HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 8/19/2008 (2) "., . .\ c BABYFACETOWING' P.O. BOX 24534 EUGENE,ORE60N a7402 PHONE: 54t-50t-20M FAX: 54t-50577492 EMAIi.:BABYFACETOWIN6@YAHOO.COM , . , CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Date Received: 225 FIFTH STREET " AUG 1 9 2008 SPRINGFIELD, ORE60N 97477 Original Submittl'l ,DRlNKlN6 WATER PROTECTION To Whom It May Concem: Baby Face Towing is interested in obtaining the proper permits for use of the property at 3626 Olympic St. in Springfield, These permits are for the purpose of storing impounded vehicles ihdoors. These vehicles will be police impounds and will be stored until the vehicle is picked up by its owner or, if not picked up, will be moved to our Eugene location to be sold. No autorepair,dismantling, or sales will take place at the Springfield 10cation.,A maximum of 12 vehicles will be stored on site at anyone time and all vehicles will be stored indoors. No tow trucks will be stored at this ,location. In most cases 1 to 2 vehicles will be towed in per day and 1 to 2 vehicles will be toweq or driven out per day. Customer parking will happen on right side of driveway in front of North Bay door. On average, one customer a day will show up to pick up their vehicle. They are usually on site less,.than 30 mihutes. All parking will be on paved surfaces. <;>ne employee vehicle may'be parked on the right side of the driveway, also in front of the North Bay door, during office hours. Office hours are 8 to 6 Monday . through Friday. . . Before any vehicle is stored at this location, the building floor will be seale~ to preverit any accidental spill from leaking through cracks in the concrete and ihto the ground. Only 20% of vehicles, towed in, are wrecked or non-operational. Wrecked vehicles pose ; . . the highest risk of leaking hazardous fluids. All vehicles stored at this location, wrecked or not, will have trays placed underneath the entire length of the vehicle immediately after parking it inside the building. Two fifty gallon barrels will be placed inside building, near back wall, with closed tops'except for a small opening for pouring antifreeze in' one and motor oil in the other. ~ .' These barrels will have a larger container underneath each of them for secondary containment these barrels are heavy and do not tip over easily. Disposal of fluids and used absorbent material is removed. by a service called ORRCA EPA# ORD~80975692. 4150 North Suttle Road Portland, Oregon, 97217 Phone: 503-286-8352 they come to the location and remove hazardous m~terials in accordance with all federal, state, and local laws. A third 50 gallon barrel with an open top and a lid will be on site next to the first two barrels, at least half full. at all times of absorbent material in case of an accidental spill on the floor. A large scoop and a broom and dust pan will also be at this location for this purpose only. I want to make it clear that this is not a wrecking yard. This is simply a place to store police impounded vehicles indoors, at no time will any vehicle be dismantled in;any way, and no fluids will be purposefully drained from any . vehicle. No chemicals or hazardous materials of any kind except what has been stated above will be stored on the premises at any time.. Baby F~ce Towing cares about protecting the environment. All employees are properly trained in the field of cleaning up hazardous materials. All Tow Trucks carry absorbent material, a broom, a shovel, and a bucket for the purpose of picking up any leaking fluids. Baby Face Towihg will take every precaution to protect the environment and to protect the groundwater. Roger Haugen Baby Face Towing . Date Received: AUG 1 9 2008 Original Submittal .' Datef Jeived: III~~ 1I1II ~m III~ IIIIIIII~ IIIIIII~ 1m. AUG f 9 2008 ~lll.J.L'UL5L .1IiB CASCADE TITLE CO. Original Submittal STATUS OF RECORD TITLE REPORT SUPPLEMENTAL MIKE CHANEY P.O. BOX 81 VIDA, OR 97488 Our No: CT-0254610 Date: MARCH 28, 2008 Charge:, $200.00 AS requested 1 Cascade Title Co. has searched our tract indices described real property: as ~o the following '; A T T A C H ED) and as of: MARCH 21, 2008, at 8:00 A.M. we find the following: Vestee: A presumptive ~ interest in The Heirs and Devisees of MICHALDA Z. CHANEY, deceased, and a presumptive ~ interest in MICHAEL A. CHANEY, as tenants in common Said property is subject to the following on record matters: 1. Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted Mountain States Power Company. by instrument recorded March S, 1929, in Book 161, Page 238, Lane County Oregon Deed R~cords. 