HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 10/7/2008 NOTICE OF DECISION SPRINGFIELD PLANNING COMMISSION Discretionary Use- Type III Impounded Vehicle Storage-Baby-Face Towing Case No. DRC 2008-00056 " Applicant: Roger Haugen, Baby-Face Towing P.O. Box 24534 Eugene, OR 97402 501-2068 Subject Property Location: 3626 Olympic Street; Assessor's Map 17-02-30-00 TL 1903. Nature of the Application: The applicant proposes to use an existing industrial building for storing impounded vehicles that are towed to the site. All vehicles would be stored indoors. Staff would be on site during normal working hours to allow owners to pick up their vehicles. Vehicles may be towed to the site any time of day or night. . Property Owner: Nick Cheney 1771 Balboa Street Eugene, OR 97408 359-8507 Plan/Zone Designation: Heavy Industrial Related Applications: DRC2008-00058 Drinking Water Protection Permit DRC2008-00030 Chaney Industrial Site Plan DATE OF NOTICE: October 8, 2008 DATE OF DECISION:' October 7, 2008 DECISION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION The Springfield Planning Commission voted 6-0, with I absent and no abstentions to approve the Discretionary Use. The action taken by the Springfield Planning Commission is a final action. On October 7, 2008, the Springfield Planning Commission met in regular session to consider a request from Baby Face Towing to operate an indoor impounded vehicle storage facility at 3626 Olympic Street in Springfield. Vehicle storage is a "discretionary use" in the Heavy Industrial zoning district. Discretionary uses require Planning Commission review for approval. Staff presented a report containing findings that supported the proposed use. A public hearing before the Planning Commission was held and no testimony was offered in opposition to the proposed use. The Planning Commission voted unanimously to approve the indoor vehicle impoundment use at 3626 Olympic Street. With that approval, the applicant, Roger Haugen (Baby face Towing) has the authority to operate an indoor ve~icle impoundment as per the application and the application narrative. DRC2008-00056 Discretionary Use Baby-Face Towing October 7, 2008 Date Received: . Planner: MM /0/7/tbr/f I r f 8'-- z.- .. Planning Commission members briefly discussed outdoor vehicle storage but made no decision on that issue. The decision of the Planning Commission was based upon the requested indoor vehicle storage use that was described in the applicant's narrative which was referenced and attached to the Commissioners packet materials. Future development of an outdoor storage area for impounded vehicles will require additional review by the Planning Commission. Such outdoor storage will require additional paving and infrastructure to manage and treat storm water runoff that was not required by this application. APPEALS The applicant or any party may appeal this decision to the City Council. The appeal must be submitted to the Development Services Department, 225 Fifth St., Springfield, 97477, within 10 days of the Planning Commission's decision, on October 20, 2008. The appeal must be in accordance with the SDC Section 5.3-100-Appeals. The appeal must be submitted on a City form and a fee of $2,322.00 must be paid with the submittal. The fee will be returned to the appellant only if the City Council approves the Appeal Application. QUESTIONS If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact Mark Metzger, at 726-3775. Mark Metzger, Planner 1lI Development Services Department City of Springfield 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 mrmetzger@ci.springfield.or.us DRC2008-00056 Discretionary Use Baby-Face Towing October 7. 2008 2 , 'V'- ~ BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD A DISCRETIONARY USE HEARING FOR ( AN IMPOUNDED VEHICLE STORAGE FACILITY ( ( ( ( Case Number: DRC2008-00056 FINDINGS, CONCLUSION AND ORDER NATURE OF THE APPLICATION Baby-Face Towing/Roger Haugen submitted an application to use an existing industrial building located at 3626 Olympic Street, to store impounded vehicles. The Springfield Development Code (SDC) Section 3.2-410 lists "Auto Wrecking, Storageiand Towing Services" as a discretionary use in the Heavy Industrial zoning district, requiring action by the Planning Council to approve. 1. The application conforms to the provisions of Section 5.9-115 of the Springfield Development Code. Timely and sufficient notice of the public hearing, pursuant to Section 5.1-135 of the Springfield Development Code was provided. 