HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Miscellaneous 10/24/2008 . -, ~"'1 . .'V Hazardous Material Spill Clean-Up Spill Clean-Up . All Team Members need to be aware of the hazardous materials in their work area and be familiar with the health hazards, required protective equipment, and procedures for the safe handling of those hazardous materials. If a hazardous material is spilled, Team Members with'the training,_ knowledge, and experience to clean up the material need to follow these steps: 1. When you encounter a spill (Figure 1), cordon off the area. immediately to prevent others from coming into contact with the spill (Figure 2), and look for additional hazards such as chemical reactions, corroding shelves, etc. Ask anyone not involved in cleaning up the hazardous material to evacuate the area and not return until the area is reported as safe. It is important.tIlat a Team Member remain at the site at all times to direct others away from the spill. 2. Alert a.supervisor that a spill has occurred (Figure 3). 3. Respond to medical emergencies. 4. With the assistance of a supervisor, determine whether or not emergency personnel are needed for clean-up; if not, determine what Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) you need to wear when cleaning up the spill by reading the label (Figure 4) or checking the MSDS. The PPE inclucies the following: o . Tyvek coveralls with hood. o Tyvek sleeve gUards. o Rubber gloves. o Rubber shoe covers. o Goggles. o Respirator. . Note: PPE for biohazard clean-up is located at the Customer Service desk and includes gloves, a facemask, . . an apron, and bags labeled as a biohazard. 5. After putting on your PPE, start cleaning up the spill (Figure 4). o Put an absorbent sock around the spill so it doesn't spread any farther. o Use a soaker pad to soak up the spill. .-' ' , Figure L , Figure 2. " 'igure3. ligure4. Date Received: Planner: ',MM to/if/or 1 '-, t~! 6. After the spill is soaked up, dispose of the clean~up materials by sealing everything used (i.e. product container, PPE, absorbent sock, soaker pads, etc.) in a yellow spill clean-up bag (Figure 5). With a black marker, label the bag with the product nal\le, SKU, and the names of any hazardous materials that ' the product contains (Figure 6). 7. Take the sealed spill clean-up bag to the yellow Hazardous Material cabinets in the Receiving Department. 8. Fill out anlncident/Near-Miss Report and submit it to your supervisor for review. If the spill was merchandise, Figure 6. notify your supervisor so your supervisor can remove the . Figure 5. merchandise from inventory. Cleaning a Spill in the Loading Dock The loading dock attached to the Receiving Department is below the grade of the sewer. For this reason, a sump pump is installed in a catch basin at the bottom of the loading dock (Figure 7). An on/off switch for the sump pump is located inside, between the receiving bay doors. When a hazardous material is spilled in the loading dock: 1. Switch the sump pump to the off position. 2. Clean the spilled hazardous material as described in the Spill Clean-Up Procedure section above. Note: Make sure the spill is cleaned completely so no hazardous material enters the drainage system. 3. Switch the sump pu.mp back on. Figure 7 - Receiving Dock Catch Basin. Note to Store Service Managers and Facilitators: In the event that a hazardous material enters the catch basin, contact the Project Manager to arrange for the catch basin to be cleaned out. Date Received' . Planner: MM !o/uf) uuf 2 I HAZARDOUS MATERULS MANAGEMENT PLAN For: Jerrv's Home Imorovement Center McKenzie Field Store Section I: FACILITY DESCRu- .l.lON PART A'- GENERAL INFORMATION Business Name: Jerrv's Buildin!! Materials. Inc, dba Jerrv's Home Imorovement Center Phone: 541-689-7848 Address: 2525 Olvrnoic Sf. Sorin!!field. Ore!!on 97477 Corporate Address: 2600 Hwv. 99 North. Eu!!ene. OR 97402 Person responsible for business: Name Title pennis Orem President Emergency Contacts: Name Neal Caloia Kevin Marsh Title Store Mana!!er Store Service M!!r. Home Number 541-485-4566 . Work Number 541~689-7848 Home Number ;541-988-5596 541-942-8255 CeU 915-9030 517~3969 Person responsible for the application/principal contact: Name Title Phone Lauretta Davies ' Proiect M!!)'. 541-689-7848. ext,8423 Property Owner: Property' Jerrv's Wilco Name Pacific Coast Ootions The Olvrnoic LLC Address PO Box 261 L Eu~ene. OR 97402 PO Box 26125: Eu~ene. OR 97402 Principal Business Activity: Retail Home Imorovement Number of Employees: 150 - Sorin!!field location Number of shifts: See 'Hours of Ooerations' , Hours Open to Public 8:00 - 6:000m 7:00am - 8:00om 7:00am ~ 8:000m 7:00am - 8:00om 7:00am- 8:00om 7:00am - 8:00om 7:00am - 8:00om Work Number 541-736-7001 541-736-7001 ? Phone 541-689-7848 541_232-1117 Hours of Operations Sundav 7:00am - 6:00om Mondav 6:00am - II :OOom Tuesdav 6:00am - II :OOom Wednesdav 6:00am - II :OOom Thursdav, 6:00am - II :OOom , Fridav '6:00am -II:OOoriI Saturdav 6:00am - 8:00om SIC code: 5211 Dunn and Bradstreet Number: 02~763-5747 Declaration I certify that the information above and on the following pages is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Signature: Print Name: ------- f.. ,~ige (~ . .~ 'lLLl-.:....::~.~ c:-:::. .~-~ ____ _ _'- -. -__ Date: Title: . o. Date Received: . -__~ Planner: MM. ::::::::::::~::::~ " IO/vf/Z~ pdr {- 7 PART B - GENERAL FACILITY DESCRIPTION/SITE PLAN Onerations for the retail home imorovement center includes multiole buildin2s: o A sin~le storev. aooroximatelv 145.000 SQuare foot retail buildin!!. includin'~ outdoor !!arden nursery. retail area and warehouse area. Buildin!! construction is combination of tilt-uq concrete. masonrv and steel. Ooerations on site also includes a stand,alone. 'sin!!le storev. 32.000 SQuare foot covered outdoor product stora!!e buildin!! and aooroximatelv 30.000 SQuare feet of warehouse soace in a nei!!hborin!! retail buildin!!. Parkin!! areas are asohalt oavin~ Site is located at. nronertv formerlv occuoied bv McKenzie Field Airoort. between Olvrnoic Street and N~rth 21" and 28th Streets. Address for facilitv is 2525 Olvrnoic Street. Tax lot numbers 17-03-25-00: Lots 201 and 802, Site plan attached. PART C - FACILITY MAP - (see attached site plan) , Section D: HAZARDOUS MATERULS INVENTORY STATEMENT PART A - DECLARATION I. Business Name: Jerrv's Buildin!! Materials. Inc. dba' Jerrv's Home Imorovement Center 2. Address: 2600 Hwv 99 North Eu!!ene. Ore!!on 97402 ' 3. Declaration . Urider penalty of peljury, I declare the above and subsequent information, provided as part of the hazardous materials inventory statement is true and correct. Signature: Date: Print Name: Dennis G/Orem Title: President (Must be signed by owner/operator or designated representative) PART B - HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY STATEMENT Inventorv statement list attached. Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids (DNAPLs) are heavier than water (specific gravity> 1 glml) and have a low solubility in' water (<10 gII or 1 %). ,For the purpose of Drinking Water Protection, DNAPL chemicals are defined in the ''Dense Non- Aqueous Phase Liquids (DNAPLs) Prohibited From Use in the Tiine-of- Travel Zones Identified in Springfield City Code" as "all chemicals displaying the characteristics of a DNAPL chemical or a material containing'a substance considered a DNAPL chemical." Page 2 of7 , The Purchasing Department is responsible for reviewing Material Safety Data SheetS (MSDSs) for all new hazardous materials proposed to be sto~ed at the McKenZie Field store to ensure the product does not contain any DNAPLs. 'Purchasing Department Team Members will direct any questions regarding DNAPLs to the Springfield Utility Board (SUB) Water Quality Protection Coordinator (744-3745). Additionally, any new Purchasing Departlpent Team Members responsible'for screening materials for DNAPLs will contact the SUB , Water Quality Protection Coordinator for an orientation. Section ill: SEPARATION, SECONDARY CONTAINMENT AND MOMTORING ' PART A - ABOVE GROUND STORAGE AREAS Storage Area Identification: I. Storage type: Primary containment devices will be original containers. 2.. Storage locations: All hazardous materials will be stored in areas with secondary containment. No outside storage or display of hazardous materials will occur without their being covered and in secondary cont3.i.nment. Treated wood products and nitrate-containing fertilizers will be stored under cover. 3. Secondary Containment: a. Interior b. Exterior c. Wilco d. Loading docks 4. Monitoring:. Page3 of 7 " All hazardous materials will be stored in areas 'with a sealed, recessed floor capable of containing a 20-minute discharge of fire protection water. There will be no drains in these areas. This will preventimy spill from flowing to sanitary drain, storm drain, or run off. All hazardous materials will be stored in areas with a seaJed floor and enclosed by a sealed curb capable of containing a 20-miriute discharge of fire protection water. There will be no drains in these areas. This will prevent any spill from, flowing to sanitary drain, storm drain, or run off, . AU hazardous materials will be stored in areas with a sealed floor. ,Since this surface will not be sloped, the walls will be sealed to a height of 8 inches off the ground, and spill kits will be readily available and equipped with appropriate items (e.g., boom socks) to ensure that no liquids or chemicals migrate to the outside environment during a spill event or fire sprinkler event. All loading docks will be equipped with a sump pump that has an . emergency shutoff switch. Under normal operating conditions, the switch will remain in th.e on position to allow rairi water to be pumped to the storm sewer. Prior to loading or unloading of hazardous ,materials in the loading dock, the sump pump switch will be turned off to ensure containment in the event, of a spill. All spills will be cleaned up according to Spill Cleanup Procedures (see attached). Visual ,5. Monitoring, Frequency: Daily monitoring by employees as part of work routine. Monthly as part of Safety Committee inspection (see Section V, below). 