HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous PLANNER 10/24/2008 -. .~. Type I DV\iP Overlay District Narrative For Jerry's Home Improvement Center- McKenzie Field Center Expansion 2525 Olympic Street Springfield, Oregon REVISED 24 October 2008 Prol!ertv Owner ITax Lot 80001 Pacific Coast Options LLC 2600 Highway 99 North Eugene, OR 97402 Aoolicant Jerry's Home Improvement Center P,O. Box 2611 Eugene, OR 97402 Alln:Dennis Orem ProDf!rtv Owner (Tax Lot 8021 The Olympic LLC P,O. Box 26125 Eugene, OR 97402 Architect Robertson/ShelWood/Architects pc 132 E. Broadway, Suite 540 Eugene OR 97401 Alln: James Robertson, AlA Phone: 541-342-8077 Fax: 541-345-4302 Project Location: The properly are Tax Map No, 17-03-25-00, Lot 802, and Tax Map No, 17-03_25-43, Lot 8000. The project address is 2525 Olympic Street, the address (or Jerry's Home Improvement Center Project Description: The proposed project is an expansion of the Jerry's Home Improvement Center at McKenzie Field. The expansion' has three components: Interior renovations to the eastern portion of the existing Wilco store (Lot 802) to create a receiving and warehouse space for Jerry's, A new covered drive_lhru stales building located in the parking lot north of the Wilco store (Lot 802), , Renovations to change the current covered drive-thru sales area of Jerry's to interior retail space (Lot 8000), Specilic to drinking water protection: , The interior renovations for a warehouse space in the Wilco building are planned to be a receiving and storage area for Jerry's. Merchandise will be received here and be temporarily stored until it is moved into the main Jerry's building for storage and sales display, Work to seal the existing floor and walls of this space will be done to match the sealing work done for the adjacent Wilco building in order to provide the maximum amount of secondary containment for the warehouse. As was done for the Wilco renovation, an assessment of stored materials was performed by Ron Walls with Devoe, and sealing products, applications and maintenance procedures have been developed, Brooms and spill kits will be kept in the building and exterior door locations, As is currently the case at the existing Jerry's drive-thru sales area that it is replacing, the new covered drive-thru sales building will not store solid or liquid hazardous materials, The existing asphalt surface and the existing storm drain catch basin underneath the proposed building roof will be removed, A new concrete slab will be poured. There will be no drains in'the slab of this covered area. The existing'drive-thru sales area in the Jerry's building will be converted to additional interior sales area, The existing slab and existing sanilary sewer connections in this area will be removed, A new concrete slab will be poured. This slab will have a recessed area to provide ' A containment 01 liquids, The new concrete slab will be trealed with an admixlure lhal will provide ,n J J-,dc impermeability and chemical resistance to the concrete, Date Received: ~I '1dD't " , Planner: MM f~ I-~ Robertson/ShelWood/Architects pc Page 1 of 6 Jerry's Home Improvement Center- McKenzie Field Expansion Typ~ I DWP Overlay District Application Narrative- REVISED " The original construction of Jerry's Hor'nelmprovementCenter in 2002 was reviewed under a prior DWP ,Overlay District Application (City Journal No.01-08-159). While locations of materials stored in the operations at Jerry's are changing, there is no proposed change to the types or quantities of hazardous materials stored and sold on at the Jerry's operation. A copy of Jerry's HMIS has been.submitted to the City and SUB for review.' , Applicability: The proposed project requires a DWP Overlay District application as per SDC 3,3-225,,:since a Site Plan Review is required for the project and the project affects the storage of hazardous mat~rials, A Major Site Plan Modification application has been submitted and approved by the City (DRC2008-00047). Time of Travel Determination, According to the current Wellhead Protection Area Map located on the City website, most of the site lies within the Drinking Water Protection Area's 2 and,5 year Time of Travel Zones (TOTZ) of the Maia wellhead. Therefore the guidelines for the 1-5 Year TOTZ is the most restrictive associaled with the project site, . DWP Overlay District Development'Submittal Requirements Checklist In accordance with Drinking Water Protection (DWP) Overlay application submittal requirements, all required information has been provided as follows: Submitted concurrently with Site Plan Review or Minimum Development Standards applications, where applicable, .... This DWP Overlay