2. On October 7, 2008, a public hearing on the proposed use was held. The Development Services staff notes, including criteria of approval, findings, and recommendations, together with the testimony and submittals of those persons testifying at the hearing or in writing, have been considered and are part of the record of this proceeding. CONCLUSION The proposed Impounded Vehicle Storage Facility is presented for approval as a discretionary use under SDC Section 3.2-410 "Auto Wrecking, Storage and Towing," within the Heavy Industrial zoning district. On the basis of this record, the requested discretionary use is consistent with the criteria of approval of Section 5.9-120 of the Development Code. This general finding is . supported by the specific findings of fact and conclusion in the Staff Report that is attach'ed hereto. DECISION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION It is the DECISION of the Planning Commission of Springfield that Journal Number DRC2008-00056, Discretionary Use, (be approved) (be approved with conditions) (be denied) (n~ action be taken at this time). . This DECISION was presented to and approved by the Planning Commission on October 7,2008. Planning Commission Order .LD ~ .~~ (}~....:...~ September 3. 2008 Date Received: /oj~/~ Planner: MM Page I of 2 , \1; , 711/; , P~ Coriimission Chairperson ATIEST: AYES: h NOES: {7) ABSENT: . I ABSTAIN: ~ , Date Received:~h ! ~ Planner: MM Planning Commission Order LRP2008-00010 . September 3, 2008 Page 2 0[2 MEMORANDUM i I CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DATE OF HEARING: October 7,2008 TO: Springfield Planning Commission TRANSMITTAL MEMORANDUM FROM: Mark Metzger, Planner SUBJECT: Discretionary Use hearing to consider a proposed impounded vehicle storage use of an existing industrial buil~ing at 3636 Olympic Street. ISSUE:. There are certain uses which, due to the nature of their impact on'nearby uses and public facilities, require a case-by-case review and analysis at the Planning Commission or . Hearings Official level. To mitigate these. and other possible impacts, conditiohs may be applied to address potential adverse effects associated with the proposed use. DISCUSSION: The applicant has requested to a discretionary use hearing tQPonsider his proposed use of an existing industri.al building to store impounded vehicles. ~e has a contract with the Oregon State Police and intends to contract with various law enforcement agencies including the City of Springfield. ' ACTION REQUESTED: The Planning Commission is requested to review the proposed activity against the approval criteria for discretionary uses found in Section 5.9-120 of the Springfield Development Code and make a determination as to whether the proposed activity meets those . criteria. The Commission may approve the proposed use, approve the use with conditions, or may deny the use. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1: Staff Report Attachment 2: Planning Commission Order Date Reteived: 17\/7/ VitJy Planner: :, MM -L:::fr'7 Discretionary Use- Type III Impounded Vehicle Storage-Baby-Face Towing DRC 2008-00056 Staff Report and Recommendation Applicant: Roger Haugen, Baby-Face Towing P.O. Box 24534 Eugene, OR 97402 501-2068 Project ~ocation: Owner: Nick Cheney 1771 Balboa Street Eugene, OR 97408 359-8507 Plan/Zone Designation: . 3626 Olympic Street; Assessor's Map 17-02-30-00 TL 1903. Proposed Activity: Heavy Industrial Related Applications: The applicant proposes to use an existing industrial building for storing impounded vehicles that are towed to the site. All vehicles would be stored indoors. Staff would be on site during normal working hours to allow owners to pick up their vehicles. Vehicles may . be towed to the site any time of day or night. DRC2008-00058 Drinking Water Protection Permit , DRC2008-00030 Chaney InduStrial Site Plan ~\ I l~ ~F"I Baby-Face Towing- Discretionary Use Vicinity Map Dat~ Received: Planner: MM " (1;/, /'7?JfJf I { ATTACHMENT 1 -1 Baby-Face Towing- Discretionary Use Aerial Photo I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AND DECISION The applicant has requested to a discretionary use hearing to consider his proposed use of an existing industrial building to store impounded vehicles. He proposes to contract with various law enforcement agencies including the City of Springfield, to provide vehicle iritpound storage. In the application narrative (Appendix A), the applicant emphasizes that the facility is an impound storage facility as OIwosed to a wrecking yard. Wrecking yards dismarltle