HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 10/1/2008
OCT 1 Z008
County of Lane )
I, Karen LaFleur, being first-duly sworn, do hereby depose a,nd say as follows: .
1. I state that I am a Program Technician for the Planning Division of the
Development Services Department, City of Springfield, Oregon.
2. I state that in my capacity as, Program TechniCian, I prepared and caused to be
mailed copies of DRt-z.oo<a-o(Oo"n~.~./J ~rt 'tvjl,:",~- .j~,J:..4,I'~
(See attachment "An) on loll .2008 ddressed to (see ~ -~lJ.1.Dd..
Attachment B"), by causing said letters to be placed in a U.S. mail box with ~
postage fully prepaid thereon. ~' ~
':v a.A~?fa (4.JQLLA
J.~~N LaFLEUk'") .
STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane
Or ~l/;<# . 2008. Personally appeared the above named Karen LaFleur,
Program Technician, who acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary
act Before me: .
u U
My Commission Expires: Rj;s-j;/
Date Received:-1!/1 !-t~o1
. ,Planner: MM
~ .~
, ,.
Staff Report and Notice of Decision
Final Site Plan Review- Type I .
Major Site Plan Modification
Jerry's Home Improvement Center Expansion
Project Name: Jerry's Home Improvement Center Expansion
Project Proposal: Construct a new drive-through covered sales area (lumber yard);
renovate the existing drive-through area as additional retail space; and convert an unUsed
portion of the adjacent Wileo building for warehouse storage.
Case Number: DRC2008-00047
Project Location: The subject property is lo,?ated at 2525 Olympic Street; Assessor's
Map 17-03-25-00 TL 802; 17-03-25-43 TL 8000, .
Application Submitted Date: 9/29/2008
Decision Issued Date: 10/1/2008
Associated Applications: DRC 2008-00048 Drinking Water Protection Permit
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I Planner III
I Transportation Plannin\>o Engineer
I Public Works Engineering
I Deputy Fire Marshall
I Community Services Manager
Land Use Planning
Sanitary & Storm
Utilities & Easements
Fire and Life Safety
Mark Metzger
Jon Driscoll
Sewer, I Richard Perry
I Gilbert Gordon
Dave Puent
I Derinis Orem
Jerry's Building Materials Inc.
P,O. Box 2611
Eugene, OR 97401
James Robertson
132 East Broadway, Suite 450,
Eugene, OR 97401
Executive SUlllmary
The applicant, Jerry's Home Improvement Center proposes to expand its Springfield
store at 2525 Olympic Street. The expansion involves the construction of a new drive-
through sales area (lumber yard), the conversion of existing lumber yard fonetail sales
and the renovation and use of a large portion of the nearby Wileo building for warehouse
space, The application is being treated as a major modification to the site plan approved
for the WalMartlJerry's site in 2000,
Jerry's Expansion DRC2008_00047
Final Site Plan Review
October 1, 2008
Date Received'
Planner: MM
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The applicant submitted a Major Site Plan Modification application on July 16,2008, A
tentative approval was issued by staff on S"l'~"wber 3, 2008 with six conditions listed
that must be met to for fmal site plan approval, The applicant submitted the final site
plan on September 29, 2008, This report analyzes the new site plan against the
conditions issued in the September 3rd tentative site plan approval.
Based on the analysis of the final site plan against the conditions set forth in the tentative
site planapprdval. stafffmds that th~ BJ:l!llicant has satisfied those conditions for Pinal
Site Plan rMaior Site Plan Modification) annroval.
Procedural Requirements
Section 5.4-100 (Table 5.4-1) of the Springfield Development Code Development
Applications shows that Final Site Plan Review is a Type I application, Type I decisions
are made by the Director without public notice and without public hearing: Uuder a Type
. I procedure, the Director may approve, approve with conditions, or deny the application,
The Director's decision shall address all of the applicable approval criteria and lor
development standards, The director's decision is thl? final decision of the City. The
Director's decision is effective on the day that it is mailed or otIierwise provided to the
Criterion for Approval
Section 5,17-135 describes the Final Site Plan Review process and the approval criteria to
be applied when an application is submitted. The review criterion described in the
section states: "The submittal shall incorporate all approval conditions listed in the staff
report," [referring to the staff report listing conditions of approval for the final site plan],
The body of this report compares the fmal site plan submission against the cond~tions of
approval listed in the Staff Report and Notice of Decision for the Major Site Plan
Modification (Case, No. DRC2008-00047) issued by staff on September 3, 2008).
"The submittal shaU incorporate aU approval conditions listed in the staff report"
Conditions of Approval:
Condition # 1. A stop sign (RI-I as described in the MUTCD) shall be added to the
driveway at the northwest corner of the property where the frontage road connects to 21st
Street. The sign shall be located to the north of the driveway within the right of way of
21st Street.