6. Floor specifications and maintenance: , a. Original Jerry's building Floors are sealed with Dayton Superior brand Day-Chern Sure Hard (J -17) penetrating sealer. Any part of the floor that is damaged'in such a way that its liquid-tight properties may be compromised will be re-treated with J -17 penetrating sealer. See attached technical data sheet for more information on this product. . b. Expanded interior space Floors will be sealed with XypexAdmix C-500, which is added to the concrete mix at the time of batching. The active chemicltls in this product "react with the moisture in fresh concrete and with the by-products of cement hydration to cause a catalytic reaction which generates a non- soluble crystalline formation throughout the pores and capillary tracts of the concrete. Thus the concrete becomes permanently sealed against the penetration of liquids from any direction." Since this product is an ' .adinixture, no maintenance is required. See attached product data sheet for more information on this product. ' c. Space adjacent to Wilco Floors will be sealed with a seamless three-coat epoxy system (Devlloor 506/525/521 Floor System) which consists of a waterborne epoxy primer and 100% solids epoxy intermediate and finish coats. Ally part of the floor that is damaged in such a way that its liquid-tight properties may be compromised will be re-treated with the Devfloor 506/525/521 Floor System products, See attached technical data sheets for more information on ,these products. PART B - UNDERGROUND There will be NO underground storage on the site. Page 4 of? )~ SECTION IV : WASTE mSPOSAL' Discharge to the Sanitary Sewer: Wastes - sewa!!e Pretreatment: n/a Licensed Waste Hauler: Hazardous materials - Jerrv's is contracted with ENSCO West. Inc.. a waste disDosal service for disoosal of anv soilled materi31 that is not acceoted throu!!h Lane Countv Waste Collection events ihat are held throu!!hout the vear. Wastes - Sani-Dac will orovide waste removal. Wastes',would include oacka!!in!! and oroducts held for sale to customers includin!!: oaoer. cardboard. Dlastics. metals. etc. Recycle - Cardboard & olastic film are baled and taken from site bv Weverhaeuser Other: None SECTION V: RECORD KEEPING Description of inspection program: A whole-store safety inspection will be completed monthly by Safety Committee Team Members under the direction of the Safety & Asset Protection Specialist. This visual inspection will include the following. o Safety equipment (e.g., First Aid Kits, Spill Kits, fire extinguishers) o Hazardous material storage areas (to identify any potential problem that could lead to discharge) o Inspection of sealed floors for cracks or other damage that 'could impair their ability to provide secondary containment. . . Details of this inspection will be recorded in the Safety Committee's monthly meeting minutes and will include the date, time, and locationsinspected; problems noted and corrective actions taken; signatures of the inspector and Safety & Asset Protection Specialist (see attached Safety Committee Inspection Log). Safety Committee meeting minutes shall be maintained on fIle by the Safety & Asset Protection Specialist for a period of 3 years. An IncidentlNear-Miss form (see attached) is required to be cOlI)pleted for any incident or near-miss involving any person on site or damage to product or property. Forms are signed by supervisors and submitted to the Safety & Asset Protection Specialist for review. Review of circumstances surrounding the incident or near-miss may result in safety re-training of employee(s) involved. Page 5 of? . .' . SECTION VI: EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN 1. In th~ event of an emergency~ the Jollowing shall be notified: A. On-site Responders: Name Title Neal Caloia Store Mana!!er Kevin Marsh Store Service M!!r. Home Number 541-988-5596 541-942-8255 CeU 915-9030 517-3969 Work Number 541:736-7001 541-736-7001 B. Method of Notification to Responder: ( Fire alarm system will be monitored 'by Watchdog Security. Watchdog Security maintains a call list and will call On-site responders during hours"store lJuilding is closed. During store hours, assistant store managers will contact On-site responders by telephone if they are on site during emergency. C. Agency Fire & Safety Department: Springfield Public Works: Springfield Utility District: Oregon Accident Response System Springfield Police Department: Emergency Phone Number 91I 726-3753 726-2395 800-452-03 II 91I NODCemergency Phone Number 682~51I1 (After 5pm)726-3714 (After hours)746-8451 726-3714 2. Designated Local Emergency Medical Facility Name McKenzie" Willamette. Hospital Address 1460 G Street; Springfield Phone (24 hours) 726-4444( emergency) Med Express (On site/non-emergency injury) 744-6111 3. Mitigation Equipment: A. Monitoring Devices - Fire/smoke detection equipment monitored by Watchdog. B. Spill Containment - Spill kits located in designated areas on site, See map attached. C. . Spin Control and Treatment - See Spill Cleanup Procedure attached. D. Evacuation - (To be developed) . _ a. Immediate area evacuation routes posted _ b. Entire building/facility evacuation procedures developed _ c. Assembly areas preplanned _ d. Evacuation maps posted Page 6 of7 'i. . ,. ., . t SECTION Vll: EMERGENCY-RESPONSE TRAINING,PLAN 1. Person responsible for the emergency-response training plan: Name Title Phone Cindv Johnston' Safetv & Asset Protection Soecialist 689-7848 Ext. 8270 2. Training Requirements: A. All employees are trained in the following as indicated: . Procedures for internal alarm notification . Procedures for notification of external emergency response organizations, . Location and content of the emergency-response plan . Drinking Water Protection (DWP) awareness ' B. Chemical handlers are trained in the following as indicated:, . Safe methods for handling and storage of hazardous materials . Proper use of personal protective equipment o Locations and proper use offrre and spill control equipment . Specific hazards of each chemical to which they may be exposed C: Emergency-response team members are trained in the following: . Procedures for shutdown of operations . Procedures for using, maintaining and replacing facility emergency and monitoring equipment 3. The following records are maintained for all team members: . Verification that training was completed by the' team member . Description of the type and amount of introductory and continuing training . Documentation on and description of emergency-response drills conducted at the facility Page 7 of7 ;, " McKenzie Field Safety Committee Inspection L02 Month: FirsfAid Kits' " ,c' .'. \Completed'by; U Receiving A D Receiving B 0 Lumber Yard D Check out 0 Customer Service 0 Garden o Electrical, Hardware, Construction Spill Kits Completedfby:, U Receiving A 0 Receiving B 0 Lumber Yard o Check out 0 Customer Service 0 Garden Secondary~onta.inment Flo(u:$eal 'Complet~dbf.~ LJ Receiving A 0 Doors & Windows U Construction o Check out 0 Customer Service 0 Decor o Electrical 0 Hardware 0 Plumbing , o Paint 0 Garden 0 Tools Comments: Fire Extinguishers, Completeq by: o Receiving A 0 Doors & Windows 0 Construction o Check out 0 Customer Service 0 Decor o Electrical 0 Hardware' 0 Plumbing o Paint 0 Garden 0 Tools o Receiving B 0 Offices 0 Lnmber Yard Comments: 2008 - " . '!!clerk #, o 'Lumber Sales o Bath & Kitchen _.c clerk #' . U Lumber,Sales o Paint , clerk # D Lumber Sales D Bath& Kitchen o Ligh~ng o Main Aisles "&rl(# o Lumber Sales o Bath 1& Kitchen o Lighting , o Library/Clinic Area o Business Kiosks Hazardous Material Storage!","'" ,,~:,~6rri.pleted clerk#' D Storage cabinet closed and secure D Storage free from potential leaks o Materials separated (like chemicals) 0 Storage clearly labeled as HazMat o Storage free of hazards Comments: The above statedmonthly:inspections were completed as listed and discUssed in the' , '" _.....' _ ~ -, -".. '(1 ~""'" ._-"~.'",-".,". ~- , monthly Safety C~mmittee Meeting. . ' '.. ' ." Verified by: " _ r:.,""; 'J,;: ,'Verified,on: o SafetySpeciaIist Cilldyjohnst?n ~ 'signature'x:, /." 10, Safety Committeechllii:Person' - signature x .. Date Re(:eili6G, . Planner:, MM !o/2-<f,Iz4' {lq; I ~ J5 Jerry's Incident / Near-Miss Report McKenzie Field Springfield This report must be completed and submined to a member of Management on the same day of the incident. Management-reviewed incidents arc to be submined to the Safety & Asset Protection Specialist by way of courier to the Corporate Office. Please cbeck one D , Team Member Incident D Customer Incident D Near-Miss Incident Date _1_1_ Incident Time AM I PM , Print Name (Last, First MI) Clerk # j Home Department Team Member's Facilitator or Manager I Team Member's Supervisor or Merc~ant Task at time of incident (stocking, operating equipment, loading ve~cle, etc,) Equipment in operation (LP Forklift, Elec, Forklift, Workforce, Pallet Jack, Electric Pallet Jack, Platform lift, etc.) , Incident reported to (Print Name of Facilitator, Supervisor or Manager) 117_,.".".... .,./.1 _,...,..,,1';''''''/_ .. ....."n""n...".. Team Member Witness (Print Last, First MJ) Department Location of Incident If no customer involvement, skin this section I', Print Name (Last, First MI) If Minor, Name of Parent or Guardian Phone Numher ( ) City Address Vehicle Involved? I Year D Yes D No I Make Model Description of Vehicle Damage or other Customer P~operty Damage Type of Incident Describe incident and how it occurred o Property Damage D Product Damage SKU Qty D Customer Injury D Customer Property Damage D Team Member Injury Date "Signature of Reporting Team Member Equipment # Date Reported Time Reported I AM/PM .wiU;~; Ci~rk# ., ,. ii~;';~'D~P;;';';'~';i ."1 Bay 1 Fixture # I I Aisle# State Zip Code License Plate Vehicle damage? D Yes D No I Clerk # r~ z Action causing injury D Bodily Reaction D Fall on same level D Fall from elevation D Overexertion D Caught in / under D Other Was Medical Response to olTer If Accepted, which services? Attention D First Aid Only OlTered? Accepted? D MedExpress Trausport? D Ves D No D Ves D Ves D ergoFLEX ,Appointment Date D No D No D Emergency Room Hospital Facilitator or Store Service Mana2er must be notified immediately for all injury, equipment or cuStomer-related incidents Safety Equipment in use Safety Equipment I Safety Rules ' D Proper Footwear D Adequate D Adequately Understood i D Safety Glasses / Goggles' D Inadequate D Inadequately Understood, D Face Shield D Improperly Used D Improperly Applied D Gloves D Not Used D Ignored D Respirator D Not Available D Inadequately Enforced D Seat Belt D Other D Other ' D Hearing Protection D Other I Nature of Injury D Spraiii / Strain D Fracture D Concussion D Other D Cut! Puncture / Sliver D Inflammation D Carpal Tunnel D Crush / Bruise D Scratcb / Abrasion D Burn / Chemical Body Part Injured , D Ankle D Arm D Back, low D Back, upper/mid D Eye D Face D Finger(s) D Knee D Hand D Leg D Neck D Shoulder D Toe D Wrist D Foot D Other' Object contributing to Injury [] None , D Cutting Tool D 'Lift Truck D Merchandise D Other Tool or EqmL D Fixture / Display / Furniture D Cart D Vehicle D Other D Struck against D Struck by D Pinch DRubbed / Scraped AU incidents involving Powered Equipment (Forklift, Wor .roTce, etc.) require suspension from equipment for a minimum of 2 days and/or until re-certification has been completed. , I Team Member is suspended from use of the following equipment until: ~/_/_ (date) (check ail that apply) D Forklift (electric & gas) D Electric Pallet Jack D Other D Platform Lift (ail types) D Vehicle Team Member is scheduled for re-certification on: Work Behavior D Failure to follow rules of procedure D Working without or exceeding authority D Horseplay or violence o Failure to get or wait for assistance o Improper procedures or techniques o Unsafe vehicle or mobile equipment operation o Inattention to surrounding or traffic movement o Poor judgement , ~_/_ (date) Corrective Action Needed D Improve Design D Repair / Replace Equipment ' D Improve Housekeeping D Direct Supervision o Discipline D Other Action taken or suggestion to prevent future occurrences Print Name I Signature_ I Date ---1_/_ G:\Procedures\...Forms\Incident Form.doc Approved by: Scott Lindstrom, Director of Operations Effective date: 09-27-07 Revised Date: 09-27-07 Pt J ... JERRY;. MCF Fire Extinguisher First Aid Kit ... Spill Kits Emergency Action Plan ':'I'U'" ""~lC lC · +1'1'111 of' kl ~I t _ .= I ----, ~I:t:k l..!.:CuflOmfl'lft" -~'I ~ 4' 4,., ~t1~"'11-"""'" 1" I i Ii jJ! '."1'1"1'" . l11 '. I II ._---- " mmr~,,-'~=nDii1~_""."'~ lA Phone Operator I i ,2< I"!";t,~ ,:;' '" -::;: "'Ijl..~~ . ~- -L+,'S--"':";: l ~. I II I H WNCH ~ J, - Re(eMng ..t..... .OOM ,i U~I ~pl . CY- ~""""'--'._'"m_''~~=_''' .. ' II " I 1 I . 121 1JB 148 158 168 178 liB 198 ZOB 111 m I ! I ~ I " ~j III I _ I ~ ,,3D "a ll. '60 270 I '"I''' i ". n. I I I hi'" 'II." r, ~'i ""n,_J' l'~,' . CI:lI CD. _ em _ _ 1m IiIIIif Dim J:l1X!f S ea. _ _ - -- m:-,,, _"",,,,3 -I Lllmber Hlrdmrt'l BulldingProjects. .-- --- Salu S.mQoClr. LumberSaIt, . .......1. SplnlU ~ I Clinla . 2.... . Ch,. I ~ I . - Out ~. Motul... Ch.dOul IVI., ... SpoD1'1 -.. . iiililll1iIJlll1liIHIlI1..