HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence Miscellaneous 10/24/2008 , Robertson ISherwood I Architects PC 132 East Broadway, Sui'te 540 'Eugene, Oregon 97401 " P 5411342.8077 F 5411345.4302 Memorandum www.r9bertsonsherwood.com To: Springfield Utility Board Attn: Amy Chinitz From: Scott Stolarczyk, AlA Re: Jerry's Home ImprovemenVMcKenzie Field Center Expansion" DWP Application (DRG2008-00048) Date: 24 October 2008 Amy: . Following is our response to' your initial comments on our Drinking Water Protection .overlay District application for the Jerry's Home Improvement Center/McKenzie Field Expansion project (DRC2008-00048). The original comment from your September 8, 2008 e-mail is included, followed by our response: . HMMP Section III(A)3 states that "All hazardous maferials will be stored in areas with a sealed floor. There will be no drains in these areas. This will prevent any spill from flowing toistorm drain or run off " Areas where hazardous materials are stored cannot contain storm drains or sanitary drains if the floor is the mechanism for providing secondary containment. The HMMP should clarify'this policy. Note: " Jerry's'current/y has pesticides stored in the Garden Center above sanitary floor,drains, which is not in keeping with the secondary containment policy. Response: ",' " Please refer to the revised copy of the updated HMMP that includes clarification .on floors that act as secondary containment. - As noted in our previous e-mail correspondence, sanitary drains had been added to the covered areas of the Garden Center as a Condition of Approval for the original DWP application for Jerry's. We " understand that the understanding and requirements for containment have changed since this original approval. As part of the planned store expansion, much of the product considemd hazardous material will be moved from the covered area of the Garden Center to inside the store. The only hazardous materials to remain in the covered areas of the garden center are various bagged fertilizers, some with pesticides. To control potential runoff from this product to the existing sanitary drains, concrete curbs will be added around the racks containing this material, to stop any runoff from the racks. The inside . face of the curbs and the existing concrete slab underneath the rack (where.spills could collect) will be coated with an epoxy flooring system (Devoe product) to provide complete secondary containment. . The application should include details of how secondary containment will be provided in both the space adjacent to Wilco and the new interior space. Information submitted should include the chemical resistance of the selected sealant method and specifications of the sloped floor design that indicate how it provides sufficient volume capacity. Response: Please refer to the attached product data cuts sheets for the products to be used to provide secondary containment to the building slabs. Given the different conditions we propose to use two different systems. At the Wilco building warehouse we propose to use a similar system to that was used for the Wilco tenant improvement. The system is made up of a multi-coat epoxy flooring from Devoe. The HMIS for Jerry's was reviewed by Ron Watts of Devoe and he provided recommendations1for the best system to provide chemical resistance, slip resistance and other characteristics desired for the floor. Maintenance Its/v(I2re~ ~ l-'f , (1.1 Date Received: Planner: MM , Robertson I Sherwood I Architects PC , 132 East Broadway, Suite 540 Eugene, Oregon 97401 P 541\342.8011 F 5411345.4302 Q Memorandum www.robertsonsherwood.com r procedures for this flooring will be similar to those detailed for the Wilco tenant improvement project, and will be included in the final version of Jerry's HMMP. At the Jerry's store expansion, secondary containment will be achieved by recessing the floor slab approximately %" (to provide volume containment similar to what was done at t~e existing store), adding an admixture (Xypex C-500) to the concrete that reduces the permeability of the concrete by reducing the amount of pores and capillaries, and which also provides chemical:resistance. The Xypex product is used as an admixture to concrete to provide qualities for secondary containment. It has proven resistance against many corrosive chemicals and environments. Joints in the concrete will have a chemical resistant sealant applied into them (Sonnoborn Epilith, or similar. See the attached cut sheet). Since this is'an admixture and part of the concrete, maintenance will consist of periodic inspection of the slab. Cracks or damage identified will be treated with an approved chemical resistant sealant. This information has also been included in the updated DWP Overlay District application narrative. . The HMMP should include a clear statement that all haz mats/chemicals must be stored in secondary containment (see Wilco HMMP Section 4.1). The HMMP must also include policies for outside storage (i.e., no outside storage or display of haz mats/chemicals without their being covered and in secondary containment: no nitrate-containing products such as fertilizers stored open to rainfall; treated lumber must be stored under cover). These are policies that Jerry's already follows, but:'they should be documented in the HMMP. Response: Language covering these comments has been added to the updated HMMP. . The HMMP should include a description of procedures for protecting doorways and exterior areas in the space adjacent to Wilco (because floor is not sloped). .