Applicant's Response: "A stop sign has been added to the driveway at the northwest
corner of the street fronting 21st Street." .
Staff Finding: Revised drawing AI, Note 32 adds a stop sign at the required location.
Condition #2. Each stormwater catch basin serving the proposed drive-through sales
shall be designed to provide required pretreatment of ~I collected runoff,
Jerry's Expansion DRC2008-00047
Final Site Plan Review
October J, 2008
. .
Applicant Response: "All new catch basins associated with the development shall have
pre-treatment. "
Staff Finding: Sheet C2, Note 5 indicates that double compartrnimt catch basins with
fossil filters shall be installed to provide the required pretreatment of stormwater,
Condition #3. The applicant shall provide a Knox keyed gate for the sliding electric gate
and a public works locks for manual swing out gates on the new drive-through sales area.
Applicant Response: "A Knox Box shall be provided for the southern gates and a
Public Works lock shalLbe provided for the northeast gates, "
Staff Finding: The revised drawing A2 specifies the required locks on the gates to the
new drive-through sales area,
Condition #4. The applicant shall prepare Joint Use Parking Agreement that is
consistent with the provisions of SDC Section 4,6-110 E 1-3 and record that agreement at
Lane County Deeds and Records at the applicant's expense: .
Applicant Response: "A Joint Use Parking agreement has been prepared and recorded
with the Coimty. A copy of this [mal agreement is included with this submission [Final
Site Plan Review]."
Staff Finding: A signed and recorded Joint Use parking Agreement was included with
the application,
Condition #5. The loading dock drainage system shall be designed with emergency
valving to prevent the accidental discharge of hazardous. materials: rfthe loading dock is
not equipped with emergency valving, the drain will need to be covered with a mat
during all loading and unloading of hazardous materials.
Applicant Response: "The new loading dock at the Wilco warehouse should be
provided with emergency valving to prevent accidental disch.arge of hazardous
materials. "
Staff Finding: Revised drawing AI, Note 35 provides for the emergency valving that is
required for the loading area,
Condition #6. Wellhead protection signs shall be placed temporarily on the site during
construction and permanently at the loading dock and entrance to the new drive-thril sales
area to alert contractors,subcontractors, employees, and others to the importance of
reporting and cleaning up any spills, Please contact AmyChinitz (541-744-3745) to
purchase signs from SUB at die cost of $1 5/sign.
Jerry's Expansion DRC2008-00047
Final Site Plan Review
October 1, 2008
Applicant Response: "Wellhead protection signs shall be posted during construction,
and signs shall also be permanently posted at the loading docks and entrance to the new
drive-thru sales building,"
Staff Finding: Revised drawings AI, Note 34, and revised drawing A2 show that the
required wellhead protection signage will be provided.
In addition to the conditions of site plan approval listed above, the following
recoIllll?-endation was made to facilitate increased public safety and improve fue access:
Recommendation #1. Remove the two speed bumps installed along the frontage road
on the north side.ofthe property, These may be replaced with a "tabletop type" of speed
bump that reduces traffic speed while maintaining safe emergency access to the site,
Applicant Response: "Per staff reco=endation, we are also replacing the two existing
asphalt speed bumps with tabletop style speed bumps,"
Staff Finding: Revised drawing AI, Note 33 calls for the speed bumps to be replaced
with the desired tabletop style bumps,
Conclusion and Decision
Based upon aTeview of the Final Site Plan submitted by the applicant on September 29,
2008, ~taff concludes that the conditions for annrovin{1 a Filial Site Plan a~ described in
Section 5,17-135 of the Snrin{1field Develonment Code have been met
Development Agreement
The applicant has submitted a signed and notarized Development Agreement for
signature by the Development Services Director.
. .
The purpose of the Development A5H;"',,uent is to ensure that the terms and conditions of
Site Plan Review approval are understood and binding upon both, the applicant and the
City. The Development Agreement and the Final Site Plan approval.are valid for two
years from the date the document is signed, If construction does not begin within this
time line, both the Final Site Plan and the Development Agreement shall become null and
void, However, one extension, not to exceed one year may be granted by the Director
upon receipt of a written request by the applicant, including an explanation of the delay,
Work under progress shall not be subject to Final Site Plan or Development Agreement
expiration. The Development A&,,,,,=ent is attached below.
Jerry's Expansion DRC2008-00047
Final Site Plan Review
October 1; 2008
____._n_._~__- --~.~--
James Robertson
Robertson/Sherwood Architects
132 E Broadway, Ste 450
Eugene, OR 97401
Dennis Orem
Jerry's Building Materials Inc.
PO Box 2611
Eugene, OR 97401
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