--' ,- a'l'I'1 ruF!K;fi;irl.lffiillq~lAii . 4A ~JJ 10/15/08 + 'JERRY~" MCF DRIVE THRU ' YARD Fire Extinguisher First Aid Kit ... Spill Kits Emergency Action Plan ~ C>f' ~ . I ~iW&m!WlV'Jlli&&ml!mLlj.HIDj;_'iliM*~4%Jif!JiMmlhlmf!1TIiW[!;\jj~mJ ..- .- -- -- -- -- -- . CuningAl1!1 ..- I Ylrd Y~rdShi1rk .. 5,IUKlln ril IIlIiIIII L_IIIIIIIIIII_IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUD___W~~ .~~_'''''''''~'''''''~&;l1I'0!~R!''''''~0l'1M,;;Rrr< lm 'I. - I I I -. -. .. .. 10/15/08 ~ " JERRYS' MCF WAREHOUSE Fire Extinguisher First Aid Kit ... Spill Kits . ..- Emergency Action .J Plan Storage I Reslroom I' I .",.", I L Room Wa!ehouse r-o_L II .. ToTralhCompartor - ,II ~ 't" ~ I~T. t - "" b.S.d A Rl<kwllh Spllklt A >on, hillock A . W;llel1oun Truck Bay lOft. ...150< -A J.===- - - - ZDFto blS.ct; A >on =R.15.d;" A I.. 10/15/08 :-1' -_._- { ~~mj'I"'I' ~~' L C 00"1 I tl ~ I, C-~~-~T-~ ~~ ~ . 1 . ' ~u ',------..., , , .1__=-___..1 ! ><3 =.. ;,;;;;,rg' D ( RDOF COATING '- .PQPANr 10 ~ j~rn~ ' ( . . ~ r . rnrnf .. ~-L rn rn --'? GLUE ! I> L ) II: , . ~ ADHESIVEI ......"T[R SOrTENE~ ~~ ~, . . .. ;t Cl~ ", ! ~ L -, J f',~ C~~c:6 1,'71 J~ ~. ~--L....,G . r"1 11" . ~ ! ~~\ .:j ADHESIVES L L \,! , 0: I' :-pi: PL.ASTICS ~ c' . CLEANERS < ~ /' r c 0:---'-'.- - , , ..:, :~ I --- ~~~5~~ ,~"l( ASPHALij t'AJNI c c.... ..~ . IJIL' . . " I"I.A/'ite LI..-~_~~5~~ PESTICIDE/HERBICIDE' i . iiI ...., h ~, <: if;! I . . , i~ 1M ;a -1111 ~1I1111 ~--I" -,; CD ICD CD CD CD OJ F ;~T , ~' j(J. 11I111111 < ""_""'T"T"T"T''''',T'''" ~ ~ rn----r- 1111 I PROPANE !,==<=-' , t'vt -lfLUt. gyr r I t"LUX/PI'lUI-'ANIC, OIL P~11"1-I~"lr61" ; ~ Pr ( a-BASF The Chemical Company PRODUCT DATA Description EpolithO-P and Epolitho-G are two-part 100% solids epoxy joinUillers, Self- JeveJing,Soolithe-P provides an abrasion- and puncture-resistant seal suit~ble for high-traffic horizontal joints, Gun-grade Epolitho-G provides a pick-and puncture-resistant seal for sloped and vertical joints. Yield See page 3 for charts, Packaging EpolithO-P and Epolifho-G: 2 gallon (7.56 L)units (1 gallon [3.78 L] Part A and 1 gallon [3.76 L] Part B) Color Gray Shelf Life 2 years when propeny stored Storage Store in unopened containers in a clean dry area out of direct sunlight. Elevated temperatures will shorten shelf life. Protect from freezing. EPOLlTH@-P AND EPOLlTH~-6 , Two-part flexible epoxy joint fillers Features Benefits . Stiff yet resilient Absorbs floor and wheel impact; reinforces joint edges to prevent spalling in heavy-duty areas . Cut and pick resistant Where to Use APPUCATION . Saw cuts, control jOints in concrete substrates . Nonmoving cracks LOCATION . Honzontal (Epolith"-P) . Sloped (Epolitho-G) . Interior . Apove grade How to Apply Surface Preparation 1. Concrete should be fully cured. Allow sufficient lime for initial sMnkage of the concrete to take place, Odeally 90 -120 days), 2. J~int surtaces must be structurally sound, dry, clean, free'of dirt, moisture, loose particles, oil, grease, asphalt, tar, paint, wax, rust, waterproofing or curing and. parting compounds, membrane materials, and other foreign matter. 3. Clean concrete and other masonry where necessary by gnnding, sandbiasting, or wire brushing, Expose a sound surtace free of contamination and laitance. Provides tough, durable filling matenal for joints in jails and prisons . ~; Mixing 1, EpolithO-P and Epolith"-G are two-component systems and must be thoroughly mixed before use, Following joint prepar~tion, combine and mix Parts A and B.ln order to maintain a correct miXing ratio,the entire contents of Part B must be.mixed thoroughly with the enlire contents of Part A, Use a separate, clean container of ~'ppropriat~ size. 2. With a slow-speed dnli (80 -100 rpm) and siotted paddle, mix,Epolith"-P for 5 - 7 minutes, '3, With a Slow-speed dnll (80 -100 rpm) and slotted paddle, mix 'Epolith"-G for 8 -10 minutes, 4, During mixing, make sure that the paddle reaches the bottom"and scrapes.the side at the container several ti~es. Also, scrape the.paddle itself to ensure thorough,mixing. To avoid whipping air into the matenal, keep the paddle blade below the surtace of the EpolithO material. ISonnebornl f~Y SONNEBCFN"'PROOUGTOATA EPOunr-P AND EPOUnr-6 Technical Data CDlllposition Epolith"-P and Epolith"-G are two-component pourable (P) ,and gun-grade (G) epoxy sealants, Compliances . USDA compliant for use in meat and poultry areas Typical Properties Mixing ratio, by volume '1 to 1 Pot life, minutes at 750F (240C) 40-55 Cure time, hrs. Foot traffic Vehicular traffic Application temperabJres, of I" c) 4 24 , 55 (13) Application 1, Pour Epolith"-P trom a spouted can or apply by a professional bUlk-loading caUlking gun. Trim excess material within 24 hours. ' 2, Apply Epolith"-G by a professional bulk-loading gun, RII joints trom the bottom up using a properly sized nozzle. Proper tooling assures the correct bead configuration and a neat joint. Equally important, it ensures maximum adhesion to the sides of the joint. For best results, dry tool or dampen tool with Reducer 990, DO NOT use water or soapy water, Clean Up Clean all tools with Reducer 990 or xylene before 'epoxy cures. Cured mate!i,al must ~e removed mechanically; Test Oata Epolith-,;,P Epolith. .G Tensile Strength; psi (MPa) 655 (4,5) 900 (6,21 ASlM D 638 Elongation, % 75 50 ASlM D 638 Hardness Shore A 85 90 ShoreD 34 50 Slant Shear Strength, ASlM C 882 psi (MP.) 865 (6,0) 112 (0,8) ASlM C 321 .' TestresultsaretypicalwllJesobtalnedlJnderlaboratorycondilions.Reasonablevariationscanbe~ecle.d. For Best Performance " Do not install Epolith"-P and Epolith"-G at temper.tures below 55' F (13' C),' " Do not use Epolith"-P and Epolith"-G in expansion joints. . Not.intended for constant immersion. " Not intended for areas subject to prolonged or strong chemical attack. . Not designed for exterior use. . Cure time must be extended in.cool conditions. " Clean, dry silica sand may be used to seal cracks in the base of the joint it approved by the specifier. However, Sonnebom8 recommends that the minimum Epolitfl8 P or Epolithlll> G application be 213 the depth of the joint or 1" (25 mm), whichever is greater. . Do not install over backer-rod. . On vertical applications, joint width or depth should not exceBd 1/2" (13 mm), " Mechanically roughen Epolith"-P and Epolith"-G betore painting, " Epolith"-P and Epolith"-G may yellow in the presence of unvented artificial heat or high intensity lighting' This does not affect sealant performance. . Concrete will sh~nk at varying rates over an extended period.,of time-up toa year or more. Slabs may also seffle, The sooner Epolith"-P or Epolith"-G is installed affer concrete placement, the greater the likelihood of adhesion loss or 'splitting from sh~nkage or settlement. To repair, simply retill with additional Epolith",P or Epolith"- G and protect trom traffic until cured, ' . Make certain the most current versions of product data sheet and MSDS are being used; call Customer Service (1-BOO-433-9517) to . verify the most ~:UlTent versions. , . Proper applicatio'n is the responsibility of the user. Reid visits by Ill>.SF personnel are tor the purpose of making technical recommendations only and not for superAsing or pro,^dlng quality control on the jobs,e, ?64 Health and Safety EPOUTHo-P PART A EPOLlTHo'G PART A , Warning Epolith"~P Part A contains epoxy resin, silica, crystalline quartz, Epolitho-G Part A contains epoxy resin, diisooctyl phthalate, Risks May cause dermatitis and allergic responses. Potential skin sensitizer. Nose, throat and respiratory irritant when heated. Over exposure may cause headache, nausea and vomiting. Ingestion may cause irritation of mouth, throat and stomach. Repeated or prolonged overexposure may cause injury to Ihe liver and ~dneys. INTENTIONAL MISUSE BY DELIBERATELY INHALING THE CONTENTS MAY BE HARMFUL OR FATAL. Precautions KEEP OUT OF THE REACH OF CHilDREN, Prevent contact wit~ skin, eyes and clothing. Wash . thoroughly after handling. Keep contain"er closed. ,Use only with adequate ventilation. Prevent breathing vapors. DO NOT take internally. Use impervious gloves"goggles and if the TlV is exceeded or il used in a poorly ventilated area, use NIOSH/MSHA approved respiratory. protection in accordance with applicable lederal, stale and local regulations, Empty container may contain hazardous residues. All label warnings must be observed until.container is commercially cleaned or reconditio'ned. Arst Aid In case of eye contact, flush thoroughly with water Yield Linear IIIgal (mIL) SONNEBCJlN"PROOUCTOATh EPOIJ'J1:!"'-P AND EPOunr~ 1 (25) 102 (31) 77 (23) 1-1/2 (38) 68 (20) 51 (151 2 (51) 51 (15) 38 (11) 2-1/2 (63) 41 (12) 30 (9) foral least 15 minutes, SEEK IMMEOIATE MEDICAL ATTENTION, In case of s~n contact, wash affected areas with soap and water, ~ irritation persists, SEEK MEOICAl ATTENTION, Remove and wash contaminated clothing, ~ inhalation causes physical discom'fort, remove to fresh air. If discomfort persists or any breathing difficulty occurs or if swallowed, SEEK IMMEDIATE MEDICAL ATTENTION, Refer to Material Safety Oata Sheet (MSDS) lor further. information. ' , Proposition 65 EpolithO-P and Epolitho-G Part A: This product contains material listed by Ihe state of Calitomia ' as known to cause cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm. VOC Content EPOlJTHO-P 0,03 Ibs/gal or 3 g/L, when components are mixed, EPOlJTHO-G 0,0 Ibs/gal or 0,0 g/L, when components are mixed, EPOUTHo-P PART B EPOUTHo-G PART B Danger EpolithO-P Part B contains alh0 amine blend, 4- nonylphenol; diisooctyl phthalate, polyamide resin, tetraethylene pentamine. Epolitho-G Part B contains alhyl'amine blend, 4- nonylphenol; polyamide resin, tetraethylene pentamine. Risks Maycause ~hemical bums and blisters. Strong skin sensitizer. Severe eye irritant. May cause permanent ~omeal injury and even blindness. Overexposure may cause.headache, nausea and vomiting. Ingestion may cause irritation and bums of mouth, throat and stomach, INTENTIDNAl MISUSE BY DELIBERATELY INHALING THE CONTENTS MAY BE HARMFUL OR FATAL, Precautions KEEP OUT OF THE REACH DF CHILDREN, Prevent contact with::'eyes, skin and clothing. Wash Ihoroughly affer handling, Keep container closed, Use only with adequate ventilation, Avoid breathing vapors, aD NDT take intemally, Use impervious gloves, goggles and if the TlV is exceeded or if used in a poorly ventilated area, use NIOSH/MSHA approved respiratory protection. Empty container may contain; hazard~us residues. Observe all label warnings until container is commercially cleaned or recondition~d. Arst Aid In case of eye contact, flush'thoroughly with water for at least j 5 minutes. SEEK IMMEDIATE MEDICAL AlTENTION.'ln case. of skin contact, wash with soap and water, If,irritation persists, SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION',lf inhalalion causes physical discomfort, remove to fresh air. If discomfort persists or any breathing difficulty occurs or if swallowed, SEEK IMMEDIATE MEDICAL ATTENTION, Refer to Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for further information. (6 (f) SONNffi~PROOUCTOATA fPOlJ1lr-PANOfPOl1T1r-G Proposition 65 EPOUTH"-P AND EPOLITHo-G PART B: This product contains materials listed by the state of California as known to cause cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive haml vac Content EPOUlH"-P 0,03 Ibs/gal or 3 g/L, when components are mixed. EPOUlHO,G o Ibs/gal or 0 g/L, when components are mixed, For medical emergencies only, call ChemTrec (1-800-424-9300). ;c.. BASF Consbuction Chemicals, UC - Building Systems 889 Valley Park Drive Shakopee, MN, 55379 www.BuildingSystems.BASF.com Customer 5enrice 600,433,9517 Technical Service 800-243-6739 lM1EIlWAffWffi'tllTICEE..ryreasooablo.lh.tir;m....ID~!lIIS"=IIlISIlr1<I!nlsbothjnlhernMUlar:!ln"'....p-oWcls....1n1tll!inlmma1imwtid1we"""'"<:al:Ilming_pmb:ts....1lJoIr""".Wo waonr1I..,'p'odIJdslD.."'Il<XId"""Ity....