vehicles for parts and recycling. Although the proposed impound storage activity is significaptly different from a wrecking yard, SDC Section 3.2-410 lists'''Auto Wrecking, Storage and TowingServices" as a discretionary use in the Heavy Industrial zoning district. The notation of this use as a "discretionary use" is what triggers the need for Plaiming Commission review. The issue hefore the Planning Commission is tbe type of use proposed and not the site design per se. No new construction is being proposed by this action. The likely impact of the vehicle storage activity on nearby businesses is small. "\be larger development being considered on this site by the property owner assumes that thf existing . building will be retained. A site plan for that new developrnent is being processed parallel to this application. . Based the' fmdmgs set forth in this report, staff recommends approval of the proposed vehicle impound storage use at this location. . Date Received: Planner: MM 16/71ur><( I , ATTACHMENT 1 - 2 Alternative perspective of subject site. Building proposed for impowuled vehicle storage. II. PROCEDURAL REQUIREMENTS FOR DISCRETIONARY USE . . Discretionary Review applications are reviewed under Type ill (quasi-judicial) procedure which includes a public hearing before the Planning Commission or a Hearings Official. The procedural requirements for a Type ill land use decision are liSted in Springfield Development Code (SDC) Section 5.1-13 5. This section requires mailed notice of the public hearing to be J.entto residents and landowners within 300 feet of the subject property and to any applicable neighborhood association (SDC Section 5.] -135 (B). SDC Section 5.2-1] 5 (A) describes the required content of Obte Received: I ~/~/t.~ Planner: MM ATTACHMENT 1 - 3 the mailed notices. Section 5.2-115 (B) states that Type ill.quasi-judicial procedUres also require published notice of the proposed action in a newspaper of general circulation. Any person seeking to respond to the issue may provide written comments to the.!Director through the day of the public hearing or may testif'y in person. . Evaluation of the proposal by the Development Review Committee is also required under SDC Section 5.1-135 (C). The Development Review Committee is composed of staff ,from various . city departments and staff from various other agencies which provide urban services with Springfield's planning jurisdiction. ,. Finding #1. Mailed notice of the proposed site plan modification was sent to ,residents and property owners within 300 feet of the subject site on September 16,2008 as verified by affidavit. . Finding #2. Notice was sent to participants in the Development Review Committee and a meeting was held on August 30, 2008 to review issues of compliance of the pr9posal with applicable development policies and standards. . Finding #3. No comments, written or verbal, were received from the public during the l4-day comment period. Conclusion: Procedural requirements for processing a Type ill Discretionary Us~ Hearing have been followed. m. CRITERIA OF APPROVAL-DISCRETIONARY USE The following section reviews the criteria for approving Discretionary Use applications and makes [mdings for each individual criterion as they are listed. SDC Section 5.9-120 states, "Discretionary Use may be approved only if the Planning Commission or Hearings Official finds that the proposal conforms with the Site r:'lan Review approval criteria specified in Section 5.17-125, where applicable, and the following approval criteria: A. The proposed use conforms'with applicable:. 1. Provisions of the Metro Plan; Finding #4. The Metro Plan designation for the site is Heavy Industrial. The proposed use is consistent with th~ types of uses allowed in the Heavy Industrial plan areas. ' 2. Refinement plans; Finding #5. This .criterion is not applicable. The subject site is not within a refinement plan area. 3. Plan District standards; \. Dat~ Rec~ived: If) /7/r/{ Plal)ner: MM ~ ATTACHMENT 1 - 4 Finding #6. This criterion is not applicable. The subject site is not within a refmement plan . area. 4. Conceptual Development Plans or , Finding #7. The subject site is not part of any conceptual developrnent plan. I The subject site is,however, part ofa larger site plan for development of the property. A sma'! scale drawing of the site plan is attached as Appendix B. That site plan shows that the existij-lg building will be retained and integrated into the larger site development. 