District was originally submitted concurrent with a Major Site Plan Modification application for the project (DRC2008-00047). Application fee. The application fee is included, (submitted previously) DWP Overlay District Development Application form. The DWP Overlay District Development Application Form is included. (submitted previously) Copy of the Deed. i: A copy of the Deeds for the two lax lots associated with this project are included. (submitted previously) , Copy of a Preliminary Title RepDl1. A copy of the Preliminary Title Reports for the two tax lots associated with this projecl are included, (submitted previously) Narrative , This summary is part of the Narrative. Three (3) copies of a Plot Plan reduced to Be 1/2" by 11" outlining the applicable TOTZ boundaries in relalion 10 the property boundaries, ' , Three copies of the Site Plan Review site plan printed to the appropriate size are included. (submitted previously) Jerry's Home Improvement Center- McKenzie Field Expansion Type I DWP Overlay District Application Narrative- REVISED Robertson/Sherwood/Architects pc Page 2 of 6 Use of hazardous materials that pose a risk to groundwater that existing on the property prior to May 15, 2000, if applicable. Both tax lots where developed as their current use (major retail) after May 15, 2000, There are no current use of hazardous materials that may have existing on the site prior to this date, Hazardous Materiallnve,!tory Statement and Material Safety Data Sheet for all materials entered on the statement. Hazardous material weights shall be converted to volume measurement for purposes of determining amounts (i.e. 10 pounds shall be considered equal to one gallon). Three copies of a Hazardous Materials Inventory Statement (HMIS) prepared by th'e Applicant is included with this application (submitted previously), and is formatted in the same '!lanner as the original DWP Overlay District application submitted and approved for the construction of Jerry's in 2002, This statement includes products currentiy for sale at Jerry's or used for cleaning and maintaining the current facility, Material Safety Data Sheei (MSDS) information for, specific products listed will be provided to the City and Springfield Utility Board at their request. . { Use of chemicals to be monitored through the analysis of groundwater samples and monitoring schedule if groundwater monitoring is anticipated to be required, Hazardous materials stocked on site will be in their original containers for sale to customers. Containers will be in volumes 01 5 gallons or less. There will be no packaging or repackaging on site, Storage of hazardous materials will be in areas with concrete flooring, Additionally: construction is planned to prevent spills from running directly into the storm water sewer system, Any spill of' hazardous material will result in immediate clean up in accordance with a Hazardous Material Management Plan (HMMP), a copy of which is included with this application, Therefore, any spill will not come in direct contact with ground surface. For these reasons, it is determined that ground water monitoring should not be required, Detailed description of the activities conducted at the facility that involve storage, handling, treatment, use or production of hazardous materials in aggregate quantities greater than 500 gallons. ' The primary activityinvoiving hazardous materials on site is storage of hazardous material product for retail sales. Hazardous material productwill not exceed 5 gallons per container, with no more than' 500 gallons in aggregate quantity stored on site, There shall be no use of Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids (DNAPL's). - Description of the primary and any secondary containment devices proposed, and, if applicable, clearly identified as to whether the device will drain to the sanitary sewer or storm water system. ., ~,. PrimarY Containment Devices: Original product containers will provide primary containment. There will be no packaging or repackaging of hazardous materials, --" SecondarY Containment Devices: All hazardous materials will be in areas'with a sealed or treated concrete slab, Wilco Building. W~rehouse: Work to seal the existing floor and walls of this space will be done to match the sealing work done for the adjacent Wilco building in order to provide the,maximum amount of secondary containment for the warehouse, The system is made up oi a multi-coat epoxy flooring from Devoe. The HMIS for Jerry's was reviewed by Ron Watts of Devoe and he provided recommendations for the best system to provide chemical resistance, slip resistance and other characteristics desired for the