~mfl'tll3celJ.8t....eI.di..,.mflnj1tll!1."th.w!lIieedanyprrnilcu;P"lMIddllh":II..,SaIi!ilaclayrJ9jIls~not1IJIy1PJ)<JJ1II1lyp"ock.ocli,WlalsoLlPD1rnwTYlacItn;, tJepJd....cCl1trol,ll1efellJe.extell1!"'SlJd1I~""''''refIJnd,IlASfMAAEStllWAlWlNlYORGL.WWm:E.EXPRESSORlMl\Jrn,INClUlIN:l~OFAThESSFORAPAJlTIa.lARfUf>lJSEOR MElUWiTA8:LfTY,fESP[[;1J\'Gn5PfllDUGT&101IlIlASf5illlll""""'"'otl1..iIllllIilyWthI~lh..etIl_Mjc13lrn'egto'tI"gp"cWcIdIlklclmuslbel"",~in_""wiIl1lf1""'~l,.,.,.1ItIm1tlI!daIJl"'.npnoitt~ctim wlAo.lmSlIIImjwlltwtOlJd1 writllo'l [I(IljeelJan..1he spedI'iooj li11.Irrt!!rwl.llsIIs!IaII dolBm1i11.1tlI!~lllyot1l1.p"DIllm!tl'1tlI! inlIIldlld""".v,d_oWI*.nllWDlyinannectial1l1l:l.".,.;lJl.Mj ~d'iIf1Oe;ri1tleIlintedr..m.m.n<l:dialG~lhoUSll",....pro:lJotl;rmJQbea-Ihe~MoI1I1ellASflect111icB1~_ Th"""","*,1IrIll"1ld1ft-1odlIi<:aI_,...~...!lIIS"'iJRlUTl~lIldelfllJience.~llASflllaJllll':S,..lal:ittyfcrp"lNling...mIlmnalmIlrlll_ncur.gI1e_lowtimsui1ITl~.nJ 111M"" rnayralallllDma;ng1l1irdp;rtyl1lBllt:dua'prwertyriQhtl;.l:l;jIlldllllypalenl ri~lnll;lrtialar, EWifdisdaim,alI WllmaN5I\NOWARfWiTIES,I'M:TIfflEXPFl'SS~ IIIlFUD,IInIIlIl\liTHEM'lJEllWARlWll1ES O'FID8SFOOAPAATJO.R.AA~OR/.IEfUWlTMlUTY_8I.SFSfW.lN01BE~FORCONSEo..emALlN00R1011INCnNTALoo.w;E5(mJDNGl4SS()f'PIDIT~()f'NNICNl,IIA9'_ Ihonghttl>""""II1Y~lIWIlIngtl>!ll::InJIogl::ilJ(O'ellSuf\rtheld<Mj~~sh<lGImlr'.~n1dgalko1lD<3IIUyI....,.;.IIldIllSl~im:nnggLW;.l'crllrmarIl:eol""~dIs:rlDl~ !tnid1leWl'ii'a!l1f~n1Crre:1WlCJtjby~~.~is""lDe~lIyottrlll<imrmrID<=Illll,milllllgollrlM1sui1~,RIIltffroitnr.Dl_ooOObf<:ltierc:arW,ioloisnili1l1""I~, rullll~rill1Yl"tOitl""'tms""-~1tJaI"niLYfI"Il(1K:ls<DJll..rIllDIIUSlld. €) For professional use only. Not for sale to Dr use by the general public. FoonNo.101788.'llllll7 " Printedm~pape"lncIudilllll0'llopool--coosumerliler_ C20071lA5F Printed in U.s.A. ftll o DAYrON ~ SUPERIOR .\ ',;: DAY-CHEM SURE HARDTM (J-17) COMBINATION HARDENING, DUSTPROOFING & SEALING y,o,c COMPLIANT PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Day-Chern Sure Hard is a colorless, odorless solu~ion of specialized reactive chemicals that penetrate concrete surfaces to seal, densify and harden the material.Day-Chem Sure Hard is a water based product and as a result is V.O.c. cC?mpliant and environmentally safe to use. Day~Chem Sure Hard penetrates the concrete surface and undergoes a chemical reaction that turns the concrete substrate into a hardened, densified mass. Surfaces treated with Day- Chern Sure Hard are not only more abrasion resistant, but are more resistant to chemicals and water than untreated concrete. Day-Chern Sure Hard, because it penetrates the surf~ce and chemically bonds, will last for an extended period of time. Dayton Superior will supply long term warranties for Day-Chem Sure Hard. Contact Dayton Superior for details. Day-Chern Sure Hard has a combination of water-based safety, ease of use and long term performance that make it an attractive alternative to currently available sealeHype products. Day-Chern Sure Hard represents an advanced technology in concrete treatments. USE Day-Chern Sure Hard isa premium product for hardening, dustproofing and sealing of concrete. It is excellent for concrete floor appJjcations where long term resistance to dusting, black rubber tire marks and water is important. . Day-Chern Sure Hard, because it penetrates the surface and becomes an integral part of the substrate, does an excellent job of sealing and hardening for a long time and as a result will help prevent efflorescence. Sure Hard is suitable for both interior and exterior applica- tions. Ideal applications include, but are not limited to, industrial plants, warehouses, schools, factories, hospitals, malls, food processing plants, textile mills, freezers, water and ?ewage tre~tfnent plants, parking decks, airports and stadi- ums, BENEFITS Long Term Warranty Available* Seals, hardens and dustproofs Resistsblack rubber tire marks on floors Lasts longer than other floor coatings Will not scratch or peel Environmentally safe Water Based, V.Q.C. compliant No odor, no fumes USDA approved for incidental food contact Develops a more polished look with age "Contact Dayton Superior for details prior to application APPLICABLE STANDARDS Active Ingredients: 100% of total solids Specific Gravity: 1.2 . Film: 0 Flash Point: None V.O.c. Content: 0 gm/liter Skid Resistance: Good Depth of Penetration: as much as 5mm into concrete Water Absorption: ASTM C -642 3.4% in 24 hours Leading Competitor - 4.25% 1n 24 hr~' Compressive Strength: ASTM C-140 Concrete treated with J-17..,. 3,910 p'si (27MPa) average Untreated concrete-'3A61 psi (23.~ MPa) average ,. Water Vapor Transmission Rate- 217 grams/sq. ft. ~ 24 hours APPLICATION Apply only when temperatures are above 4Q'F (4'C). Avoid contact with glass, aluminum and polished metal surfaces, If contact occurs, wash immediately Wit~' water. New Concrete [interior]: After finishing'is' complete and surface water has disappeared, apply th~ Day-Chem SiI- " Cure (J- 13), or, if an ACI308 method of curing is desired / required, use water, sheet materials or a fnembrane4orm- ing curing compound that will require re,moval prior to the application of the J- 1 7.lf water or sheet ;naterials are used for curing, use for a minimum of 3 days.lfJ- 13 is used as a curing aid, apply at 400- 500 ft'/ gal. 19,8,12.3 m'/L), Then apply Day-Chern Sure Hard according to:'the "Old Concrete" instructions after a minimum of7 days. ~ Old Co'ncrete interior/exterior]: All surfaces to be treated must be clean and sound. Remove all m~mbrane forming curing compounds, sealers, 'oil, grease, dirt and other con- taminants. For best results, remove any C:~ncrete lait~mce and patch or fix all cracks and damaged .ueas. Apply Day- Chem Sure Hard to point of rejection-(by spray, roller, brush or pouring), working it in using a soh bristle broom or mechanical scrubber. Work in this manner until the product begins to thicken, usually in 15-30 minutes, depending on the surface and ambient temperatu~es, then rewet with water,and work for another 5.10 minute~. Thoroughly rinse and then squeegee or brush off excess material until dry. On porous or rough surfaces, a second application may be Referto 'www.daytonsuperior.comfor latest Te'chnical Data Sheet and MSDS 7777 Washington Village Dr., Suite 130, Dayton OH 45459 Customer Service: (888) 977-9600 Technical Assistance: (866) 329-8724 05107. For Commercial/Industrial Use Only. Page 1 of2 4.13 ~rv -~ " . . i: . . ....' '.;, '. '. ." .". ,.,' ,'. ..... -'. '. . -' ,," DAY-CHEM SURE HARQT~()~J7) required. If a second coat is required, immediately apply it in a similar manner as the first coat. Do not allow the treated'surfaces to dry between applications. The use of a mechanical scrubber will increase the effective. ness of the application. The treated surface will develop a "polished" appearance overtime. Tilt-Up Construction: Refer to Dayton Superior Technical Bulletin # 9a, or contact the Technical Services Department for use of theJ-17 with Dayton Superior Bondbreakers. CLEAN UP Immediate and thorough flushing ~ith clean water. ESTIMATED COVERAGE First Coat 200 sq, ft, per gal. (4,9 m'll) Second Coat 300 - 400 sq, ft, per gal. (7.4 - 9,8 m'/l) (if necessary) Texture and absorption of surface will determine final coverage rates, Porous concrete surfaces may require ad- ditional material. DRYING TIME Approximately 2-4 hrs, at 70'F (21 'C) with good air circulation, PACKAGING IITEM~ Package So, I Gal~. liter 168086 Gaffon 3,' 168084 Pail 5 18.9 168082 Drum 55 108 LIMITATIONS Ponded or puddled material must be removed by squeegee or brush, otherwise white residue will appear on the surface. If white residue starts to appear on the surface during drying, immediately remove with hot water and scrubbing. Floors are slippery during application. If Day-Chem Sure Hard'is accidentally applied to glass, alumi- num or polished metal, immediately rinse with water to prevent etching. Porous"low quality concrete substrates or floors with a rough surface may not develop a "pol- ished" appearance over time. Keep containers of Day-Chern Sure Hard from freezing, For colored concrete, contact Dayton Superior. Atest instal- lation is recommended. Shelflife is one year, PRECAUTIONS Use with adequate ventilation, Keep outpf the reach of children, Floor is slippery until dry. Do not take internally, In case of ingestion, CALL A PHYSICIAN immediately, DO NOT induce vomiting, If splashed in the eyes, flush thor- oughly with clean water for a minimum of 15 minutes. CAll A PHYSICIAN immediately, May cause irritation to the skin, If brought into contact with the skin, wash thoroughly with soap and water, Reseal container after each use, Wear protective clothing, gloves, and goggles,'Read MSDS before using produd, MAINTENANCE Mop or USe mechanical scrubbing with d~tergents arwater. The Dayton Superior DP Maintenance Cleaner and DP Maintenance Cleaner Plus are also excellent for cleaning & maintenance of a J-17 treated floor, M~pping or scrub- bing the floor will prolong the life of the floor, as well as increase the"polished"look. Wipe up chJmical spills as soon as possible. MANUFACTURER Dayton Superior Corporation 7777 Washington Village Dr" Ste, 130 Dayton, OH 4S4S9 Customer Service:'877-977-9600 Technical Services: 866-329-8724 Website: .www.daytonsuperior.com WARRANTY DilytonSllper'iorCorporation ("Dayton") warrants for 12 montlu from the date of manufacture or forlhe dllronion of the pllbli~hed product ~helflife, whichever is le~~ that at the time of ~hipment by Dayton. the product Ishee of manufacturing d~cts and oonform~lODayton'~pmduct propertiesinforreonthedateofatteptance by Daytonoftheo'der.DaytonshallonlybeliableunderthiIW~rT~ntyifthepioduct ha~ been applied,llled, aoo stored in atoordance with Dayton's instructionS. e~petiallysurfa(epreparMiOnand instaffalion,infon:eonthe'daleofatteptanceby D~yton of !hI' order, The 'purrhaSl'r mllSt I!X.iImine the product when received and promptly notify O~yton in writing of ~ny ru:m-mnformity before the product i~ used andrlolaleT\him30d~ys~ftersuthnon-tontormityisnrstdi5COVl'red.IfDayton, inits>oledi~"etion,drtermin"Sthattheproductbreathedttieabovewarranty,11 wllf.irliUsoledistretlon,replao:etf>enorw;onformingprodtKt,refundthepwchas.- prkeorillueatreditin!heamountofthepurchasepri<:e.Thi~isthesoleand exdusive remedy for bream of this warranty. Only a Dayton offiter i~ authOrized to modifythi~warranty.TheinformationinthisdatasheeISllpl"t5ede~i1l1othe'silles Information re.:eived by the tllItomerduring the 21es procesii. THE FOREGOING WARRANTY SHALL B~ ~XCLUS!VE AND IN U~U OF ANYOTH~R'WARRANTlES, EXPRESS OR IMPUED, INCWDlNG WARRANTIES Of MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND ALL ffiHERWARRANTlES OTHERWISE ARISING BY OPERATION OF LAW, COURSE OF DEAUNG, CUSTOM, TRA~ DR OTHERWISE. LIMITATION OF liABILITY DaytonshallnotbeHablelntOnlractorlnlortOnclllding,withoutlimltiloon, rlegligerlCe,strictliabililyorotherwi~e)forlo~sofsales,levenuesorprofit>;omof capital or funds; buslne5!