5. SpecifIC Development Standards in this Code; Finding #8. SDC Section 3.2-410 does not reference any <if the specific dev~lopment standards found in Section 4.7-100. Conclnsi,!n: Most of the criteria listed in SDC Section 5.9-120 (A) do not apply,to this application. The project complies with those criteria which do apply. B. The site under consideration is suitable for the proposed use, considering: 1. The location, size, design and operating characteristics of the use (operating characteristics include but are not limited to parking, traffic, noise, vibration, emissions, light, glare, odor, dust, visibility, safety, and aesthetic considerations, where applicable); Finding #9. The narrative portion of the application states that impounded v~hicles will be stored indoors on the site, and that impounded vehicles may be brought to the site at various times of day and night. Finding #10. The subject site is located in a heavy industrial zoning district where noise, and 24-hour activity is expected and allowed. , Finding #11. The. small scale of the activity and the proposed indoor storage qfthe impounded vehicles will reduce the visual impact of the activity on nearby industrial development, including the planned new development on the site. 2. Adequate and safe circulation exists for vehicular access to and from the p~oposed site, and on-site circUlation and emergency response as well as pedestrian, bicycle and transit circulation; Finding #12. The proposed use was reviewed by the Public Works Transporuition Division and the Deputy Fire Marshall. Their comments indicate. that the. existing acce~s to the single subject building on the site is adequate. The site plan for the remainder of thdsite provides for proper circulation and access to future development as well as the existing building where , vehicles will be stored. . I Date ReceiVed:.-1P/z/n<[ Planner: MM Ii I: :, ATTACHMENT 1.5 Finding #13; In the event the site plan is not approved, the City would be required to seek improvements to the site under SDC Section 5. 15-1 OO-Minimum Development Standards. Such improvements are not required at this time since the site plan more than meets the standards set in Section 5.15-100. 3. The natural and physical features of the site, including but not limited to, riparian areas, regulated wetlands, natural stormwater management/drainage areas and woo~ed areas shQJI be adequately considered in the project design; and . Finding #14. The subject site does not impact any inventoried natural resourc~ area or any natural features. 4. Adequate public facilities and services are available, including but not limited to, utilities, streets, storm drainage facilities, sanitary sewer and other public infrastructur~ Finding #15. The proposed use was reviewed by the Public Works Engineering Division and by the Springfield Utility Board. No comments were received that indicated ally lack of . capacity to serve the proposed use. I Finding #16. Impound yards secure and store vehicles until the owner comes to retrieve them. Such cars are almost always in operating condition. 'Impounded v.ehicles offer a lower threat of fluid release than auto wrecking(dismantling operations. The visual impact of fill indoor vehicle storage facility are significantly less that that posed by an auto wrecking yard. I' . Finding #17. In addition to the Discretionary Use application, a Drinkjng Wa~er Protection permit is being processed with the assistance of SUB staff. The applicant shall be required to demonstrate that the 'impound vehicle storage will be properly managed to minimize the threat of any spilled vehicle fluids to Springfield's drinking water supply through the implementation of spill prevention and containment procedures. . In addition, the floor of the storage building shall be treated with sealants specified by SUB to prevent fluid spills from pe'!etrating the floor. Conclusion: The proposed activity is consistent with the criterion in SDC SectioIl5.9"120 (B). IV. CONCLUSION AND STAFF RECOMMENDATION Based on the findings made with regard to the decision criteria for discretionary uses found in SDC Section 5.9-120, staff concludes that there is adequate basis for the Plannin~ Commission to approve the proposed vehicle impound storage activity (DRC2008-00056). Date RebeiVed:.np./Od Planner:" MM ATTACHMENT 1 -6 ," APPENDIX A . Applicant's Narrative '-- I , I , I I ! I. I I , I I I I , ATTACHME~T 1 -7 D~te ReCeiVed:12/:z./0.