floor, Maintenance procedures for this flooring will be similar to those detailed for the Wilco tenant improvement project, and will be included inthe linal version of Jerry's HMMP Jerry's Home Improvement Center- McKenzie Field Expansion Type I DWP Overlay District Appiication Narrative- REVISED Robertson/Sherwood/Architects pc Page 3 of 6 ':i , . Jerrv's Store Exoansion: At the Jerry's store,expansion"secondary containment will be achieved by recessing the floor slab approximately %" (to provide volume cohtainment similar to what was done at ,the existing store), adding an admixture (Xypex C-SOO) to the concrete that reduces the permeability of the concrete by reducing the amount of pores and capillaries, andwhich also provides chemical resistance, The Xypex product is used as an admixture to concrete to provide qualities for secondary containment It has proven resistance against many corrosive chemicals and environments, Joints in the concrete will have a chemical resistant sealer applied into them. Since this is an admixture and part of the concrete, maintenance will consist of periodic inspection of th~ slab, Cracks or damage identified will be treated with an approved chemical resistant sealant There will be'no drains that connect to the sanitary or stormwater system in either of these areas, This will prevent any spill from I10wing toa storm drain or run off, Proposed Hazardous Material Management Plan for the facility that indicates procedures to be followed to prevent, control, collect and dispose of any unauthorized release of a hazardous material, , Three copies 01 a Hazardous Material M'anagement Plan (HMMP) developed by the Applicant for the Jerry's facility is included with this application, (submitted previously) Each employee receives a book (Orientation Handbook) with a section (see attached with the HMMP) entitled "Spill Clean Up" and training on their first day of employment that clearly defines the procedures for cleaning up hazardous materiais, A spill clean up kit is located in each departmentthat has product that could spill as well as in the receivinglunloading areas ana at the checkout area of the store, These kits are made up of the Personal Protective Equipment that could be worn during the clean up as well as absorbent materials to address the spill and HazMat bags to contain the clean up supplies and products. . ~ An Emergency Action Plan is also maintained in each department. This plan provides proper, response in the event of a hazardous material spill (see attached with the HMMP). Jerry's is contracted with ENSCO West, Inc., a waste disposal service for disposal of any spilled material that is not accepted through Lane County Waste Collection events that are held throughout the year, Description of the procedure for inspection and maintenance of containment devices and emergency equipment. Primary and secondary containment, devices are noted above (original containers and sealed or treated floors), Other containment devices are limited to emergency shut-off switches at the loading areas, Management and receiving personnel are trained in spill clean up procedures, Floors, valves, fire extinguishers and spill response kits are inspected monthly to in'sure appropriate conditions. Fire extinguishers are maintained at appropriate chare levels. Spill response kit supplies are maintained at appropriate stock levels. ' , " Description of the plan for disposition ,of unused hazardous materials or hazardous material waste products over the maximum allowable amounts, including the type of transportation and proposed routes. Hazardous materials are not used in the course of operations at Jerry's, nor does Jerry's store waste in excess of allowable amounts, ' Jerry's Home Improvement Center- McKenzie Field Expansion Type I DWP Overlay District Application Narrative- REVISED RobertsonfSherwood/Architects pc Page 4 of 6 DWP Overlay District Development 1-5 Year TOTZ Standards SDC 3,3-235-B list standards lor projects in the 1-5 year TOTZ zone, Following is a response to each listed standard: (I) The storage, handing, treatment use, application or production or otherwise keeping on premises of more than 20 gallons of hazardous materials that pose a risk 10 groundwater in aggregf'te quantilies not containing DNAPL's are allowed only upon compliance with containment and safety standards specified by the most recent Fire Code adopted by the City, Compliance with containment and safety standards, as listed in the most current version of the Oregon Fire Code is addressed in other sections of this application and in the attached HMMP. The procedures listed in the HMMP are the same as those developed for Jerry's