> Interruption or cort of downtime, loss of use. d~mage to or II1l~ofuse of Other property (reai or personaQ; failllreto re~liZl' expe<:\edSavirigS; frustration of economic or bu~ine~s expectation~;c1aims by third parties (other thanforbodilyinjurytore<:onomklossesofariykind;orforariy~petial,ln,iderilat indirect,ronsequential,punitiveorexempfarydamagesarisi"ginanywayolJtof theperfofTTlanceof,orfailllretoperform,itsobligatlonsllnderanyrontractfor ~leofProo...rt.evenifOaytonrould fore~€'l'orhasbeenadviSedofthepos~ibility of ~llch damage~. The Parties expres~ly a9"'" that these limitations on damages are allocatioru of riskmn5\itlJting. in part, the mruideration forthi~ contract, and alsolhatsud1limitatiori~sharrsllrvivethedeterminationofanyoollrloftompetent jum.dictlorithatanyremedypflJvidedintheseterm~oravailableatlawfailsofits essentialpl.lrpose Refer to www.daytonsuperior.comfor latestTe'chnical Data Sheet and MsDS 7777 Washington Village Dr~, Suite 130, Dayton OH 4S459 Customer Service: (888) 977-9600 TechniCal Assistance: (8.66) 329-8724 05/07" For Commercial/Industrial Use Only. Page 2 of2 I' 0" ", , DAYTON , "., 'SUPERIOR 4-14 Po (3 PRODUCT S 'H E E T D AT DESCRIPTION Xypex is a unique chemical treatrTIeri.t for the water- proofing, protection and improvement of concrete. XYPEX ADMIX C-500 is added to the concrete mix at the time of batching. Xypex Admix C-SOO consists of portland cement, very fine treated silica sand and various active. proprietary chemicals. These active chemical~ re~ct with the moisture in fresh concrete and with the by-products of cement hydration to cause a catalytic reaction which generates a non-soluble crystalline formation throughout the pores and capillary tracts of the concrete. Thus the concrete becomes permanently sealed against the penetration of water or liquids from any direction. The concrete is also protected from deterioration due to harsh environmental conditions. XVPEX ADMX C-SERIES The Admix C-Series has been specially formulated to mee~ varying project and temperature conditions. Xypex Admix C-500 is specifically formulated to meet modern concrete practices. that incorporate additives such as fly ash and slag. For most concrete mix designs adding the Admix C-500 will have minimal or no effe<;t on setting time. Xypex Admix C-IOOO is designed for typical Portland cement-rich concrete, where nOITnal to a mild retarded set is desired. Xypex Admix C-2000 is designed for projects where extended retardation is required due to high ambic'nt temperatures or long ready-mix delivery times. See Setting Time and Strength for more details. Consult with a Xypcx Technical R€;presentative for the most appropriate X ypex Admix for YO,uT project. RECOIVIVENDED FOR: Reservoirs Sewage and Water Treatment Plants Secondary Containment Structures Tunnels and Subway Systems Underground Vaults Foundations Parking Structures Swimming Pools Pre-Cast Components ,:., D] .', ..:4 C-500 ADVANTAGES Resists extreme hydrostatic pressure from either positive or negative surface of the concrete Ii Becomes an integral part of the substrate . ... I Highly resistant to aggressive chemicals " Can seal static hairline cracks up to Of4 rom Allows concrete to breathe Non-toxic J Less costly to apply than most other methods Permanent Added to the. concrete at time of batcHing and therefore is not subject to climatic restraints . Increases,flexibility in construction sd~eduling PACKAGING Xypex Admix,C-500 is available in 50 Ib, (22:7 kg) bags and in cartons containing 10 lb. '(4,5 kg), 12 Ib, (5,5 kg). and 15 lb, (6,8 kg) soluble b~gs. For specific. projects, contact the manufacturer for availability of custom sized packaging. STORAGE Xypex products must" be stored dry :,at a minimum temperature of 45"F (7"C) , Shelf life is one year , " when stored under prope~ conditions. I' DOSAGE RATES Xypex Admix C-500: 2% - 3% by weighf of cement Xypex Admix C-500 NF (No Fines Cnide): 1% - 1.5% by weight of cement Note: Under certain conditions, the ?osage rate for No Fines Grade may be as low as O.8w, depending on the quantity and type of total cementitlous materials. , Consult with Xypex's Technical Department for assistance in determining the approp~,ate dosage rate and for further information regarding enhanced chemical resistance, optimum concret:e penormance, or meeting the specific requirements land conditions of your projecL Concrete W,te1]JIUofing by Crysta11ization- DAT.ADM5 12-04 ~o Ii TEST DATA PERMEABILITY U,S, Army Corps of Engineers CRD C48-73 "Permeability of Concrete" Aviles Engineering Corp., Houston, USA Two concrete samples containing Xypex Admix at 3% and 5% I (..3p..:......"; vely; and an untreated control sample were tested for water permeability. Both the treated and untreated samples were subjected to a pressure of 150 psi (350 ft. waterhead), Results showed moisture and permeated water throughout the' untreated sample after 24 hours, However, the Xypex Admix samples showed no leakage, and water penetration of only 1.5 mm after 120 hours (5 days), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers CRD C48-73 "Permeability of Concrete" Setsco Services, Pte Ltd, Singapore Six Xypex Admix-treated and ~ix untreated concrete samples were tested for water permeability. Pressure was gradually increased over fiv~ days and then maintained at 7 bars (224 ft. waterhead) for 10 days, While the six reference samples showed water leakage beginning em the fiftJ:t day and increasing throughout the test period, the Xypex Admix samples showed no water leakage at any time during the test. DIN 1048 "Water Impermeability of Concrete" DICTU SA Dept. Of Engineering and Construction Mgt., Santiago, Chile Concrete samples 120 Iron thick containing Xypex Admix were.tested with the same.size reference samples for water impermeability. Samples were subjected to hydrostatic pressure for 28 days. Water totally perme- at~d the untreated samples but no water penetration was detected in any of the Xypex Admix-treated samples. COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH ASTM C 39 "Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete SpecimensH HBT Agra; Vancouver, Canada Concrete samples containing Xypex ~dmix at various dosage rates (1%, 2% and 5%) were tested against an untreated concrete control sample. Cv...p.,,~ive strength test results after 28 days Indicated a significant strength increase in the samples incorporating Xypex Admix. The compressive strength increase varied between 5% and 20% (depending on the Xypex Admix dosage rate) over that of the reference sample. ASTM C 39 "Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens" Kleinfelder Laboratories, San Francisco, USA At 28 days, the comp;.esslve strength test of the concrete containing Xypex Admix measured 7160 psi as compared to the reference sample at 6460 psi (a 10% increase), x Y P E X A DM I X C -.5 00 CHEMICAL RESISTANCE JIS "Chemical Durability Test".Japanese Utility Comp~ny, In-house Test' Report, Tokyo, Japan ;, Concrete samples containing Xypex AdmiX were tested against five samples conciining other a~. and against a control sample, ~o determine resistance ~o corro- sion and deterioration caused by contact with a~ive chemicals, All samples were soaked In a 5% ,isulfuric acid solution at 200C for six months. Various e~uations and.measurements were assessed every month d~ng the test period, including: photographic comparisons~! relative dynamic modulus of elasticity, percentage c~ge In length, weight and flexural rigidity. Although th~ Xypex Admix sample was subjected to acid conditions ~ell out- side its published range, the resulis confirmed XyjJeJ< with the best performance among the seven samples tested. "Sulfuric Acid Resistance TestU AVil,es Engineering Corporation, Houston, USA Concrete samples containing Xypex Admix at different dosage rates (3%, 5% and 7%) were tested!, ag~t untreated control .samples for Sulfuric acid ~istance. After immersion m: the Sulfuric acid, each sarrjple was tested for weight loss on a daily basis until a w~ght loss of 50% or a definite response trend was ob~ed. The, percentage weight loss ....of the samples containin? Xypex Admix tested significantly lower than the control Fples. "Sulphate Resistance Test" Taywqod Engineering Ltd," Perth. Australia I: Xypex Admix-treated concrete samples were immersed in an ammonium-sulphate solution and t~~ted for "resistance in a harsh environment". The perf?rmance of the Xypex-Crystalline- Technology was c~mpared with five other concretes, including one con~ing a sulphate-resistant cement. Each of the test sainples was cured for s~ven days and then placed in an arnrvonium- sulphate solution (132 g/I) for 180 days, The rate of corrosion was determine~ by measuring weight loSs, and length change was noted on a, weekly basis. The Xypex-Crystalline- Technology substantially irfiproved concrete performance as compared to the reference concrete and tested very similar.to the sulphate-resistarlt concrete. The Xypex Admix-treated samp~,es also provided the highest level of protection as measured by change In length, FREEZFlTIIAW DURABlllTY ASTM C 666 "FreezefThaw Durability' Independent Laboratory, Cleveland, USA After 300,freeze/thaw cycles. the Xypex Admix"treated samples Indicated 94% relative durability. PRO D U C T D A T'A P515 POTABLE WATER EXPOSURE NSF 61 ~Drinking Water System Component-Health Effects" NSF International. Ann Arbor, USA Exposuretesting of potable water in contact with Xypex- treated samples indicated no harmful effects. DIRECTIONS FOR USE Xypex Admix C-500 must be added to the concrete at the time of batching. The sequence of procedures for addition will vary according to the type of batch plant operation and equipme.nt: t. READY MIX PLANT . DRY BATCH OPERATION Add Xypex Admix in powder, form to the drum of the ready-mix truck. Drive the ready-mix truck under the batch plant and add the balance of the materials in accordanc17 with standard concrete batching practices. Mix materials for a mit1imu~ of 5 minutes to ensure that the Xypex Admix has been thoroughly dispersed throughout the concrete. 2, READY MIX PLANT . CENTRAL MIX OPERATION Mix Xype~ Admix with water t,o form a very thin slurry (e,g, 15 - 20 Ib.l6.75 - 9 kg of powder mixed with 3 gallons/13,6 litres of water), Pour the required amount of material into the drum of the ready-mix 1 truck. The aggregate, cement and water should be batched and mixed in the plant in accordance with standard practices (taking into account the quantity of water that has already been placed in the ready-mix truck). Pour the concrete into the truck and mix for at least 5 minutes to ensure even distribution of the Xypex Admix throughout the concrete. 3, PRECAST BATCH PLANr Add Xypex Admix to the rock and sand, then mix thorough)y for 2 - 3-minutes before adding the cement and water. The total concrete mass should be blended using standard practices, Notes: 1. It is important to obtain a homogeneous mixture of Xypex Admix with the c.oncre~e. Therefore, do not add dry Admix powder directly to wet concrete as this may ~use clumping and thorough dispersion will not occur. 