( Planner: MM BAB'l FACE TOWIN6 P.O. BOX 24534. D~te Received: AUG 1 2 2008 EU6t:Nf:, 0RE.60N .A7402 PHONt::541-501-206A Original; Submittal FAX: 541-505-7492 EMAIL: BABITACErOWIN€i@.lAHOO.COM Crr{ OF SPRIN6FIfJ.D DIDff:I.OPMENT SERVICES DEPARnmNT 225 FIFTH STRfJIT SPRIN6F1fJ.D.0RE-60N 97477 DI5CRIITIONAR'lUSf: S'.~MJTTAL NARRATIW To Whom It May Concem: Attached is our application for a Discretionary Use Permit for the . purpose of placing an impound yard at 3626 Olympic Street, Springfield, Oregon. Firstl want to 1; clarify thalthis is not a wrecking yard it is simply a place to store impounded',vehicles inside. , Under Springfield Land Use Rules impound yards and wrecking yards have been grouped together to make it seem that impound yards and wrecking yards are one inlhe same. I want to make it clear that these are two very different things. A wrecking yard is a plClce where vehicles are dismantled which may cause the leaking of hazardous fluids from the vehicle and an . unsightly mess. Whereas an impound yard is sirnply the storing of impounded vehicles for the purpose of securing them until the vehicle owner comes to retrieve them. In no way will any vehicle be dismantled in any way: Absolutely no repairs of any kind will be done on site. No fluids will be purposely drained from any vehicle. On average, one vehicle p~r day will be towed into this location and stored inside and one will be towed out per day. No impounded vehicles will be parked outside. Company tow trucks will only be at this location when dropping off or picking up a vehicle. We only tow light passenger vehicles. Our tow trucks are stored at our city approved location at.90020 Prairie Rd Eugene, Oregon 97402. Vehicles not~raimed by their owners will be moved to our Eugene location to be sold. No sales of vehiclelil will happen at the Springfield location. On average, one patron per day .will arrive to pick up their vehicle. If they arrive in a vehicle, they will be directed to park on the pavement in front ofthe warehouse doors. After completing about 15 minutes worth of paperwork, they are free to drlvei'their vehicle out of the warehouse or have it towed out and to a location of their choice. One e~ployee will be on- '. ,. site Monday-Friday from B am to 6pm. No more than one employee personal vehicle win be parked at this location at a time. Parking for that vehicle will be in front of the northern warehouse door on pavement. All vehicles towed or stored at this location will be placed inside the I . warehouse and fluid containment catch trays will be placed under all vehicles, under the entire " length of the vehicle, whether they are leaking or not. The majority of vehicles the police order impounded are vehicles that are fully operational. Only about 20 percent are wrecked or non- operational. Wrecked vehicles carry the highest risk of leaking fluids therefore our drivers are trained in the field of containment and cleanup of these fluids. All trucks are required (per Oregon State Police rules) to carry fluid absorbent, broom, scoop shovel and a bucket for cleanup of vehicle fluids. The above items will be kept on site, inside the warehouse, in the event of any spin. Any spin will be cleaned up immediately. Also included in the warehouse win be two fifty gallon barrels with closed tops with a small port for pouring fluids into and pumping them out. A third fifty gallon barrel with a large removable lid will be on site i(lside the warehouse for the purpose of containing any absorbent material that was used to cleanup any spill on the floor. The first two barrels are for draining the catch trays in the event that anything has leaked onto them. ALL barrels Will include secondary containment, meahing they will be , sitting inside of a large catch basin. Disposal of fluids and used absorbent rT)aterial is removed by a service called ORRCA EPA# ORD980975692. 4150 North Suttle Road'Portland, Oregon, 97217. Phone: 503-286-8352 they come to the location and remove hazardous materials in accordance with all federal, state and local laws. This is all part of. our Hazardous Materials Management Plan. Additionally we will not be stOCking any hazardous materials on site. Baby , Face Towing takes every precaution in protecting the environment. The site::at 3626 Olympic Springfield, Oregon is surrounded by businesses and there are no residential properties within sight or sound of this location. Considering we are simply moving 1 or 2 carS in or ol!l a day, we do not foresee any impact on neighboring businesses. Ninety-Nine percent of our patrons contact us by telephone to. arrange pickup of their vehicles and are on site a very short time, usually less than 30 