when it was originally approved and constructed, (2) Unless exempted, all hazardous materials that pose a risk to groundwater shall be stored in areas with approved secondary containment in place (Uniform Fire Code Articles 2 and 8003.1,3,3,.) All hazardous materials will be stored in areas with a sealed floor, an approved method for secondary containment per the Oregon Fire Code (Uniform Fire Code), There will be no drains in these areas, This will prevent any spill from flowing to storm drain or run off, (3) All new use of DNAPL 's are prohibited. There will be no use of DNAPL's at the site, (4) Any change in the type of use or an increase in the maximum daily inventory quantity of any DNAPL is considered a new use and is prohibited. There are no current or new uses of DNAPL's at the site, (5) The following certain types of facilities or changes in chemical use and/or storage of hazardous materials that pose a risk to groundwaler are prohibited: a, Hazardous material product pipelines used to transport the hazardous material off pf the tax lot where it is produced or used, ' b, Injeclion wells, EXCEPTION: Dry wells for roof drainage. c. Solid waste landfills and transfer stations, d, Fill materials containing hazardous materials. e. Land uses and new facilities that will use, store, treat, handle and/or produce DNAPL's. a, There will be no pipelines for transporting hazardous materials. b, There will be no injection wells. c. No landfills or transfer stations will be located on the site, d, There will be no'fill material containing hazardous materials used or placed on the site. e. DNAPL's will not be used, stored, treated, handled or produced on site, (6) Requirements found in Uniform Fire Code Appendix II-E 3.2:6 for a monitoring program and in 8003,1,3,3 for monitoring methods to detect hazardous materials in the secondary containment system shall be met for all amounts of hazardous materials that pose a risk to groundwater unless exempted, Monitoring method to detect hazardous material spills in secondary containment will be by visual inspection, an approved method in the Uniform Fire Code, The HMMP developed for the facility provides further detail on the monitoring program. (7) Requirements found in Uniform Fire Code Appendix II-E Section 3.2.7 for inspection and record keeping procedures for monthly in-house inspection and maintenance, of containment and emergency equipment for all amounts of hazardous materials that pose a risk to groundwater shall be met unless exempted., ' ' , Jerry's Home Improvement Center- McKenzie Field Expansion Type I DWP Overlay District Application Narrative- REVISED Robertson/Sherwood/Architects pc , 'Page 5 of 6 Monthly inspections are required as part of operalions policy and procedure for lire extinguishers and spill response kits by or at the direction of the Director of Safety. An Inspection Log is completed and maintained as part of current operations at Jerry's, and future inspections procedures.will cover the renovated warehouse and proposed covered ouldoor storage building, General Construction 1, The applicant recognizes the importance of spill prevention and safety/security measures necessary to minimize negative impacls to the drinking/ground water supply. Construction documents will address approved and unapproved construction activities to avoid negatively impacting drinkingwater w,ells, Also to be addressed on construclion documents will be the requirement that all chemicals are to be placed in adequate secondary containment and that Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids (DNAPL's) are not to enter the site either via construction materials, heavy equipment or construction vehicles, 2. The contractor and subcontractors will be required to provide MSDS sheets for all chemicals proposed for use on site prior to their delivery to site. These sheels will be reviewed to determine if chemical is approved for use on site, 3. Contractors will'be responsible for the safe handling and storage of chemicals,',petroleum product and lertilizers and the prevention 01 groundwater and storm water run off contamination, , , 4. Contractor will not be allowed to maintain or fuel vehicles on site. 5. No fill materials containing hazardous materials will be allowed on site. Operations 1, Secondary containment of hazardous materials will be provided as noted above. 2, Wellhead protection signs, meeting Springfield Utility Board (SUB) standards, ",ill be posted as recommended by SUB's wellhead protection staff, Jerry's Home Improvement Center- McKenzie Field Expansion Type I DWP Overlay District Application Narrative- REVISED Robertson/Sherwood/Architects pc Page 6 of 6