2. Concrete containing the Xypex Admix does not preclude the requirement for design of crack control, construction joint detailing ~d measures for repairing defects in concrete (Le. honeycombing, tie holes, cracks beyond specified limits). For further information regarding the proper use of Xypex ~dmix for a specific project, consult with a Xypex Technical Representative, SE'TTING TIIVE AND STRENGTH J' The setting time of concrete is affected ~y the chemical and physical composition of ingredients"rtemperature of the concrete a'nd climatic conditions.:: Xypex Admix C-500 is specifically fonnulated to'meet modem concrete practices that incorporate additives such' as fly ash and slag. For most concrete mix designs adding the Xypex Admix C-500 will have minimal or no ~tfect on setting time, Concrete containing the Xypex!l Admix C-500 may develop higher early and ultimate:: strengths than plain 'coricrete particularly where fly ~r and slag are used. Trial mixes should be carried out under. project conditions to detennine the setting tmie and strength of the concrete dosed with Xypex Admix C-500, ,. . Consult with a Xypex Technical 'Representative for the most appropriate Xypex Admix for your projeCt: LlMTATIONS When inCUI PUI a";'ng Xypex Admix, the!,kmpc.. ature of the concrete mix should be above 40'F (4'C) , TECHNICAL SERVICES For more instructions, alternative installation methods, " or information concerning the compatibility of the Xypex treatment with other products or technblogies, contact the Technical Services Department of Xypex Chemical CUlpula";'on or your local Xypex,Represehtative. , SAFE HANDLING INFORNlATION Xypex is alkalihe. As a cementitious po~der or mixture, Xypex may cause significant skin and" eye irritation. Directions for treating these problems are:, clearly detailed on all Xypex pails and packaging. The MiIDufacturer also maintains comprehensive and up-to-dat~, Material Safety, Data Sheets on all its products. Each ~!'shee( .contains health and safety inforrilation for the pi Uu:;......;.on of workers and customers. The Manufacturer recommends you contact Xypex: Chemical Corporation or your local .Ii Xypex representative to obtain copies o~:Materia1 Safety Data Sheets prior to product storage or ~. ~RANTY The Manufactun:r warrants that the products manufac~ tured by it shall be free from material defects and will ,be'consistent with its normal high qualitj. Should any of the products be proven defective. the liability to 'the Manufacturer shall be limited to replacement of the prod- uct ex factory. The Manufacturer makes no warranty as to . , I' merchantability or fitness' for a particular purpose and , this warranty is in lieu of all other warranties expressed " or implied. The user shall determine t~e suitability of the product for his intended use and aSsume all risks and liability in connection th~rewith. ~ p& It. 8 "" ~ ~ z ~ o v w~ :>::S: ~v zw -"- ,,-on 0-. on " z ~ o v w g Q ;01 z . !. : ;; . ~o III" Generic: Water-based Epoxy Primer General DescriDtion: A two component, water-based epoxy/polyamine primer and sealer. Applied as a dear or tinted using DEVFLOOR 571 Epoxy Color Additives, TVDical Uses: Designed for use as a primer over dry and damp concrete surfaces prior to the application of urethane or epoxy coatings. Can also be used as a protective sealer over the initial prime coat. i I Advantapes: . little solvent - low odor . Quick drying and reduced downtime . Can be applied to damp surfaces PROPERTY Abrasion Resistance Adhesion to concrete Fle~bility Slip Resistance DEVFLc10R:@ 506H WB Epoxy Primer Cat. # 506F0020/506G0903 'i Color: Clear, other colors available with use of DEVFLOOR 571 Epoxy Color Additives Finish: Semi-Gloss Clean Up Solvent: Soap and water Weiaht IGallon: 8,861bs.lgal. VOC JEPA 241: 64 gJ1 Solids BvVolumeJASTM D 2697-7 davs!: 41% ~ 2% saread Rate: 400-500 sq, ft.lgal. Recommended Film Thickness: 1,3-1,,6 mils dry - 3,2-4.0 mils wet " Systems: Please consult the appropriate system guide; the particular job specification or your ICI Paints' Representative for prop'er systems using this product. Systems must be selected ronsidering the particular,environmenu'rwolved. . Mixin~a Method: low speed with ~jiffy" fnixer Application Method: High quality 318" ,nap roller Thinner: DO NOT THiN Pot Life: 2 hours @ WF (23"C) & 50%RH Cure Rate (@ 75"F (23"C) & 50%RH): 4-6 hrs, . Tack free 18,24 hrs, . Light traffic " 72 hrs, - Heavy traffic and/ol,chemical spillage Recoat Time (@75"F (23"C) & 50%RH): From 4 to 24 hours, :i Note:,After 24 hours, primer must be screened before recoating. The entire floor surface must be screened until no gloss is present before appl~ng next coat. ' Ventilation"filrn thickness, humidity, thinning and other factors can influence the' rate of dry. _ i: WaminQ: The above table provides general guidelines only. Always consult your lei Paints' Representalive tor appropriate recoal windows since lf1e maximum aged recoa! time of this product may be significantly shortened or lengthened by a variety of conditions, induding, but not limited to humidity, surface temperature, and the use of additives or thinners. The use of accelerators or force- curing may shorten the aged recoat of individual coatings. The above recoat windo;.s may not apply if recoating with a product other than those listed above.' If the maximum aged recoat window is exceeded, please consult your ICIPaints' Representative for appropriate recommendations 10 enhance adhesion. Failure to observe these precautions may result in intercoat delamination. Shelf Life: 18 months in unopened con'iainer . . RESULTS 42 ing loss Excellent No \7acking or crazing Passes TEST METHOD Taber Abraser CS-17 wheel, 1000 cydes, 1000 gm load Bent on 1/8'conical mandrel Equivalent to ASTM 0-2047 I Read Label and Material Safety Data Sheet Prior to Use, See other cautions on last page. DSf1.0690 I! '" ~ o m () ~ '" Z Gl v>, '-0 i~ ~z ()Vi ~i1i (1'" o ~ Z Gl V> ~ '" ~ 09800 {if' f7 Back Page: 506F002OJ506G0903 ei::l ~I::I :oJ!.""''"1 II :o~ :I"14::11:.1:~:1 :h1 :.,~,. [D]~ All surfaces must be sound, dry, clean, free of oil, grease, dirt, mildew, curing compounds, loose and flaking paint and other foreign substances. WARNING! If you scrape, sand, or remove old paint, you may release lead dust. LEAD IS TOXIC, EXPOSURE TO LEAO DUST CAN CAUSE SERIOUS ILLNESS, SUCH AS BRAIN DAMAGE, ESPECIALLY IN CHILDREN, PREGNANT WOMEN SHOULD ALSO AVOID EXPOSURE. Wear a NIOSH-approved . respirator to control lead exposure. Clean up carefully with a HEPA vacuum and a wet mop. Before you start, find out how to protect yourself and your family by contacting the National Lead Informa'tion Hotline at 1-800424- LEAD or log on to www.epa.govllead. . ~; Thinnina: Do nol thin ONS FOR USE Mixina:lmportant! Coaling has a limiled pol life of approximalely 2 Hours@ 750F (230C) and 50% R.H. Ensure surface is prepared and ready for immediate application, and all components and additives are ready for mixing. Note: Do not mix less than full batch quantities. Color Additive: If oolor is desired, DEVFlOOR~ 571 Epoxy Color Additives may be added 10 the .Clear" Base portion at the specified rale of one quart per two mixed gallons. Pre-mix the Color Additive for 2-3 minutes before adding to the Base portion. Mix the Base and Color Additive at low speed for a minimum of two minutes or until the color is complelely blended in. 1. Some soft settling may occur in the base portion. Premix the. base and converter portions separately for 1102 minutes prior to mixing together. 2. In a separate clean container, add equal parts of the Base and Converter, 3. Mix with a very low speed jiffy mixer, until completely blended. This will take about 2 to 3 minutes. Be careful nollo introduce any. air bubbles while mixing. 4. Care must be taken to enSUre thai both components are thoroughly mixed in order to avoid weak or partially cured spots in the coating. . 5. Since this product does not need any induction time, it should be used immedialely after mixing. ~plication: 1. DEVFLOOR 506H can be applied either by pouring a 'ribbon" of material on the floor and using a flat squeegee or from a roller tray al the rate of 400-500 sq.fl per gallon for "priming" at 3-4 mils wet. Avoid leaving excessive build--ups in rougher areas. . " 2. Use a high Quality 18" (318" nap) roller to even out the material. 3. When applying DEVFLOOR 506H with the DEVFlOOR 571 color additive wait approximately ten minutes after the initial application mid re-roll the entire area. This will improve color uniformity and minimize streaking when the DEVFLOOR 506H will be visible. If color uniformity is required then DEVFlOOR 506H should be overcoaled with a pigmented DEVFlOOR product If DEVFLOOR 506H will be overcoaled with a pigmented DEVFLOOR Product'the re-rolling is not necessary. Note: This product is designed to be used as is and therefore thinning or reducing with solvents is not recommended. Also do nol mi~ less than full batch quan.tities. Pot Life: The pot life of this product is approximately 2 hours at 750F (230C) and 50% R.H. Although DEVFLOOR 506H may appear liquid and useable for some time, il should nol be used beyond the 2 hour limit. Higti' temperature and high humidity will accelerate curing and reduce pot life. Do not mix more kits of material than can be used within this period of time. Recommended for use by Professional Floorin'QtFloor Coating Applicators only. PRECAUTIONS WARNINGI CORROSIVE, CAUSES EYE AND SKIN BURNS, HARMFUL IF INHAt.ED, MAY CAUSE CENTRAl. NERVOUS SYSTEM EFFECTS. INCLUDING DIZZINESS, HEADACHE DR NAUSEA. CAUSES RESPIRATORY TRACT IRRITAnDN. HARMFUL IF SWAt.LDWED, MAY CAUSE At.LERGIC SKIN AND RESPIRATORY REACTION, MAY BE HARMFUL IF ABSORBED THROUGH SKIN, OVEREXPOSURE MAY CAUSE LIVER, KIDNEY DAMAGE, USE ONLY WITH AnEOUATE VENnLATlON, KEEP OUT OF THE REACH OF CHILDREN. NOTICE: Products in this series contain solvents. Reports have associated repealed and prolonge~ occupational overexposure 10 solvents with permanent brain and nervous system damage. Intentional misuse by de~beralely concentrating and inhaling the conlents may be ~armful or fatal. For emergency information call {800} 54~2643. Note: These waminqs encom~ss the Droduct series. Prior to use. read and follow ~rodud-sqecific MSDS and label information. If sanding is done, wear a dust mask 10 avoid breathing of sanding dust. Do not breathe vapors or spray mist. Ensure fresh air entry during application and drying. Avoid contact with eyes 'and skin. If you experience eye watering, headach'es, or dizziness, leave the area. If properly used, a respirator may offer additional protection. Obtain professional advice before using. Close container after ead1 use. FIRST AID: In case of skin contact, wash thoroughly with soap and water. If any product remain~s, gently rub petroleum jelly, vegetable or minerallbaby oil onto skin, then wash again with soap and waler. Repeated applications maybe needed. Remove contaminated Clothing. For eye-contact, flush immediately with large amounts of water, for alleasl15 minules. Obtain emeraencv medical treatment. If swallowed, obtain medical treatment immediatelv. If inhalation causes physical discomfort, remove to fresh air. If discomfort persists or any breathing difficulty occurs, get medical help. KEEP FROM FREEZlNG_ Ii DS3SH1605 . ,: - - . - SHIPPING. -." .' - Flash Point: Packaging: 2000F (S30G) 2 sallon kit [1.57 L) 128 oz. base 12802. converter 10 gallon k. (37.85 L) 5 gallon base 5 gallon converter ~ HIGH PERFORMANCE... le{..1.: till ~ ceJ:lI ,S!iong,ville;Ohio U,SA ,800;654;2616 '~.J~, ~:"~_:':"9$.com: Shipping Weight: 2 gallon kit . 17,821bs, (8.08 kg) 10 gallon kit- 178.2Ibs. (80.83 kg) . 506H(05lO7) Ad Stock#66004B UMITAllON Of_~ILm': lci.he be,s_lur (MJr.loioWietig.; th6lDchniOOl'do;g <<.ntOiMd bettiil'ore tfw Q,.d~ aI rr.e dare of iuuOricO 001 .ore .Wbitld 10 mange witnout priol- nOtiai. We guarantee 0lJl' product to ci:mfOmllo- the ~IiCoriOnICOl\Io;nco dWeil'l. WE MAKE NO OlliER.WARRANTY OR GUAAANTEE OF,ANY KIND,- EXPRESS OR tMPUEO,-:INCWDlNG MERCHANTABIUTY:ANDfITNESHORPAROCUlAR PURfOSE, tiohililj,-i!'ony..ls limhed Jo rephcernent of the product or. refund of the purchcwe price. lABOR: OIl: COST Of. LABOR AND OTHER CONSEQUENTIAl,: OAf,tlACES ARE HERE8YEXCl.UOED. " (f11 II z ~ o tn,~ ~~ "'U ZW -~ ~'" 0. I-II. .. ~ .. x . DEVFLOOR:@ 521 UVR Clear 100% Solids Epoxy : Cat. # 521 B0020/521 C0903 Generic: UV Resistant 100% Solids Epoxy < PRODUCT DESCRIPTioN , SPECIFICATION DATA' . , ' General Oescrimion: A two component 100% solids, low viscosity, chemical resistant epoxy coating. Designed to be applied from 5 to 10 mils, It can be installed over a properly prepared surface or u5e~ as a binder ina slurrylbroadcast system. Applied as a dear or pigmented using DEVFLOOR 571 Epoxy Color Additives, DEVFLOOR 521100% solids epoxy iswater clear and has excellent UV stable properties. TVDical Uses: The versatility of DEVFLOOR 521 100% solids epoxy allows it to be used as a grout coa~ topooa~ and as a binder in a slurry system. Typical applications would include auto dealerships, institutions, pharmaceutical industry, and food prep areas to name a few, DEVFLOOR 521100% solids epoxy should be considered VJt:Ierever UV exposure is a concern. SDecial Qualifications: See Chemical Resistance Guide " " '< 'FEATURES' (' ,", . ,,~ _ _ _ _ ~ I II '" l:l Z ~ 8 w o ~ o Advantaoes: . 