minutes: The only noise created from our operation is the sound of the motor running on our tow trucks when moving vehicles in or out. Conceming lighting impact: The only change in lighting would be from headlights of tow trucks whenmo'ving vehicles in and , , out. We do operate 241('1365 days a year. Tow trucks will be on site a maximum of thirty minutes to move vehicles in and out. Baby Face Towing is a small company that operates three tow trucks in the Eugene/Springfield and surrounding areas. The majority of company business is handled' at our Eugene yard and River Rd (Eugene) office locations. We look forward to doing business in Springfield and assisting the Springfield Police in removing. traffic hazards. Thank You, ~ge~ Date Received: . AUG 1 ~ 2008 Baby Face Towing .. 4 ~ .\....._~I.r.l Orl"', ~.l"I,"..;,a" .....~;I~,H,:,... --_..~,_.,...._. ~11;....l .... Nick Chaney Site Plan DRC2008-00030 ~ , ATTACHMENT 1 - 8 ... APPENDIX B " 4l.t.j \ L)C8 ' 'tt I ~L ~ OrIginal Subml a ...w..~=l _ """-, I ""0'''''''''' J""'""''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''',',',e"".',,'''''t;;~ - ,-I >..;:~ j' ~- - j::~- ~ --- ' - --~___L_____~ (,j;)~Y' ::r ,..-cr:....-cr:..-cr:r . f ,-, ...... '--, I 1 0 "r'" ... mil. '\ I Tranait Noten_ ...~ to "_110. !!- .- ,"'-D._. -~1"'"_" ,~ .....' ____ y~..... ....... ..... "''''''s~..._..._..... _._ i~~~, -- ". ::=,,'"fI:;-,:..-":;'n.......... ' To .....,~_. ;; III"V., 'l-3 .~ _ __ =- _ . W I . "~..--_ zaco ..... """":::'_ ' L., sn. PClIOCllm -1 ... -... s......cr '"_ ....''" ....... ......s_ AAOI DPM. ..... lOllS OR SIl IPOln' IIOD a' IM"SOII RACIC" ffi IP-JP STYlE III1C!: ~....i.s. ......!!....- IICUII'.SlCIII7' . -r-- Ii5I ."-.., 11 . ;- ...... .,~~ .:+~~ ~ "-V~l~ ~ l~~ f D'-V AI. 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"'" .,... 0.70 1.>>1"'1 1a..sn"'1 8.7....... .. ., j! - ....JlClIIcIn:Ip: - - ..... ~ It !! 1,--1. ........... IN)' 'I' _ ~~LI.I .. ~ IN)I"Cl>OO ~ ~ Ij; ~ ~~ [lIIIlifa:: 1;1-)14 -.a M(1111l1 ~ ,~f1II.~_ ~l-:",=_ '''-.iiMIIC~ =. ......,. o.e- -, . ~o.i... '&na 1U1..... -.,'.n11 :.........., , DIIIl'D...., -- Rll -18728-8 1 OF 8 BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMiSsioN OF THE . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD A DISCRETIONARY USE HEARING FOR ( AN IMPOUNDED VEHICLE STORAGE FACILITY ( ( ( ( " Case Number. DRC2008-00056 FINDINGS, CONCLUSION AND ORDER NATURE OF THE APPLICATION .~i ,Baby-Face Towing/Roger Haugen submitted an application to use an exi~ting industrial building located at 3626 Olympic Street, to store impounded vehicles. The Springfield Development Code (SDC) Section 3.2-410 lists "Auto Wrecking, Storage and Towing Services" as a discretionary use in the Heavy Industrial zoning district, requiring action by the Planning Council to approve. ' 1. The application conforms to the provisions of Section 5.9-115 of the Springfield Development Code. Timely and sufficient notice of the public hea'nng,pursuant to Section 5.1-135 of the Springfield Development Code was provided. " . .' 2. On October 7,2008, a public hearing on the proposed use was held. The Development Services staff notes, including criteria of approval, findings, and recommendations, together with the testimony and submittals of ttlose persons . testifying at the hearing or in writing, have been considered and afe part of the . record of this proceeding. CONCLUSION The proposed Impounded Vehicle Storage Facility is presented for approval as a discretionary use under SDC. Section 3.2-410 "Auto Wrecking, Storage and Towing," within the Heavy I ndustrial zoning district. " On the basis of this record, the requested discretionary use is consistent with the criteria of approval of Section 5.9-120 ofthe Development Code. This general figding is supported by the specific findings of fact and conclusion in the Staff Report that is attached hereto. DECISION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION It is the DECISION of the Planning Commission of Springfield that Journal Number DRC2008-00056, Discretionary Use, (be approved) (be approved with cohditions) (be denied) (no action be taken at this time). . This DECISION was presented to and approved by the Planning 'Commission on . .' 1 October 7,2008. ' Ii bate ReceiVed:'; 10/7/ d . MM' I I Planner: I P 1 f 2 i: age 0 Plannini' c:,!mmission Order bkJ".:~lNrolJrfllr ' ~f.!T L.1_ ~ "n08 Planning Co. ., mIDlSSlOn Ch . . . . arrperson , ATTEST: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN' DateRe~..eived: II> /( ID~ Planner: ,'MM ~ Page 2 of2