2. Easementl including the terms and provisions thereof, granted Mountain States Power Company, by instrument recorded March S, 1929, in Book 162, Page 215, Lane County Oregon Deed Records.. 3. Restriction of Access in deed from State'of Oregon, State Highwa~ Commission, , ' recorded February 21, 1962, Reception No. 60183, and to ,the State of Oregon, State Highway Commission, recorded December 21, 1961, Reception No. 539941 Lane County Oregon Deed Records. 4. Water line easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted the City of Springfield, by instrument recorded August 4, 1975, Reception No. 7532302, Lane County Official Records.. continued- MAIN OFFICE' 811 WILLAMETTE ST. . EUGENE, OREGON 97401' PH: (541) 687-2233 FLORENCE' 1901 HWY 101 - S. 2 . FLORENCE, OREGON 97439 . PH: (541) 997-8417 EUGENE FAX: 485-0307' E-MAIL: info@cascadetit1e.com . FLORENCE FAX: 997-8246 5. Improvement Agreement, including the terms and provisions thereof, between Raymond Wolf and Herman Thatcher and the City of Springfield, recorded December 14, 1975, Reception No. 7553215, Lane County Official Records. 6. A search of the records does not disclose a probate in Lane -County of the Estate of Michalda Z. Chaney, deceased, grantee in deed recorded October 22, 1992, Reception No. 9259777, Lane County Official Records. Claims, including taxes, against the estate and rights of heirs or devisees are hereby excepted. 7. We must be provided an Affidavit of Heirship for Michalda Z. Chaney, deceased. 8. Right', title and interest of Michael' A. Chaney and Nicholas A. Chaney, grantees, by reason of deeds, recorded December 26, 2007, Reception Nos. 2007-084440 and 2007- 084441, Lan~ County Deeds and Records. NOTE: Taxes, Account No. 0113843, Assesior's Map No. 17 02 30, #1903, Code 19-00, 2007-2008, in the amount of $2,026.43, PAID IN FULL. This report is to be utilized for information only. This report is not to be used as a basis for transferr~ngl encumber~ng or foreclosing the real property described. The liability of 'Cascade Title Co. is limited" to the addressee and shall not exceed the "premium paid hereunder. CASCADE TITLE CO., by: (~ (J4 I sm/Title Officer: COLLEEN LEAHY cc: TOM POAGE ENGINEERING & SURVEYING INC. ATTN: CHRIS 990 OBIE STREET EUGENE, OR 97402 Date Received: AUG 1 9 2008 Original Submittal PROPERTY DESCRIPTION '" A parcel of land in the Southeast one-quarter of Section 30,' Township 17 South, Range 2 West, Willamette Meridian, neing a portion of that 'property described in that deed recorded April 15, 1974, Reception No. ,7414814, Lane County Official Records, said parcel being described as follows: Beginning at a point which bears North 88' 26' West 872.01 feet and North l' 34' East 40.00 ,feet from the North-Northeast corner of the Pressley Comegys Donation Land Claim No. 80, Township 17 So~th, Range 2 West', willamette Meridian, said point being in the Northerly right of way line of OlYmPic Street, and being also the Southeast corner of that, tract of land described in deed to Land Management Services, Inc., recorded January 18, 1984, Reception No. 8402030, Lane Cou'nty Official Records; tbenceNorth l' 34" East along the East hne of said Land Management Services', Inc., tract 259.09 feet to a point on the Sou;:herly right of way line of the Eugene~Springfield Highway; thence following said highway'right of way line the, following three courses and distances: South 62. 06 ,. 5711 East 83.49 feet, South 45' 15' 26' East 172,41 feet and South 15' 12' 14" west 107.13 feet to a point on the Northerly right of way line of Olympic Street; thence North 88' 26' West along the North line of said street 175.31' feet to the point of .beginning, in .Lane County, Or~gon. Date Received: AUG 1 9 20(jj Originalsubmittal_--.-" --"'--l r.........r Ii5J r -- i:: ata 'f"o::"P ~ " j;;"""";"" ~j~ M_--[ ~ a~ ~~ _ 4. J ...'r............., I> . !! j ,'-oW 8'-0" . l2'\AC,.y.1UDI V PARKWG DETAl. ~...r.s. .TTENTION: c;.u l-IOO-J,3Z-lJM .. HOURS IlEfOAI: YOU DIG. OREGON UlI' II[QIIIO YOU f'QU.OII DMI ~-4)OI-0010 nfIU I>>-ocn-ooeo. COPC1 ~~Gla\It".-!"", .~.'~~ ~ --I. ~ ~ _I/..C.>>' ""......... AS5ESSOR'S aIIlP ICJ. '17-O:Z-.JQ Il '11l1J SPRIG'IO..O. IJlIC COLWrY, 0lt[G0II IOIlL EdtAIOA LJllI(mG 15 LQCA1'[D oM ~ .. sa: MCHTtC'f\llMl o-GS COIIlCIUII L..a. 0Mrim ClfII Sf[ PUll - sa !H'I' CI.2 nr...--n oa~... ..........-.. e-51C~= ,f'ClO1IlGI:lNClt[AS[: !CNfTT..nD: CI.I sm:..... CI.J$I1'I~OI ,........ coonooos CI.) UTUn'PI.M CU GflNJNC. MWC PI.M LI.I LJIJrClSCAPDrIG fUN LI.2 LMG$CllNCi IIGTt5 ...-.. -- . TOUl AU. MItA.. ,,,\\'1'11' -.;.,,~_::'/.~ .~,.""-' ~.!; ':~,:,~: -:~' >i '.000 son t ,. ...,0..30' ~ ,. 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