100% solids system - low odor . Water clear, high gloss, and excellent UV resistance . Versatility . Easy application . Good chemical and abrasion resistance . Wide range of colors with DEVFLOOR 571 Epoxy Color Additives Color: Clear, other colors available with use of DEVFLOOR 571 Epoxy Color Additives ' , Finish: Gloss WeiDht IGallon: 8.9Ibs./gal. Clean UD. Solvent: Xylene or T-5 Thin~er VOC (EPA 241: 50 gn (Clear) Solids Bv Volume lASTM D 2697-7 davs\: 100% Soread Rate: 107.321 sq, II./gal. Recommended Film Thickness: 5-10::mils dry- 5-10 mils wet Systems: Please consult the appropriate system guide, the particular job specification or your ICI p'aintsRepresentative for proper systems using this product. Systems must be selected considering the particular environment involved. Mixi'lo Method: Low speed with "jiffy" ~ixer Application Method: Flat squeegee and 1/4'nap roller, Thinner. DO NOT THIN :! Pot Life: 30 minutes@75'F(23'C) &50% RH Cure Rate 11iiI75'F j23'C1 & 50% RH1,: 12-14 hrs,- Foot traffic 24 hrs,- Ughl traffic 72 hrs,- Heavy traffic and/or chemical spillage Recoat Time(@75'F 123'C\ & 50% RH1: From 12 to 24 hours, i' After 24 hours, screen before recoating. Ventilation, film thickness, humidity, thinning and otherfactors can influence the rate of dry. " Warnina: The above table provides general guidelines only. AJways consult your lei Paints Representative for appropriate recoat windows since the maximum aged recoal time of this product may be significantly shortened or lengthened by a variety of conditions, including, but nollimited to humidity, surface temperature, and the use of additives or thinners. The use of accelerators or force curing may shorten the aged recoat of individual coatings. The above recoat windows may not apply if recoating with a product other than those listed aboveJ, If the maximum aged recoat window is exceeded, please consult your lei, Paints Representative for appropriate recommendations 10 enhance adhesion. Failure to observe these precautions may result in intercoal delamination. Shelf Life: 18 months in unopened container I~! \ - ~ . ;; . ~- t '" ~ o m "" o :>, '-< Z Gl '" -.0 I~ ~Z ""in ~~ ri~ o ~ Z Gl '" '<i '" o g . - -" '" ~ " , . -," ,~_: < ,'~, PERFORMANCE DATA"," ~'~. ,'" " . PROPERTY Hardness (Shore D) Impact Resistance Flammability Slip Resistance Tensile Strength Compressive Strength TEST METHOQ ASTM D-2240 ASTM D-2794 ASTM D-635 Equivalentto ASTM 0-2047 ASTM D-638 ASTM D-695 RESULTS 80 160 in~bs, Film is Self Extinguishing Passes 7400 psi 11,000 psi Read Label and Material Safety Data Sheet Prior to Use, See other cautions on last page, DSF1.0690 . . I 09800 ?ff"' (9 t' ::h' 1::lI' ~.J'1"''"111 ~~ "~l~::I:.1 ~~::I :1~" ~".". [Il~ Back Page: 521BOO201521C0903 All surfaces must be sound, dry, clean, free of oil, grease, dirt, mildew, curing compounds, loose and ftaking paint and other foreign substances. Priming with DEVFLOORt 506H or DEVFLOOR 525 is recommended. WARNING! If you scrape, sand or. remove old paint from any surface, you may release lead dust, LEAD IS TOXIC, EXPOSURE TO LEAD DUST CAN CAUSE SERIOUS ILLNESS, SUCH f>S BRAIN DAMAGE, ESPECIALLY IN CHILDREN, PREGNANT WOMEN SHOULD ALSO AVOID EXPOSURE, Wear a NIOSH-approved respirator to conb'ollead exposure. Carefully clean up with a wet mop or HEPA vacuum. Before you start, find out how to protect yourself and your family by contacting the U.S. Ep'AlLead Information Hotline at 1.80(l..424-LEAD (5323) or log on to www.epa.goYfl~ad. Consult Surface Preparation Guide Supplement for further surface preparation information. DIRECTIONS FOR-USE Mixina: Important! Coating has a limited pot life of approximately 30 Minutes @ 750F (230C) and 50% R.H. Ensure surface is prepared and ready for immediate application, and all components and additives are ready for mixing. Note: Do nol mix less than full batch quantities. Color Additives; If oolor is desired, the appropriate DEVFLOOR 571 Epoxy Color Additive is added to the .Clear" ~art 'B" Base at the specified rate., Refer to the DEVFLOOR 571 Epoxy Color Additives data sheet for specific ratios. Mix at low speed for a minimum of two minutes. 1. The Part 'B" Base must be thoroughly mixed prior to the addition of Part "C" Converter. . 2. Carefully empty the cOntents of the Part 'C' Converter entirely into the can of Part 'B" Base. The Part 'B" Container is oversized to allow for easy mi~ing. 3. Mix with a very low speed jiffy mixer, until complelely blended. This will take about 3 to 5 minutes. Be careful not 10 introduce any air bubbles while mixing. 4. Due to the difference in viscosity between the Part "C" Converter and Part "B" Base, care must be taken to .ensure that both components are thoroughly mixed in order 10 avoid weak or partially cured spots in the coating. 5. Since this product does not need any induction time, it should be used immediately after mixin!=!. ~D~lication: I. 1. This product should be applied byfirsl pouring a bead of material in the form of a nbbon on the surface to be coated. The material should not be left in the container long because il will set faster thus reducing the pollife.'; 2. Using a serrated squeegee, spread the bead of material at a rate of approximately 107.321 sq. fl per ganon. Apply as evenly as pos'Sible, working from left to right, and then back. ' 3. Back roll using a high quality 18", 1/4" nap roller. 4. If needed, roll with a porcupine roller after 10 minutes to remove excess bubbles. Note: This product is designed to be used as is an'd therefore thinning or reducing with solvents is nol recommended. Also do not mix less than full batch quantities. Pot Ufe: The pot life on this product is approXimately 30 minutes at 75"F (23"C) and 50% R.H. High temperature and high humidity wiUaccelerate curing and reduce pot life. Since this is not a solvent based system the pol life is relatiVely short. Do nol mix more kits of material than can be used within this penodof time. . Recommended for use by Professional Floorin'glFloor Coating Applicators only. PRECAUTIONS " WARNINGI CORROSIVE. CAUSES EYE AND SKIN BURNS, HARMFUL OR FATAL IF SWALLOWEO, ASPIRATION HAZARD-CAN ENTER LUNGS AND CAUSE DAMAGE, HARMFUL IF INHALED, MAY CAUSE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM EFFECTS. INCLUDING DIZZINESS. HEADACHE OR NAUSEA. CAUSES RESPIRATORY TRACT IRRITATION. MAY CAUSE ALLERGIC SKIN AND RESPIRATORY REACTION, USE ONLY WITH ADEOUATE VENTILAnON, KEEP OUT OF THE REACH OF CHILDREN, NOTICE: Products in this series contain solvents. Reports have associated repealed and prolonged oca.Jpational overexposure to solvents with permanent brain and nervous system damage. Intentional misuse by deliberately concentrating and inhaling the contents may be harmful or fatal. For emergency information call (800) 54~2643. Note: These warninas encomDass the J:!roduct series. Prior to use. mad and follow ~mduct.sD_ecific MSDS and label infonnation. If sanding is done, .~ear a dust mask to avoid breathing of sanding dust. Do not breathe vapors or spray mist. Ensure fresh air entry during application and drying. Avoid contact with eyes and 'skin. If you experience eye watering, headaches, or dizziness, leave the area. If properly used, a respirator may offer additional protection. Obtain professional advice beforel:using. Close container after each use. FIRST AID: In case of skin contact,. wash thoroughly with soap and waler. If any product remains, gently rub petroleum jelly, vegetable or minerallbaby oU onto skin, then wash again with soap and water. Repeated applications may be needed. Remove contaminated dothing. For eye contact, flush immediately with large"amounts of water, for at I.east 15 minutes. Obtain eme.raen~ medical treatment. If swallowed, obtain medical treatment immediatelv. If inhalation causes physical discomfort, remove to fresh air. If discomfort persists or any breathing diffiCtJlty occurs, get medical help. . KEEP FROM FREEZING: . DS247.1003 - - - - ,: .. SHIPPING ~"... ...- Flash Point: Packaging: 2280F (1090C) 3 gallon kit (11.36 L) 2 gallon ba.se 1 gallon converter 15 gallon kit (56.77l 10 gallon base 5 gallon oonverter Shipping Weight: 3 gallon kit - 351bs, (15.9 kg) 15 gallon kit - 1551bs. (70.4 kg) 521(0,,"7) AdStock#67054B ~ HIGH PERFORMANCE ~umcj.iI Strongsville, Ohio U.S.A. 800-654-2616 "W'W'W.devoecoatings.com " UMITATION OF UABILITY: To the best of our knowledge, the technical doto contained herei.. ore true i:md accurate 01 the dare of i~~uo..ce but ore 1llbjed to change witl,out prior "olice. We guarantee our product to conform to tl,e ~peci~cotio..~ contained therein. WE MAKE NO OTHER WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPUED. INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Liability, if any. i~ limited to replocement of the product or refund of the purcho~ price. lABOR OR COST OF LABOR AND OTHER' CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARE HEREBY EXCLUDED Pf 2.0 'a o '" ~ '" 10 Z \1 o "'u ~:a: ~l~ ~ 0. j-ll. .. 5:. " . DEVFLUOR@ 525 100% Solids Epoxy Resurfacer Cat. # 525B0020/525C0903 Generic: 100% Solids Epoxy _ , PRODUCT DESCRIPTION :', ,SPECIFICATION DATA" ,-'"" , , - General Descriotion: An economical, two componenL 100% solids, epoxy resurfacer for thin coat application. Can also be used as a binder for a pigmented slurrylbroadcast system, Applied as a dear or pigmented'usingDEVfLOOR 571 Epoxy Color Additives, -TYDical Uses: Designed for economical base coat application from 5 to 15 mils on concrete floors subjected to abrasion and/or chemical spills. Provides an economical binder for slurry type applications, Soecial Qualifications: See Chemical. Resistance Guide , " ", '. ',' - FEATU'RES" ,.., ~ > I ~, '" o z \1 o u w ~ o Advantaaes: . 100% solids system -low odor . Econqmical resurfacer . Easy application . Good chemical and abrasion resistance . Wide range of colors with DEVFLOOR 571 Epoxy Color Additives Color: Clear, other colors available with use of DEVFLOOR 571 Epoxy Color Additives ' Finish: Gl055 Clean Up Solvent: Xylene or T-5 Thinner Weipht IGallon: 8.7 Ibsigal. VOCJEPA241: 10gn (Clear) , Solids Bv Volume JASTM D 26g7-7 davsl: 100% SDread Rate: 107-321 sq,j\,lgal. Recommended Film Thickness: 5-15 mils dry - 5-15 mils wet Systems: Please consult the appropriate system guide, the particular job specification or your ICI Paints Representative for proper systems using this product. Systems must be selected considering the particular environment involved. Mixina Method: Low speed with *jiffy" ~ixer Maintain Base and Converter below 80 degrees F and under no circumstances mix these products above this temperature.l. . Ap.Dlication Method: Flat squeegee, lt8"nap roller and porcupine . I roller, Thinner: DO NOT THIN Pot Life: 27 minutes @ 75"F (23"C) & SO%.RH Cure Rate ((0) 75.F (23.Cl & 50% RH1: 10 hrs,- Foot traffic 24 hrs,- Light traffic 72 hrs,- Heavy traffic andlor chemical spillage Recoat Time 1@75.FI23.Cl&50% RH1: ' From 10 to 24 hours, After 24 hours, screen before recoating. Ventilation, film thickness, humidity, thinning and other factors can influence the rate of dry. ' Wamina: The above table provides,general guidelines only. A1~ays consult your lei Paints Representative for appropriate recoat windows since the maximum aged recoat time ofthis 'product may be significantly shortened or lengthened by a variety of conditions, induding, but notlimiled to humidity, surface temperature, and the use of additive~ or thinners. The use of accelerators or force curing may shorten the aged recoat of individual coatings. The above recoat windoWs may not apply if recoating with a product other than those listed above.'