(See Section 4.2; bullet #9 of Wilco HMMP for example). Response: Language covering this comment has been added to the updated HMMP. , . I . It appears that all loading and unloading will take place at two different loading docks that will be connected to sanitary. Will the sanitary drains be equipped with emergency shut-off valves? If not, Jerry's should maintain a policy of covering sanitary drains during loading and unloading of hazardous materials. The HMMP should describe the policy, whether it involves covering the drains with mats or activating the shut-off valves. Any storm drains that have the potential to receive discharge from a . hazardous material spill should be covered during loading and unloading as well. (See Wilco HMMP 4.2, bullet #10). Response: . The new loading dock at the Wilco building will be equipped with an emergency shut-off switch for the sanitary drains. This was noted as a Condition of Approval for the new loading dock at the Wilco building as part of the Jerry's/McKenzie Field Expansion Major Site Pian Review: Modification (DRC2008-00047). . The existing load dock at Jerry's has a sump pump at the base. This pump is controlled by a switch that turns the pump on and off. Jerry's will direct employees to turn the pump off during loading and unloading operations. After these operations are complete and a visual inspection is done to be sure of \ p~J. , Robertson I Sherwood' Architects PC P 5411342.8071 F5411345.4302 Q 132 East Broadway, Suite 540 Eugene, Oregon 97401 Memorandum www.robertsonsherwood:com no spills, the pump wiU be turned back on as a way to drain any stormwater than may get down to the drain. I' Language has been added to the updated HMMP covering policy for protection of the sanitary drains at the loading docks. . Section IV of the HMMP states that rain water runs off to the sanitary sewer. Response: The updated HMMP deletes reference of rain water running to the sanitary sewer. All rainwater from . the roofs and parking lots run to the storm water drainage system. . The DWP narrative notes that Jerry contracts with a private waste disposal service to dispose of any spillea materials not accepted through Lane County. This policy (to use both Lane County Waste Management and the private contractor) should be included in Section IV of the:HMMP. Response: Language has been added to the updated HMMP covering policy for disposal of waste created from spilled materials. . The inspection procedure (HMMP Section V) and check list (attached to HMMP) should include inspection of sealed floors for cracks or other damage that would impair their ability to provide secondary containment. Response: . Steps for inspecting floors for cracks and other damage have been included in the updated HMMP. The HMMP should include a facility plan thai highlights the locations of haz mats/chemicals and spill kit locations as stated in HMMP (V/(3)B). (I have an example from Wilco, but not in electronic form). . , . , Response: Refer to the updated HMMP which includes updated facility maps reflecting changes to the store layout and locations for hazardous materiais and spiU kits. . The HMMP should include specifications and maintenance plan for the floor coatings (See attached Wilco Appendix DO). Response: Refer to the updated HMMP which includes specifications and maintenance plans for floor coatings in areas that contain hazardous materials. As noted in a response item above, there are two different flooring system used. Both are covered in the updated HMMP. ' . The HMMP should describe the DNAPL prohibition and the store's policy for screening new products . for DNAPLs (see Wi/co HMMP, Section 3.4, paragraph 6 -B). Response: Refer to the updated HMMP which clarifies the' policy regarding DNAPL's and the screening of new products tor DNAPL's. ' . Staff training topics listed in the HMMP should include DWP awareness (see Wi/co Section 6.0). fa .5 .'" '.. Robertson I Sherwood I Architects PC P 5411342.8011 F 5411345.4302 132 East Broa~way. Suite 540 Eugene. Oregon 97401 www.robertsonsherwood.com Mem'orandum Response: Refer to the updated HMMP which adds DWP awareness to staff training. . I will need to review the HMIS for DNAPLs. When I complete that review, I will notify you if any of the products contain DNAPL chemicals. Response: Please let us know if you see any products ot concern. Thank you for your continued help with our questions regarding DWP requirements and our application. If you have any further comments or questions, please let us know. Thank you. ~...."...,....J,.. ~.',u;}..'____, ',," .. ~~.~ Scott Stolarczyk, AlA, eDT, LEED AP Cc; Mark Metzger, City of Springfield Lauretta Davies, Jerry's Home Improvement Encl: Updated DWP Overlay District Narrative Updated HMMP HMMP attachments (spill procedures, floor products, maps, etc.) Chemical Resistant Sealant product data . '0 ~ 4 8