HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments SUB 9/4/2008
WATER SERVICE CENTER 202 South 18th Street Springfield, OR 97477-5240 Tel 541.726.2396 Fax 541.747.7348 www.subutil.com
September 4, 20.0.8
Mark Metzger
City of Springfield
225 N. 5th Street
Springfield, OR 97477
Dear Mark:
Tax Map 17-0.2-30.-0.0., ~ax Lot 190.3, 3626 Ol~pic Str~et
The property has an existing %" meter serving the existing building. If any new or larger services will be
needed for this development, then listed below are our comments for the above referenced development
The proposed development is within the Springfield city limits and will receive water service
from the Springfield Utility Board (SUB).
All new water syst~11) facilities and i:'odific~tions to water s~stem facili!ieslbot~ in~.\deand, :2: h
adjacent to, the proposed gevelopnient sli~ll be placed in street nght-of~way"a! a.localIon ~nd, ,
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depth of bury that meets the'standarCls of the SUB Water Division.
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All'water faciii(y materiais'shall be t6 a staridard'ihat must meet SUB Water Division
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specifications. '
All workmanship shall be performed to meet or exceed SUB Water Division construction
Size of waterline and other facilities, including water meters, must meet the needs of the SUB
Water Division and the long-range needs of the City. These needs include, but are not limited to,
meter locatio~ and access, sizes of water distribution and transmission lines, pumping facilities,
and communication lines',
Please ask the developer to contact the SUB Water Division for detailed information on the
materials and construction standards, detailed costs for installing SUB water facilities, and a
schedule of construction. Construction expenses may be reduced with good planning of required
water facilities, good timing of facilities installation, and joint trench opportunities,
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All ~~le.r 'me.ter~, wi\j ~e r,1aced in public ngpt-of-way a~ a locatio~ ,i<ientified by thtgeveloper.
Each lot or parcel must have Its own water servIce. ' ." .
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;\Vater senciceJacilities wijlbe,installed upon cqllection of development chaTges".'p'evelopment
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policie~ and charges identified in \his letter ~re subject tO,change,' Achial charges5vill be those in
effect at the time waier servi~e is requested, ..,. '.,' 'n.
S:\SITEPLAN\3626 Olympic Street discretionary use 9-4-08.docx
Date Received: q~ 121,
Planner: MM
9. Springfield has several wellhead protection areas. Ninety percent of Springfield's drinking water
comes from wells, In every instance, care shall be taken to prevent groundwater contamination.
Contractors/developers/owners shall be responsible for the safe handling and storage of
chemicals, petroleum products, fertilizers, and the prevention of groundwater and storm water
runoff contamination.
Special requirements may be necessary for groundwater protection at this development. Contact
Amy Chinitz at Springfield Utility Board Water Division for details at 726-2396,
10., Backflow prevention devices will be required for this service. Please contact Chuck Davis at
726-2396 prior to installing water service, Chuck can help in the selection of the most
economical device and location. Water service will not be provided until a backflow plan has
been submitted to SUB Water Engineering and approved for installation,
SUB development charges are paid directly to SUB Water Division and
SUB Electric Division,
S'"'%tv ~kc
Rebecca Templin, P,E,
Water Engineering Supervisor - Water Division
cc: Roger Haugen, Baby Face Towing, P,O, Box 24534, Eugene, Oregon 9740.2.
Nick Cheney, 1771 Balboa Street, Eugene, Oregon 9740.8
S:\SITEPLAN\3626 Olympic Street discretionary use 9-4,08.docx
Date Receiv'ed:$(r/f
Planner: MM