~lf the maximum aged reooat . window is exceeded, please consult your lei Paints Representative for appropriate recommen~alions to enhance adhesion. Failure 10 observe these precautions may result in intercoat delamination. Shelf Life:.2 years in unopened container .: - - " ." ' ,,' PERFORMANCE DATA,', ~%' '" -:, " PROPERTY Hardness (Shore D) Impact Resistance Flammability . Slip Resistance Abrasion Resistance T ansile Strength Compressive Stren~th TEST METHOD ASTM D-2240 ASTM D-2794 ASTM 0-635 Equivalent to ASTM 0-2047 Taber Abraser CS-17 wheel, 1000 eydes, 1000 gm load ASTM 0-638 ASTM 0-695 RESULTS 81J.84 160 in-Ibs, Ellm is Self Extinguishing Passes 65-70 mg loss 6400 psi 10,400 psi I ' II I Read Label and Matenal Safety Data Sheet Pnor to Use, See other ,"utions on last page, DSF1-0690 u '" ~ o m n o <; z C> V> '0 i~ ri1z r'l;;i >~ ~~ o <; z C> if 09800 rff 8-1 All surfaces must be sound, dry, clean, free of oil, grease, dirt, mildew, curing compounds, loose and flaking paint and other foreign substances. C1::1 ~ 1::1 =-,,~, 18-"1.II:~ :r':1Ii1::::1:.1:~:::::I ~~, :.,~, I rl).:' Back Page: 525B00201525C0903 WARNING! If you scrape, sand or remove old paint from any surface, you may release lead dust, LEAD IS TOXIC, EXPOSURE TO LEAD OUST CAN CAUSE SERIOUS ILLNESS, SUCH AS BRAIN OAMAGE. ESPECIALLY IN CHILDREN, PREGNANT WOMEN SHOULD ALSO AVOID EXPOSURE, L . 111:-":fN. rll~I.."'I ill] ~.Ij.."i Mixina: Important! Coaling has a limited pot life of approximately 27 Minutes@ 750F (230C) and 50% RH. Ensure surface is prepared and ready for immediate application, and all components and additives are ready for mixing. Note: Do not mix less.than full batch quantities. Color Additives: If color is desired, the appropnate DEVFLOOR~ 571 Epoxy Color Additive is added to the "Clear". Part "B" Base at the specified rate. Refer to the DEVFLOOR 571 Epoxy Color Additives data sheet for specific ratios. Mix at low speed for a minimum of two minutes. , 1. The Part "B" Base must be thoroughly mixed prior to the addition of Part "C" Converter. 2. Carefully empty the contents of the Part 'C' Converter entirely into the can of Part ~B' Base. The Part 'B" container is oversized to allow for easy mixing. 3. Mix with a very' low speed jiffy mixer, unbl completely blended. This will take about 3 to 5 minutes. Be careful not to introduce any air bubbles while mixing. 4. Due to the difference in viscosity between the Part "C" Converter and Part "B' Base, care must be taken to ensure that both components are thoroughly mixed in order to avoid weak or partially cured spots in the coating. 5. Since this product does not need any induction time, it should be used immediately after mixinq. Wear a NIOSH-approved respirator to control lead exposure. Carefully clean up with a'wet mop or HEPA vacuum. Before you start. find out howto protect yourself and your family by contacting the U.S:;EPM.e.ad Information Hotline at 1~80l).424-LEAD (5323) C?r log on to www.epa,govnead. Consult Surface Preparation Guide Supplemen~ for further surface preparation infonnation. ~'plication: 1. This product should be applied by first pouring ~. bead of material in the fonn of a ribbon on the surface to be coated. The material should not be left in the container long because it will set faster thus reducing the pot life. Ii 2. Using a serrated squeegee, spread the bead of material at a rate of approximately 107-320 sq. ft. per gallon. Apply as evenly as possible, working from left to right, and then back. 3. Back roll using a ~igh quality 18", 318" nap roller; 4. If needed, roll with a porcupine roller after 10 m[nutes to rem.ove excess bubbles. " Note: This product;s designed to be used as is and therefore thinning or reducing with solvents is not recommended. Also do not mix less, than full batch quantities. Pot life: The pot life on this product is approximately 27 minutes at 750F (230C) and 50% RH. High temperature and high humidity will:accelerale curing and reduce pot life. Since this is not a solvent based system the pot life is relatively short. Do not mix more kits of material than can be used within this period"~f time. R~mmended for use by Professional FloorinQIFloor Coating Applicators only. WARNING! CORROSIVE, CAUSES EYE AND SKIN BURNS, HARMFUL OR FATAL IF SWALLOWED, ASPIRATION HAZARD. CAN ENTER LUNGS AND CAUSE DAMAGE, HARMFUL IF INHALED. MAY CAUSE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM EFFECTS, INCLUDING DIZZINESS, HEADACHE OR NAUSEA. CAUSES RESPIRATORY TRACT IRRITATION, MAY CAUSE ALLERGIC SKIN REACTION. MAY BE HARMFUL IF ABSORBED TllROUGH SKIN. USE ONLY WITH ADEOUATE VENTILATION, KEEP OUT OF THE REACH OF CHILDREN. NOTICE: Produds in this series contain solvents. Reports have associated repeated and prolonged ocCupational overexposure to solvents with permanent brain and nervous system damage. Intentional misuse by deliberately concentrating and inhaling the contents may be harmful or fatal. For emergency information call (800) 545-2643. Note: These waminqs encomoass the oroduct series. Prior to use. read and follow I}mdud-s~ecific MSDS and label information_ If sanding is done, wear a dust mask to avoid breathing of sanding dust. Do not breathe vapors or spray mist. Ensure fresh air entry during application and drying. Avoid contact with eyes and skin. If you experience eye watering, headaches, or dizziness, leave the area. If property used, a respirator may offer additional protection. Obtain professional advice before using. Close container after each use. FIRST AID: In case of skin contact, wash thoroughly with soap and water. If any product remains, gently rub petroleum jelly, vegetable or minerallbaby oil onto skin, then wash again with soap and water. Repeated applications may be needed. Remove contaminated dothing. For eye contact, flush immediately with large amounts of water, for at least 15 minutes. Obtain emeraem;v medical treatment. If swallowed, obtain medical treatment immediatel\(. [finhalation . causes physical discomfort, remove to fresh air. If discomfort persists or any breathing difficulty occurs, get medical help. KEEP FROM FREEZING. Jr 05347-1003 Flash Point: Packaging: . - . -.- -' SHIPPING' - - '.. -' .., Shipping Weight: 3 gallon kit. 35Ibs.(15,9 kg) ~ 5 gallon kil- 155 Ibs. (70.4 kg) 2SS0F (1240C) 3 gallon kit (11.36 L) 2 gallonbase 1 gallon converter 15 gallon kit (56.77 L 10 gallon base 5 gallon converter ~ HIGH PERFORMANCE , rC{"Hlih~m:.J Sfrongsville, Ohio U:S,A. 800-654-2616 www.devoecoatings.com 525 (05107) Adstock#67055B UMITATlON Of liABILITY: To the best of our knowledge, the techniooldato contained herein ore true and occurute 01 the date of issuance but are subiect 10 change without prior notice. We 9uaran~ OUr product 10 conform 10 the spedRcations contained therein. WE MAKE NO OTHER WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE Of ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPUED, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Liability, if any, is limited to replacement of the prodlJct or refund of the purchase price. LABOR OR COST OF LABOR AND OTHER CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARE HEREBY EXCLUDED. ]: ? U-- ') (}- . DEVFLtJJR™ 521 UVR Clear 100% Solids Epoxy , . Chemical Resistance Guide The following Chemical Resistance Guide will aid in determining the effect of various chemicals to DEVOE COATINGS DEVFLOORT. 521 UVR Ciear 100% Solids Epoxy, Results are based on a splash, 24-hour spot test and one week according to ASTM 0-1308 procedure. Each system was mixed and applied to a panel wilh a primer in accordanCe to DEVOE COATINGS standard specifications, The coatings were allowed to cure for a minimum of 7 days @ nOF prior to testing, A ratings system ' for this guide is as follows:' I RATINGS KEY I' I E = Excellent NR = Not Recommended I G=Good OS = Occasional Spillage I I F = Fair I I REAGENT 24 Hours REAGENT 24 Hours I I ORGANIC ACIDS ALKALIES AND SALTS I Acetic 5% E Ammonium Hvdroxide 10% E ,\ Acetic 10% E Ammonium Hvdroxide 50% E I Acetic 20% G Sodium H~droxide 10% E I Glacial NR Trisodium Phosohate E I Butvric 10% G I Formic 10% G SOLVENTS I Lactic Acid 10% E Acetone G I Lactic Acid 25% E Benzene G I Monochloro Acetic 5% E N'Butvl Acetate E I Monochloro Acetic 10% E Chloroform E I Urine-Human E Glvcol Ether E I Urine-Animal E Meth~1 ethvl Ketone F I Methvllsobutvl Ketone G I INORGANIC ACIDS Mineral Spirits E I Chromic Acid 2% E I Aromatic i 50 E I Chromic Acid 10% E I Aromatic 100 E I Chromic Acid 15% E I PM Acetate E I Citric Acid 50% E ' I Trichloroethvlene E I Hvdrochloric Acid 10% E I Xvlene E I I Hvdrochloric Acid 37% E I Isoprooanol 99% ' G, I Hvdrofluoric Acid 10% E I Hexane E Nitric Acid 30% G I SC-100 E Nitric Acid Over 40% G ' Ethvl Alcohol E Nitric Concentrate F Perchloric Acid 35% G MISC. CHEMICALS Phosphoric Acid 10% E Aniline NR Phosphoric Acid 35% E Formaldehvde G PhosQhoric Acid 75% E Glvcerine E Sulfuric Acid 30% E Hvdrogen Peroxide 10% E Sulfuric Acid 50% E Phenol 5% NR Sulfuric Concentrate NR SkVdrol 500A E Sugar Sat. E Brake Fluid G Grease E I 1.1.1 Trichloroethane G I I Jet Fuel A-1 E I I 10% Citric E I I IsoproPVI Alcohol G I Ii (2103) Ad Stock #67067 ' 1:-. (5- ;J.3 j SOLVENTS - AROMATIC MISCELLAN EOUS'CH EMICALS RATING RATING REAGENT CONC, CLEAR With REAGENT CONC, CLEAR With DEVFLOOR DEVFLOOR 572 572 Benzene 100% G G Acrylonitrile 100% NR NR Chlorobenzene 100% F F Aniline ' 100% NR NR SC-100 100% E E Beer 100% G G Toluene 100% F F Bromine 100% NR NR Xylene 100% G E Butyl Lactate 100% G G Carbon Disulfide 100% F F SOLVENTS - CHLDRINATED Carbon Tetrachloride 100% F F RATING Chloroform 100% NR NR REAGENT CONC, CLEAR With ' Cola 100% E E DEVFLOOR Com Oil 100% G G 572 Cyclohexane 100% G G Methylene Chloride 100% NR NR Cyclohexanone 100% G G Perchloroethane 100% G G Diethyl Phthalate 100% G G 1,1,1, Trichloroethane 100% F F Dimethyl Phthalate 100% G G Trichloroethylene 100% F E Ethylene Dichloride 100% G E Formaldehyde' 100% G G AUTO-BRAKE - HYDRAULIC FLUIDS Fruil Juice 100% ' G G RATING Grease 100% E E REAGENT CONC, CLEAR With Hydrogen Peroxide 10% 10% E E DEVFLOOR Ketchup 100% E G 572 Lanoline 100% G G Brake Fluid 100% NR F Lard 100% G G Hy- Jet Fuel #3 100% F F Linseed Oil 100% G G MolorOil ,100% E E Mayonnaise 100% G G Skydrol 500A 100% F F Methyl Salicylate (I" Iolue"el 50%' NR NR Skydrol 500B 100% F F Milk 100% G G Transmission Fluid 100% E E Mustard 100% E G I ALCOHOLS 2.Nitro.Propane 100% F F l RATING Pyridine 100% NR NR REAGENT CONC, CLEAR Wilh Sugar Sat., E E DEVFLOOR Tannic Acid Sat. G G 572 :r artaric Acid Sat. G G Diacetone Alcohol 100% NR NR Tide Solution 2% ,G G Ethyl Alcohol 100% G E Triacetin 100% 'G G Ethylene 'Glycol 100% G E Triethanolamine 100% G G Glycerine 100% E E Turpentine 100% G G Isopropyl Alcohol 100% G E Water 100% 'G G Methyl Alcohol 100% E E Wine 100% F F Phenol 5% 100"A. NR NR T riethylene Clycol 100% G G '- Pff ;.1 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP DRC2008-00048 2525 Olympic Street (vacant - parking lot of Wilco) ....r-'" ~L Yry,F "C~ ~ l Date Received: JUL 1 6 2008 Original submittal .... SITE Map 17-03-25-00 Tax Lot 802 & 17-03-25-43 TL 8000 North + ~;;s