HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence PLANNER 12/17/2008 , 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 www.ci.springfield.or.us December 17, 2008 Mrs. Wendy Childers 16051" Street Springfield, OR 97478 Dear Mrs. Childers: Thank you for coming in to the Development Services Department recently with your concern regarding the fence between your l"vl'''''~Y located at 16051" Street and the adjacent property to the south, including the previous single family residence at 140 51" Street and the Driftwood Bar & Grill located at 5094 Main Street. As requested, I have researched existing Planning files, address records and archived fence permits through 1997 (the last year in which permits were required) for evidence that a fence was required as a condition of a previous land use approval or building permit. My research has yielded the following results: I) There are no records of any land use decisions issued for any of the current or former addresses. 2) A building permit for demolition of the former residence at 14051" Street issued on May 24, 1995, signed by Tobin Walker and listing Ed Wilson as the 1'.vl'''''~Y owner. There are no conditions or notes written on the demolition permit requiring a fence and there are no other fence permits issued to the adjacent properties. 3) There was a fence permit issued June 12, 1989 for the address of 16051" Street and signed by yourself, Wendy D. Childers. This fence permit predates the demolition of the residence at 140 51" Street and consolidation of the area with the Driftwood use. 10 conclusion, the only record of a fence permit requiring standard maintenance was issued to your property. The ownership of the permit does not preclude some financial participation by the adjacent property owner (as you recall); however, the responsibility to maintain the fence is the responsibility of the permit holder and property owner (yourself). With regard to the adjacent use (Driftwood), the current Minimum Development Standards (MDS) decision was issued October 23, 2008 and is for an addition of a 200 square foot deck (attached). 10 addition to locating the deck more than 50 feet from your residence at a location where the existing structure provides some screening, our MDS \>0 \ N G" decision required two forms of screening on the north side of the deck. (See attached ,,'12' \ \II!/;~ diagram). Our conditions of "1'1'. v ,al include screening at the north end of the deck its~ 5~O (A) and screening at the north property line (B) of either landscaping or repairing and -1. m~s \ ~ \ '\ lO\ , \0 ~* ~ Date Recp.lved: Plannt>r: Livl PROUD ~ISTORY BIlIGI-lT t:UlUIU , replacing the fence on the property line. The applicant has exercised their option to install a row of arborvitae for screening along the existing fence as allowed by the decision. In total, seven conditions have been required through the MDS review process for this minimal addition to the existing business. We feel that the 2 levels of redundant screening required meet the intent of the MDS ordinance and is the extent to which we may lawfully require improvements in relationship to the scale of the project. While we will not require further additional conditions, nothing prohibits you from proposing a cost share arrangement with the adjacent owner for repair of the existing fence. Please feel free to contact James Donovan, Urban Planning Supervisor, at (541) 726-3660 if you have additional questions or concerns. Sin'jfrely, ""is ~ ~ Liz Miller Planner I cc: James Donovan, Planning Supervisor Jim Voss, Driftwood Bar & Grill Date Received' Planner: LM I~ 11\()~ . . UfJr'1"WXJo 811<'1 G;</{l 'X9t/ 1>141,u '5'T 5~;l1.} 6J1tfl17. 0,,: 97t/7!? I" N L')'I5PJlb 6t</({:)/PG " p9~ 5:;Jpr-:' f~rllP}j}c ~ 7'15 7<7. iT- of oFArcr SrM,1<:E ~'lrrr{C7v'.f . , Re3rjl!r)oP1 "~FI'f j ,#Gr "" FT. = ~ 3.:::0 J./f.Jf} f).ot'(lI/:iFS TJ1X lOr 1-'0. '5 : /7 02 3,) ~2 C?iSCAt/ 1,'. '7 CJ;l 33 32. 0.1600 I /7 02 33 3.2 O~O/ ,) -1' A f\aL Plot f( M\ a-p{J(N~ ,_~<2 Received: 10 I)..(! ()( Planner. LM Date Received' Planner. LM It\n\Ob Dfrff /'f';'FPrl,<77J.' .Y It? /0 i? ~ '\ \ !' ( I , , i' j \ I~ I ~\ :i~) \ 1 \ j-J ".1 1../ , ", 1/"/ ' v 'p!~ ) I(I(~J '" I i : I , I i " I') I I ; , I '."~ I 'I I I i I (~ I '- r ; -, ( I , \ 'j \. , I '" ., ~, ~ [~ \ . 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