l'ldaYO"""N.mo ';Llr'l'ldhContnctar -orllldbyOofCrip1,on r,..mOMt: To Om: I w ~utCl'o..-chP_1 E ___ '" {'I Pin" I J - .... tl..r - .- :rJ"':=;:A&h!... 0_"_ Q.rmlJI:P.I ~134' 5lJ94....uilST OmaSQURW <<t.u{fti~JlJvERLAY - - =~ =~: ~~_ ~~~~HYSCHIR'" ~~~~I=:D .9l1131 5094 NAlN SI- O"~l)lJ}.oD SIGNJORIf1\/1'OOD ~3U !>O!I4MA1N5l- Rtf WlJUDLOUNSf IN5lAllAlAR...SYSlE... 1l32051 5004 WAIN 5'- IlNI.Nowtt COURTE'!iY INSPECTION - - E....-!__OIIr~d.-!Pha -!~~ I ".... , 0...1 I I I I I I ~r1----:Cges Q~- -~--~--------;-ja----: ~l!I~3~-;>M t ( 1/VY\ y'~~i t--6{ tJr")s'Ct7 (l{) LVi~ ~06 ~ fYl])5; - Date Received: Planner; lM 11/11 k